We followed Dark Star until the arena the sight there was shocking, there were few people watching in the grandstand, in the arena, Angelo was attacking a small child and the shocking part was that no matter how or with how much power Angelo attacked the child didn't even move she was just standing there destruction all around her but in five meters near her not even one grain of sand was out of place.
Even Inchel was surprised by the scene he didn't demonstrate clearly but his eyes betrayed him, it was fixated as he was recording everything happening in the arena.
Dark Star: "It seems that Angelo really is adapting to his new powers."
That phrase it seemed that shocked Inchel even more even his mouth did a slight move. We walked downstairs till the arena and up close the scene was even more shocking you could see better the degree of destruction caused by what it looks like done by Angelo alone, because the child wasn't moving, Angelo was giving an amazing demonstration of power and I was wondering if I could be powerful like that one day, the demonstration continued for a while until Dark Star shouted.
Dark Star: "Samantha pause it for a while, there is someone that you need to meet."
Right after he talked she was gone, it was like she disappeared and reappeared right in front of us, the first thing she does is hug Dark Star and I noticed that she is really small, her head only go to his belly and she is wearing an onefold white dress that makes her look even more like a child than she talks.
Samantha: "Hey, what's up with the weird-looking elf?"
The look of shock is clearly stamped on his face, it goes on Dark Star clearly knowing why he was shocked by the smile in corner of his mouth then he starts talking.
Dark Star: "Sam this is Inchel, the elf representative of the council that's gonna evaluate if we can do what we promise in exchange for clearing the bounty on Viper's head, Inchel this is Samantha."
Inchel gets out of the shock and starts talking lively.
Inchel: "Wait, this is the Samantha as in fog Samantha the demi-goddess daughter of Poseidon with Medusa."
He presents himself to her in the noblest way.
Inchel: "It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Inchel a member of the elf council."
He then turns to Dark Star completely forgetting the composure that he was maintaining until now.
Inchel: "I thought that all the children of Poseidon are only allowed to leave Atlantis in official mission, how did you manage to make her join you?"
Dark Star: "It was her choice as a payment for a mission."
Inchel: "So that is what she received in the great exorcism, you received this dimension, Viper received her life, I can only imagine the difficulty of the mission that you were sent to but based on the rewards it was at least SS if not more."
I feel the room getting colder then I look around to see were this cold is coming from and everything is white when I move a little I realize that there was a thick fog covering everything around me I can barely see my hand even moving close to my face when I start to despair I heard a voice.
Dark Star: "Samantha."
Just that word made all of the fog disappear and when I look around it wasn't just me that got scared, Inchel was ready for combat with his swords in hand, he stays like that for a while then he seems to realize what happened and put the swords back on the scabbards and do a light bow.
Inchel: "I apologize if I been impolite or offended you in any way Samantha it was not my intention."
Samantha doesn't even look at him she just looks at Dark Star saying that she got to return to Angelo's training and leaves, Dark Star then looks at Inchel before talking.
Dark Star: "Don't worry she probably won't even remember you tomorrow, but I would avoid bringing that mission up near her in the future, now let's meet De La Vega."
We leave back at the place that we came then Dark Star says.
Dark Star: "De La Vega it's your turn to introduce yourself, you will come here or take us to you?"
I don't even have time to process what he said before I realize we were already in a different place It looks like a command center of a submarine but it doesn't look cold and old like it's more advanced like futuristic spaceship panels scattered across the room with De La Vega taking his hand of the panel and tecnomarks on his face is glowing a little.
Dark Star: "Inchel this is De La Vega a tecnopath."
Inchel: "You are really lucky to come across one of them so soon most of the organizations do not have someone with this kind of power yet."
De La Vega: "I'm kind of busy right now so ... bye"
And just like that we back at the corridor.
Dark Star: "I'm sorry about this, he had been away for a while so I had to take over his responsibility and I may have changed some of the setups that he made out of convenience. So let's meet Barbie and Lucy they must be in the garden if we are lucky we might meet Phantom there too."
We left for the garden and the sight there was magnificent, this was the place the more showed magical views the garden have all kind of flowers some I never saw before, there were fairies, brownies, pixies and small bugs flying all over it only lacked a rainbow to make the view complete.
After dazing out for a while I followed after Dark Star and Inchel and I caught up just in time to see the meeting.