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The First Morning And Message

As the bright sun light seeped in from the curtains, the alarm went off while showing no remorse for the poor sleeping soul.

*Riiiiing* *Riiiing*

"Shut up... I know..." Said the boy as he stretched out his arms and clicked on the alarm.

He was so used to the hearing that same sound every morning that he couldn't even feel anger towards it. Without wasting any time, he looked over at the alarm to check the time.

The time displayed indicated 6:30 AM which was what he had expected. He let out a yawn and got up, placing his bare feet on the cold carpet.

"Why is this carpet always cold...?" He mumbled as he walked up to the toilet

With each step he took, the floor made a creaking sound which he ignored. After he reached the toilet, he brushed his teeth before watering his face and staring at his reflection in the mirror.

His darkish brown curly hair stood out as it was still messy from getting out of bed, and his deep brown eyes, had dark circles underneath them indicating how tired he was

"Maybe I should take a shower...?" He asked himself as he continued to stare at his reflection

He then walked over to the showers while thinking why not? And turned on the water. He was waited for it to warm up and it didn't take long before it was ready.

Without wasting any time, he took off his clothes and stepped inside. The feeling of the Luke-warm water on his skin, was something which something he enjoyed, it made him feel relaxed.

As he relaxed himself, he tried to remember what sort of dream he had the day before. He couldn't remember it, but for some reason, he had woken up feeling sad...

He put shampoo and curling mousse on his hair, while thinking that it had to be in a good condition, that was because today would be the first day of school

With a relaxed and satisfied expression, he rinsed off his hair, hoping the end result would look good. From a young age his father had taught him that first impressions mattered, usually he wouldn't really care about his look, but today was the first day of school.

He was rinsing the last part of his hair off, when all of the sudden, the water got cold. He got out as fast as he could while shivers travelled through his body.

Without bothering to dry himself, he stomped towards he left the toilet with his hair dripping wet, and opened his bedroom door and with an annoyed expression he shouted

"Sis! How many times do I have to tell you! Don't turn on the tap water this early in the morning!"


"Good morning, sorry, I was washing the dishes" She said while she placed their meals on the table

"Good morning, and didn't I tell you, I'd do the dishes today?" He asked as he walked down the stairs

He had already changed into his school uniform, and like he had expected, so had his sister.

"Ah, I forgot" She replied With a clumsy smile.

He didn't seem surprised at all that his sister would do that. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed the bottle of milk and placed it on the table, before getting the cups which had recently been washed next to the sink, and placing it on the table.

Although it wasn't much, he wanted to do anything he could to help out, after all, ever since he was little his sister had always been taking close care of him, naturally he'd want to return the favour. Which is why he was annoyed when she beat him to the dishes, again.

When everything was ready, they sat down on the table and he turned on the tv. The channel was tuned in to the weather forecast.

"Thank you for the food." They simultaneously said as they clapped their hands

His sister had cooked the breakfast today, it was fried eggs with bacon and buttered toast. While they happily ate their meal, he listened in to the forecast

"The weather will continue to rain as heavily as it has for the next week at most, however, we have no idea when it will stop. Make sure you don't forget your umbrellas at home, although, I'm sure the heavy rain outside will remind you." Said the weather forecast lady being displayed on the screen

Despite hearing this, he continued to eat as if it didn't bother him. Rather than being sad about it, he was rather glad, he liked the rain after all. As for his sister...

"Can you believe it? It's been raining non-stop for the last three days... Hopefully there isn't a flood" She complained.

You could tell that she wasn't very happy about it.

"It's fine, more importantly, are mum and dad still at work?" he asked.

With a nod, she handed him her phone and played a voice message left by their dad. Their parents worked for the government, they'd spend most of the time away from home, leaving them alone to take care of each other.

"dad, called in this morning, saying that they wouldn't be home today either, Dad also left a voice message for us, but told me to play it only when you were here" She said before the message played.

Shortly after, a voice started playing from the phone and it was a voice he was very familiar with.

"Hey, Ray, Tina, it's been a while, especially for ray, how have you been? Well it's not like I can hear your reply right now, but I wanted to apologies, I'm sorry, I know I haven't been the sort of dad you'd like, and I'm sure you two must really hate me for making you deal with all of that on your own, and I'm really sorry about it.

More than you imagine, I-I wish we could have spent more time together as a family... I'm sorry i wasn't able to make more time for us to spend together... I'm sure you both probably hate me... but please don't feel that way towards your mother... She's been going through a lot recently..."

As ray listened in to the message, he was starting to feel slightly worried about where it was going.

"What am I doing... I'm totally ruining the mood now... The point of this message was to say how proud I was of you two. I'm sure it was hard, suddenly changing city and schools, Me and your mother were really proud when we heard that you scored 1st In the entrance exams ray! And your sister as well, scoring 5th on the second year exam is amazing, on top of that you're always taking good care of your brother, we're really proud... of... you..."

At this point in the message, their dads voice started to break as if he was starting to cry. Without saying anything, they listened in carefully to the message.

"Tina, keep taking good care of your brother, and ray, make sure you take good care of your sister... If any boys try to make a move on her I'm counting on you to put them in their place. Also son, you're already at that age so use protection. Sorry I couldn't give you two the father talk in person. Make sure you focus on your studies and don't fall too hard for a girl, or you'll end up breaking your heart. Same for you Tina.

That was all from me, your mother wasn't able to say anything today due to certain reasons, but just know... that from the bottom of our hearts... We're proud of you and... we love you..."

Ray looked over at his sister Tina, and noticed that a tear flowing down her eye. He wanted to say something, but before he could.

Tina who saw that he noticed, quickly wiped away her tears, the one thing she never wanted to do was look weak in front of her younger brother. She then got up and took their plates to the sink, and began washing them

Ray who saw this, stayed silent and cleaned the table, he couldn't see what sort of expression his sister was making, but he could tell.

"That old man... why send us a message like that on the first day of school... It's almost as if you're saying bye..." Ray mumbled

By the time Tina was done with the dishes, Ray had already finished cleaning the table. As they were already in their uniform, they went up towards the door and got their umbrellas ready

"Oh what's this, have you gotten taller" asked Tina as she stood next to him comparing her height to his

Ray was one year younger than tina, however, in terms of height, he was already taller, although tina was the average for her age. She was 5"5. Ray hadn't checked but from looking you could tell that he was around 5"8

Nonetheless, his sister was a real looker, Short and good proportions with long light brown hair, Cute brown eyes and a great personality, he was sure she'd be popular with the guys again, meaning he was going to have to get busy.

"I don't know, probably" Ray replied

"Hehe, Little ray is growing up" Said Tina with a smile as she poked his nose

"And you're still as short as ever" Said Ray as he opened the doors and walked outside

It was pouring, if he didn't have his umbrella, he would have been soaked the moment he did.

"I'm still growing you know! Meanie!" Said Tina as she followed behind him

"Sure, sure" Ray replied as he walked along

[Your eyes were puffy, you don't have to hold back and act like the resilient older sister in front of me...] Thought ray as he walked alongside her

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