UN known to bakugo and shoto. deku was behind them watching the whole thing. and was just a little proud of what he saw. of course warp gate was watching to when deku informed him thay needed a quick way back he had opened a warp .
" well done boys" warp gate said with a laugh
"HOLY SHIT!" bakugo screamed as he blasted the warp without knowing what it was only knowing it talked .
" . its madoria and warp gate" shoto said with a chuckle as madoria handed bakugo some spare clothes he keeps for just in case he needs a quick escape.
" thanks. deku." bakugo growled as he took the clothes and changed in a stall. thay was in a bathroom after all .
( at the bar )
deku sat down and warp gate fixed him a drink as him and toga spoke and bakugo watched closely as shoto looked around
"POLICE!". a man shouted from outside the door.
" action " warp gate whisperd as everyone but madoria is teliported away
when the cops broke the door down that saw the tied up and brused green haired boy. still in his uniform .
" shit man. thay had a captive " one officer said while cutting the week little deku free.
" damn. I'm glad thay left then. " another said as the entire squad came into the place and deku shut . and locked the door
" I am to" deku said while suddenly everyone burst into flames
name : izuku madoria
age: sixteen
body tipe: at first glance week and easily overpowered. but at closer inspection strong yet skinny
personality: varrys
qurk: telekinesis . top rank.
special move : psyich flames
hiden move: spontaneous combustion
once dekus job was done he got rid of the body's and hes teliported to the lab
" that was fast izuku" inko said as she handed him his button up and vest back
" I didn't feel like playing to long" deku said as he took his old uniform off and put the uniform asside
" hay deku ?" shoto said as he taped madorias sholder
" yes sho? " deku said turning with a smile only to receive a kiss