/ Sci-fi / Angelic Symbols

Angelic Symbols Original

Angelic Symbols

Sci-fi 13 Chapters 6.7K Views
Author: Goodnight_Reads

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After a man clones a child named Persona to simply win back the ex he abused -- by showing his angel the clone of her -- She denies the offer, and the child is discarded in a dump alone by the traumatized victim.

Once the child's birth mother, Cara, & stepfather, Tony, find out, they raise hell and bring the child back, only for the woman, Lina, to get angry and sue them for having the child without her consent.

Persona didn't know how to deal with the most adult affairs imaginable, so Persona deviated. She chose to get married to another 12-year-old; he was a boy her age. His name was Philip.

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