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69.36% An Unordinary Extra / Chapter 74: Temple of Enlightenment

Chapter 74: Temple of Enlightenment

After we returned to the hotel from the Alchemy Tower, it was time for me to head to the temple.

I broke away from the group with Jin and made my way to Professor Nero. He was standing near the entrance, overseeing the students as they dispersed for their free time.

"Professor," I called out, capturing his attention.

"Yes, Arthur?" he responded, his usually stoic face showing a hint of curiosity.

"I'd like to visit the temple with Jin," I said, gesturing to Jin beside me, who gave a brief nod.

Nero's expression softened into a smile. "Sure, you're free to do as you wish for the rest of the day. Just be back in time for the evening assembly."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, appreciating the leniency.

We turned and headed out, the hotel's ornate lobby giving way to the bustling streets of Nimran. The city's energy was infectious, with vendors calling out their wares and people moving with purpose. The sun was beginning to dip, casting a warm, golden hue over everything.

As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the intricate details of the architecture around us. Nimran was a city rich in history, and its buildings reflected that. Ancient stone structures stood side by side with modern glass edifices, creating a striking contrast.

"So, the temple," Jin said, breaking the silence. "What do you hope to find there?"

"Answers, maybe," I replied, my gaze fixed ahead. "Or perhaps just a sense of direction."

Jin nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Well, let's hope it provides what you're looking for."

We continued walking, the noise of the city fading slightly as we approached the outskirts where the temple was located. The streets became narrower and the buildings older, each one telling a story of its own. Finally, the temple came into view, its ancient stone façade standing majestically against the backdrop of the setting sun.

"Here we are," I said, feeling a mix of anticipation and reverence. "Let's see what this place holds for me."

The temple's entrance opened into a vast hall, its ceiling soaring high above, supported by rows of massive stone pillars. Each pillar was adorned with intricate carvings, depicting legendary battles, celestial beings, and mystical creatures from an age long past. The carvings seemed to come alive in the shifting light, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

The air inside was cool and carried a faint scent of incense, mingled with the earthy aroma of ancient stone. The soft hum of distant chanting could be heard, adding a layer of reverence to the atmosphere. The floor beneath our feet was made of smooth, polished stone, cool to the touch and echoing slightly with each step we took.

Golden rays of sunlight filtered through narrow, high windows, creating patterns of light and shadow on the floor. These beams illuminated the dust motes in the air, making them look like tiny, floating stars.

In the center of the hall, a large, circular mosaic was inlaid into the floor. It depicted a celestial map, with constellations and mystical symbols radiating from a central point. The craftsmanship was exquisite, each tiny tile perfectly placed to create a stunning, unified image.

Candles were placed throughout the hall, their flames flickering gently, casting a warm, inviting glow. The soft light they emitted added to the sense of tranquility and reverence that pervaded the space.

"Quite the place," Jin murmured, his eyes wide as he took in the surroundings. The usual stoicism in his voice was replaced by genuine awe.

"Yeah," I agreed, my gaze sweeping over the ancient architecture. "Let's explore and find what we came for."

We walked further into the temple, our footsteps echoing softly. The deeper we ventured, the more the ambient sounds of the outside world faded away, replaced by the serene silence of the temple. The walls seemed to close in slightly, creating a sense of intimacy and focus.

As I reached the center of the hall, a sudden mental transmission from Luna startled me: 'Stop!'

An urgent sense of caution pricked at my mind through our mental connection.

I immediately raised my hand, placing it firmly on Jin's chest, signaling him to stay behind me and outside of the circular mosaic.

I glanced upward at the constellations depicted on the ceiling once again, my brows furrowing and eyes narrowing. The idea of constellations had always seemed absurd to me. They were merely groups of stars that appeared close together from Earth's perspective, but in reality, they were light-years apart and had no real connection.

Astrology, numerology, and all those pseudo-scientific attempts to explain and foresee one's fate always seemed ridiculous to me. This belief persisted even though I had been transmigrated into this world, a world steeped in magic.

The ceiling was a masterpiece, a swirling array of stars and symbols meticulously crafted to represent the heavens. The stars seemed to twinkle with an ethereal light, making the mosaic below shimmer in response. The constellations, arranged in intricate patterns, felt almost alive under the temple's ambient glow.

Despite the enchantment of the scene, my skepticism about astrology remained unshaken. The stars above might hold significance in this world of magic, but to me, they were just distant balls of gas, vast and indifferent to human affairs.

What caught my attention next was the mana around us.

It wasn't just moving.

It was trembling.

Mana itself was trembling, like a child facing a monster that had sprung from beneath its bed.

Instantly, my body was engulfed in a surge of magical energy as I activated Lucent Harmony. Luna's sigils appeared, glowing and pulsating with power as they draped my arms and neck.

The world around me seemed to sharpen, as if I had put on glasses for the first time. I could see the mana particles much more clearly now.

They were trembling.


The entire hall seemed to resonate with this trembling mana, the air thick with tension. The intricate designs of the mosaic on the floor seemed to pulse in sync with the trembling particles, creating a visual symphony of light and magic.

I scanned the room, my enhanced senses picking up the faint hum of an unseen force. The constellations above, which once seemed static and decorative, now glowed with a vibrant, almost intimidating energy. Their light cast intricate shadows that danced across the floor, adding to the sense of an impending revelation.

Jin stood behind me, his eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "Arthur, what's happening?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"The mana... it's trembling," I replied, my own voice steady despite the mounting tension. "Something's not right."

Theories about mana are far from complete, with much still to be understood. However, what I was witnessing was a phenomenon even <Radiant>-rankers could not easily replicate.

This wasn't something that had ever happened in the <<Saga of the Divine Swordsman>>. Even the Martial King, one of the most powerful beings, couldn't make mana tremble like this.

How was this possible?

Was there a being more powerful than the Martial King entering the world? The Demon Overlord was a likely candidate, but he used black mana, which was entirely different from what I was sensing now.

The trembling mana carried a weight of ironclad absoluteness, a dominance over the very essence of magic. Shivers cascaded down my spine—not from fear, but from sheer awe.

This was power. The kind of power I needed to survive in this world.

'Is this what the temple wanted to show me?' I wondered. 'The level of power I need to achieve in the future?'

Suddenly, the mana particles swirled around my body, enveloping me in a shimmering, almost tangible aura. I instinctively tried to resist, but Luna's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to stop.

"Do not resist this, Arthur! This is good for you!"

"Are you sure?" I questioned, hesitating for a moment before relinquishing my resistance.

As I did, the mana surged over me, embedding itself into my very being. It wasn't following the usual paths, avoiding my body's natural mana channels and instead coursing through me in a chaotic, unstructured flow. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

Suddenly, a searing pain erupted throughout my body, causing me to collapse to the ground. A scream tore from my lips as it felt like thousands of steel needles were piercing every pore of my skin.

The world around me blurred as the pain intensified. The golden radiance of the temple seemed to grow brighter, almost blinding, as the mana continued its relentless invasion. Each pulse felt like a hammer blow, pounding against my bones and muscles, reshaping something fundamental within me.

Through the haze of agony, I could vaguely hear Jin's panicked voice. "Arthur! What's happening to you?"

I couldn't respond, my mind overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the sensation. The pain was excruciating, but beneath it, I sensed a profound transformation taking place. The mana was not merely purifying or reinforcing—it was fundamentally altering me, embedding its essence deep into my core.

My vision swam with colors, the temple's walls pulsating in sync with the mana's rhythm. Each breath I took felt like inhaling liquid fire, burning and purging simultaneously.

As the waves of pain ebbed and flowed, I clung to Luna's assurance. There had to be a purpose to this torment, a reason for this trial. The mana's power was immense, and enduring this ordeal meant tapping into something beyond my current understanding.

Minutes stretched into an eternity as the mana continued its relentless assault. I felt my consciousness teeter on the edge, but I held on, driven by a desperate determination to see this through.

Gradually, the intensity began to lessen. The stabbing pain dulled to a throbbing ache, and the mana's chaotic flow started to stabilize. I could feel it now, a deep, resonant energy settling within me, intertwining with my own essence.

Finally, the pain subsided, leaving me gasping on the temple floor, drenched in sweat. Every muscle in my body trembled from the ordeal, and I felt utterly drained.

Yet, there was no change to my body at all.

'What the hell?' I screamed internally.

What was the point of enduring so much pain for no apparent reward?

Jin's cold expression softened as he saw my frustration.

"This was useless," I muttered, pushing myself to my feet. My legs wobbled slightly from the intense pain that had just coursed through my veins, but I forced myself to stand tall. I could feel Luna's regret permeating through our mental connection.

'Arthur...' she began, her voice tinged with remorse.

She knew it too. Nothing seemed to have changed.

I trudged out of the temple, feeling the weight of disappointment pressing down on me. The golden radiance that had once seemed so mystical now felt like a cruel mockery. The temple's grand arches and intricate mosaics blurred in my vision as I made my way down the sunlit steps.

The air outside felt crisp and cool against my skin, a stark contrast to the oppressive atmosphere inside. Jin followed silently, his usual aloof demeanor now tinged with concern.

"Arthur," he said softly, breaking the silence. "Are you sure nothing happened?"

I shook my head, clenching my fists in frustration. "It felt like it was for nothing, Jin. All that pain... for what?"

He didn't have an answer, and I didn't expect one. The walk back to the hotel felt longer than it should have, each step a reminder of the ordeal I'd just endured.

Luna's silence was almost palpable, her usual presence now a heavy burden. I knew she felt my disappointment, and perhaps shared it. But there was nothing more to be done. I had to move forward, regardless of the setback.

As we approached the hotel, the familiar sights and sounds of the bustling city began to ground me once more. I took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering frustration.

"Let's just get some rest," I said to Jin, my voice weary. "We'll figure out the next steps tomorrow."

He nodded, and we made our way inside. The day had been long and grueling, and all I wanted now was to collapse into bed and let the exhaustion take over.

"You have to duel Ren," Jin reminded me.

"I will after resting," I replied as I waved my hand to him before getting inside my room and collapsing on my bed.

Today was one of the worst days of my life.

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