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Chapter 16: Chapter 11 (Part 1/2): Interlude

Fable watched as Marcus' group disappeared into the rainforest, their figures fading into the lush greenery. A wave of depression and anger washed over him, but he knew that dwelling on these emotions would serve no purpose. No one would pity him, comfort him, or show him sympathy.

With a heavy sigh, Fable decided to return to the core space. He had a sneaking suspicion that his emotions could affect the dungeon in different, unpredictable, ways; He resolved himself to bottle up these negative feelings until the time was right to use them.

Using the 3D model, Fable followed Marcus, Elias, and Thorne as they navigated the rainforest, switching between their perspectives to monitor their progress.

During this time, Fable uncovered an intriguing capability within the 3d Model. Pressing on a magical beast and sliding his finger to a different location, he found he could control the creature to move. Upon lifting his finger, 3 options would appear: travel to this spot, attack this area, or protect this area. Fable attempted to employ this technique with the goblins, ocelot-kin, kobolds, and ordinary plants, but discovered it functioned solely with magical beasts.

Curious about the nature of this unique interaction, Fable sought an explanation from the system.

[Host, the reason you can control magical beasts is due to the fact that their beast cores are filled with the dungeon's mana—your mana. Their powers originate from the dungeon itself.]

The system proceeded to provide an analogy to clarify the concept further. ]Think of the Dungeon Core as the heart of your dungeon. The dungeon itself is the body, with its tunnels and caves serving as the veins through which the mana flows, much like blood circulating through a living organism. In this context, magical beasts function as the white blood cells, defending and maintaining the dungeon's integrity. As the Dungeon Master, you have the ability to control them without restriction, as they are intrinsically connected to your dungeon's essence.]

Fable nodded, grasping the implications of this newfound knowledge. The ability to command magical beasts opened up a myriad of possibilities for shaping and defending his dungeon. He made a mental note to explore this feature further, eager to uncover its full potential.

As the trio continued their search, they skillfully avoided the occasional groups of roaming goblins and magical beasts, their experience and caution guiding them through the treacherous terrain. However, despite their best efforts to remain undetected, misfortune occasionally befell Thorne and Marcus. Every so often, a magical creature would 'sense' their presence, forcing the men to battle their way to safety from the alerted beast.

Fable's attention was drawn to Elias' journey, as the archer had chosen a path that closely mirrored Lila's route through the rainforest.

The small traces Elias discovered led him ever closer to her trail until he finally stumbled upon a crucial clue. Reaching down to the branch of a fallen tree, he grasped a piece of torn fabric, its edges worn and damp from the persistent rainfall.

There was no doubt in Elias' mind that the scrap of cloth belonged to Aurelia's clothing, a clear sign that she had passed through this very spot.

Elias scanned his surroundings with a keen eye, assessing the potential dangers lurking in the shadows before nimbly climbing a nearby tree. He selected a sturdy branch capable of supporting his weight and settled into a secure position. Reaching into his quiver, he pulled out a whistling arrow, its shaft adorned with small perforations designed to create a high-pitched sound as it cut through the air.

With a swift, fluid motion, he nocked the arrow on his bowstring and released it, sending it soaring into the sky above. The arrow's eerie whistle echoed throughout the forest, bouncing off the ancient trees and reverberating through the misty air.

The piercing sound drew the attention of not only Marcus and Thorne but also the magical beasts that called the rainforest home. The creatures, their curiosity piqued by the unusual noise, emerged from their hidden lairs to investigate. However, after discovering nothing of immediate interest, they simply melted back into the dense foliage, their brief moment of curiosity sated.

Elias let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging as the tension drained from his body. He silently thanked the gods for his decision to climb the tree rather than wait on the ground, knowing that the beasts would have surely discovered him had he remained below.

As he waited for his companions to arrive, he noticed the rainfall gradually slowing down, the heavy drops becoming less frequent, though they still poured from the darkening sky above. The once tranquil music that had echoed throughout the forest, a soothing melody that seemed to emanate from the very trees themselves, had vanished, replaced by a slightly depressing but aggressive song that spoke of the rainforest's untamed wildness.

"D*mn, such a good thing ruined," Elias muttered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of the falling rain. He leaned back against the rough bark of the tree trunk, his eyes fixed on the gray sky visible through the canopy above, and prepared himself for the long wait ahead.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the dense foliage, Marcus and Thorne finally emerged from the depths of the rainforest. Their arrival was accompanied by the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs, drawing Elias's attention from his perch high in the branches above.

As he glanced down, his eyes widened at the sight of their haggard and battered appearance. Scratches and cuts marred their skin, while Marcus's clothes hung in tatters, torn in multiple places by the unforgiving wilderness.

Elias, his curiosity piqued by their disheveled state, descended from the tree with practiced ease. He approached his companions, concern etched on his features as he took in the extent of their injuries. "What happened to you two?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Instead of answering directly, Marcus and Thorne exchanged a knowing glance, a wry smile playing on their lips. Marcus, seemingly brushing aside Elias's concern, spoke up, "Did you find anything?"

Elias nodded, reaching into his pocket and retrieving the torn fabric he had discovered during his scouting mission. He handed it over to Marcus, who rubbed his thumb over the surface, his voice soft as he confirmed, "Yeah, this is hers."

The young lord stood there for a moment, lost in thought, the fabric serving as a tangible connection to his missing sister. With renewed determination, he strode forward, signaling for the others to follow. "Then it looks like we have a lead," he said, his voice filled with urgency.

However, Thorne and Elias remained rooted in place, their expressions betraying their hesitation. Thorne voiced his objections, his tone firm but respectful. "Marcus, it's getting dark. We need to find a secure spot to make camp, recover our stamina, and treat our injuries. We risk becoming prey to nocturnal beasts and monsters if we continue now."

Marcus turned to face Thorne, his eyes narrowing as he processed his words. Conflicting emotions swirled within Marcus as he grappled with the sensible points Thorne raised, his fervent need to continue the search grating against the undeniable wisdom of his comrade's counsel, "Every moment we waste, my sister could be in greater danger. We can't afford to rest now," he countered, his voice strained with emotion.

Thorne shook his head, his resolve unwavering. "We won't be any help to her if we're exhausted and vulnerable. We need to be at our best when we find her," he reasoned, his voice remaining steady despite the tension in the air.

The two men stared at each other, their wills clashing in a silent battle of determination and caution. Elias watched silently from the sidelines, his gaze darting between them as the argument escalated.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing!" Marcus exclaimed, his frustration evident in his clenched fists.

His expression sympathetic, Thorne stepped closer to Marcus and rested a comforting hand on the distraught man's shoulder. "I know you're worried sick about her," he acknowledged gently, attempting to soothe Marcus' agitation. "But charging ahead without a plan would be reckless. We can't afford any missteps that would further endanger your sister or ourselves."

Marcus opened his mouth to retort but quickly closed it, realizing the truth in Thorne's words. He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Seeing the shift in Marcus' demeanor, Thorne continued, "Whatever took your sister hasn't harmed her. They wouldn't have dragged her this far otherwise. She's alive, and we will find her, but we need to be prepared."

Marcus nodded, his eyes downcast; He knew Thorne was right. They needed rest, and charging ahead without a plan would only lead to more trouble.

Thorne signaled to Elias, who promptly began marking the surrounding trees with his dagger. Marcus turned to observe, his mind still reeling with concerns about his sister and the impact her absence would have on Duramara. The nobles would undoubtedly try to take advantage of the situation, seeking to pressure the Blackwood family to join one of the empire's factions.

Soon they began making their way back towards the flower field, along the way, Marcus broke the heavy silence. "I found a hill off to the side of the flower field with sturdy ground. We'll use that spot as our camp and base of operations."

The group trudged through the forest, the atmosphere somber and oppressive. The weight of their goals and the uncertainty of what lay ahead hung over them like a dark cloud.

Elias, sensing the need to lighten the mood, spoke up. "Lord Marcus, wouldn't it be best for us to give this place a name? It'll be really annoying and confusing once we leave this place to just refer to it as the forest this and the forest that, don't you think?"

A faint smile crossed Marcus's face as he looked back at Elias, grateful for his effort to alleviate the somber mood that had settled over the group. With a forced grin, he replied, "That very thought occurred to me as I wrote the letter to my father, so I've already devised a name. Taking into account the lush foliage and the soft melody one can discern when listening to the rain, I settled upon Whispering Song Forest."

Thorne and Elias were impress, the name wasn't only straightforward it perfectly defined this h*llhole.

Fable observed the scene unfold through the 3D model, his attention drawn to the adventurers as they abandoned their immediate search for Marcus' sister. He understood their decision to seek shelter for the night, knowing they needed to recover their strength.

Just as Fable's thoughts began to wander, the system chimed in, interrupting his musings.

[Host, 3 out of 4 Intruders have come to an agreement; The first floor of your dungeon will now be known as Whispering Song Forest.]

The system's update was met with a nod of acknowledgment from Fable. In his mind, Whispering Song Forest served as an ideal name for his dungeon's first floor, especially considering that the name included his surname.


As night descended upon the rainforest, an impenetrable darkness enveloped the dense foliage, broken only by the faint flickering light emanating from a distant cave nestled in the hillside.

The rhythmic pounding of drums echoed through the air, their primal beats intertwining with the relentless patter of the rain.

Lila, her body weary from the arduous journey, dragged Aurelia through the undergrowth, her grip unyielding despite the fatigue that threatened to overwhelm her. Aurelia's once pristine clothing was now tattered and stained, her skin marred by countless cuts and bruises, a testament to the unforgiving terrain she had been subjected to.

"Please, stop! I'm begging you, PLEASE!" Aurelia's desperate pleas pierced the night, her voice raw and hoarse from the countless hours of screaming for help and mercy. Yet, Lila remained unmoved, her gaze fixed ahead, indifferent to the suffering of her captive. Occasionally, she would yank Aurelia's hair, a cruel reminder of her powerlessness in the face of her captor's resolve.

As they approached the cave entrance, Lila paused, reaching into her pocket to retrieve two small nose plugs. With practiced efficiency, she inserted them into her nostrils, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

The cave's interior was filled with the sounds of high-pitched voices and the incessant beating of drums, the sounds reverberating off the damp walls.

The cave floor was littered with the brittle, fractured remains of goblins, magical beasts, and animals; while, the cave walls displayed horrifying, yet strangely artistic, stains of blood and hardened mud, a testament to the goblins' dominion over the area.

From the shadows of the side tunnels, goblins began to emerge, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent as they attempted to sneak up on the intruders, their movements furtive and calculated. However, a single glance from Lila was enough to send them scurrying back into the darkness, their courage faltering in the face of her unwavering presence.

'It's the same every time,' Lila mused silently, her thoughts tinged with a weary resignation. 'If you don't acknowledge them, they think they can catch you off guard.' She let out an inward sigh, well aware of the goblins' predictable behavior, their tactics as old as the caves themselves.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the goblins' excitement grew palpable. They knew all too well what it meant when an Ocelot-kin dragged a living creature into their domain, and their anticipation was a sickening, twisted thing. They followed at a distance, their movements growing bolder with each step, while Aurelia's anguished cries echoed off the walls of the cave.

Upon reaching the entrance to the goblins' settlement, an eerie silence descended upon the area, as if the very air had been sucked from the room. The drumming ceased abruptly, and the goblins paused in their feasting and fighting, their attention drawn to the new arrivals like moths to a flame. Only the sounds of a few remaining scuffles and Aurelia's muffled sobs filled the sudden stillness.

Lila surveyed the scene before her, taking in the gruesome sight of dead animals strewn across the ground, their blood pooling and entrails spilling forth in a disturbing display of savagery.

The stench intensified tenfold, causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust, the putrid odor of death and decay overwhelming her senses.

Swiftly, she hurled Aurelia into the goblins' feeding area, sending her tumbling to the ground with a sickening thud, her body crumpling like a broken doll. Aurelia let out a pained groan as she rolled to a stop, her body battered and broken, a pitiful sight amidst the carnage and chaos of the goblin settlement.

Aurelia lay on the cold, damp cave floor, her body wracked with excruciating pain. Every breath she took sent searing agony through her chest, and her legs, or what remained of them, throbbed with an intensity that threatened to consume her entire being. She could feel the warm, sticky blood seeping from her wounds, pooling beneath her.

Through tear-filled eyes, Aurelia looked over to see Lila casting a cold gaze in her direction. A smile played across the Ocelot-kin's face, expressing a sense of relief as she gestured something to the goblins before turning around and leaving. Aurelia's heart raced with fear, her mind reeling with the realization that she was utterly alone and helpless.

Aurelia's thoughts raced as she struggled to comprehend her dire situation. She had no idea where she was or how she would ever find her way back home.

The green creatures surrounding her were unlike anything she had ever encountered before, their presence filling her with a deep sense of dread. Their eyes gleamed with a cruel, evil, hunger that sent shivers down her spine.

As Lila's form retreated from view, heading out of the cave, Aurelia noticed the goblins around her were initially just staring, watching each other with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. However, it didn't take long for their restraint to crumble, and they began to fight amongst themselves. The catalyst for the brawl was a single goblin who covered his face with both hands and started tiptoeing towards Aurelia. Seeing this, some of the other goblins pounced on him, and the fight quickly escalated from there.

Goblins screeched and howled as they tore at each other, their sharp claws and jagged teeth flashing in the dim light of the cave. They rolled and tumbled across the ground, biting and clawing with a ferocity that was both terrifying and surreal. The air was filled with the sounds of their high-pitched shrieks and the sickening crunch of bones.

Amidst the chaos of the brawl, Aurelia saw a glimmer of hope. She began to crawl, slowly and painfully, towards the exit of the cave. Each movement sent waves of agony through her battered body, but she gritted her teeth and pressed on, driven by the desperate need to escape.

However, her efforts did not go unnoticed. As the goblins realized their prey was attempting to flee, they abruptly ceased their fighting and rushed towards her in unison. Their high-pitched laughter echoed through the cave, a chilling sound that froze Aurelia's blood in her veins.

Aurelia screamed as she saw the goblins approaching, their eyes filled with a lustful hunger that made her skin crawl. "S-Stay away! Please, stay away!" she begged, her voice raw with terror. But her pleas fell on deaf ears as the goblins closed in, their intentions all too clear.

As the goblins descended upon her, Aurelia could only scream out a single word, "NO!" But it was too late. The goblins' grasping hands and leering faces filled her vision, and she knew there was no escape from the nightmare that awaited her.

Fable watched the scene unfold with a detached indifference. As the creator of this dungeon and its inhabitants, he felt no sympathy for the cruelty inflicted upon Aurelia. The goblins were his creations, and their actions were of little concern to him. Moreover, he held no compassion for a human who had been part of the group responsible for causing such extensive damage to his dungeon.

Before the view could descend into the explicit horrors that awaited Aurelia, Fable turned his gaze away, choosing instead to focus on Lila as she made her way home. With a mere thought, he influenced the magical beasts in her path, compelling them to move aside and allow her safe passage.

Lila trudged through the dense foliage, her mind racing as she made her way back to her tribe.

Fifteen minutes into her journey, Lila's body began to betray her. Exhaustion and blood loss took their toll, causing her vision to blur and her steps to falter. She stumbled forward, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to maintain her balance. Just as she felt the last vestiges of her strength slipping away, she heard the sound of familiar voices calling out to her.

Relief washed over Lila as she recognized the search party dispatched by her tribe to find her. She opened her mouth to call out to them, but no words came. Instead, her knees buckled beneath her, and she collapsed to the ground, blood seeping from her wounds.

Perishable_Heaven Perishable_Heaven

Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm - 11pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm - 11pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm - 10pm E.S.T

3 Bonus Chapters on June 9th.


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