/ 奇幻 / Angel Fall's The Fate of Man

Angel Fall's The Fate of Man Original

Angel Fall's The Fate of Man

奇幻 26 Chapters 18.6K Views
Author: Angel_Man

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Something I came up with after playing too much Total War: Warhammer 3.

This story contains other elements also. Things from the real world and fantasy, like star wars and diablo. And maybe Halo as well later on. But mostly inspired by Warhammer and games I play. Can you guess what games?

Also small warning: This story is pretty dark and messed up at first. But it gets better later on I promise. Like, maybe after 40 chapters or so. The First part of this, hopefully long series of books set in this world is just an introduction to the world and its setting. The angels will fall later, Literally.

My hope is to write this series for a long time. For such a long time, that eventually the world will leave behind swords and pick up guns. And later on, humanity will move to the stars and take what is rightfully theirs. By whos right? Well, their gods given right.

(Story setting & small spoilers)

Thousands of years ago humanity was on the brink of extinction, It was called the Age of Darkness. Humans hid in the forests, in the highlands and in great walled cities. There they lay isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. The world between the cities was ruled by the many creatures of darkness, that hunted and feasted on the humans living flesh. But one day all of this changed, with the coming of the yellow comet. He had arrived, Sighard had come. With a hammer in hand and Gryphon as his mount, he unified the Western world and beat back the creatures of darkness. For a hundred years, he ruled. This was the age of Sighard. During this time humanity left their hiding places and settled the plains. There they created mighty farms and cities to feed the ever-growing population.

Now it is the year 1050 after Sighard, as it is called. Rumors of the great darkness returning have started to spread. Warning of its return back into the land, threatening to destroy the past 1050 years of human progress.

There is off course more to this world but that's a secret. ;)

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10/10 World building and story. Though it's quite dark but gets better later on. I recommend to all lovers of Fantasy and villains. [img=update]

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Author Angel_Man