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50% Ascending From Nothing / Chapter 2: Fusion

Chapter 2: Fusion

I had started the day the same as any other, waking up, hiding my belongings, a quick bit of exercise and then heading out onto the streets of New York and trying to pickpocket enough money for food. While, on the streets I felt a little strange but ignored the feeling until around three in the afternoon. I felt as through something was chasing me and my body tingled with a sensation of anticipation but there was no one around me, I had moved to a remote side street that was mostly deserted at this time of day. Checking my body over I didn't find anything strange so I got up deciding to grab a bite to eat and check out some stores. I had been saving up some cash for some camping supplies so that I would be better protected against the elements in the winter.

It wasn't until I walked out of the alleyway that I felt the feeling intensify and suddenly felt like a truck slammed into me. Feelings, thoughts, and images, I'd never had before slammed into me like a roller coaster and I suddenly emptied my stomach of its contents right on the sidewalk. I felt like my head, no my whole being was being ripped apart and glued back together. My blood felt like fire and my head felt like it was exploding. I fell backwards into the ally on my back and passed out in unimaginable pain.

When I awoke, I felt like another person person but the same at once. It was a strange feeling but not unexpected I had after all just merged my soul with three others. Yes that's right my soul merged with three others, it turns out that the feeling of being hit was the souls slamming into my body. Now you may expect me to freak out about this but the fact is this is probably one of the best things to ever happen to me.

Before the soul merge, I was just a talented homeless nameless orphan with a desire for adventure and power. Whereas now I'm still a homeless orphan, I have the knowledge of three other people along with some of their skills and feelings. I'm not the same as I once was, I've been reborn and to complete my rebirth I need a name. I chose to keep the name Samuel but add the last name Jackson. The reason for this is that I'm still mostly Samuel it's just parts of my soul has merged with Percy Jackson, Kaito Kuroba and Jackson Cho.

It is at this point that I excited the alleyway not as Samuel the homeless orphan with too much ambition. But, as Samuel Jackson a black haired teen with brilliant purple eyes and a swimmer's physique with plans to gain power and live an amazing life whirling through his mind.

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