So I've been playing Elden Ring a lot. Only a bit, only about 68 hours 38 minutes and 29 seconds. THEN I BEAT THE GODDAMN FINAL BOSS WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Anyways, my Yaya and Papa decided to go to the local movie theater and see a movie. I picked a movie called "The Northman"
Jesus. Christ.
That was one hell of an LSD trip. it like 2 hours and 10 minutes long. And basically a viking is a prince, his dad is betrayed by his uncle, he flees to the sea. Then he becomes a fucking savage and joins a clan of bandits.
The rest is too fucking complicated for me too explain in less than 5000 words. And im tired.
So after watching an LSD trip incarnate, we go back home...
Thats it. Nothing else exciting. Other than the fact that I started a new character in Elden Ring because I am a masochist of the highest order.
actually, has anyone seen the Jhonney Depp trial. HOLY MOLLY is that one stupid ass case. Amber Heerd must of hired her lawyer off of Fiver.
There is literally a part of the case when the lawyer says "Hearsay your honor" 4 times in like 20 minutes. And he got rejected each time.
Then he asks Jhonny about a document he signed, asking if it was his signature 3 time. 3! Wtf am I watching.
Then when he brings up Jhonny and Amber sexting jhonny says "I have other uses for your throat which do not include injurury." (Nice line btw Depp shooters shoot) The lawyer repeated it 2 times.
then jhonny cuts in "Can you repeat that again."
And then Jhonny says later "Heard and I had a conversation." Then Jhonny closes his eyes, a second later opens his eyes and looks at Ambers lawyers with expecting eyes.
Then the clown says "Objection your honor this is hearsay." Then Jhonny just smirks.
God I fucking love this, the lawyer must be getting a workout because of how many times he has to stand up and say "Your honor"
Man has quads for days.
so he asked a question. Then the witness on stand said what the lawyer asked back in the beginning of his sentence he went "Your honor thats hearsay" Judge than responds "But you asked the question"
Bitch boy says "Oh um uh y-yes your honor."
Im laughing, I know more law than that man.
Edit 2: Help me its raining so hard my house in probably going to break.
That circle is where I live
Edit 3: So I looked up Plantar Fascitis since I saw something about it.
And apparently my type of Plantar is really rare, like 14%.
So the plantar fasci tissue is the string of tissue on the bottom of your foot, aka the tissue from the heel to the "Palm" of your foot.
Plantar fascitis is whenever the Pantar fasci tissue is inflamed, which is when something turns red and starts to swole up a bit.
Apparently the most common area to swole up is right next to the heel, with the least likely on the "Palm" itself. But mine is a shit show bastard child of both, with it being directly in the middle of my foot.
So fuck you Plantar fascitis.