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42.18% Ascent (Pokemon Story) / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

After seeing a dazed Jenna off with a firm slap on her bouncy round ass, and watching her stumble off bowlegged with pride, you continued on your way to scope out opponents

Charmeleon had of course been recalled while you ploughed her slutty snatch till it was like a cave opening. You didn't want to impact the cute pure innocence of your fire breathing lizard.

You decided to bring out Ivysaur, who yawned as he appeared and fell in line with you, barely even passing you a wave with one of his vines.

You prowled around a bit looking for opponents, looking for strong ones to hopefully win lots of money off of, but most you saw seemed to be Novice ranked, hell one guy you passed by was trying to battle with his Magikarp on land, and only calling for Splash.

You left the top of the hill area you were on and followed it down to the river, where you saw a decently large crowd of people.

When you reached the bottom, you saw it was mostly just a crowd of groupies hanging around an older girl, dressed up like a nadeshiko. What was the point of that? Wasn't it hard to move around in that get up?

You preferred your girls in tighter, or skimpier clothes. You only liked those shrine maiden outfits when the skirt came up to the thighs.

You couldn't even see any curves. It was like looking at a pretty, long haired boy. Ew.

"You!" she suddenly snapped the fan she was holding on to, pointing at you, "Are you to be my next opponent? Quickly now, I don't have all day."

Your nose half drew up as a snarl built on your lips at the disrespect. "Yess." you agreed, nearly hissing it out.

"Good," she nodded before rolling her eyes and pulling a pokeball from her long billowy sleeve, "I take it you're using that Ivysaur then? I suppose I can show you a real grass and poison type pokemon, come out Bellsprout!"


You know what. At this point, you don't care. You'll crush it utterly in one blow. "Ivysaur, Double Edge." you ordered with a sigh.

"Saur." Ivysaur nodded. His vines lashed out in an instant behind him and pushed him off into an instant speedy run, the raging aura of green cascading around his body as he picked up speed and shot towards the Bellsprout.

"Now!" the girl called out, just as Ivysaur lunged.

"Bell---sprout!" leaning back instantly, till the back of its head touched the ground, Bellsprout leaned under the attack and Ivysaur shot above it, but then, before Ivysaur got further, one of its leafy appendages shot up through the Double-Edge aura and grabbed one of Ivysaur's hind legs.

"Saur!?" Ivysaur cried out in surprise, eyes going wide and actually getting serious. You copied your starter pokemon in gaping when the Bellsprout lunged back up and used its grip on Ivysaur to slam him into the ground hard enough to crater it slightly, then pull him back up and slam him down on the opposite side and just pick up speed as it repeated the process.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The ground shook hard on each impact. You shook yourself out of your shock, "Vine Whip!" you hurried for a counter.

It was a good thing Ivysaur was tough as hell. Mid-slam, all six of his vines lashes out in the blink of an eye going for the smaller grass type.

But in an instant, Bellsprout jumped high into the air, clearing thirty feet in the blink of an eye, and two vines of its own shot out of its neck and wrapped around two of Ivysaur's much bigger ones so fast you missed it.

"Good Bellsprout, now finish it off with Vine Kick!" your opponent ordered, pointing her fan out, and then letting out one of those annoying rich girl laughs. "Ohohohohohohohohohohohoho!"

"Pull it down!" you countered.

Ivysaur pulled himself to his feet, shaking off the damage he'd taken from the multiple ground cratering slamming's and went to pull, but then to your horror, Bellsprout pulled as well, and released instantly, sending it shooting down like a bullet at Ivysaur, and to make it worse it began to rapidly spin forward as it did, picking up momentum.

Ivysaur pulled up to face it, just in time for Bellsprout to come out of its roll and land a kick straight to Ivysaur's cranium that splintered the entire area. Shouts and screams, rang out and people went flying off of their feet as the area you were battling in broke into multiple, large pieces of ground flying up into the air, and the ground looking like it was actually a giant web with all the cracks in it, the point of impact lowering down into a small hill like indent.

What monstrous strength!

And there in the indent, Bellsprout jumped up out of it, leaving Ivysaur to sway on his feet, eyes beginning to roll up into his head.

"Hang on Ivysaur! Don't lose to that fucking twig!" you shouted, and there was desperation, and fear in your voice. None of your pokemon had ever taken a beating like that. And not from a single hit!

Not from a fucking Bellsprout!

Ivysaur heard you, and caught himself on his feet just before he fell, eyes struggling open to look up at you, half lidded, "..Saur?"

"You can do it! You're the toughest there is, nothing can put you down!" you praised him with the first thing that came to mind.

"Hah, Bellsprout end this already with Vine Slam!" the girl cut in, and a few seconds later twin vines shot down and picked Ivysaur up, lifting him up out of the indent with ease and lifting it higher up into the air before with a tug that sent your heart reeling, pulling Ivysaur down through the air.

"Ivysaur!" you screamed!

Ivysaur exploded into white light and Bellsprout screamed as its vines were somehow repelled. Mid-air, you watched in awe as Ivysaur rapidly increased in size, growing massive in the torso, legs expanding into thick massive tree trunks of appendages, and then the light dyed out, and your new, massive starter fell through the air downwards like a meteor.

"SAUR!" Venusaur roared, white light gathering around his bottom half. And like a meteor, struck before Bellsprout could react.

You covered your eyes as the impact force sent you flying, and you heard the girl scream as well.

Your back hit the ground hard, but it didn't bother you much, you rolled with it and came out into a crouch, almost falling on your ass still, but managing to barely keep up right.

You stared in awe from your crouched position.

The area was levelled. A massive crater at least twenty feet deep had been ploughed into it, and standing above the literal flattened Bellsprout crushed deep into rock, was your newly evolved Starter.

"Saur!" he grinned up at you pride in his crimson red eyes. Though, you winced as you took in his body, newly evolved or not, he was beaten bloody, and bruised to high hell.

He definitely needed a good night in the Pokemon Centre.


You had to make a rather hasty retreat after you beat the girl Jeanette. The force of Venusaur's newly learned Body Slam attack upon evolution, sent her ass over head, and she was a traditionalist it seemed.

As in, not wearing any underwear under her hakama. That had been quite the reward, not counting the obscene amount of money you won from her considering she was in fact a trainer with eight freaking badges!

But all that money might pale in comparison to the view you got. Sent rolling from the force of Venusaur's impact, her robes came undone as she landed on all fours, rear facing you.

You almost cursed those robes for hiding so much because the bitchy rich girl was stacked. Huge round udder like breasts, a massive bouncy ass, thick hips and thighs. And a sweet little virgin pink pussy, shaved completely hairless.

When she started raging about you seeing her like that, and demanded you marry her because apparently her family held to values that said only her husband could see her naked. You weren't going to lie, for that voluptuous body and the chance to fuck the bitch out of her, you almost accepted.

Then your sense came back to you and you noped the hell out of there. Recalling Venusaur and then teleporting with Electabuzz to the entrance of the Battle Area and making a run for it.

Too bad she had your trainer information from her pokedex though.

You ended up stopping in at the Pokemart, and your new found wealth might have gotten to you a bit. You originally only wanted to grab some pokeballs and a fire stone for your new Growlithe, an Arcanine would make cut down your travels days by a significant amount.

Then you saw all the electric Tm's and such, and went kind of wild. You ended up spending sixty thousand pokedollars, and almost fainted in shock at the charges.

You'd stumbled back into the Pokemon Centre ten minutes later and handed Venusaur off to Nurse Joy in a daze before stumbling back out to teach Charmeleon one of the Dig Tm's you got, and Electabuzz the Iron Tail one.

It was then after that, you noticed that night had already begun to fall, and you decided to go do what everyone who watched movies warned you away from doing. Explore the local graveyard.

You wanted to find a ghost type as soon as. It would take a while after all before Abra would be strong enough, or rather awake enough to shield your mind from other psychics that could be around anywhere.

The graveyard was eerie as fuck, but you weren't scared. You had Charmeleon with you, granted in his pokeball to rest, but you could send him out anytime to burn anything that tried to hurt you to ash.

And not to boast, but you were strong as fuck yourself.

It was only when you were about to give up though after an hour of searching the cemetery and the forest around it, that something happened.

"HAAAAUNTAA!" a white shape flew out of a mausoleum wall you just turned around and grabbed your nose.

And you did what any brave, manly man would do in your situation. You screamed like a little girl, and punched it in the face.

Surprisingly, it worked.

"Haunta!" it cried out, hitting the ground hard from the force of your punch, and laying there on the grass, eyes rolled up into swirls.

"What the fuck?" you whispered.

It was a white...Haunter.

You balled the oddly coloured prankster before you even realized what you were doing, and only shrugged off your stupor when the pokeball disappeared from your hand.

"The fuck is with today?" you couldn't but question the sky. Were people's journeys as trainers normally as hectic as yours? You were only on the 5th day of your journey for crying out loud!

0_Jordinio_0 0_Jordinio_0

The character model I ended up using for older Jeanette was Akeno Himejima.

Jeanette's Pokemon:

Bellsprout - Level 60

Beedrill - Level 55

Scyther - Level 55

Vileplume - Level 52

Tangela - Level 50

Leafeon - Level 55

And since day 5 is coming to an end, here are the levels of Cobalt's Pokemon:

Venusaur - Level 41

Kingler - Level 32

Nidorina - Level 35

Sandslash - Level 33

Charmeleon - Level 40

Scizor - Level 37

Eevee - Level 29

Electabuzz - Level 36

Rhydon - Level 42

Rhyhorn (x10) - Level 17

Squirtle (Shiny) - Level 32

Machoke - Level 16

Exeggutor - Level 20

Poliwrath - Level 27

Abra - Level 15

Growlithe(M) - Level 28

Growlithe(F) - Level 20

Dratini - Level 27

Haunter (Shiny/White) - Level 20

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