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20% As a Tuna in Another World / Chapter 3: What am I going to do now?

Chapter 3: What am I going to do now?

"Senpai... Senpai... It's time to wake up..."

That soft sounding voice rouse him awake as he slowly opened his eyes. A familiar purple haired girl wearing a brown school uniform entered his view with a smile, "Good morning, senpai... Did you have a good sleep?"

"Ah... Sakura? What time is it...?"

Sakura faced towards the clock above the door and smiled, "It's already seven thirty, Senpai. Did you stayed late at night again?"

"Seven thirty?!" His eyes shot wide open before looking towards the clock to find that it was just past six.

Knowing something was up, he gave Sakura a mock glare as she softly laughed, "I'm sorry, senpai. Taiga-san told me to do that after something you did to her late at night. Of course I agreed because, you really need to stop sleeping very late. It's not good for your health."

He gave her a dry smile as he retorted, "And scaring me like that was healthy as well?"

She shrugged and gave an innocent smile, "I don't know what you mean senpai maybe it's because of you sleeping late at night again."

"Ha ha funny. Are you going to be making the food again?"

Sakura smiled and nodded, "Yes. I've been wanting to try out something new after seeing it from a cooking show yesterday. It should be easy and delicious to make. So you won't need to help me that much."

"Okay then, I'll do some of my daily routine and meet you in the living room with Taiga."

"Alright then, be sure to not over do with your workout." With that, she left the room and went for the kitchen.

Her words brought a smile to his face as he got ready for the day. Opening his door to leave for the dojo, he found a familiar white haired girl with shock clearly written in her face as something was going through her mind.

'Eh? This... Oh right.' Then he remembered.

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

"So you're telling me, not only are you homeless AND poor. You also have no one in this country that can help you with your situation... How is your situation that bad?"

The homeless girl was going to gave him an answer before stopping and contemplated on what to say.

Shirou didn't know what was going through her head at the moment but she looked a bit serious and could see her shoulder tensing a bit.

'Must be related to the magic side of the world.' He thought. How else would a person with powers like her get into this situation in the first place?

Waiting for a full minute, he could see her face souring and wanting to not waste more time he finally says, "If it's uncomfortable, you don't need to tell me that much. Just the basics of what happen would do more than nothing."

His words took her off her thought before she shook her head, "No, it's fine. I... was being chased by a very dangerous group at the time after... something bad happened. Before arriving here, they tried to get me by planting a very dangerous hon- magic bomb in a city where I was hiding."

Hearing the word bomb and city together, gave him a great shock as he exclaimed, "Bomb?! In a city?! Why would they do that?! What would happened to the innocents?! That's-"

"Calm down! Let me finish my story first." Before he was finished, Kiana cut him off as she sighed and explained, "That bomb could destroy the entire city. If I wasn't there to stop them. they would have done it either way for an experiment."

'That's... Just cruel.... Why?! Hundreds of thousands of lives for an experiment...' He thought as he clenched his fist in frustration.

"But! The good news was I stopped them. I brought the bomb far away from any land that nobody was hurt or killed... The bad news was I couldn't get away fast enough and it exploded in front of me... Good thing, I was the only one there, haha..."

"You! That's very-!" "Dangerous? Suicidal? I know the risks, Shirou. But I didn't want to see the deaths of thousands when I can change the how it all end... An Irreplaceable teacher of mine, gave me her final lesson before she died... Her words had stuck with me until today, 'Kiana, be brave. Push on... *hic* You can still end your story the way you want...' *hic* So I did..."

Seeing a tears falling of her face, Shirou sadly smiled as she reminded of him when Kiritsugu died. Their last conversation was something he could remember vividly as if they had it a day ago. 'A hero... I promised you that I'll be one...'

Giving Kiana a box of tissue, he smiled and said, "It's alright, Kiana. I'm sure that teacher will be proud of you. Just imagine your teacher bragging in a better place about you."

His joke made her laugh as the sad mood disappears. "Yeah... Himeko will definitely brag about me in heaven... Thanks for that Shirou..."

"Your welcome, Kiana."

The two smiled and enjoyed the brief moment of silent before continuing their conversation.

"I can help you live here but we need to convince Taiga before doing anything else. Technically, I am living in her house. So, I can't just bring you to live here without a good reason."

Kiana frowned as she thought of an idea, "Hmm... How about if we tell her that we're cousins? That would be a good enough reason right?"

Shirou thought about it before shaking his head, "That can't really work. First of all, we don't really have anything that could be proof as cousins. Secondly, Taiga could ask her grandfather to apply you with a DNA test and might find out were not related."

"Eh? No, not related to you. Your father! His Kiritsugu Emiya no? If so, this might just work!"

"Eh? Why him? And... How do you know his name? I never once said anything about him..."

"O-Oh... Uh... Your father was popular to the magic side of the world. He disappeared ten years ago after a huge event and was last seen with his wife. And his wife had white hair just like me. So we can use that."

'Dad's... popular? That's... new. The huge event must been the Great Fuyuki Fire the timing is also correct... and he had a wife? But he never said anything about her... Did she died there... Now I can see why he didn't tell me. Maybe Taiga knows something because she was older at the time.'

"That could work... We could also tell her your situation to add more sadness to your background and she might take the bait and let you live here. From how she cries from those sappy drama stories in the TV, this might just work."

"Alright then! Let's get start planning!"

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

'Right... Then we wake Taiga up and gave a literal presentation on why she should let Kiana live with us until she could make a living for herself.' He thought after remembering what happened last night.

"Morning Kiana. How was your first night here?"

His greeting brought her our of her thoughts as she smiled back, "It was nice. I felt peaceful... Had no nightmares that usually occurred when on the... run. Just empty bliss."

His smile softened up as he patted her head, "That's good to hear... cousin? Should we call each other that?"

Kiana stared off into space before laughing it off, "Ha! No. That feels weird since I never had one. Just act normally. And don't you have school to take care of?"

"Ah! Right. Meet you in the living room!" He said before running of to the dojo.

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

'Okay... that was way too familiar... His hair and eyes looks like a dulled version of Himeko's. Not to mention how he pat my head... Is this the power of a harem protagonist? I must be careful... I still like girls after all.' She thought before looking towards the living room door.

Arriving by the door, she could hear Taiga talking to Sakura about what's she was making for breakfast. Her hand gripped the handle to open the door but suddenly felt nervous. Her hearts started beating quickly as she tried to calm herself. 'Calm down Kiana! There isn't anything to be afraid of. They are people that you will be seeing more frequently! You did great with Fu Hua before you can do great with them as well! It's time to meet new people!'

With a deep breath, she opened the door and greeted them with a smile, "Morning Taiga! How was you're sleep! I'm sorry we had to wake you up late at night!"

Taiga's turned her head in surprised and stared before shouting, "Eh?! You're real?!"

"Ack!" She felt as if something pierced her heart as her optimistic Kiana persona left. She gave her a dry smile as she exclaimed, "Yes! I'm real! I literally slept in the room beside you! You said to sleep there yourself!"

"O-Oh... I did? I only remembered... Right! You were the cousin Shirou talked about! Are you really Kiritsugu's niece?! He never really told me anything except for his wife a few times. Le gasp! Are you here to take Shirou away?!"

"Didn't we already tell you why I'm here in the first place?!" Kiana said in shock. 'Did the woman really forget about all the things we said?!'

"Ha! Just joking with you. Relax, Kiana-chan~. I'm okay with you living here until you can live for yourself, just try not to get in trouble while all of us leave for school. It's a bit tiring to deal with the police after a long day at work."

"O-Oh... Ahaha... okay..." She muttered as she silently sat beside her. 'Wait! Aren't I suppose to be the energetic one?! How did this woman beat me to it?! Kyle's personality must have muddled with Kiana's! Curse your introvert... ness Kyle!'

"Uh... Taiga-san? Who is this? And why is she wearing senpai's clothes?"

Our attention were quickly turned towards the purple haired kohai as she looked at me with confusion. Taiga's smiled widened as she took the chance and teased her, "Hoho~ Why is that Sakura? Are you a little jealous of her? Oh! Young love~!"

Sakura blushed and pathetically denied the fact, "Eh?! No no! I was just curious on who she was. I only got the general idea from your conversation. Something about her being senpai's cousin."

Taiga chuckled at her reaction before nodding, "Yes! This here is Shirou's cousin, Kiana Kaslana. She had some problems that is quite personal and was essentially homeless with no money. She came here because she heard that Kiritsugu was last seen here and wanted to ask for help. But as you know he's already past away five years ago. So with nowhere to go, she is now living here until she could support herself."

"Ah... That is sad. I hope your situation gets better Kiana-san."

Looking at her concerned face, Kiana thought if she was some kind of cute puppy in her past life. To think Shirou could live with her and not feel anything other than friendship or some kind of brother-sister relationship. 'Huh... Cute...'

"Eh? Cute? Uh... Thank you for the compliment... Ah! The food!" She panicked as she went back to her cooking.

Kiana could only watch before looking at Taiga who was also smiling like before. Knowing she's going to give her the same treatment as Sakura, she sighed, "I said that out loud did I?"

"Eh? I don't know~ Something's definitely going on in your head there missy. But try not to steal her from Shirou. They make a good couple AND free entertainment for me!"

"Ha, how ruthless. This reminds me of back then..." Her bright mood took a hit after saying that. Now she made herself feel down from remembering those times in St. Freya.

"Bonk!" "Ai?!"

Kiana, surprised by the sudden attack, looked up to see Taiga's hand with a rolled piece of paper sitting on her head. "Why did you do that for?"

Taiga gave her a knowing smile as her voice was laced with pity, "I know that face anywhere Kiana. Shirou had it too when he was still depressed over Kiritsugu's death. Try not to keep living in the past and move on. It might save others around you from the awkwardness you're making."

"Ah... Sorry, I didn't realize that I was making you uncomfortable..."

Taiga smiled before gaining an idea, "Hey, Kiana. You're 18 right?"

A bit caught off by the question she asked, "Uh... Yes. Why is that?"

She quickly grabbed something from the fridge and threw it at her. "Catch!"

Without thinking her hand quickly grabbed the object and what she saw was a can of beer... "Uh... Why are you giving me this?"

She shrugged, as she opened hers, "I don't know if it will work for you, but everytime I'm sad a can of beer will help drown those negative emotions. Give it a try."

Looking at her can of beer, she shrugged and thought, 'It shouldn't be that bad... If it's anything like Himeko's beer cans she smuggled to our dorm, it might taste good.' Opening the can, she was about to give it a taste test but was interrupted by Emiya opening the door.

Emiya stared at us before glaring at the cans in our hands, "It's early in the morning, Taiga! Drink some tea instead!"

Taiga just waved at him as she finished hers in a single go, "Ah! That hits the spot! Don't be such a spoil sport Shirou. A beer in the morning feels great!"

"Yeah? And do you want me to tell Grandpa Raiga about this again?"

Hearing her grandfather being mentioned, she pouted and threw the can away. Shirou sighed and looked at me and my can of beer with a wry smile, "Please don't drink that. It's better if you drink some warm tea."

Slowly placing back the beer on the table, she nodded and drank some warm tea instead. She sighed in satisfaction, as she felt the warm feeling in her stomach spreading throughout her body. 'So this is what Fu Hua likes to drink all the time.'

"Food's ready!" Sakura's words made me smile, as I waited for the food. It was something similar to what Mei used to make when we were in Freya. Hope it taste delicious. "Thanks for the food."

Tuna Tuna Tuna~!

"Are you sure you're okay with being alone?" Shirou said with a bit of worry. Kiana smirked as she created a portal on her hand, "Powers remember? I also have my suit ready in my room if I get attacked which I am 99% sure won't happen."

"Right... Forgot about that for a moment and please don't show that to either Sakura or Taiga. I really don't want them to become a part of the magic side of the world." He whispered with a frown.

She rolled her eyes and nodded, "I know that already. I don't just show these things to random people. Now go, you might be late if you stay longer."

He gave her a silent nod before he walked towards Sakura, who was waiting for him by the gate.

Looking out the door, she watched as Sakura and Shirou waved her goodbye and left. Sighing to herself she looked back at the empty house and thought to herself, 'What am I going to do now?'

AN = Sorry if it's a bit cut but I was running out of ideas. I had to think of what I want to do next. Last time, a friend of mine said that I needed to make what Shirou and Kiana talked about last chapter because it's too unclear. So I did. But that was around 1.5k words. So I felt a bit awkward and thought it was short. So I made it longer by adding her first meeting with Sakura and Taiga. That made it 2.3k words. But it also felt... empty. Maybe I just need to rest and try to make an outline for the story or maybe some inspiration from other stories might help. So sorry if this chapter seems bad.

I'm going to sleep, good night.

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