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91.11% An Unexpected Kiss / Chapter 41: American Frontier - Chapter 14

Chapter 41: American Frontier - Chapter 14

Parker didn't realize how intimate his words sounded until he noted Missy's deep red cheeks. He quickly let go of her hand and stood, flustered.

"I'll go. . . put the food away." He grabbed the empty plates and headed to the other room. He was tucking the dishes back into the basket to return to the boarding house when it occurred to him that Missy had never actually said that she was done.

Returning to the door, he was going to ask if she wanted more, but he paused when he saw her eyes closed. He watched for a moment and determined that she was indeed asleep.

Smiling, he walked quietly to her bed and carefully pulled the covers over her. Placing a gentle kiss on her head, he whispered, "Goodnight, my darling girl. Sweet dreams."

Parker slept on a cot in the main room that night just in case Missy needed anything. Knowing that she was in the next room over made it difficult for him to fall asleep, in spite of his mental and physical exhaustion, but he eventually managed to drift off.

He woke up to the sound of rustling from the other room. Leaping to his feet, he shrugged his jacket on over his horribly wrinkled shirt and hurried in to find Missy sitting on the edge of the bed, her bare feet on the floor.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked. He meant to sound lecturing, but his words came out more breathless and concerned.

Missy blushed and looked away shyly. "I need to. . . uh. . . address some personal needs."

"Oh. OH." Parker felt his cheeks darkening as well. "Yes, well, that's fine. Just be careful. Call if you-" He paused to clear his throat, then continued in a strained voice. "If you need any help."

He returned to the other room and sat on his cot, dropping his head to his hands and trying not to worry about whether Missy was struggling. She was likely still aching and would have some trouble moving, but unless she passed out again, she shouldn't have any problems. He just couldn't help feeling concern for her, even over little things.

She called him back in when she was finished and again sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I feel fine. A little sore, but I think getting up and moving around will help with that. Please let me come with you?" She shot him a pleading look that nearly undid him, but he had to hold firm.

"Even if you don't think it will hurt, I'm not about to take any chances. I want you better as quickly as possible and the best way for you to regain your full strength is to rest for a couple days. I'm already compromising to let you come with me tomorrow to help pack up your things. Don't push the issue."

She pouted. He had to hide a smile. She was so adorable. He hadn't expected his sweet, kind, gracious Missy to be so difficult about staying in bed.

It was becoming a whole lot less cute an hour later when, after a quick breakfast of leftovers, he was insisting on accompanying him to church and to see Emmaline and Jacob.

"If I can't go to church, at least let me go talk to Emmaline and Jacob. It doesn't feel right to make you ask on my behalf."

"I know you're used to taking care of yourself, darling, and I admire your independence, but it simply isn't worth the risk for you to be up and about right now. I promise I'm not keeping you in bed unnecessarily. I would do the same for any patient who had the injuries you have."

She frowned more deeply. "It just doesn't feel right."

"Would you prefer going with me to see them tomorrow?"

"But then that would be terribly short notice."

"You're going to have to pick. Either give them short notice or let me handle it for you, but you darn well will not be leaving that bed until tomorrow."

"Are you sure you don't mind asking for me?" she asked worriedly.

Parker strode to the bed and took her hands in his. "I am happy to help you however I can. In fact, I hope very much to be a part of your life, helping you often, for a very long time." He smiled as her eyes widened at the import of his words. "Now you rest. I can tell you're feeling worn down again. I'll be back before you know it." He leaned down and placed a short, tender kiss on her lips before tucking her in and saying goodbye.

He found it difficult to focus on the preacher's sermon. His mind kept drifting back to his lovely patient. He certainly found himself praying over and over that Emmaline and Jacob would be happy to have her in their home.

Thankfully, his conversation with them went as well as he could have hoped. Emmaline scoffed at the idea of Missy even removing to the boarding house at the end of the week.

"It's a great idea. She should have moved in months ago. We've been meaning to rent out that spare bedroom for ages, we just never had anyone we thought we could tolerate looking for space. But Missy would be perfect," Emmaline said with a beaming smile

"She'll be very relieved to hear that."

Jacob shook his head and Emmaline scoffed before saying, "If that girl didn't expect to be welcome in our home, you'd better give her a stern reminder from me that we're her friends and if you can't count on your friends, I don't know who you can count on."

"I'll be sure to pass the message on."

When Parker got back to the medical building with some food he had picked up from the boarding house, he found Missy still sleeping peacefully. He quietly set about getting the food served up. He was preparing to carry a plate to her when he heard a whimper.

"No, no, please no," Missy was crying in her sleep, tossing and turning in the bed.

Parker grabbed her and held her in his arms, stroking her hair. "Missy," he said softly. "Darling, please wake up." He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead as her eyes fluttered open.

"Parker," she breathed, a relieved smile lighting her lovely face.

"I'm here." He held her closer and she tucked her head into the crook of his neck.

"Thank you. Thank you for being here."

"For you, Darling, always."

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