Insecticons, a faction of Decepticon robots that turn into giant devastating insects, and Stunticons, five Decepticon robots merging into Menasor,[1] an even more gigantic robot, attacked Nootra's northern secret base. The assault on L4 was carried out at the same time as Decepticons invasion of Cybertron. This combined attack of the Decepticons aimed at destabilizing Nootra's forces and rendering them ineffective in stopping the invasion of Cybertron. Cybertron was home planet to both Autobots and Decepticons and an integral part of Nootra.
When Nootra Security Forces learned of the invasion, J'onn J'onzz, NSF commander, dispatched some Autobots to Cybertron. Brawn, Ratchet, Bluestreak, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Ironhide, Jazz and Wheeljack, under the command of Optimus Prime, left for Cybertron aboard Skyfire. They took along Zach, Ryan, Noah, Alan, Trunks and Goten. Once in space, on Moon Agnam, the Autobots were compelled to face off their all-time foes the Decepticons, who were led by Megatron. Starscream, Soundwave and Astrotrain were by his side. So the never-ending battle opposing Autobots to Decepticons was about to resume.
Megatron: "Isn't that my old enemy Prime? You're late as usual for in a few astro-hours, my invasion of Cybertron will be complete. You and your band will stay here until Decepticons take over Cybertron."
Optimus Prime: "Get this right, Megatron: Cybertron will never fall into your hands. The Autobots and NSF will vanquish you this time for good."
Megatron: "I see you never tire of losing each time we meet, Optimus. You stand with the weak and none of such ever wins. You'll lose this one as you lost the others."
Ironhide: "Always presumptuous, mega nuts? I can only see four losers here: you and your three sorry deceptive creeps."
Starscream: "Look who they brought with them; kids."
Astrotrain: "They may be out of their minds bringing children to fight us. I thought they used to say something like 'protect the children first'."
Starscream: "Looks like their civilization and its immoral values have started to collapse. We'll lend a hand and foster their fall."
Skyfire: "Shut up, Starscream. I can't believe a scientist like you could sink this low."
Starscream: "I can't believe it myself, Skyfire. I'm the first to be impressed by my sinking. And it's better than anything I imagined."
Optimus Prime: "Megatron, that folly of yours has gone too far. Stand down now and we might reconsider your punishment. You'll never get through the many of us."
Megatron: "Don't underestimate me, Prime. You think I came unprepared? You're going to swallow back those words for it's certain I'm winning this one. You brought kids with you, look who we've got on our side."
Thanoseid,[2] the merged form of Thanos and Darkseid, and Magneto,[3] master of magnetism, made their entry as Megatron's allies. On seeing the astounded look on the faces of his opponents at the arrival of his backers, Megatron let out a loud guffaw. His three companions joined him and they howled with laughter.
Megatron: "If you could see your faces! You're surprised, aren't you? That's normal since you couldn't predict this scenario. Now Optimus, get out of my way before my men tear you apart!"
Cliffjumper: "We're not impressed, mega freak. You're still outnumbered."
Optimus Prime: "Megatron, I don't know how you managed to win over Thanos, Darkseid and Magneto, but the Autobots are determined to stop you. Give up now."
Megatron: "You haven't seen anything yet, Optimus. And stop making useless imperatives when addressing me. You won't use those words again once you know this special friend of mine."
The Autobots were consternated on seeing rising from behind Megatron, Galactus, the cosmic being who was as big as no other in the galaxy. Galactus was a colossal living form of cosmic energy. Also known as planet devourer, he had the habit of consuming entire spheres by emptying them of their energy. Some armour shielded him and contained his energy.
Ratchet: "We must admit it, Prime; Megatron is good. How did he convince Galactus to join him?"
Megatron: "Look at their sorry heads, Astrotrain. It's too much for them."
Astrotrain: "The Autobots will automatically surrender after seeing this; unless they're too foolish to want to fight Galactus."
Starscream: "I think they're too foolish and that's what pleases me about them. I'm going to see Galactus crush them one by one and I'll finally humiliate them by placing my foot on their necks."
Meanwhile, the Autobots were confused because of the intervention of these four super villains. They were forced to review their strategy.
Optimus Prime: "This doesn't look pretty, Autobots. We're in a bad situation. J'onn saw this coming, but I took it lightly. We won't pass through them if we don't call for backup. Wheeljack, put me through to Central."
Wheeljack: "You can go on, Optimus."
Optimus Prime: "J'onn, do you read me? We need reinforcement right away. Megatron has our dreaded enemies with him. Send us some of your best cards."
J'onn J'onzz (by receiver): "Negative. Everyone has been dispatched to the field. Decepticons sent their troops to a number of our bases. You sure have something in mind."
Optimus Prime: "Call Professor X of L1 South and tell him to teleport his team right away."
J'onn J'onzz (by receiver): "Hang on, Prime; you'll have them in a moment. J'onn out!"
Optimus Prime: "Friends, help is on the way. Let's do everything so that Cybertron doesn't fall into Megatron's hands once again."
In the enemy camp, there was a visible impatience to engage the battle. The super villains were waiting for Megatron's orders to start the hostilities.
Magneto: "These metallic men will be trapped in my magnetism. That will be a piece of cake for me."
Megatron: "They're no fools, Magnus. They've activated the anti-magnetic wave, which makes them invulnerable to magnetism. Try something else."
Thanoseid: "I'm not here to play. I want a third of Cybertron under my command. Its technologies will give me dominance over the multiverse. I'm going after the machines."
Megatron: "Take down any of them, but leave Optimus Prime to me. He and I have unfinished business."
Starscream: "Skyfire betrayed me and today, he'll pay for it."
Astrotrain: "What about Galactus? He's standing there doing nothing. Why did you hire him in the first place, Megatron?"
Megatron: "To impress the Autobots. And it's better to have Galactus on our side now than risk Cybertron being devoured by him once it falls to us. A true leader must use tact and not be as foolish as to minimize threats that may cause his downfall. This is something others don't have."
Starscream: "Was that remark directed at me? I told you, Megatron; you will fall one day and I'll be there to replace you. Then the whole world will see that Starscream is the true leader of the Decepticons."
Megatron: "In your dreams, Starscream."
Thanoseid: "Why don't you robots stop talking and start fighting?"
Soundwave: "Megatron, more heroes have joined the Autobots. There are five of them."
The reinforcement was teleported from L1 South Nootra and they appeared on Agnam. The squad comprised Cyclops, Jean Grey, Archangel, Storm and Wolverine of the X-Men.[4] They landed in space and some had anti-gravitationals fixed around their members. Upon their arrival, the mutants were completely overtaken by the situation.
Archangel: "Great! Anybody cared to tell us we had to face Galactus?"
Cyclops: "Prime, what do you have as strategy here?"
Optimus Prime: "We too have been taken totally unawares."
Jean Grey: "They'll attack us anytime. Let's find something fast."
Wolverine: "You bubs want to look for strategy, that's your business. I'm taking down Magnus on my own."
Cyclops: "Wait up, Wolverine; we're a team. Let's be orderly. Optimus, the X-Men know Magneto and have a chance against him. We're taking him. Skyfire, Ironhide, Brawn, Jazz, Wheeljack, you engage Galactus."
Optimus Prime: "Ratchet, Bluestreak, Bumblebee, your opponents are the Decepticons. I'll take charge of Megatron. Now, who'll face Thanoseid?"
Wolverine: "If you bubs are afraid of him, I'll handle him my own way; if anybody doesn't find an inconvenience with that."
Wolverine said this to Cyclops' face, directing it to him personally.
Storm: "We'll fight him together, Logan. What about the children?"
Optimus Prime: "Trunks, Goten, you're the reserve; watch carefully. If any man or robot is in danger, come in to the rescue. Cliffjumper, I charge you to not let the enemy approach the Earthlings."
Cliffjumper: "Understood, Prime. They'll be safe under my watchful eyes."
Cyclops: "Well heroes, you know your tasks. Good luck, everyone."
Optimus Prime: "This is operation 'Liberty Cybertron 11'. Nootra, attack the invaders!"
Once the commandos were set, NSF agents went in full force against the villains who had come together under the direction of Megatron, the Decepticon. But Galactus remained still. Suspended in space, it appeared he didn't want to fight. The Autobots who were charged to engage him let him be and went after the Decepticons. Yet one fighter remained unnoticed to the crowd. He watched the scene from within a wire of Galactus' armour and when the fighting began, moved out. He put a knee on his board as he floated on Galactus' right hand.
It was Silver Surfer,[5] the man Galactus turned into an energy being. Silver Surfer was disturbed at the sight. His human emotions emerged as he mused on Nootra's action. The heroes were being thoughtless by fighting Megatron and his powerful allies. Yet they still believed in their victory. Silver Surfer couldn't pretend he didn't know deep down in his heart that Megatron and his friends were wrong. But his master, Galactus, was on their side and he dared not to go against him. At least, not until Galactus had fulfilled his promise of taking him back to his beloved.
Alan was watchful enough to notice the unseen fighter. The Earthling knew he was there since he was Galactus' herald. Silver Surfer was one of Alan's favourites and he wanted to meet him. He sought his champion and found him. As Alan observed Silver Surfer, he perceived his indecision and asked Cliffjumper to let him go to him.
Cliffjumper: "I can't let you go, kid. Optimus asked me to watch you."
Alan: "I know Silver Surfer and I'm certain he'll listen to me. We need all strategies to win this battle. Only Silver Surfer can help us out against Galactus. He'll be a valuable ally and more, a good friend. Trust me, Cliff."
Zach: "I hope you know what you're doing, Al."
Ryan: "He knows, Zach; he's perceived it in his spirit. Silver Surfer is a hero, not a villain, so he's one of us. Cliff, there's no danger. You can let him go."
The Earthlings persuaded Cliffjumper and he allowed Alan to execute his plan. Alan flew towards Silver Surfer and as he approached, Silver Surfer, without making any brusque movement, turned his head in his direction. When Silver Surfer looked at him, Alan spoke.
Alan: "Silver Surfer, you must help the Autobots and their friends. Galactus is using you for his greedy purpose, but you don't have to serve him. You can choose to fight for the good cause right now, Surfer."
Silver Surfer: "Who are you? Why are you telling me these things? Do you know me?"
Alan: "What I know is that Norrin Radd is a good man who sacrificed himself to save his world. He was forced to serve Galactus so that his native planet might not be devoured. I know he may be afraid something bad might happen to his people if he disobeyed Galactus. But I also know that if it depended only on fear, nothing would be accomplished in the world. Acts of justice and love need no compensation – they are recompense in themselves. I know you, Silver Surfer, and I know you don't fight for the cause of evil."
Silver Surfer: "You're right, but I'm confused about everything. I used to justify myself for serving Galactus though I knew his ways were wrong. I lied to myself all these years. I longed so much for Shalla-Bal that I did whatever Galactus asked me to do without consulting my conscience. Shalla-Bal wouldn't like the man I've become. I have lost all honour."
Alan: "It's never too late to make a new beginning, Norrin. Man's story isn't only about his fall, but much more about his rising. You too can do it, Surfer because you're a man."
Bowing his head in a few moments of reflection, Silver Surfer raised it again with another expression; one devoid of fear and full of determination to serve the people of his world. A fire lit in the white eyes of Norrin Radd, as he made the noblest decision of his cosmic life.
Silver Surfer: "I've made up my mind come what may. Right now, I choose not to serve this glutton anymore."
Silver Surfer stood his ground and used the Power Cosmic against Galactus. He formed a lightning bolt from his energy and shot it at him. Galactus budged and turned his head to see what happened.
Galactus: "This indeed is beyond reasoning! My Silver Surfer attacks me, his master, with my Power Cosmic?"
Silver Surfer: "I was a fool to have worked for you all these years. You go about devouring worlds and use me as herald. You've caused harm to countless planets and made me accursed in the universe. Today, I free myself from your rule. I know I can't be redeemed yet this act will be a plea for forgiveness from all the peoples I wronged."
Galactus: "Traitor! You're doomed. You cannot prevail against the mighty Galactus, your maker."
Alan: "He may be mighty but we have the Almighty on our side, and He alone is our maker. Do it, silver head."
Standing upright on his board, Silver Surfer confronted his former master frontally. Meanwhile, the X-Men were already engaging Magneto.
Wolverine: "Always with the bad guys, Magnus? What won't you do for the cause of evil? And Xavier says you've changed."
Magneto: "Always irrational, Wolverine and never using your head? You're slow to understand what business is all about."
Cyclops: "Business? And you said you were fighting the mutants' cause."
Magneto: "Cybertron has a recording of the complete history of this dimension. My bargain with Megatron will make me access mutants' history and developments of all times. I will find all unidentified mutants dispersed across the galaxy. Cyclops, don't you want to know your origins? Ask yourselves this question, apprentices of Xavier: why would they hide our history from us if not because they did some bad thing to our ancestors?"
Storm: "There has been injustice towards people throughout history. It's deplorable yet we can't do anything to change the past. In Nootra, we have the possibility of preventing such things from happening to people again. As for me, Magneto, I do know my origins as a mutant: it is in Nootra. Nothing about my origins can qualify me apart from what I am in Nootra."
Archangel: "Besides, where will that knowledge take us if not to more hatred and strife?"
Magneto: "Because you think there can be justice without truth, angel?"
Jean Grey: "But the truth you can't deny, Magneto, is that Nootra is hiding nothing from us. Yet if you're so keen on knowing the contents of the archives of Cybertron, why not tell Xavier? He won't refuse you something as dear to your heart as that knowledge."
Archangel: "Yes, the professor would have done that for you, but you chose to ally yourself with Megatron, whose aspirations are always evil."
Wolverine: "Stop trying to reason with him. He must have something fouler on his mind besides what he says. I've learnt to trust nothing coming from him. So why not stop this diplomacy and go for the hard way?"
Thanoseid: "Somebody is finally talking. Who shall I smash first?"
That was when the iconic superhero entered the Battle of Agnam, and he answered Thanoseid accordingly.
Superman: "You mean, who shall smash you first?"
Storm: "Superman? What are you doing here? J'onn said you had to protect the city with Cap now that Decepticons have deployed their troops everywhere."
Jean Grey: "You came purposely for Thanoseid, didn't you?"
Superman: "Don't worry, X-Men; I'll be done with these two in no time and get back to Nootra to assist Cap. Leave Thanoseid to me and concentrate on Magneto."
Wolverine: "I won't mind taking him down myself, but if you say so."
Cyclops: "Be careful, man; Thanoseid is no angel."
Superman: "Me neither."
Archangel: "But I am. What have you guys got with angels?"
Superman faced off Thanoseid while Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Jean Grey and Archangel fought Magneto. To review their invasion plan, the Decepticons entered a force field before the Autobots attacked them. This hid them temporarily from their adversaries.
Megatron: "We won't succeed if NSF agents keep on coming. Now it's Superman; next Captain Nootra will be here, and if they fuse, they'll dispose of Galactus for sure. It would be better we retreat to Cybertron and keep them away with the dome before our whole plan falls through."
Starscream: "Retreat? I wonder how you became leader of the Decepticons with your lack of insight, your zero strategy, and especially your shameful defeatist attitude."
Megatron: "Wonder well, Starscream yet it's I, leader of the Decepticons, and not you. Listen, comrades; we're not here to prove anything to the Autobots. It's obvious we're stronger than them. We must lay aside pride and see that we attain our objective."
Soundwave: "Megatron is right. We must fight with caution. They've called for backup. Rumble, Ravage and Laserbeak[6] can't stand up to them."
Starscream: "Caution is not an option, Soundwave. There's no strategy here. Now you tell me how Rumble can be useful in a space war."
Megatron: "Enough of you, Starscream. I can't afford losing what I've worked so hard on these past few years. Remember how long it took us to put this plan together. Nootra is relentless and if we play, they'll defeat us as they always do. I have vowed that Cybertron will be mine this time. That's why I didn't act alone, but allied with those ruthless villains whom I'm going to deceive once I achieve my goal. And when I speak of me, I speak of the Decepticons. We must retreat and find a way to hit Optimus Prime and the Autobots hard and leave them down. Astrotrain, activate Retreat Mode 2."
The Decepticons tried to call back their allies, but these were fully engaged in the hostilities. It was then that some heroes began to fall. It didn't take long for Galactus to crush Silver Surfer and send him several light years away. Still, Galactus' anger wasn't quenched and he went for the Saiyans.
Galactus: "Dare you tamper with my insatiable hunger and the energy Cybertron will give me? See where the madness of my Silver Surfer took him? Your fate will be no different from his."
Galactus was too swift for his size. He grabbed Trunks and flung him towards Bumblebee who was coming to his rescue. Trunks fell on the Autobot and both went crashing into the surface of Agnam. Galactus turned and caught Son Goten before he got away. He pressed him hard and Son Goten screamed out in pain. Optimus Prime, Ironhide and Bluestreak hurried to the spot and attacked Galactus so as to free Son Goten. Optimus opened fire from his handgun, but it didn't breach the armour. Ironhide and Bluestreak fired from all angles but Galactus' helmet remained intact. Although the Autobots strove hard, they couldn't get Goten out of Galactus' grip. And Galactus continued to squeeze the young Saiyan, and Goten screamed out louder and louder.
As Son Goten howled in pain, his cry resonated millions of miles away. It travelled to distant horizons and reached an uninhabited planet to awaken someone who had been in a coma for three years. The influence of that sound over him was so strong it revived him. That cry meant something deep to him. It was associated with his rage, his very motive for living. He opened his eyes and looked at the sky. Memories rolled pass his mind. The old grudges came to the surface and pervaded his soul. He opened his mouth and repeated the one word he held responsible for all his troubles:
"Kakarot, Kakarot, Kakarot."[7]
As he got up, his power returned in full force, and being replenished, he followed the coordinates. Travelling at the speed of light on invisible wings, he moved in the direction of the cry. He traversed stars and planets instantaneously and arrived at the battle space.
[1] Menasor is the combined form of the Stunticons in The Transformers.
[2] Thanoseid results from the fusion of DC's Darkseid and Marvel's Thanos in Amalgam Comics (1996), a publishing imprint shared by DC Comics and Marvel Comics in which the two merged their heroes into new ones. Darkseid first appears in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (Nov. 1970) and was created by Jack Kirby. Thanos first appears in Iron Man #55 (Feb. 1973) and was created by Jim Starlin.
[3] Magneto (Magnus, Eric) is a super villain in Marvel Comics. He first appears in X-Men #1 (Sept. 1963), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Galactus is a super villain in Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, he debuted in Fantastic Four #48 (Mar. 1966), the first of a three-issue story later known as 'The Galactus Trilogy'.
[4] Cyclops (Scott Summers), Jean Grey (Red), Storm (Ororo), Wolverine (Logan), and Archangel are the X-Men, a superhero team founded by Professor Charles Xavier in Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, they first appear in The X-Men #1 (Sept.1963).
[5] The Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) is a Marvel Comics superhero created by Jack Kirby. He first appears in Fantastic Four #48 (Mar. 1966), in 'The Galactus Trilogy'. Shalla-Bal appears in Marvel Comics. She first appears in Silver Surfer #1 (Aug. 1968) and was created by Stan Lee and John Buscema.
[6] Rumble, Ravage and Laserbeak work in tandem with Soundwave in The Transformers.
[7] Kakarot is the Saiyan name of Son Goku in Dragon Ball.
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