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96.29% Anime God / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Plans

Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Plans

Hey Nouflexian people! I'd love it if you could leave a review for my book. Your feedback a lot, and it really helps me get a sense of how it's doing and get a general rating for the book. Plus, any criticism you have will help me improve my writing and create even better chapters/stories in the future. Thanks a bunch! 🙏❤️

Here is a long chapter for y'all to enjoy, have fun!

Word count: 2550


Nouflex sat back on the edge of the bed, spinning his blindfold around his finger.

Toga stood before him, her wide smile and constant blush painted across her face. It would've been unsettling for anyone, but Nouflex thought that it was part of her charm.

'I wonder how she would interact with Ayanokoji.' The idea of seeing the over-excited Toga meet the too cold and boring Ayanokoji would be fun.

He could feel her gaze on him, her twisted excitement lingering in the air. However, he had a question he suddenly thought of for the system.

'System.' Nouflex called out within his mind. 'I need to know something. My summons… Do they have unlimited lifespans like I do? What happens to them if they die?'

[Once summoned, your summons become part of this world. This means they follow the natural rules of the world, including lifespan.]

[If you summon a human, they will live their normal lifespan, around 60 to 80 years, depending on their health.]

[If you summon an elf or a creature with a longer lifespan, they will live up to 300 or 400 years, as is natural for them.]

Nouflex nodded slightly. It made sense. It means if he summoned an immortal character like Ban, then he would live forever. But his second question was more crucial, especially considering the dangerous missions he would undertake in the future.

'And if they die?' he asked, wanting to cover all his bases. 'What happens to them then?'

[If a summon dies or is killed, their body remains in this world. It becomes a normal part of it. The host can do whatever he wishes with their remains, bury them, burn them, or even sell them. They all belong to the host after all.]

Nouflex's expression remained neutral, but inwardly he took note of this. 

He felt that this was a good time to ask questions. 'System, you mentioned something about a world influence gauge during the update. What is that exactly?'

[Correct, host. The World Influence Gauge is a new function introduced with the recent update.]

[It measures the level of impact the host has on the current world, in all ways possible. The more influence you hold, the more the world is shaped by your actions and decisions.]

[Every 5% the host gets from influencing the world, you get a reward from the system. The higher the percentage is, the greater the reward becomes.]

Nouflex raised an eyebrow, intrigued. 'Interesting. So, what exactly contributes to my influence?'

"[The host's influence is determined by key factors such as holding positions of power (either you or your summons), increasing popularity, forming powerful alliances, shaping economies or political landscapes, and making significant contributions to major world events]

[For example, the banking system you introduced, the relationships you've forged with Felix, and your rise as a powerful adventurer all contribute to your influence]

Nouflex nodded, his curiosity piqued even further. 'Show me my current influence gauge.'

The system paused for a moment, calculating, before displaying the result.

[Current World Influence Gauge: 0.86%]

[Note: This percentage represents your overall impact on the world. With further significant actions, such as controlling major institutions or completing world-altering missions, this gauge will increase. Once you reach higher influence levels, you can expect even greater recognition, authority, and the ability to sway global events.]"

Nouflex took in the information with a satisfied nod. 'So, I'm at 0.86%, huh? I'll have to work on getting that higher.

After receiving this information, he turned his attention back to Toga, who had been waiting all this time, her smile still unwavering.

"Now Toga, you are going to be useful to me, but in order to make full use of you I'm going to need you to lay low. No one has to know about your existence, except your other fellow summons."

"Alrighty~ Super invisible Toga mode activated." She was moving her arms everywhere around.

"Haha, You can stay in the basement alongside Ringo, she fixed the whole place there. It should be good." This cute thing made me chuckle.

"Yes, Siiir~" Toga did a military salute as she went on leaving the room, making her way to the basement.

As Nouflex was pondering over his influence gauge and how to increase it, a new set of notifications from the system appeared in his mind:

[New Main Missions Available:

Participate in the dragon mission.

Reach a world influence of 5%.

Annihilate the Shadow Guild.

Become a King.]

Nouflex raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why aren't the mission rewards showing?" He asked, both to himself and the system.

[Due to the recent update, the host's main missions will no longer display fixed rewards beforehand. The system will instead reward the host based on performance.]

[This means the better you perform, the greater the reward. Only generated missions will now display their rewards in advance.]

Nouflex nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting... so I need to give my best in each main mission if I want to maximize the benefits." He thought about it for a while, his hand on his chin. "It's a win-win situation but this changes everything.'

As Nouflex lay on the bed, his mind raced. He had initially intended to avoid the dragon mission, delegating it to his summons. Becoming king wasn't even on his immediate radar. It was something for the future, a few years down the line. And what about this shadow guild, he never heard about it.

But now, with the system's update and the prospect of rewards tied directly to his performance, he couldn't afford to stick to the original plan.

'These rewards... they could be far greater than I imagined.' Nouflex thought to himself, his eyes narrowing. The dragon mission now felt like an opportunity rather than a burden.

Even the idea of becoming king, something he had set aside for later, began to seem like a tangible goal, one that needed to be fast-tracked.

Nouflex sat up, mentally piecing together a plan. He factored in his new powers, his summons, and the political landscape he was already manipulating, he even included his newest addition, Toga in his calculations. Fifteen minutes passed, and a solid strategy formed in his mind. But there was one person who needed to understand this plan in full, Ayanokoji.

With a subtle nod to himself, Nouflex decided to summon his genius companion. He used his ability to teleport and, within a blink, appeared in a private room where Ayanokoji was training.

Ayanokoji, as usual, was composed and observant, immediately noticing Nouflex's arrival. "You have a plan." He said, his eyes cold but curious.

"I do." Nouflex replied, stepping closer. "I wasn't going to participate in the dragon mission myself. I had intended to send you and Fubuki, each working independently to grow your reputations. But things have changed. The system has introduced new main missions for me, and they're far too valuable to pass up."

Nouflex continued, his tone steady, yet purposeful. "So, here's how we're going to play it."

Ayanokoji's eyes flicked over, signaling his attention. Nouflex continued, laying out the strategy with precision.

"First off, we'll all participate, me, you, and Fubuki. But we act as if we don't know each other. Each one of us has to perform feats that will elevate our reputations. You understand what this means for all of us, right?" Nouflex leaned back slightly, watching Ayanokoji closely.

Ayanokoji nodded slowly, still expressionless. "More individual achievements on the battlefield."

"Exactly." Nouflex affirmed. "Now, for the key part. The First Prince, the military general, will be on that battlefield. Do you have any information about him?"

"I've got a reliable source that tells me he's important, ambitious... Way ambitious for his own good. He wants the throne as soon as possible." Ayanokoji said.

"Good, what we need to do is engineer a situation where his life is at risk. A situation that looks genuine." Nouflex's voice lowered conspiratorially.

"And you want me to make that happen." Ayanokoji said, without a trace of emotion.

"Yes." Nouflex replied. "But it has to be subtle. A slip in the defenses, a lapse in judgment, whatever it takes to create an opening where the prince is isolated and in real danger. At that moment, I'll step in and save him. Publicly, dramatically.

The prince will owe me his life, and that debt is something I plan to use later on. I will even go as far as to throw all of my cards to show just how strong and superior I am compared to other adventurers."

Nouflex paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. Ayanokoji's expression didn't change, but Nouflex knew he was listening carefully.

"Once the mission is completed, the king will hold a banquet, as he always does after a major success. He'll invite us all, the adventurers, the noble houses, even me. By then, the First Prince will be singing my praises, trying to recruit me for his own purposes. But here's the twist." Nouflex smirked.

"During the banquet, Felix will publicly show his support for me. No one knows about my relationship with Felix, not even the king. It'll come as a surprise."

A flicker of understanding passed through Ayanokoji's eyes, as Nouflex continued, "Felix's reputation with the king is solid, especially after the profits the bank project has brought to the kingdom. The king will trust his judgment and would want to keep a good relationship with Felix so he will consider his words, and when this happens, the king himself will try to recruit me."

Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a rare sign of interest. "And this creates a conflict with the First Prince, correct?"

"Exactly." Nouflex responded, his tone triumphant. "The First Prince would have already tried to recruit me, but once the king steps in, the dynamics change. There'll be tension between the two, each trying to claim me as their own asset."

For a moment, silence filled the room as Nouflex let the gravity of his plan settle in. Ayanokoji straightened, stepping closer, his arms now crossed in front of his chest.

"And what happens after? Once you've created this rift between the king and his son?"

Nouflex smiled faintly. "Simple, I will work for the king under the pretext that he offered me a better deal, the prince wanted me first, but the king won the race."

Ayanokoji closed his eyes for a brief moment, processing everything Nouflex had laid out, and then he crossed his arms. "The plan is solid, but we need to consider Lana Rose." He took a short pause, then he continued.

"Her movements could complicate things, she's probably already suspicious of you. There is no way she knows you have some sort of ability concerning us and lets you be. Especially if you show all of your abilities like you said you intend to do. If she decides to intervene or starts investigating your connection to Felix, it could cause problems."

As Ayanokoji voiced his concerns about Lana Rose, Nouflex paused, his expression thoughtful before he leaned forward, addressing the issue head-on.

"Lana Rose is an obstacle, yes, but I've already planned for her. You see, there's something else I'll do during the dragon mission. Something that's going to trigger her response, making her act in exactly the way I need her to."

Ayanokoji listened intently, knowing there was always more to Nouflex's plans than initially revealed, then Nouflex continued.

"During the battle with the dragon, I'll create a dangerous situation for myself. A life-threatening one. Normally, anyone else would hesitate, but for me? You might not know about it yet but I'm immortal now. I can take that risk.

While everyone thinks I'm in danger, Ringo will be at Felix's mansion, ready to fire advanced missiles straight at the dragon. The technology I've had her develop will make a serious impact, both on the dragon and on anyone watching."

A smirk crossed his face. "The other adventurers will likely think it's some kind of ability or magic I possess, but Lana Rose... she's from the same world as us. The moment she hears about this, she'll realize that what I used isn't magic. It's technology far beyond what this world has seen.

She's been keeping an eye on me for a while now, she thinks I did not see the agents she sends to spy on me, trying to subtly monitor my actions. But after this? She'll see me as a real threat. A threat to the balance of power, a threat to the entire system she made and controls."

Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow slightly. "And you want her to make a big non-calculated move against you?"

"Exactly." Nouflex nodded, his voice darkening. "Because the moment she does, it'll give me the perfect excuse to take her out of the game permanently. She'll see me as her enemy, and when she does, she'll make her first misstep. That's when I'll strike."

Nouflex stood up, pacing slightly as he laid out the next phase. "Once Lana moves against me, I'll capture her. She'll be thrown into an underground prison, where I'll keep her alive.."

Ayanokoji's eyes narrowed slightly, intrigued. "And the adventurer's guild? She has a lot of connections, I mean, anyone who lived for more than 600 years would have many allies."

Nouflex smiled, the coldness in his expression chilling. "That's my newest summon comes in. Summoning her is what made me create this plan for Lana. She'll shapeshift into Lana, taking her place, and acting as if nothing happened. The guild will continue to function as normal, with Toga pulling the strings as Lana while going under my very own agenda. No one will suspect a thing."

He stopped pacing and turned to face Ayanokoji directly. "With Toga in control, the guild will be in my hands. Every mission, every adventurer, every resource, it will all flow through me. We'll have the guild, the adventurers, and eventually the kingdom itself."

Ayanokoji crossed his arms, contemplating the plan. "It's ambitious. But what happens if the plan fails?"

"If it fails, we are cooked." Shamelessly said Nouflex.

"But don't worry It won't." Nouflex said confidently, his tone absolute. Then his tone turned into a playful one "Come one, cheer up buddy. Be more positive."

Ayanokoji tilted his head slightly, a sign of quiet approval. "I see. In that case, I'll handle the situation with the prince. Make sure it looks real, then I will assist with whatever comes later."

"Good," Nouflex said, standing up and offering his hand. "Then let's make this happen."

Ayanokoji took Nouflex's hand briefly making a bro's hand shake before releasing it.

The plan was set, and there was no turning back now. The Dragon mission would be his first step in shifting the power dynamics of the kingdom, exactly the kind of game that Nouflex wanted.



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