Lou slowly open his eyes, the first thing he see is the white ceiling of his room and the comfortable bed that he is lying in right now.
Lou now remembers where he met Shouko and why his body automatically ran when he see that stun gun.
He also knows why he doesn't have any memory of that girl, he can't remember him not because he is too young at that time, but he actually traumatized by him.
"So you're already awake…" Lou suddenly heard a voice beside him.
Lou mechanically turn at him and sees Shouko's expressionless face.
Lou wry smiles at him, he don't know how to handle this kind of girl, YES she is beautiful, but NO because she is a big yandere.
"Do you remember me now… " She asked.
Lou wanted to shake his head but his body automatically nodded.
Lou thought,' What a bull**** body. This body is traumatized by this girl, I can't even reject him or disobey.'
Shouko slightly smiled and said," That's good…. we can now go to the marriage office and get married for real.... "
Lou hurry shook his dead, what married Lou still didn't want to die. There's a bunch of girls still waiting for him.
Shouko looked at him attentively and said,"... another girl?"
Lou hurriedly shook his head.
"... Not only one but they are two of them….. " Shouko said.
Lou nervously asked," How did you know?"
"I can see it clearly from both of your classmates that they like you, and the way you speak, I know you really did it.... " Shouko said.
"I also know that you have a bunch of fiancees that your grandfather pick for you,"
"I also know that you promised two little girls to make them as your mistress….. "
Lou starts to get nervous and afraid at the same time, this girl know him well, from the girls that she likes to the promise he made to the little girls.
Shouko stans and start to crawl in the bed, Lou want to escape only to see his arm and legs are bound by him again.
"What are you doing," Lou scared asked.
Shouko mount Lou, she said," I want to get your baby before them.... "
"What!" Lou was shocked.
Lou is 100% pervert but he is still not ready to have a child, not only that, he is not ready yet to have a yandere wife.
If this really is going to happen, he's going to train this girl to remove her yandere tendency.
Lou hurry said," No please don't do that, I will give whatever you want!"
"Relay?" Shouko said.
Lou nodded," Yes"
"Then give me your seed," Shouko said and start to undress.
White chest, flawless skin, beautiful face and silky hair, even Shouko only wear her underwear. Lou cant help to mesmerized
"Beautiful?" Shouko asked.
"...Beautiful-" Lou replied.
"No not that... We should not do this! We are still young so don't!!"
"NO!! Don't take my pants off, you pervert girl!"
After a few minutes, Lou naked while bound in the bed. He looks like a rape victim again begging for mercy.
Lou said," We cant really do this"
"I'm not ready yet"
"But I'm already ready"
( Writer: I'm ready too ~ )
"No you can't, you are still young and me too, there are tons of fun things we can do before starting a family," Lou said.
"Like what?" Shouko asked.
"Like experiencing a date, eating outside, watching a movie together, going out like an ordinary couple," Lou said.
"But we can do that after this," Shouko said.
"What will happen in the future then? You going to date while your belly is bulging?" Lou asked.
Shouko through," You are right, if I go in a date with you while I'm pregnant i can't wear my favorite clothing"
Lou feel stupid somehow, this girl in know a genius and intellectual student, but when it comes to him she started to become an idiot.
Shouko sadly said," But…. I have already waited for you for 11 years, 4 months, 3 days, 3 hours, 41 minutes and 43 seconds…. "
Lou thought,' How smart, she even knows the day, month, and time when we last meet.'
"Why not remove my tie first, let's talk about this like civilized people," Lou said.
Shouko said,"... You're not going to run right?"
Lou shook his head," No"
Shouko then removes her ability from him.
Lou helpless sighs, he don't know how to change her personality and become a normal lady.
Shouko said," Then…. how are you going to repay me from waiting for you…?"
Lou asked," Then what do you want ...…. except from my seed and a baby"
"Tsk" Shouko
Lou helplessly grabs her shoulder and gives him a deep kiss, opening her teeth and playing her tongue.
After that Lou stopped kissing him, he said," Now don't get angry okay?"
Shouko's face is red, she look at Lou and shyly nod her head.
this stupid mc, the girl already said that she is already ready.
XD one nod and he will get a pure yandere wife
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