Today was the day.
In just a few minutes, the nightmare would come to an end.
Everything would be over.
He had full faith that Uncle Henry understood his desire to put an end to this nightmare. And even if he didn't, there was no stopping exactly what was about to unfold.
Michael was going to die here, and that was the most comforting thought he had had in years.
For over 30 years, he had wandered like a corpse, battling ghosts and supernatural beings. Today, Michael would finally be able to rest.
Leaning back in his office chair, he patiently waited for the systems to shut down and the whole place to go up in flames. Everything was silent, except for the hum of the air conditioning.
Michael glanced at his wingman, Helpy, an animatronic he had built himself, using all the robotics knowledge he had acquired over the years. Unfortunately, he wasn't proud of inheriting that skill from William, but as long as he didn't use it to create murderous robots, he considered it acceptable.
He could hear static coming from the intercom in the hallway.
Wide-eyed, Michael realized that the time must have come.
Uncle Henry was finally putting an end to this. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Unfortunately, the voice that echoed wasn't Henry Emily's.
"You played right into our hands. Did you think that this job just fell out of the sky for you?"
No. This couldn't be.
It had to be some sick joke.
"No. This was a gift. For us. You gathered them all together, in one place. Just like he asked you to. All of those little souls, in one place. Just for us. A gift."
It was Scrap Baby's voice, clear as day.
Had she intercepted the entire building's system or just the intercom?
Had Elizabeth, his sister, done something to Henry?
Michael hoped not. Much of the plan relied on Henry; he had to initiate the fire to end this nightmare.
Michael had been battling three killer robots that thirsted for his blood. Only Charlie hadn't made a move against him. Blessed be her gentle soul.
If Henry died, then Michael would have to start the fire himself. The only problem was that he would have to go to Henry's room.
That wouldn't be so easy with three killer robots roaming around, and Michael was the only thing standing between them and the elevator, two rooms behind him.
"Now, we can do what we were created to do. And be complete. I will make you proud, Daddy."
Of course. It all came back to William Afton. Michael couldn't blame Elizabeth for this. AGONY corrupted her.
It always came back to that damn William Afton.
"Watch, listen, and be full."
Static again, this time louder. Michael had to cover his ears as the sound flickered.
And then it stopped.
"Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth. If you still even remember that name. But I'm afraid you've been misinformed."
Michael's tense shoulders relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. He didn't have to improvise once again to end this damn nightmare.
He was glad he didn't have to confront those killer robots face-to-face. Even with his ghostly powers, he wasn't sure if he could win. The rooms were too small for a full-blown battle.
Nevertheless, Michael didn't let his guard down and kept the Taser in his hand. With the modifications he had made, he could easily knock out an elephant.
He settled back more comfortably in his chair, feeling the heat of the fire beginning to intensify throughout the room.
His Remnant and AGONY trembled, warning him to escape the room. But Michael ignored his instincts for the second time in years.
The first time he ignored his instincts, he died in the Scooper Room. That's why he hadn't ignored them since.
But this time, Michael wanted to die. He was content with it. He was happy.
"You are not here to receive a gift. Nor have you been called here by the individual you assume. Although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here. Into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection, and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit. A maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped."
Metal doors closed, blocking any escape route for the killer robots, ensuring that none of them would get away.
Michael could escape, but he wouldn't.
This was his end. His destiny. He would finally cease to be an anomaly.
"Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles. Chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near. Yet somehow out of reach. But, you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends."
The fire was noticeable now. It crept up from below, slowly consuming the very walls. Michael could feel the metal inside his body starting to heat up.
Overwhelmed by the intense heat, he removed the white bear mask. Then he placed it beside the monitor that displayed the rising temperature, on top of his writing desk.
Michael felt no pain, and his sense of touch no longer worked, but he still felt uncomfortable. His Remnant was quivering from the fire.
"And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you. Although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be"
And he was. Henry understood.
Michael would have to thank Henry later if they happened to meet again.
Although Michael doubted it. All he could hope for was that Henry's soul would rest in peace. If anyone deserved to go to heaven, it was him.
Michael didn't believe he would go there. Most likely, he would go to hell for what he had done.
"I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors. Be still. And give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. As for most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps warmth, waiting for you after the smoke clears."
He could hear the faint screams of Molten Freddy and Scrap Baby echoing down some hallway in this damned labyrinth. The fire must have caught up to them.
If Charlie was still there, she made no sound. Michael suspected she had understood what was happening from the beginning.
"Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole. So, don't keep the Devil waiting, old friend"
And for the first time in many decades, Michael laughed. He was surprised he still had the capacity to do so.
But it seemed that part of his personality was still there, even if it was buried deep down.
He truly hoped William Afton would rot in hell and regret everything he had done to those poor souls.
He held no grudge against his father, but he hated the actions he had committed. He wondered if his father would never have become what he was today. Perhaps if Elizabeth had never died.
Who was he kidding? He was already a psychopath even before Elizabeth's death Otherwise, why create murderous robots?
Michael sighed; it wasn't worth thinking about.
"My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you in their arms, the way you lifted others into yours. And then, what became of you, I should have known, you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then."
The fire had completely engulfed the walls by this point. The intercom that was transmitting Henry's speech had caught fire, and Michael couldn't help but be surprised that it still sounded perfect.
It seemed like God himself wanted Henry to utter his final words.
And he did, as he spoke for the last time.
"So, let me save you now. It's time to rest, for you, and for those you have carried in your arms... This ends. For all of us. End communication."
And Michael closed his eyes. He was ready. Ready to die. Ready to end this. And ready to see his family again.
Sitting in his chair with his wingman, he waited for the fire to consume him completely.
Michael could feel his AGONY screaming in pain, but he ignored it. Embracing the flames happily.
Michael's last thought was wondering what his next life would be like before the flames consumed him entirely, and everything turned black.
Michael opened his eyes.
All he saw was a landscape of red and black. The sky and trees were red, the grass black. Not to mention the large blood-like lake.
Michael recognized where he was.
He didn't like it. Not one bit.
"Hello, Anomaly. I apologize for summoning you, but what I have to tell you is very important," a voice said.
Michael turned his head to meet the gaze of a creature resembling a giant alligator.
It was Old Man Consequences.
Michael frowned. It had been a long time since he was called by that name. Although he didn't like the name, he couldn't deny that it sounded mysterious and intimidating, so he let them call him that.
Michael raised an eyebrow, urging Old Man Consequences to continue.
"What's with your favoritism for staying silent?" Old Man complained.
"What's with you and your lousy sense for critical messages?" Michael retorted.
He didn't like talking; he didn't see the point when he was a walking corpse. Besides, staying silent made him seem more intimidating and cool.
Old Man sighed, smiling with amusement. "Point taken."
Seeing that Michael wasn't going to say anything, Old Man continued. "I know you thought you could rest, but your soul has still refused to move on despite your wishes," It commented.
"My soul?" Michael tilted his head, squinting his eyes.
"Yes. Your soul felt it, but your mind denied it. So you were inactive despite being active."
"Excuse me?" Michael didn't understand what Old Man was trying to tell him.
What did he mean by being active but also being inactive? Why did talking to Old Man Consequences give him a headache?
But there was something Old Man said that bothered Michael.
"Feel? Feel who?" he asked, hoping it wasn't referring to him.
"Him," Old Man Consequences looked at him gravely. "Your father, Michael."
Michael tensed. Anger began to fill his soul.
"What do you mean? My father was supposed to die in the trap we set for him. There was no way to escape. We made sure of that," Michael gritted his teeth in frustration. "The nightmare was supposed to end once and for all."
Old Man Consequences nodded. "And it would have. If not for Cassidy's intervention." Sounded like a disappointed father. "She grabbed his soul before it could reach where William would be punished. I tried to reason with her, but her hatred for William blinded her, and she created her hell for him. But in the end, he escaped her."
Cassidy? Wasn't she the girl who shared the Golden Freddy suit with Evan?
Michael had thought that she and his brother's souls had found rest when he burned down Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction. Along with the souls of the other missing children.
But it seemed he was mistaken. Despite the anger he felt at this shitty revelation, Michael was only concerned about one thing.
"What happened to my brother's soul?" Worry gnawed at him. He thought his brother had found peace. That was why he decided to die in that damn labyrinth.
But if there was a chance that Evan was still out there, then...
"Your brother's soul has been at rest for a long time. Just like your sister's and your mother's," Old Man Consequences assured him.
Michael sighed in relief, but something bothered him.
"My mother?" he furrowed his brow in confusion.
Old Man Consequences shook its head. "It doesn't matter." Old Man sighed. "Your father escaped into the Fazbear system and created a strange virus that took over the animatronics. We tried to stop him again, along with Cassidy and with the help of a brave child and his animatronic, who oddly enough was immune to the corruption. But in the end, something unexpected happened."
Michael furrowed his brow, not liking any of this story.
Why couldn't his father stay dead? Worst of all, his father had become a cheap copy of Marvel's Ultron, with his restriction limited to the Fazbear's Pizza network.
"What happened next?" Michael asked, his weariness seeping into his entire body.
It seems the world doesn't want to let him die in peace. If it weren't for that spoiled brat, William would be 100% dead, suffering whatever fate Old Man said awaited his father.
"Before William could die in the fire for the third time, he escaped through a path I cannot reach," Old Man commented.
That made Michael both surprised and worried. As far as he knew, Old Man Consequences could reach any soul anywhere in the world. So it was strange that he couldn't catch him.
He couldn't interfere with the mortal world, but once your soul no longer has any ties to the mortal realm, Old Man Consequences can easily hunt you down.
"I don't like where this conversation is going, Old," Michael frowned.
"Listen closely. I need your help to capture William. I need the anomaly's help," Old Man Consequences said seriously. "Perhaps I cannot interfere with this different mortal realm like ours, but you can."
"I see," Michael sighed before blinking, realizing what Old Man had said. "A different realm from ours? What do you mean?"
"Parallel to ours," Old Man Consequences clarified. "That's why I couldn't capture William's soul because he escaped to a world similar to ours."
"Are you talking about alternate universes?" Michael exclaimed in disbelief.
"You think ghosts are possible but not alternate worlds?" Old Man replied with amusement.
Michael didn't find the comment funny. He wasn't that skeptical after all the shit he had been through, but he could say he never thought something like that would exist.
"Whatever. Just do whatever you're going to do so I can end this shit once and for all and my stupid soul can finally rest," Michael said in an emotionless tone, weariness spreading throughout his body.
"I'm sure that once you finish, you won't want to rest," Old Man Consequences said.
Michael frowned, disgusted by the vague statement. "What do you mean by that?"
"Don't worry about it. Just two warnings before you go," Old Man commented as it looked up at the sky with narrowed eyes. "The situation I'm placing you in probably won't be to your liking, but it's the only way we can stop your father. And please don't be hostile towards the crow girl; she's an entity like me."
Michael Afton raised an unimpressed eyebrow but was mostly curious.
"What could be worse than being a corpse?" Michael rhetorically asked. "And don't worry, I don't want to anger an entity that can probably erase me from the face of the Earth."
Old Man chuckled. "She's not that bad. Anomaly, you just have to interact with her to find out." He commented. "Anyway, good luck, kiddo. And I apologize in advance for dragging you back into work."
Michael shook his head. "It's alright. This time, I will end my father once and for all. I promise, for all those souls he murdered."
Old Man nodded sadly. "I hope so, anomaly... I really do." Then it looked at Michael seriously. "Are you ready?"
"Just do it. Stop with the drama, Old," Michael replied impatiently.
Nodding, Old Man Consequences raised a clawed hand, and the bright red glow reflected on its face and skin. The slightly jagged tip barely touched his forehead. It felt like an ice pick being driven into his head, washing over him with its icy waters.
Michael could barely contain the shudder from the coldness that engulfed his entire SOUL.
In an instant, a white light covered the red, smelling of sunshine. Spirals traveled around his spectral body, twirling like springs.
Michael's eyes widened as he watched the spectacle of lights, stunned by the scene before him.
Old Man took a step back, wagging its tail. Then it jumped slightly. "Oh, almost forgot!"
Still impressed by the power Old Man Consequences was wielding, Michael simply hummed in acknowledgment.
"I'm going to bring someone to help you. They'll be far away from where I'll place you for a while. Although I can't tell you who."
Immediately, Michael raised his head to look Old Man in the eyes, surprised. "Huh?"
"It's for your own protection, you know?"
"Wait, I don't..."
"I know you can be angry at what she did, but don't hold anything against her, okay? She regrets what she did and promised not to cause any more trouble. So cut her some slack, alright?"
"...I need no one..."
"Ah. You won't have to worry about the language barrier. Anyway, save yourself the trips, Anomaly."
Without another moment to lose, the glow surrounding him sent him directly through the sky beneath him. A white and warm light pushed his body, propelling him to where the alligator was sending him.
Meanwhile, Michael's emotions ranged from sadness, anger, and determination to stop all this shit.
The first thing Michael noticed upon waking up was that he felt tired and a bit sore like shit, but what brought his mind fully online were the cries.
And not just any cries, but the cries of a baby.
Michael tried to open his eyelids but noticed that his eyelids and body felt weak and a bit numb.
He tried to speak, but he realized that one of the cries was coming involuntarily from him.
After a few moments of struggle, Michael finally managed to open his eyes, and what he saw surprised him.
"Oh, you finally opened your beautiful little eyes," it was a woman holding him. She had strands of purple hair and a bright, warm smile. Michael had honestly forgotten that such a smile existed. "And you were born with mama's genes. You should be proud," the stars in her eyes began to sparkle.
Michael tensed, confused about what the hell was going on.
His fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. He wasn't used to someone touching him, let alone a stranger in such an intimate way.
"So, you're a little late, huh?" the woman chuckled amicably as she playfully touched his nose, holding him in an embrace. "But Mama has no problem with that, Charoite."
What the hell was happening?
Michael looked at his arms in fear. They were baby arms.
Damn, baby arms. And worst of all, this woman was referring to him with a shitty name.
Didn't she know that's fuel for bullying?
Before his mind could attempt to rationalize this strange event, two figures caught his peripheral vision. He slowly turned his head toward the figures and was greeted by two babies looking at him with curiosity.
"Aquamarine, Ruby, look! Your little brother finally opened his eyes," the woman proudly proclaimed.
Michael stared at the two babies with wide eyes. His mind grasped what the unknown woman had just said.
Were these babies his siblings?
Michael felt the urge to vomit, but before anything else, one thought stood out in his mind.
Author's Note: Well here I bring you a new fanfic that I wanted to write.
that's why you have to give me all the stones of power you have, so that the story continues.
It depends on how supported and commented the story is; that will determine the amount of time I dedicate to it. Additionally, for those who don't know, my native language is Spanish. Originally, I wasn't going to publish this here, but I want to conduct an experiment.
This can help with my creativity, but I'm also testing the translation capabilities of artificial intelligence. I would like you to comment on the quality of the writing in this chapter, which was translated by artificial intelligence and edited by Grammarly.
This artificial intelligence saved me about 5 hours that I would have spent translating and making the words make sense. Not to mention having to fix numerous errors with personal pronouns since translations often confuse "his" with "her" or vice versa.
I only had to correct the pronouns for Old Man and change them to "its," as the AI detected it as a male, but other than that, my intervention wasn't necessary. If the story is readable, then I can save many hours in translation and bring much longer chapters.