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10% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Chapter 9

Robin Liesha Cullen's POV

A little over a month now has passed since the successful acquisition of my pants, with the assistance of my brother Edward.

Mommy did a wonderful job with them, I can now climb trees and run around without worrying too much that my dress would catch up on something.

Update on my skill training progress, some discoveries were made.

- Like Vampires, I do have inhuman speed, strength, hearing, sense of smell, eyesight, touch, and taste.

- I can get wounded and bleed, but I heal very fast, like. My regeneration got upgraded. I don't have venom, so we're pretty sure I'm not flammable, but if I get my limbs severed, it can be reattached, but we're not sure yet what happens if the severed part gets pretty damaged like incinerated/charcoaled.

How did we confirm that? Well, I cut the tip of my pinky off one day while I was out alone on one of my strolls near the forest. Yes, I managed to convince them to not hover over me, and let me have my alone time. It was a whole discussion(mentally rolling my eyes), but they did concede, but I can only go as far as their senses can perceive me.

So, finally free, have decided to test my regeneration, fully knowing that after I do this, they will not let me go again for a while, you gotta do what you gotta do, I know they won't do it, so imma do it myself... I took the knife that I stole from the kitchen, and decisively cut off the tip of my left pinky finger. As soon as the scent of blood wafted through the air, my mother's scream was heard, followed by my brother's voice calling out my name, both sped off to me and when they saw the scene, they were completely horrified. Whilst looking at them, I held the cut piece against the part it was detached from, and it visibly healed together, like nothing happened, well if you ignore the blood.

After that, I was thoroughly scolded when they heard my reasoning for why I did it. Then some more scolding when Daddy got home from work and heard about what happened...

So yeah... I'm not gonna be left alone for a while... Or like ever... Anyway, let us continue.

So my regeneration is like Deadpool? It's a question because I haven't confirmed yet if a new body part will grow out, but it did say in the skill that it will. So I won't die from physical injuries, but It still hurts... I do have high pain tolerance, so meh. I'm kinda reluctant to test just how much alike the skill is to Deadpool... Will I still regenerate from just a piece of me? Does that mean I'm unkillable? Possible, but I'm not gonna test anymore. Ok, next skill.

-my Spotify premium. I discovered that once I focus on the skill, the status window changes to a different screen, it shows something like a search engine for songs, and all results no matter what you type in will only be music-related. Once you pick a song, all information about the song will come out, like the composer, singer, when it was made, released, info if the creator is alive in this world, or will be... Etc. Then I can play it in my head only where I hear the original singer's voice, but with my voice singing it for others, or I can let others hear the melody outward, but the singing can only be done by me. I listened to a lot of old songs, time period appropriate of course, once that I was able to listen to on the radio with the family. I don't have to read the lyrics on the screen, the information and experience of the original creator of the song get implanted in my brain, so I can feel it more

-Siren's voice, we made a big discovery, we now know how to train it! It doesn't compel people if I sing! It does stir up their emotions depending on what I'm trying to convey with the lyrics, but it's good news! I still can't have conversations, but at least I can sing. How did we confirm it? Well...



I climbed the same tree where I found the nest, I've been hanging out with the birds l, just observing them, talking. There isn't anybody else I can talk to aside from my family.

But when I got there, The nest was empty. I searched high and low, around the area of the tree, thinking that maybe they just fell. But they were nowhere to be found. I went back home, sad.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Why do you look so sad? Did Edward say something to you?" my mom asked when I came in.

"hey!" Edward yelled out from the other room sounding offended by the accusation. Then he came in to see what the matter was.

'The birds all gone...' I thought, a bit choked up like I was about to cry. My God, my baby brain is literally making me act like a child, and it's frustrating me sometimes, it's adding to the plummeting of my mood right now.

They remembered the bird's nest that I kept visiting, they thought I looked adorable, looking after them like my pets.

"Well, honey, it would seem that the baby birds grew up and left the nest. Birds grow up fast and after they do, they instinctively leave the nest to go on an adventure, and find a new home and build a new nest for their newfound family..." she explained to me while I just sat there, my head hanging low.

Mother and son exchanged looks of concern for their little princess, but they didn't know what to say or do.

'they were my friend, but they just left... Who am I gonna hang out with now?' she let out an audible sigh which made them feel just how sad she was at the moment, and it made them feel like their hearts were being squeezed. It hurt.

'I'm gonna go to my room and just read...' she got up and left the two worried vampires. She can feel their gaze following her as she goes.

"We should give her some space for now... In the meantime, maybe you could make her some cookies? She loves your cookies, maybe that can cheer her up even just a little. " she heard Edward say to their mother when he heard her thoughts.

The older woman just slightly nods and proceeds to do just that. Hoping to ease her child's sadness.

In my room...

I turned my mental defense skill turned on, to get a bit of privacy.

She noticed it already a while ago, but her actions and feelings are a bit weird I can still think logically, like all grown up... But there's a part of me that keeps acting up, like a child... It's kind of like regressing to my body's mental age, not completely, but it's there... Well, at this age, a child's brain isn't fully developed yet...

Now, I have all these feelings, and I don't know what to do about it. I know I'm overreacting, they're just birds... But at the same time, they're my bird friends! And they just left me! Stupid, it's stupid. But I'm still sad.

Thinking of an outlet for all these feelings, she finally remembered her skills, sirens voice, and Spotify premium. Maybe I can sing my sadness away? It will also be a test of my skills. Based on the description of the skills, it shouldn't compel the people around me... I think.

I searched for a time-period-appropriate song that matches how I feel at the moment and I found it.

I played the melody out loud, I closed my eyes, and then I started to sing with all my heart.

+My Buddy by Henry Burr+

🎶life is a book that we study

some of its leaves bring a sigh

there it was written, my buddy

that we must part, you and i…🎶

Esme and Edward heard music and singing, and it sounded a lot like their little Robin. They sped to her room and saw her on top of her bed, arms around her knees, eyes closed, and singing. She looked really sad... Sounded sad...

🎶nights are long since you went away

I think about you all through the day

my buddy, my buddy

n0body quite so true

miss your voice, the touch of your hand-

just long to know that you understand

my buddy, my buddy

your buddy misses you🎶

She sounded like an Angel, her voice was so beautiful... She looked like an abandoned Angel right now, her emotions through the songs added on top of their already existing worry and sadness for the girl. Oh, What they wouldn't to just make everything right for her, to see her bright sapphire pink-like eyes...

🎶buddies through all of the g-y days

buddies when something went wrong

i wait alone through the gray days

missing your smile and your song…

nights are long since you went away

i think about you all through the day

my buddy, my buddy

n0body quite so true

miss your voice, the touch of your hand-

just long to know that you understand

my buddy, my buddy

your buddy misses you🎶

After finishing the song, I felt light, I'm still a tiny bit bummed out about the birds, but not as much as I did earlier. I think I have to practice this more... It feels like something I could do to control my feelings.

She felt the presence of her family members, she was so focused earlier that she didn't even realize when they came in. But they looked normal, which is a good thing, they did not look dazed... But sad... I guess the skill worked.

They went towards me and engulfed me in a group hug. Then when the patriarch of the family came home, they discussed what happened, and elaborated about her singing and skill.

Flashback end


Back to present

We all also learned sign language! I'm not sure if it's a vampire thing, it could be because vamps don't need sleep(not me, I still sleep) so they have a lot of free time, but they all learned it. I can communicate with Mommy and Daddy now! Yay!

The other skills like learning and lovers bite...

Well, the first one just makes me seem like a genius, and nothing really strange about that, my family loves it. When they noticed how fast I learned things, they kept teaching me anything that took my interest, daddy was so happy when I took an interest in his profession, Mommy was ecstatic when I askedbforbhernto teach me how to cook, Edward was smiling from ear to ear when we bonded through playing music... Yeah, I play him music in my head so he can listen to it without us bothering others, he sometimes even makes a request on which to play.

But the last skill I really can not test for now. It's gonna be a long long long time before I am ready to test that out. I haven't even yet told them I was gay. That's a whole other issue, and I'm still too young to share that little bit of fact, it'll be weird for someone my age to suddenly say "Dear family... I am Gay!". Yep, weird. Maybe once I'm in my teens?

Now updates are done, let me tell you what I'm doing currently.

Throughout the day, my mother and brother have been acting weird.

They kept glancing at me, smiling in a way like they knew something I didn't. And when I asked them, and I asked them a lot of times, they kept avoiding the question and tried to distract me with sweets and activities I liked.

Mom, I can take it, but the look on Edward's face is annoying me, he had that punchable face in the movie when he was flaunting Bella in front of everybody, I even resorted to using my secret weapon, puppy dog eyes, but he just ran away from me. Now that didn't make it more suspicious. Yes, sarcasm.

Dad even gave me a knowing smile before he left.

So now, having given up asking what the hell they are up to, I'm just hanging out in my room, practicing my drawing skills, I'm pretty decent at it too, I'm no Michael Angelo or Picasso, but it's pretty good for someone my age.

It's already nighttime, and Dad is about to come home soon from work. Moms, getting dinner ready for me.

Edward was still not home, I was worried at first, but Mom said he'd come home with Dad.

I heard Dad's car arrive, and Mom called out for me so I went down to them... But then I saw my father and brother, they were grinning at me, when I looked at my mom, she had the same look.

I was now confused and to be honest, a little bit creeped out. Then from my dad's back, came Edward, carrying an average-sized glass aquarium.

"it's for you sweetie," my mom said, gesturing for me to come close and look at it.

By now seeing what my brother was carrying, I had an inkling as to what it was, but I still wasn't sure, because of their diet, they didn't have any in the movies, so why would they have it now?

I came close to the aquarium that was now placed on the dining table, and in it was a tortoise, a tiny baby tortoise. A cute baby tortoise. Oh my God.

"We knew how sad you were when the birds left, and there are no kids your age around to play with, so we all discussed and decided to get you a friend, and due to our diet and life span... We concluded that the best choice would be a tortoise" my dad explained with a smile, looking at me as I just stared dazedly at my now-new friend.

I managed to look away from the little thing and ran to my father's arms, he lifted me and I peppered his face with kisses and then did the same to my mother. When I came to my brother, he still had that cheeky grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, it was a surprise, I couldn't tell you" he apologized, but I knew he wasn't sorry, he enjoyed seeing my reactions.

*I forgive you this time* I signed. And then proceeded to jump into his arms and give him lots of kisses.

The atmosphere in the room was warm and full of laughs throughout the night. The adults overjoyed by my reaction, hearts melting at how happy I was, that I was practically vibrating on my seat while eating my dinner, kept glancing at my new friend.

Aaaah... Rob, I may not have forgiven 100% yet, but things are shaping up nicely for me right now... You might be really on to something when you blabbered about the jous of living.


AN: ok, a little late on the upload, but here yah go.

I would like to say sorry again, I tried, I really tried to upload a cover photo. But it really wouldn't let me. I swear on my favorite zippo that I did.

By the way, there will be a mini-time skip on the next chapter.

Thanks for the power stones and comments. I love interacting with you guys.

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