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Chapter 12: Chapter 7: End of Simulation

Over the course of the next three days after the attack on Little Sapphire Flame, the female kobold who had escaped with the prized eggs found herself engaged in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the small group of goblins that pursued her. Utilizing her intimate knowledge of the terrain, she led the goblins through a series of narrow tunnels and treacherous caverns, setting traps and launching ambushes at every turn.

With each passing hour, the goblins' numbers dwindled, their bodies left broken and lifeless on the cold stone floor. The female kobold, driven by a fierce determination to protect the eggs and avenge her fallen kin, fought with a savagery that belied her small stature. Her claws and teeth tore into green flesh, and her eyes gleamed with a primal fury that struck fear into the hearts of her pursuers.

In the end, only three goblins remained, their bodies battered and bleeding from the kobold's relentless assault. The female kobold, her own scales marred with cuts and bruises, bound the wounded goblins with thorny vines, the sharp barbs digging into their skin with every movement. She dragged them behind her as she made her way towards a major kobold community belonging to the Sapphire Clan, the eggs clutched tightly to her chest.

As she entered the community, the female kobold was greeted by the curious and wary gazes of her fellow clan members. She paid them no heed, her focus solely on the task at hand. She made her way to the hatchery, where she carefully placed the prized eggs amongst the others, ensuring their safety and warmth.

With the eggs secure, the female kobold dragged the bound goblins towards the chamber of the kobold chief, a formidable female known for her wisdom and strength. As she entered the chamber, the female kobold prostrated herself on all fours, her head nearly touching the ground in a display of respect and submission. The chamber was dimly lit by glowing crystals embedded in the walls, casting an eerie blue light over the scene.

"Great Chief," the female kobold began, her voice trembling with emotion, "I bring grave news. Our community was attacked by a horde of Moss People, led by a powerful warrior. Many of our clansmen were slaughtered, and I fear for those captured."

The kobold chief listened intently, her eyes narrowing as she took in her words. She turned her gaze towards the bound goblins, who cowered in the corner, their bodies shaking with fear. The chief's eyes glinted with a cold fury, and her claws flexed involuntarily.

"You have done well," the chief said, her voice calm and measured. "And you have shown great bravery. Rise and know that we will avenge our fallen clansmen."

The female kobold rose to her feet, her eyes shining with gratitude. The chief placed a clawed hand on her shoulder, a gesture of solidarity and support.

The next day, the kobold chief assembled a formidable force of three thousand warriors and three powerful shamans. The warriors, clad in gleaming scales and armed with sharp spears and deadly bows, stood in a loose formation, their eyes fixed on their leader; while a small group of three shamans, their bodies adorned with intricate tattoos and glowing crystals, stood at the head of the army.

As the chief addressed her troops, her voice rang out across the cavern, echoing off the stone walls. "Clansmen," she cried, "today we avenge our fallen brothers and sisters. Today, we show these Moss People the strength of the Sapphire Clan. Today, we retake Little Sapphire Flame and make it ours once more!"

The kobold chief, a formidable level 10 Elite, led her army of three thousand warriors and three powerful shamans out of their community, their footsteps echoing through the winding tunnels of the mountain. As they marched, the chief turned to a group of 25 young kobolds, their scales still soft and their eyes wide with excitement and trepidation.

"Follow us," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "Observe and learn, one day, you will lead our clan to victory."

The young kobolds nodded eagerly, their tails twitching with anticipation as they fell into step behind the army.

Two days later, the kobold army arrived at the ruins of Little Sapphire Flame. The once-thriving community lay in shambles, the bodies of half eaten kobolds and goblins littering the ground. The chief's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the scene, her claws flexing with barely contained rage.

With a mighty roar, the kobold army surged forward, their weapons glinting in the dim light of the cavern. The goblins, numbering less than five hundred, were no match for the kobolds' superior numbers and skill. The kobold warriors tore through their ranks, their spears and arrows finding their marks with deadly precision.

The Goblin Elite, a fearsome warrior in his own right, stepped forward to challenge the kobold chief. The two clashed in a furious battle, their movements a blur of claws and blades. But the chief, proved too much for the Goblin Elite. With a final, devastating blow, she struck him down, his body crumpling to the ground in a heap.

As the battle drew to a close, the kobold chief ordered her warriors to spare 25 of the surviving goblins. The goblins, their eyes wide with fear and confusion, were released and sent fleeing into the tunnels.

Half a day later, the chief summoned the 25 young kobolds to her side. "The time has come for your coming of age ceremony," she said, her voice filled with pride and solemnity. "You hunt down these Moss People and bring back their heads as proof of your bravery."

The young kobolds, their hearts pounding with excitement, set off in pursuit of their prey. For five days, they tracked the goblins through the winding tunnels and caverns, their senses honed to a razor's edge.

One by one, the young kobolds returned, their hands clutching the severed heads of their quarry. But two of the younglings, the most skilled and daring of the group, had yet to return.

These two kobolds, their scales glistening with sweat and their eyes bright with determination, had chosen to pursue the furthest goblins, seeking a greater challenge to prove their worth. They tracked their prey through the twisting tunnels, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

But as they emerged from the mountain and into the world above, they froze, their eyes wide with shock and wonder. Before them stood a vast expanse of towering trees, their trunks thicker than any kobold and their canopies stretching towards the heavens. The forest floor was a carpet of dense vegetation, a riot of colors and textures that seemed to pulse with life.

And above it all, a ceaseless stream of water fell from the sky, each droplet catching the light and glittering like a tiny diamond. The sound of the rain filled their ears, a soft and soothing melody that seemed to wash away all their worries and fears.

The two kobolds stood transfixed, their eyes drinking in the beauty of the rainforest. They closed their eyes, their bodies swaying gently to the rhythm of the falling rain. A soft, low hissing sound escaped their throats, a wordless expression of pure joy and wonder.

In the distance, the two goblins they had been pursuing slipped away into the underbrush, their green skin blending seamlessly with the foliage. But the kobolds hardly noticed, their attention wholly consumed by the magnificent world that had opened up before them.

In the year 210, word spread like wildfire throughout the five kobold clans about the Sapphire Clan's war against the goblins and the world that lay beyond the confines of the labyrinth. The tales of vast expanses of green, towering trees, and the ceaseless rain that fell from the sky above captivated the imaginations of kobolds young and old. The stories of the two young kobolds who had ventured out into this strange new world became the stuff of legend, passed down from one generation to the next. As the years passed, the war between the kobolds and the goblins raged on, with no end in sight.

In the year 250, a new race emerged from the depths of the rainforest - the Ocelot-kin, born from a group of ocelots that had made their home in the dense undergrowth. These feline humanoids quickly established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, their natural agility and keen senses making them formidable hunters and warriors.

In the year 273, the kobolds' war effort reached its peak, with a large number of their kind participating in the ongoing conflict against the goblins. The bodies of the fallen goblins littered the forest floor. The kobolds fought with a fierce determination, their hearts filled with the desire to avenge their fallen kin and protect their way of life. But the goblins were not content to simply roll over and die.

In the year 280, they adapted their fighting tactics, abandoning their previous strategy of overwhelming their enemies with sheer numbers in favor of a more subtle approach. They took a page out of the kobolds' book, learning to set traps and use their environment to their advantage. As the saying goes, "monkey see, monkey do," and the goblins proved to be quick learners. Over the years, they managed to obtain iron spears, daggers, and other weapons from the fallen kobolds, using them to deadly effect against their former owners. The kobolds' losses began to mount as the war dragged on, and the harsh environment of the rainforest took its toll on their kind.

In the year 309, the kobolds realized that they could no longer sustain their war effort in the face of such mounting losses. They decided to change their long-standing coming of age ceremony, hoping to preserve their way of life and ensure the survival of their race.

From that day forth, four times a year, the young kobolds of the five clans would gather in Little Sapphire Flame, the sacred ground that had been jointly ruled by the clans since the beginning of the war. There, they would undergo a rigorous training regimen, honing their skills in combat and survival before being sent out into the rainforest to prove their worth.

For thirty days, the young kobolds would hunt the goblins and any other strong creatures they encountered, using all the skills and knowledge they had acquired during their training. They would set traps, lay ambushes, and engage in fierce battles with their prey, their hearts pounding with the thrill of the hunt and the desire to prove themselves worthy of their clan.

At the end of the thirty days, the young kobolds would return to Little Sapphire Flame, their hands clutching the severed heads of their quarry. They would present these trophies to their elders, who would examine them carefully before declaring the young kobolds to be full-fledged members of their clan.

The kobolds took their coming of age ceremony very seriously, and any interruption or intrusion was met with swift and brutal retribution. If anyone dared to disrupt the sacred ritual or trespass on the hallowed ground of Little Sapphire Flame, the kobolds would unleash their wrath upon the rainforest, launching a massive assault that would leave no stone unturned.

In the year 400, the Ocelot-kin, a race of feline humanoids that had emerged from the depths of the rainforest, had established five villages within the canopies of the towering trees. These villages were connected by intricate networks of wooden bridges, allowing the Ocelot-kin to move freely between them without ever having to set foot on the forest floor. The Ocelot-kin were fiercely protective of their territory, and they would not tolerate any intrusion from the other inhabitants of the rainforest, particularly the goblins.

As the years passed, the Ocelot-kin began to regularly beat and threaten the goblin tribes that ventured into the canopies in search of food. The Ocelot-kin made it clear that the canopies belonged to them, the flying animals, the magical beasts, and their brethren, the ocelots. The goblins, despite their inability to understand the language of the Ocelot-kin, soon learned to fear them after being beaten on a nearly daily basis for several years. However, this fear did not quell the goblins' lustful desires for the Ocelot-kin.

In the year 414, several goblin tribes attempted to attack the Ocelot-kin villages in order to satisfy their carnal desires. The Ocelot-kin, however, were not willing to tolerate such behavior. They were even more fiercely protective of their own kind than the kobolds, and they responded to the attacks with brutal efficiency.

The goblin tribes involved in these assaults were utterly destroyed, their bodies fed to the carnivorous plants that lurked in the undergrowth. The Ocelot-kin, however, understood the nature of the goblins' desires, and they devised a plan to exert some measure of control over them. From that point forward, anyone who harmed the forest, killed or attacked the Ocelot-kin, or disrupted the rainforest's ecosystem in a significant way would be crippled and given to the goblins as a plaything. This did not stop the goblins from attempting to capture Ocelot-kin for themselves, but it did serve as a deterrent, and the Ocelot-kin were more than capable of defending themselves.

In the year 426, a remarkable event occurred among the Ocelot-kin. A young female, only 12 years old, reached level 10 and became the first Elite of her people. The news spread like wildfire through the villages, and the Ocelot-kin celebrated her achievement with great fanfare. The young Elite, named Lila, was honored with a grand feast in the largest of the Ocelot-kin villages. The entire community gathered to pay their respects to her, and she was presented with a beautifully set of magical beast skin and hides.

Lila stood tall and proud before her people, her golden eyes gleaming with determination and strength. She knew that her newfound power came with great responsibility, and she vowed to use it to protect her people and the rainforest that was their home. As the feast continued into the night, Lila was approached by many of her fellow Ocelot-kin, each eager to offer their congratulations and support. She greeted them all with a warm smile and a firm handshake, her tail swishing behind her with barely contained excitement.

As the celebration began to wind down, Lila retired to her own dwelling, a small but comfortable treehouse nestled high in the branches of a massive tree. She sat cross-legged on the floor, her eyes closed in meditation as she focused on the power that now flowed through her veins. She could feel the energy of the rainforest all around her, the life force of every plant and animal, and she knew that she was a part of something much greater than herself.

[The simulation has desynced due to outside interference.]

[426 years have been simulated, resulting in a rich history, the birth of 1 monster race, and the birth of 1 demi-human race]

[85% of all animals, due to constant exposure to the dungeon's mana over the 426 years of generations, have become magical beasts.]

[Congratulations, to the host for completing your first simulation.]

Perishable_Heaven Perishable_Heaven

This is Last Fridays chapter.

Today's chapter will be posted tomorrow, as I sadly discovered i can't write 5000 plus words in a single day and edit; gotta be realistic.

We will be back on track wednesday.


Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm E.S.T

Bonus Chapters will be released in random intervals and on holidays to help keep the chapter count up


Thanks a ton for reading! If you enjoyed what you read, consider dropping a powerstone or leaving a review. Your support means the world to me!

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