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Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core original

Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core

Author: Perishable_Heaven

© WebNovel

Gallery (Part 1/2)

This Chapter was created as a mean to help clarify certain terms that will be used in this story; Note, however, that while you are privy to this knowledge most character will not have knowledge about these at the beginning of the story.


Plain of Existence:

The Plain of Existence stands as the highest echelon of cosmic structure, an overarching collection that encompasses all things. Countless in number, these plains serve as the canvas upon which the tapestry of existence unfolds. Within the Plain of Existence, realities are akin to the cells that compose the vibrant landscape, akin to the grass, trees, and sky that adorn a boundless expanse.

In this primordial domain, sentient life finds no foothold, for it is a realm where only the purest essence of existence reigns supreme. Here, the natural world thrives in its unadulterated form, free from the complexities of conscious thought and self-awareness. It is a realm of raw potential and untamed beauty, where every blade of grass, every gust of wind, and every celestial body exists in perfect harmony.

Within the Plain of Existence, the laws of nature govern all things, dictating the ebb and flow of energy and matter with unwavering precision. It is a realm of ceaseless motion and perpetual transformation, where the cycle of creation and destruction unfolds in an eternal dance of renewal.

Yet, despite its vastness and splendor, the Plain of Existence remains devoid of sentient presence, for it is a realm where the essence of being transcends the confines of individual consciousness. Here, existence itself is the ultimate reality, and all things are but fleeting manifestations of its infinite potential.


Main Reality:

Main Realities serve as the central pillars of existence, anchoring the myriad Sub-Realities that orbit around them. As repositories of consciousness and creativity, Main Realities grow and evolve with each new Sub-Reality that attaches itself to their cosmic framework.

Imagine a Main Reality as a colossal cube, expanding and morphing as it assimilates an increasing number of Sub-Realities into its structure. With each addition, the Main Reality gains complexity and depth, becoming a nexus of infinite possibility and expression.

Main Realities serve as focal points for sentient life, offering a foundation upon which to explore and manifest their deepest desires and aspirations. They provide the canvas upon which Sub-Realities are painted, nurturing the growth of diverse and vibrant cosmic landscapes that enrich the tapestry of existence.


Minor Reality:

Minor Realities exist as subtle echoes within the greater tapestry of existence, devoid of the creative potential inherent in Main Realities and Sub-Realities. These realms lack the capacity for independent thought, existing instead as passive observers in the grand symphony of cosmic creation.

A Minor Reality may harbor sentient life, but without the ability for individual creativity, it remains relegated to the status of a passive observer, unable to shape the fabric of reality through its collective consciousness. However, if inhabited by a hive mind or ethereal collective, a Minor Reality may exert subtle influence over its inhabitants, guiding their actions and perceptions without their knowledge.

Despite their limitations, Minor Realities play a vital role in the cosmic order, offering a glimpse into the myriad forms that existence can take. Whether as silent witnesses or guided participants, these realms contribute to the rich tapestry of reality, each one a unique expression of the boundless creativity that defines the cosmos.



Sub-Realities are intricately woven realms crafted from the thoughts and imaginations of sentient life, manifesting as exact replicas of these creative musings. They emerge as autonomous entities, tethered to a Main Reality, yet distinct in their existence. Often, Sub-Realities congregate in clusters, forming cohesive groups that resonate with the shared thoughts and desires of their creators.

Picture a Main Reality as a central hub, around which Sub-Realities orbit like satellites, each one a unique expression of the sentient mind. These Sub-Realities, crafted from individual imaginations, give rise to entire cosmologies, complete with solar systems, galaxies, and even Multiverses, all centered around the themes and concepts that inspired their creation.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, Sub-Realities cluster together along the outer boundaries of a Main Reality, drawn together by the resonance of shared thoughts and intentions. They repel those created by other beings, forming cohesive networks that reflect the diverse array of sentient experiences within the greater fabric of existence.


Below is the Pure Definition of a Reality.


Reality, in its expansive essence, is the culmination of countless clusters of Multiverses, akin to how galaxies compose the vast expanse of the universe. Each reality is a distinct realm governed by its own set of natural laws, ranging from desolate voids inhabited by monstrous entities to sprawling collections of Multiverses and Realms.

Formed from the intricate interplay of Multiverses, reality defies containment or expansion, existing in an endless expanse where boundaries blur and possibilities flourish. It encompasses all existence, from the smallest particle to the grandest cosmic entity, weaving together disparate elements into a cohesive tapestry of existence.

Within this boundless plain of existence, countless realities unfold, each offering its own unique composition and narrative. Some realities emerge as bleak landscapes shrouded in darkness, where the unknown lurks in every shadow. Others manifest as vast expanses teeming with life and diversity, spanning across endless horizons of possibility.

Reality transcends mere perception, encompassing the entirety of existence and transcending the limitations of comprehension. It is the fabric upon which the cosmos is woven, binding together the disparate threads of existence into a unified whole.



A multiverse is a theoretical concept in physics and cosmology that suggests the existence of multiple, potentially infinite, universes beyond our own. Each universe within the multiverse may have its own set of physical laws, constants, and conditions, differing from those observed in our universe.

The idea of a multiverse arises from various theories in physics, such as string theory, quantum mechanics, and cosmological inflation. These theories propose that during cosmic inflation, the rapid expansion of space might have caused the formation of "bubble" universes, each with its own distinct properties.

In a multiverse scenario, each universe operates independently, with its own history, space-time structure, and perhaps even different fundamental particles. Some versions of the multiverse theory suggest that there could be universes with vastly different dimensions or even entirely different laws of physics.



In the vast expanse of a Universe or Multiverse, Realms are enigmatic pocket spaces that manifest in random locations. These Realms vary greatly in size, spanning from the size of a colossal planet like Jupiter to expanses rivaling entire universes.

Within these Realms, clusters of Plainer Worlds are nestled, forming unique collections. Some of these worlds exist in isolated groups, distinct and separate from one another. Meanwhile, others coexist within the same region, yet remain distant on the horizon, offering a tantalizing glimpse of their existence.


Plainer World:

a Plainer World is envisioned as a planetary body akin to a vast disk or plane, reminiscent of the ancient Flat Earth theory. These worlds vary in their configuration, featuring diverse land masses or none at all, and they perpetually drift within the void of space.

Despite their flatness, Plainer Worlds undergo regular day and night cycles, whether illuminated by a sun and moon or by some other cosmic mechanism. These cycles mark the passage of time and contribute to the unique rhythm of life on these enigmatic worlds.

Plainer Worlds come in a range of sizes, from diminutive islands to expansive worlds rivaling small galaxies. Regardless of their scale, these worlds always inhabit a solitary Realm, cut off from the wider universe by an unseen boundary.

Perishable_Heaven Perishable_Heaven

Please Note: This is 98% my words, and explinations while the 2% is chatgpt.

(Except 'Multi-Verse' that was 99% chatgpt)

I used chatgpt to summerize, simplify, and make more universally understandable; chatgpt was not used in the making of this world building content!


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