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33.33% An Unexpected Kiss / Chapter 15: American Frontier - Chapter 6

Chapter 15: American Frontier - Chapter 6

Parker's work dragged by the next day. He was so excited for his time with Missy that he was basically counting down the minutes. It didn't help that business was slow, as usual for a Thursday. Finally, the clock struck 5 and he flipped the sign to 'closed'. Locking the doors, he strode down the street to the Taylors' house.

It was a rather rundown little house with peeling white paint and a few missing shingles. But the yard was clean and well-kept.

Parker knocked on the door and it was opened almost immediately. Missy invited him to come into a tidy sitting room. "I just need to finish setting out Father's dinner and a note so he won't worry if I don't get home before he does," she explained as she invited him to have a seat and disappeared back through a doorway.

While he waited, Parker examined his surroundings. Like the outside, the inside was a little beat up, but clean and neat. He expected Missy was the one who kept the room looking so nice, in spite of the threadbare couch and the scratched side tables.

A pretty painting hung on the wall opposite the window. With the couch positioned in front of the window, Parker was able to sit and enjoy the painting. It wasn't an artist he recognized and he wondered if Missy was a painter. She hadn't mentioned anything, but they hadn't had time to delve into such details as hobbies and dreams.

When Missy swept back into the room in a pretty pink dress, he caught a delicious whiff of food. From the smell, he would guess that she was an excellent cook.

He stood and walked with her to the front door. Once they were outside, he tucked her small arm into his and began leading her towards the woods.

"I want to spend time getting to know you without the eyes of the whole town on us," he explained as they walked. "I don't want you to feel stuck with me if you find that you don't like me after a longer acquaintance."

"I don't think there's any danger of that," she said softly.

Parker chuckled. "Well, you never know what you might learn about someone as you get to know them."

Missy frowned but didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you worried that you won't like me when you get to know me?"

"Of course not!" Parker hadn't even considered that possibility. Now that he did, he knew it wasn't going to happen. Though he hadn't known her for long, he could feel that she was a good, kind person.

"Then we have nothing to fear. I already know you far better than you know me."

"But we haven't ever spent time together."

"I think you can learn quite a bit about someone, possibly even more than you can through conversation, by observing their private choices."

"And you've observed mine?" Parker was surprised and wondered what she had noticed about him.

"Yes. You're so kind to others. You spend time with the children whose fathers are busy in the mines and help the elderly. You're always willing to give your time to others."

Parker shook his head. "How have you seen so much of me without me even knowing you were there?"

"I'm quiet. I don't stand out."

He decided to drop the subject. He could tell she didn't enjoy being reminded that he had not noticed her in three years of living in the same town, attending the same church, and seeing the same people.

"So tell me about you. You said you were born here. What was it like growing up in Landerville? Are you close to your family?"

She began to talk to him about her happy childhood. She had done well in school and enjoyed learning. Her mother had died shortly after she finished school and she had been left to care for her father. When her brother left, Thomas had become her only real friend.

"Of course, now I also have Emmaline."

"Grumpy Emmaline from the bakery?" Parker knew her, though not well. She was generally muttering and seemed to usually be fairly irritable.

Missy laughed. "She does come across that way, doesn't she? But once you get to know her, she's actually really sweet."

She told him a few stories from work, times that Emmaline had helped her out or had shown her softer side. Parker smiled. Missy must be very good at looking past the surface if she could see good even in the surly bakery owner.

Missy soon turned the conversation to Parker and he told her about his strained relationship with his parents and his brother.

"They want me to be something that I just am not," he explained. "I don't like high society and I haven't the head for Father's business. I feel bad, but I don't know how to fix our relationship if they won't accept me for who I am and stop trying to get me to change."

"It's their loss if they can't see the wonderful man you already are," she said, giving his arm a squeeze. "You are doing so much good here! You've become a very important part of our community."

They continued walking and talking until Parker realized that the woods were getting quite dark around them. He turned and got them heading back to town, but he knew they would be back much later than he had planned.

"I'm sorry I kept you out so long," he said as they reached the edge of town. "Your father won't be upset, will he?"

"I'm sure it will be fine," Missy said casually. Parker wondered if she had told her father that she was going out with him. Based on what she said about her father's hatred of McFarland, who was just her friend, he doubted it.

"Would it help if I talked to him?" Parker asked, hoping to gauge her reaction.

The fear that immediately jumped into her eyes confirmed his suspicions. "Oh, no, that's not necessary," she said softly, her voice trembling.

"Missy, are you sure you'll be okay? I won't leave you unprotected if he's going to hurt you."

She gave him a small smile. "I promise I'll be fine. I've handled him for almost three years on my own now. There's actually a very good chance he'll be asleep. Either way, I'll be careful."

Parker knew there was nothing more he could do. He decided to change the subject.

"Now that you know more about me, do you want to see me again?" he asked teasingly.

Missy's smile grew. "Definitely. Do you want to see me again?"

Parker was saddened by the hint of worry in her tone. "Of course I do," he answered firmly. "As soon as possible. Can I come for you again tomorrow after work?"

She looked thoughtful. "It might not be a good idea to leave Father alone two evenings in a row," she finally answered, looking very disappointed.

"Then Saturday. You tell me what time."

"Can we go in the evening? I could pack us a picnic dinner."

"A picnic." Parker smiled. "Sounds perfect. What time?"

"Is 8 too late?" she asked worriedly.

"No. 8 is perfect."

"Thank you." Her happy smile made his heart flutter.

"I should be the one thanking you." They had come to a stop outside her house, so he grabbed her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back. "I'll see you the day after tomorrow."

She blushed and smiled. "I'll see you then."

He watched her go into the house and prayed that her father wouldn't be angry. Parker wished he could do something more to protect her.

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