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Arriane The Supreme Sorcerer Arriane The Supreme Sorcerer original

Arriane The Supreme Sorcerer


© WebNovel

Black Magic

Black Magic

Empress Jinn - The ultimate ruler of Jinnitza society also the leader of all black magic sorcerer's whom they all worshipped as their supreme magical Queen, whom they say sleep and murdered her way to the top of jinn society. It's a truly extraordinary feat to rised through the rank of jinn society to become empress, especially when started out at nothing more than a ring-genie, the lowliest of the jinn. She worked her way through the ranks of magic lamp spirits to legendary jinn all way to empress of the whole world.

"Ah - .....Arriane shrugs as she works up from her bed. A-R-R-I-A-N-E! As she heard her name been mentioned. She hooks off from bed into the bathroom within two to three minutes she finished her bath, to the dinning linoleum floor where breakfast was ready.

Her mother Roxanni Vascaki, was prepared to served the breakfast to all the family

"Hmm Arriane won't you go to practice today" said her father when foods were filled into his mouth. She replied "Nope" the moment she said that, her father sputters in shocked. "What the are you sick and tired to work with Empress Jinn" Arriane next walked to her room for his ring-genie which was made to her by Empress Jinn. All studies of Empress Jinn thoughts her trainers was black magics the evilness side of all magic the people thought Empress was good supreme magic sorcerer's, many people employed their children to her School named "Empress Jinn Magical School" which was formed 1553, February,4 his school became rampant to all the people lead exemplary of Empress Jinn.

Arriane joined the school when it was formed one year later, the results that emerged out was bad information about Empress Jinn from Iprudentia dynasty which is protected by the roadfighter. The one who bargained with the one who stood to fight against Iprudentia dynasty. Four dynasties whole is ruled by king cursed the king who battled with his many kingdom from any boundless ruling to gain the throne on behalf of him and dethroned many kingdom with his fantasy dragon Davner"

In Mahalath, where Empress Jinn ruled, there's no Mahalathians cross off to Iprudentia dynasty and journey back alive this makes a a strong bond between Mahalath and Iprudentia dynasty where magical humans are and where non magical humans are have no bloodline between them. Black magic sorcerer's of Empress Jinn help her in order to ruled over Mahalath without any bad treatments to any people for when her mythological states invades upon her which is unstoppable to control herself thus making her used human sacrifices as to stop the states no body knows about and nobody knows black magic sorcerer's assist her to do human sacrifice river, a magical lampshade spirit bulbs to destroy all human with a per touch of her hands.

7th rank apprentice Arriane moved into the street with her back clinging around her neck and the magical ring-genie. Where a new evolutionists modern - Sech containers, mafia magician been looted, magical horse in the skies, one hovering above Arriane he stared at it extremely gladly once the street sparkles and the birds chirping echoed the country where magical occasion naturally occurred as remarkable amazing perceptible magicians world.

As the 7th rank apprentice leader she studied her way as a law abiding to magical etiquettes in Empress Jinn she always comported herself in the presence of Empress Jinn. Before she reached the entrance to the school many crowds where gathered for her to inaugurate them but she doesn't recognize the any face of them.

It seems they were fresher's who joined the school this year.

Any stance she took to make a magic spell she welcomed a force of kinetic into the her stances. That made her unique from other students, making Empress Jinn chose her as the devoted of all 7th rank apprentices.

The moment their eye stood on Arriane one of them scream, attracting all attention to Arriane she raise her eye brows in surprise, They all gathered to welcomed her they stepped in her sight, she was frightened not knowing what to do, thus swallowing thirst in her sore throat Arriane; all turned to look for the caller of Arriane names. Empress Jinn in the top of the stages and podium in front of her. The day seemed like a graduation day for the last rank seniors 10th rank candidate. The ranks of the day was "Hollow Graduation of 10th Ranks Empress Jinn Magical students"

With the force that was exerted on Arriane made her forget the graduation of the 10th rank apprentice. She was lost in the blue moon. Empress Jinn blinks the eye continuously, as she spoke to - "Arriane why are you in this uniform? You should be it not this!" she ended his dialogue to Arriane.

Arriane casted herself out surprisingly kept staring at her fellow students, still her mind scuffled, standing stiff with her teeth splashed out, spying her eyes out in corresponding directions and others.

Worthwhile, she wasn't clever for her brain to direct on the graduation she stood silently, and her follow students also kept staring at her guessing her not remember something. The sun past halves, as the mystery crowds falls on, the 10th ranks apprentices were disappointed in such a boring graduation even their school popular magical trainer wasn't devoted to celebrate the graduation with them to bid tranquillity farewell to them through the whole year of which was filled with happiness.

Empress Jinn was stuck up at the stages waiting for Arriane to drag her mind on something.

She was screwed up (Arriane) before one of the 10th rank apprentice who holds a mystery name of "Doctor Goetic" one the best fellow student to Arriane her protegee notified her with his index finger.

Sudden, "Happy Graduation!" as filled of joy they responded back _ Happy Graduation" filled of joy in their tears then the standing Ovation began nonstop. And breathed out firmly "Hmm" she hugged them one another.

Then he walked into the main hall design with shiny silvers golds as the roof lights elaborates the hallway. Many apprentices enjoying the last end semester for the 10th ranks apprentices.

Clicking photos with their magical sticks- battling in powers- magical rap battles - Mythical book challenge, and many others magical activities taking placed. Someone paid her visit while she stands at one place it was Quinn Thomas the "Sovereign Soul" the closest friend of Arriane together with Doctor Goetic. Those whom Arriane live is their concerned even risking theirs for her.

Came to bid their goodbye to Arriane, they bid their farewell to her and sent off.

During the interesting part of the graduation Magical orchantress investors whom supports the school in terms of financial. Approached from the sky with an psychic shield as an engulf all " testing- Attention please" the hogwarts system attracted the attention all paraded equally including the 10th rank apprentices they assembled with joy to meet the investors. But when they landed on the ground they snubbed the 10th rank apprentices to Empress Jinn on the platform for a conversations the 10th ranks apprentices thoughts the investors was there to congratulate them, instead they snubbed them, before Empress Jinn dismissed them.

Empress Jinn moved with the investors to into her office before she pulled a book from the book shelf and it gaps a space they entered to a magical world called "The Infamous Tomato" a world where is filled of tomatoes with thorns around it stems to the branches. With no good position but in term to fall.

She had a meeting with the investors no one knows what goes on between them.

Little hellions, hogwarts magician the nursery unsually barged in. The seniors and the juniors apprentices welcomed them without any gimmicks.

With Halloween hogwarts hats and witchcraft blooms playing around the campus.

Arriane joined his colleagues of the 7th ranks apprentices Troy Fade the one they feared most, mostly the lowest rank 4th ranks, because of his magic potions: Potion of Agitation; the potion that caused violence between people for fun and other rebellion activities. < Draught of hatred> a magic chess which a being control it for destroying itself when one over pampered other.

He was awarded for best magical potions apprentices during the homecoming games.

Cookie Willowwhirl fairy who is small in size with a pinky feathers that can hover above the skies and the underworlds.

The catastrophic significance was overexcited. But the supreme Jinn was not there for an hour. In the Jinnitza society was located at the center of the Mahalath. Before the people expectations was not wait for Empress Jinn from the meeting, the fairies and the graduation apprentice suspend the graduation in waiting for Empress Jinn to come off who had left them in suspense. Then after, the apprentices realized the school captain Olivia Maggiolini points someone to go in search for Empress Jinn. They person she chose was Benedetta Santelli from the 4th rank magical apprentice.

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