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Chapter 17: Chapter 11 (Part 2/2): Interlude

Two days passed since the night of Lila's collapse, and a sense of normalcy slowly returned to the inhabitants. The Kobolds attended to their clan matters, their organization and diligence ensuring the smooth functioning of their society. The Ocelot-kin, known for their agility and prowess, spent their days training, honing their skills in the art of hunting and expanding the intricate network of canopy bridges that connected their treetop dwellings.

The goblins, ever the rowdy bunch, continued their boisterous parties, their drums echoing through the forest as they feasted and engaged in the occasional brawl. These fights, though seemingly chaotic, served to appease the anger of the great water spirit they revered.

The weather, too, had returned to its usual state, with gentle rainfall and sunny days gracing the land; meanwhile, Marcus, Thorne, and Elias worked tirelessly to fortify their small camp. They utilized the fallen trees scattered around the area, arranging them to create a makeshift wall that would provide some measure of protection against the dangers lurking in the forest.


On the third day, as the afternoon arrived, Lila finally stirred from her deep slumber.

As consciousness slowly returned to her, she became acutely aware of the stiffness that had settled into her muscles. Every movement, no matter how slight, sent a dull ache rippling through her body. Her throat felt parched, and a gnawing hunger clawed at her stomach, reminding her of the time that had passed since her last meal. She blinked her eyes, adjusting to the bright sunlight that filtered through the canopy above.

Lila slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, wincing as her joints protested the sudden movement. She took a moment to survey her surroundings, trying to gather her bearings and recall the events that had led her to this moment.

A wave of lightheadedness washed over her, causing her to instinctively reach for her head. In that moment, a brief flashback of the events that had transpired before she lost consciousness played out in her mind. The intense battle, the overwhelming odds, and the memory of her punishing the demon came rushing back to her.

She lowered her hand, examining her arms, taking note of the absence of the minor injuries and bruises that had once marked her skin. However, as her gaze traveled down to her leg, she noticed the large leaves that were wrapped around it, secured by vines. Two pieces of wood were placed on either side of her leg, acting as a makeshift splint to support the healing process.

Just as Lila was taking in the state of her injuries, the sound of laughter reached her ears. The joyous voices of her brothers, sister, mother, and father filled the air, accompanied by an unfamiliar voice.

Despite the uncertainty of the newcomer's identity, Lila found herself drawn to the warmth and happiness that emanated from the gathering.

"Hahaha, you almost won that time, Lily!" one of her siblings exclaimed, the excitement evident in their tone.

"Come on! Come on! It's my turn, Lily. You played three rounds already," another voice chimed in, eager to join in the fun.

As Lila's stomach growled intensely, she reached down, grabbing her midsection as hunger gnawed at her insides. With great effort, she managed to stand up, hobbling towards the drape that separated her room from the rest of the house while leaning on the wall for support. As she emerged from her room, bright light flashed in her eyes, momentarily blinding her.

The main living area was a spacious room with a cozy, rustic charm. The walls were adorned with intricate images depicting scenes of the rainforest and the Ocelot-kin's history. Handcrafted wooden furniture, including a large dining table and several comfortable chairs, filled the space. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room.

In the center of the living area, Lila's family members were gathered around a wooden table, engrossed in a game that resembled connect four. The game board consisted of a vertical grid with holes, and the players took turns dropping wooden discs into the slots, aiming to create a line of four discs of their own color. Laughter and playful banter filled the air as they enjoyed the game, their tails swishing with excitement.

Everyone in the house turned towards Lila, and a short pause followed before the youngest two, Lily and Elijah, rushed at her, giving her a tight hug. Elijah had a long leaf wrapped around half his head due to the injury he had sustained from the rock Darius had thrown, and a sling made of vines held his broken left arm. The force of their embrace pushed Lila into the wall, nearly knocking her down, and she let out a light groan of pain.

Lily and Elijah cried, claiming they were scared and worried about her, but Lila didn't respond. Instead, she looked at their smiles lovingly and stroked their heads with both hands, comforting them with her gentle touch.

Aiden, the last brother, drooped his ears and tail while lowering his head as he weakly apologized to Lila again. However, she simply smiled, telling him it was fine. Initially, Aiden tried to play it cool, but he looked off to the side before he started crying, running up and giving Lila a hug as well. Unable to bear the weight of everyone, Lila slid down and sat on the floor, embracing her siblings tightly.

Lila's parents watched the heartwarming scene with smiles on their faces. Serra, a strong and nurturing presence, stood tall with her tawny skin and rosette markings, her amber eyes filled with warmth and pride. Alaric, a lean and muscular figure with a rugged yet kind appearance, had a twinkle of amusement in his green eyes as he observed his children's reunion.

Lila embraced her siblings firmly, assuring them that as their elder sister, it was her duty and responsibility to safeguard and shield them from any harm or danger, no matter the cost. She closed her eyes briefly, whispering softly to them, expressing her relief and happiness that they were all safe and unharmed.

Serra, after allowing them to have their heartfelt moment of reunion, interjected, stating that although the children had undoubtedly learned a valuable lesson from their experience, they would still be required to undertake additional chores and tasks around the village as a means to keep them occupied and out of further mischief. Upon hearing this, the siblings clung to Lila even more tightly, seeking comfort and solace in her presence.

Alaric gestured towards the small table nearby, where he had spent the morning diligently crafting an array of wooden games and activities. Displayed on the table were various games, such as connect four, checkers, chess, and tic-tac-toe, all meticulously carved and constructed from wood. He suggested that perhaps it would be more beneficial to simply restrict the children from venturing outside the village boundaries and to lessen the severity of their punishment, allowing them to engage in these enjoyable and stimulating pursuits instead.

Serra snorted in displeasure as she side-eyed her husband.

Despite having remained silent thus far, Fable interjected before Alaric had the opportunity to respond. He expressed his agreement with Alaric's wife, asserting that if their children misbehaved, they should not hesitate to administer an appropriate punishment. Fable cautioned that leniency would only encourage the children to repeat their misdeeds in the future, while believing they would face minimal consequences. As he spoke, his eyes drifted towards Lila, who, after a moment, shifted her attention away from her siblings and regarded him with an inquisitive look in her eyes.

Her attention was drawn to the unfamiliar figure in the room. She hadn't noticed this person until now, and a sense of curiosity washed over her. 'Who was this person?' she wondered to herself.

However, in less than a second, Lila received her answer. As she looked at the figure more closely, her confusion faded, and her eyes gleamed with realization. She instinctively felt a deep connection between them, and without even thinking, she subconsciously called out, "Master."

Fable, hearing this, raised his hand. He had never been fond of the word "master," so he gently corrected her, saying, "Please, just call me Dungeon Master or Lord Fable."

Lila gave a gentle nod, acknowledging his request. At that moment, her stomach growled loudly again, causing her to lean forward slightly, her hand instinctively moving to her midsection as if to quell the hunger pangs.

Her mother, Serra, smiled at her daughter's hunger, a knowing and sympathetic expression on her face. She understood the demands of a growing body and the importance of a hearty meal. "The stew should almost be done," Serra reassured her, her voice warm and comforting. With that, she walked over to the hearth to check on the simmering pot, the aroma of the savory stew wafting through the air and making Lila's mouth water in anticipation.

Lila's siblings slowly got up from their embrace and headed back over to the games, choosing to continue playing connect four with their father. Lily, however, seemed reluctant to leave Lila's side. Sensing her hesitation, Lila patted Lily's head, causing the young girl to look up at her. With a gentle voice, Lila encouraged her, "Go and play with our brothers, Lily." Lily hesitated for a moment but soon complied, albeit begrudgingly.

As her siblings resumed their games, Lila turned her attention back to Fable. After a moment, she spoke, her voice soft but clear in the cozy atmosphere of their home. "Is there any reason you are visiting our home?" She paused, considering her words carefully before continuing, "I mean no disrespect, but our village is one of the smallest amongst our kin, and our family is rather unremarkable; of course with the exception for my father."

Fable smiled warmly, his expression radiating a gentle kindness that seemed to fill the room as he responded, "I've simply come here to check up on you. While visiting, your siblings were complaining about being bored, so I asked your father to make these games for them to play."

Lila tilted her head slightly, her brows furrowing in confusion at his answer. "Me?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty and a hint of disbelief. She couldn't quite understand why the master, the creator, would come specifically to check on her, a mere child in a small, unremarkable village.

Fable nodded, his smile never wavering as he confirmed, "Yes, you."

He stood up and began walking towards Lila. As he approached, he spoke with conviction, "You are the strongest amongst your kin; you are the strongest amongst all the other creatures in my dungeon." He reached Lila and squatted down, looking her directly in the eye before continuing, "And you will become the first guardian of my dungeon, so I just wanted to make sure you were recovering alright." Fable smiled reassuringly. "So if you need anything, just let me know, alright?"

Lila nodded in a daze. She didn't fully understand what he meant by 'guardian,' but she felt a strong sense of attachment to the word 'dungeon,' as if it described the world around her.

In a soft voice, Lila made a request, "Then, can you become my older brother? I've always wanted one, and..." However, before she could finish her sentence, her father and mother both shouted at their daughter, interrupting her.

Serra marched over with the wooden ladle she had been using to stir the soup, ready to give Lila an earful for her bold request. But Fable raised his hand, signaling that it was fine. He lowered his hand, placing it gently on top of Lila's head, and rubbed it with a smile. "Alright then, from this day forth, I'll become your older brother, and I'll treat you as my younger sister."

With those words, Fable vanished, returning to the core space.

Alaric, Lila's father, simply smiled and shook his head, remarking, "Lord Fable will regret his words today once he finds out how energetic and childish you can be, Lila. You better make the most of it."

At their father's words, everyone started laughing, while Lila pouted, as she maked her way over to her mother to beg for something to eat.


At the southeastern border of the Elvenwood Forest, where Fable's Dungeon resided, stood the magnificent city of Duramara. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the strength and resilience of the Nexus Empire.

The city's towering walls, created from gleaming stone and reinforced with iron, rose mightily against the skyline, their massive gates capable of withstanding the onslaught of armies and the ravages of time.

The walls were polished to a subtle sheen, extending outward like the protective arms of a guardian, enveloping the city in their embrace. Watchtowers dotted the walls, their vigilant sentries keeping a relentless watch over the surrounding landscape. The city's streets were narrow and winding, lined with sturdy buildings constructed from the finest materials. Markets bustled with activity as merchants peddled their wares, while barracks and armories hummed with the preparations of the city's defenders.

At the heart of Duramara stood the Citadel, a massive fortress that served as the seat of military power in the region. Its towering walls rose high above the city, crowned with battlements and watchtowers that offered commanding views of the surrounding lands. Within its walls were barracks, armories, and training grounds, where soldiers trained tirelessly to defend the city from any threat.

Despite its imposing appearance, Duramara was not just a bastion of military might; it was also a thriving hub of commerce and culture within the Nexus Empire. Taverns and alehouses echoed with laughter and song, while markets overflowed with exotic goods and treasures from distant lands.

The Great Gates of Duramara stood as the city's entrance, commanding awe and respect from all who approached. These towering structures, adorned with intricate engravings that told the tales of the city's storied past, were a marvel of craftsmanship. The massive doors, impossibly thick and seemingly immovable, bore the scars of countless sieges, yet they remained resolute and steadfast.

In front of the Great Gates, eight guards stood watch; three of the guards flanked the left side of the gate, while another three stood to the right, and at the center two guards served as greeters, tasked with checking the credentials of all who wished to enter the city.

The guards, despite their serious demeanor, found moments of levity in their duties. They exchanged jokes and playful banter, their laughter echoing through the air. The camaraderie among them was evident, a testament to the bonds forged through shared responsibility and the knowledge that they stood as the first line of defense for their beloved city.

As they stood their watch, the guards noticed a figure in the distance, running towards the city with an air of exhaustion. As the figure drew closer, the guard captain, recognized her as Lyra, one of the adventurers who had set out with Lord Marcus and Lady Aurelia.

Lyra arrived at the guard station, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she stood before the guards. The guard captain stepped forward, his brow furrowed in confusion. It was unusual for one of the adventurers accompanying the young master and lady to return without them.

"Lyra, what brings you back alone? Where are Lord Marcus and Lady Aurelia?" the guard captain asked, his voice tinged with concern.

As Lyra began to Regan her breath, she recounted the events that had unfolded. The guard captain's expression grew increasingly grim as he listened to her tale, the gravity of the circumstances becoming clear. The guard caption quickly called over one of the old guards before giving him a simple order, "Escort Lyra to the governor's palace. Lord Blackwood must be informed without any delays."

Perishable_Heaven Perishable_Heaven

Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm - 11pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm - 11pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm - 10pm E.S.T

3 Bonus Chapters on June 9th.


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