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Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood original

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood


© WebNovel

1. Chapter 1

A/N: Here, we finally have the first chapter of "Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood"! I think we all know the main cast from the original series, but as for the OC's, Jackie (12 years old) is voiced by Laura Bailey, Rose, Anne's 5-year-old sister, is voiced by Lara Woodhull, Lily, a 2-year-old, is voiced by Jeannie Tirado, Danny, a triplet with Lily, is voiced by Tara Strong, and Andy, the 3rd of the triplets, is voiced by Grey Delisle. Plus, there would be a certain surprise in the 2nd act of the first episode, one that would last throughout the whole time Anne, Jackie, and Rose were in Amphibia. But I won't reveal what yet, so you're just gonna have to read this one. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 1

Act I: Anne or Beast?

It all started one night as dragonflies buzzed over the night sky and a frog with an eyepatch named Wally burst out from a restaurant called "Stumpy's."

"Goodnight, you frogs! See you in the morrow.", Wally spoke before apparently crashing into something which not only made a barrel roll on-screen, but also earned the frogs' laughter at him.

Sometime later, Wally was now walking and playing his accordion while humming when suddenly, he heard loud rustling nearby.

"Hello?", Wally asked before an ominous wind blew as a few shadows passed by him.

"What's that?", Wally puzzled before a few mysterious beasts popped up behind Wally from some bushes, albeit slowly, before he turned and saw them, growing increasingly afraid.

"AAAH! No, no, no, no! NOOO!", Wally shouted with an echo before it then went to the village inhabitants going about their daily lives the next morning.

A butcher Amphibian even cut a centipede-looking creature which screeched, surprising Amphibian as the front half of the centipede crawled up a house and crashed through the window as meanwhile, a couple was about to kiss each other only for the guy to get carried off by a dragonfly, puzzling the girl.

A few kid Amphibians were seen laughing while playing before a slug appeared, carrying a cart with a few frogs named Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly Plantar (who's more of a tadpole at this point) in it while trying to eat a leaf on a fishing pole-like stick.

"Ho. Ho. All right, kids I'm gonna do a little shoppin'. You watch the cart.", Hop Pop requested as he turned to the two kids.

"You got it, Hop Pop! I'll defend this cart with my LIIIIIIIFE!", Sprig assured as he pounded his chest.

"Sprig, I was talking to Polly.", Hop Pop responded.

"What? Polly's a baby!", Sprig exclaimed.

"You're a baby!", Polly retorted while pointing at Sprig with her hand.

"Polly's got more responsibility in her little flipper than you have in your entire body!", Hop Pop concurred.

"Ridiculous. What makes you think I'm irresponsible?", Sprig asked.

"Oh gee. Let me think.", Hop Pop responded before it then showed the 1st flashback with Sprig putting some seasoning in the pot, only to cause a sort of explosion with the soup out of the pot while Hop Pop was cutting vegetables.

"Oops!", Sprig spoke before the lid landed on his head, making him stick his tongue out.

Then, in the 2nd flashback, Sprig crashed through the wall while Hop Pop was sleeping as the Cow-worm roared while both Sprig and Hop Pop screamed. In the 3rd flashback outside, it was nighttime.

"Sprig, what did I tell you about leaving the lights on?", Hop Pop asked before giant fireflies started ramming the house, making him, Polly, and Sprig scream before it went back to the present.

"Okay. So yesterday was a bad day.", Sprig spoke.

"Mm-hmm.", Hop Pop agreed before he hopped off of the cart with a grunt.

"Polly, make sure Sprig stays stays in the cart.", Hop Pop asked before he then went inside the Grub & Go.

"Well, how do you do, Mrs. Jonkins?", Hop Pop asked before Sprig sighed.

"Wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof-up.", Sprig spoke.

Then, as eventual luck would have it. Wally ran out, screamed, and panted.

"Monsters! Th-there're monsters in the woods! I seen 'em! I seen them!", Wally shouted before a bunch of villagers walked in, including Mayor Toadstool.

"Now, simmer down Wally. Just tell us what you saw.", the mayor spoke.

"Oh, it was horrifying. There was 6 of them! Most of them were little! They had huge heads, weird, stubby bumps right in the middle of their faces, and long spindly limbs!", Willy explained as he made a diagram with said features, making four denizens gasp in shock.

"Obscene!", one of the frogs exclaimed.

"We better catch those beasts before they hurt somebody. Because for Mayor Toadstool your safety comes first.", Mayor Toadstool spoke before the villagers applauded.

"Well, it's the responsible thing to do.", Wally grinned before the villagers repeated the word "responsible" a few times, apparently hatching a scheme in Sprig's head.

"Polly, I just had a great idea. I am going to catch that beast and save the town.", Sprig decided only for Polly to stop him as she put one of her flippers up.

"Stop right there! Hop Pop said that you had to stay in this cart. You know you can't take me!", Polly discouraged as she flexed her muscles, making Sprig grunt in frustration.

"Oh, oh, Polly, look. Candy!", Sprig spoke as he got candy out from his shirt before blowing a raspberry and dropping it.

"Bribe accepted!", Polly shouted before she leapt out and ate some of the candy.

"Let the monster hunt begin!", Sprig shouted as he then went into the forest.

"Don't die!", Polly shouted.

Later, at a landscape with mountains and dragonflies flying above, Sprig was running along in a forest as he even popped out of a log and found a bug in his hair before eating it and readying his slingshot while then looking down and gasping.

"Seems like the beasts roam these parts. Probably a good place for a tra-aaAAAAHHH!", Sprig shouted as he was inadvertently caught in a rope trap and flew into the air before falling back down and hanging upside down with a groan before noticing a few beasts stepping out from behind the bushes as one of them panted, holding a pointed stick.

"Caught ya! Thought you got the best of ol' Anne, eh? Well, you didn't!", one human shouted.

"Careful, Anne. He could be dangerous.", another advised just as the third went over to Sprig along with the 4th, 5th, and 6th, 3 of which are 2-year-olds, quite in awe with him as the 3rd gasped as did Sprig, only he gasped out of fear.

"Yay, fwoggy!", Lily shouted.

"Fwoggy funny.", Andy grinned.

"Giant heads! Spindly limbs! Face bumps! THE BEEEEAASSTS!", Sprig shouted.

"Stop following us.", the 2nd human whispered.

"Why fwoggy talking?", Danny asked.

"I have bad news for you, beasts! I taste terrible!", Sprig spoke.

"Ew, we are not gonna eat you.", 1st human assured.

"Why would we do that?", the 3rd human puzzled.

"You guys tried to eat Wally!", Sprig responded.

"No. We tried to ask 'Wally' for help, but he ran off screaming the second he saw us!", the 1st human explained.

"He can run fast.", the 3rd added.

"That does sound like Wally...", Sprig responded before a loud, monster-sounding screech was heard and trees started falling over.

"It's coming back!", the 2nd human spoke in worry.

"What is?", Sprig asked.

"Monster!", the 3rd human shouted before she and the other 2 ran off, carrying the 3 babies, with one of them grabbing the stick.

"Where you guys going?", Sprig asked before the monster screeched again as it got nearer, worrying Sprig, who screamed and tried to gnaw on the rope to free himself as the trio turned and saw him before looking back for a moment and then heading back as one of the humans then freed Sprig by cutting the rope from the branch, causing Sprig to fall onto the ground.

"Whoop, here we go.", Sprig spoke as one of the humans grabbed Sprig and ran with the others before all seven ducked under a log and then saw the monster, which was a giant red mantis, pass by before the group gasped and fell to the ground in a log.

"You... you guys saved me! You're not beasts at all! You're hero! Ugly, ugly, ugly heroes!", Sprig spoke.

"Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you.", the 2nd human warned.

"Ha. You guys aren't gonna eat me. You got names, strangers?", Sprig asked.

"My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy. And those little cuties are Lily, Danny, and Andy. They're triplets.", the 1st Human responded, gesturing to the triplets.

"I'm Jackie.", the 2nd human added.

"And I'm Rose.", the 3rd human added.

"I'm Sprig Plantar! Put 'er there!", Sprig greeted as he held out his hand.

"Uhh... okay...", Anne spoke before she, Jackie, and Rose each shook his hand before their hands became covered in slime.

"So... your hand just barfed on our hands.", Anne responded before Rose giggled as Anne rubbed off the slime before their stomachs growled.

"Okay, 'Sprig'. You got anything to eat?", Anne asked.

"Sure do!", Sprig responded, lifting up a section of the log, which revealed bugs crawling underneath, much to the trio's behest, especially the triplets, who stuck their tongues out in disgust.

"Uh, she meant things that aren't bugs...?", Jackie responded.

"No bugs, eh?", Sprig guessed before he then ate a bug.

"We'll have to hunt around a bit. C'mon! Follow me!", Sprig offered as he ran off.

"And how do we know we can trust you?", Jackie asked before Sprig stopped.

"Whaaat? Does this look like a face that could deceive you?", Sprig asked while making a cutesy face, making the trio laugh as the triplets cooed.

"Yeah, I guess not.", Jackie admitted a bit sheepishly before Sprig then grabbed Anne's arm, startling her.

"Well, then, c'mon! Chow time!", Sprig shouted.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop hummed as he left the store only to notice something going on outside.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Now, when I say 'kill,' you say 'them.' Kill!

"Them!", the villagers added.

"Kill.", Mayor Toadstool shouted.

"Them!", the villagers shouted.

"Heh. Another day, another mob. Come on kids, time to- What the?!", Hop Pop exclaimed as he looked behind him and saw only Polly.

"I don't have a candy problem! You have a candy problem!", Polly exclaimed.

"Polly, where's Sprig?", Hop Pop asked.

"Uh... something-something monster, something-something woods.", Polly responded.

"Oh, if your boy went into the woods, he's as good as eaten. Those beasts will devour everything in their path.", Wally responded.

"Not on my watch!", Hop Pop responded in determination before picking up Polly.

"Hang in there, boy! Hop Pop's a-comin'!", Hop Pop shouted as he then hopped off the wagon and ran out with Wally and the villagers following him.

"Yeah!", the villagers shouted.

"Harvest the toenails for medicinal purposes!", Wally shouted.

Meanwhile, Sprig dumped a bunch of food in front of Anne, Jackie, and Rose, who picked up pink branch-like food and ate them.

"Hey, this is pretty good.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah. They taste like cotton candy.", Rose agreed, making Jackie laugh a bit for her as even the triplets ate as well.

"Mm-hmm. So, first question: What the heck are you guys, and where did you all come from?", Sprig asked.

"We're human beings and we come from...another world! Either that, or this is a dream.", Anne responded.

"Woooow... do you guys know how you all got here?", Sprig asked.

"Actually, no. One minute, we were in our world and the next thing I knew we were here. I don't know how to get home or if we even can go home.", Jackie responded as she sat on a rock next to Sprig.

"So, yup, that's our story. How 'bout you? What were you doing in the woods?", Anne asked.

"Proving that I'm responsible!", Sprig responded.

"Oh, yeah? How?", Jackie asked.

"Uhhhhh...", Sprig began before a voice rang out.

"There they are!", Wally shouted as he popped up from a marsh.

"Careful now, boys.", Mayor Toadstool spoke.

"What? Stay away from us!", Anne shouted before the villagers only tied her, Jackie, and Rose up, making them scream in surprise.

"No! You guys got it all wrong!", Sprig shouted.

"Hold up! I don't know what we should do with the little ones, but just surround them and keep an eye on 'em.", Mayor Toadstool advised.

"Ha-ha! You caught the monsters! Sprig, I'm impressed.", Hop Pop grinned.

"What the heck, Sprig?! You set us up?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"But why?", Rose added.

"I thought we were connecting!", Anne added.

"N-no, no, no! This wasn't my plan.", Sprig responded in a panic before a green praying mantis roared, causing the villagers to gasp and scream.

"Hurry! Everyone! Mantis formation!", Mayor Toadstool urged before the villagers got into formation, prompting the green Praying Mantis to walk away with a squeak.

"We scared it off!", Hop Pop shouted.

"We have power!", Mayor Toadstool and the villagers shouted before a red Praying Mantis landed behind them

"Nope. That scared it off.", Polly spoke.

"Yeah, that makes more sense.", Hop Pop responded before the red Praying Mantis screeched and hit a bunch of villagers.

"It's gonna eat our guts!", one of the villagers shouted.

"NO!", the trio shouted as the triplets cried before Sprig started untying the trio, puzzling them.

"You're freeing us...", Rose grinned.

"What is this, another trick?", Anne asked.

"I'll distract that thing. You guys get out of here.", Sprig shouted before he ran and panted as the trio of humans got up and picked up the three triplets, soothing them enough for them to stop crying before noticing Sprig going up against the giant red mantis before turning back for a moment before looking back at the red mantis as Jackie's eyes glowed purple.

"Hey!", Sprig shouted before he slingshot a rock at the Red Praying Mantis.

"Ha-ha! Oops.", Sprig spoke before the Red Praying Mantis shrieked.

"Aaah!", Sprig screamed as the mantis was about to strike only for its arm to be stopped as Anne and Jackie held the arm back with Anne's eyes flashing blue.

"Do something!", Anne shouted.

"Oh, right! On it. Here we go.", Sprig spoke before he grabbed the rope and grunted while running around with the rope.

"Round. Loop.", Sprig spoke before trying and failing to tie up the monster with Anne and Jackie helping to tie up the monster.

"Timber!", Rose, who watched what was going on, shouted before the mantis landed and fainted as its eyes turned to x's with the villagers cheering, but not before gasping.

"It's down!", Mayor Toadstool shouted.

"We did it!", the group of four cheered.

"Up top!", Anne grinned before Sprig high-fived Anne, Jackie, and Amiyah with his tongue.

"Oh, boy, that's gross.", Anne spoke before Rose giggled.

"Well, now that that's settled, what the heck are we gonna do with these things? Maybe we oughta run it out of town just to be safe. Let it be someone else's problem.", Mayor Toadstool advised before the villagers started to mob and shoot only for Sprig to block Anne, Jackie, and Rose.

"Stop right there! They're not monsters. They're just lost and need our help. We should take care of them.", Sprig pleaded before Anne, Jackie, and Rose grinned.

"Are you crazy?!", Mayor Toadstool shouted.

"Yeah. What if they go nutty tomorrow and start eating people?", Wally asked in worry.

"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen.", Jackie responded.

"Don't worry yourselves silly. I'll keep an eye on 'em, both of 'em.", Hop Pop assured.

"Hmm. Have it your way, Hopadiah Plantar, but I don't like it. All right, boys pack it in.", Mayor Toadstool shouted before the villagers grumbled.

"Boo. This thing tastes real good with butter.", one of the villagers grumbled.

Then, Sprig held his arm and looked at Hop Pop, expecting a scolding.

"Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again, huh?", Sprig asked before Hop Pop only looked at Sprig, smiling.

"Trouble? Sprig, standing up to that angry mob to help those creatures out was... Some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen!" Hop Pop grinned.

"That was pretty cool, Sprig. It was also really dumb!", Polly responded as she popped up on the top of a Police car.

"Yes. Really, really dumb.", Hop Pop spoke before Sprig gasped in amazement.

"You think I'm responsible?", Sprig asked before Hop Pop tried to make Sprig understand he meant something else, while Spring enthused, Anne and Jackie checked their phones, and Rose giggled.

"Well, yeah, I mean, just this one time...", Hop Pop responded.

"Yes! Woo hoo!", Sprig cheered as he started to perform a victory dance.

"Well, don't get carried away...", Hop Pop spoke.

"Big win!", Sprig shouted.

"Welp, this has been great, but just give me a map. We've gotta find our way out of this kooky place.", Anne spoke.

"Oh, a map won't be enough. This here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year.", Hop Pop responded as he then got out a map.

"It should clear up in a couple of months.", Sprig spoke to Anne and the others.

"But until then, you try to cross those mountains-", Hopadiah began.

"You three will die.", Polly added.

"So, basically, we're stuck here in this crazy place for two months? Where are we gonna stay?", Anne asked in outrage before it then showed the Plantar Farm with Lily, Danny, and Andy just put to sleep and in a makeshift crib by Jackie as they snored.

"Aw. They're just so cute sometimes.", Jackie grinned.

"All righty. Kitchen's upstairs. Breakfast at sunrise, sharp.", Hop Pop responded.

"Okay.", Rose responded.

"Thanks, dude.", Anne grinned.

"Hey! Gettin' comfy? Brought some toys to keep you company. I'm too old for these. O-oh, except for this one. Oh, and this one. Oops. this one too. Sorry. This one as well. I'm glad your livin' with us, monster.", Sprig responded as he tossed some plushies on ground)

"Yeah, Me too, weird little frog boy." Anne responded.

"Okay. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. Seriously, they can drain a body in seconds.", Sprig advised, making the trio shudder before they got out a magic chest and blew on it.

"Come on, come on!", Anne shouted before she opened it to no avail before then closing and opening it 3 times more and sighing as Rose and Jackie groaned.

"Looks like we're gonna be here for a while.", Anne spoke.

Act II: Best Fronds

It all started one day at a thrift shop as an old man was picking up a shirt.

"Ah, this is a good shirt.", the old man spoke as Anne saw an apparent magical box with three gems brightly colored crimson red, light blue, and emerald green on it.

"All right, Anne. You can do this.", Anne spoke to herself as a saleswoman was snoring before she then got the magical box and put it in her bag with one of her tow friends outside giving her a thumbs-up before Anne left with the box as the duo followed, not knowing that Jackie noticed them and the box and glared for a moment before Jackie ran over to Anne.

"Anne! Did you really think I wouldn't find out?", Jackie asked.

"Find out...?! About what?", Anne fibbed, growing nervous.

"Don't lie to me. You can't expect me to not find out that you...forgot to pick up our younger brothers, do you?", Jackie asked.

"Oh... Yeah, that's right! I did forget. Sorry, Jackie.", Anne responded.

"Well, if you hurry back home, you can still do that.", Jackie assured.

Later, as soon as Rose was dropped off back home just as Anne left with Danny, Andy, and Lily, Jackie popped up near her on the couch.

"Psst. Rose.", Jackie spoke, puzzling Rose before she went over to Jackie.

"What is it, Jackie?", Rose puzzled.

"Listen. Anne and the others just sto... 'retrieved' a magical box from the thrift shop.", Jackie spoke.

"A magic box?", Rose puzzled.

"Yeah. Wanna go check it out?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah.", Rose beamed.

"Oh, wait. First, you might want to let your parents know so they don't get worried.", Jackie responded.

"Okay.", Rose responded.

Later, at night, as Jackie and Rose watched from behind, Anne and her friends (each of their younger siblings included) were gathered around the magic box before Anne then opened it, much to Jackie's behest as she and Rose jumped in just as the magic box glowed and overwhelmed the group of 18 in a bright light before Anne woke up in the same room from last night with a scream and a gasp, making the triplets stir as they started crying before Jackie managed to give milk bottles to each of them.

"Are you trying to wake them up, Anne? You're lucky I got some breakfast ready for them. And given the circumstances with that cow-worm, you have no idea how much that's the case.", Jackie asked before they cooed as they drank.

"Oh. Sorry, Jackie, but I just had the craziest dream. You, Rose, and I were trapped in a world of frog pe- Oh.", Anne spoke as she noticed Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly, one of the three of which croaked with a puff of his chin.

"Right.", Anne spoke as Rose woke up with the latter yawning before they looked around with the latter grew joyful, her eyes flashing yellow, as the former groaned in disappointment because they weren't back in their own world.

"Hey, Anne. Sleep good?", Sprig asked.

"Careful, boy! They could be hungry.", Hop Pop warned.

"For your guts!", Polly added intensely.

"Dude, relax. I am not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe. And I'm sure those two wouldn't, either.", Anne responded as flies buzzed around Hop Pop before he ate one of them with his tongue, which popped out and back in just as quickly.

"Fair point.", Hop Pop responded.

"See? Told you they were harmless.", Sprig grinned.

"Hmph. For now.", Hop Pop spoke as he carried Polly up before she jumped down a couple steps.

"Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here.", Polly spoke before hopping away with the rolling pin.

"I think Polly over here really wants to whack us with that thing.", Rose guessed.

"Yup. So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous.", Sprig spoke before he fell backwards a bit, making Anne chuckle.

"It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially... my friends. Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?", Anne explained as she handed Sprig a picture of her, and her two friends.

"Well, you got us.", Jackie assured.

"And we're always with you.", Rose added before Sprig then got an idea.

"Well, then, why don't I be your friend in the meantime?", Sprig offered.

"You?", Anne, Jackie, and Rose puzzled.

"Me!", Sprig offered.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Come on. It'll be fun! What did you do together?", Sprig asked.

"Everything. Marathon dumb TV shows, drink boba till we vomited, hung out at the beach.", Anne responded.

"Oh, we've got a lake. Would going there with me make you guys feel less homesick?", Sprig asked.

"I don't know. Who's gonna keep an eye on the triplets?", Jackie asked, gesturing to the sleeping triplets before Anne thought it over with Rose giggling at Sprig, who was making funny faces each time Anne looked at her picture and then at Sprig and back and forth.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is gon' be great.", Sprig spoke before Anne giggled.

"I like your moxie, frog child. Let's do it!", Anne spoke.

"Yeah!", Jackie and Rose grinned.

"But first, they need to finish their breakfast.", Jackie added before later, the three brushed their teeth, put on sunscreen, put on their sandals, and got their towels while the triplets then got dressed in their cute swimsuits.

"You girls ready to go?", Sprig asked.

"Yeah-ah!", Anne shouted before they chanted as she, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig went for the door only for Hop Pop to stop them.

"And where do you all think you're going?", Hop Pop asked.

"We're going to the lake. Ooh. Ow.", Sprig responded as he stretched his pants and let them go back to his waist, inadvertently hitting it.

"Why? You want in? You wanna come?", Anne asked.

"Absolutely not! Look, Anne. You fellas're new, unsettling, strange, bizarre, gangly, horrifying...!", Hop Pop began.

"All right. I think we get that.", Jackie interrupted.

"Point is, the frogs in this town can be pretty small-minded.", Hop Pop stated as he pulled on one of the blinds, showing a couple frogs outside in their yard.

"Oh, hey, Hopediah.", one of the frogs greeted.

"And paranoid.", Hop Pop added as he then moved his finger away from the blinds afterwards.

"We just need to give 'em time to get used to ya. I think it's best you three stay put.", Hop Pop suggested as he then locked the door with his key and then put it in his pocket.

"But-", Anne began as a stray fly happened to pass by.

"No buts!", Hop Pop interrupted before suddenly, Anne's tongue popped out and caught the fly before going back in just as quickly with the fly then swallowed, surprising both her, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and even Hop Pop, who gasped.

"Uh, why did I just do that? A-Am I cracking up?", Anne spoke worriedly.

"Whoa! I didn't know you could do that, too, Anne.", Sprig responded.

"Actually, I don't. It just came out.", Anne responded, getting a bit nervous before suddenly croaking as the bottom of her chin puffed up, glowing blue for a split second before shrinking back to normal as the glow faded.

"See? Like that!", Anne added before Jackie and Rose croaked with ribbits as well, worrying the former while Rose was in awe.

"Oh, no. Not me, too.", Jackie spoke in worry.

"Whoa...", Rose grinned before the triplets croaked as well before giggling.

"We cwoaked.", Lily grinned.

"That is rather strange. Anyway, if y'all need anything, I'm gonna go into my study to get a little reading done.", Hop Pop spoke.

"Aw, Hop Pop.", Sprig groaned.

"Don't do anything stupid!", Hop Pop interrupted before closing the door.

"Ugh! Adults are all the same. Curfews. Rules. Old.", Anne spoke.

"He said, 'no', Anne. What are we supposed to do?", Jackie responded.

"Yeah, looks like we're stuck here. Ooh! I know what'll be fun. Let's try some of Hop Pop's pain peppers. So hot, they'll make you wish you were dead.", Sprig spoke before humming as he picked up one of said peppers.

"Uh, I don't think it's a good idea to try those things.", Jackie warned before Sprig licked one anyway and then felt the scorching effects of the pain peppers, even smashing a vase against his tongue before dousing said tongue with the water inside as he screamed and gurgled.

"Someone just kill me, please! Bleh.", Sprig spoke, falling flat onto the ground, making Rose giggle.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea.", Jackie smirked.

"Your turn.", Sprig spoke as he recovered and offered one.

"No, thanks. I'd rather go to the lake.", Anne spoke.

"What? But Hop Pop said not to do anything stupid.", Jackie began.

"Exactly. And don't we have to keep an eye on those babies?", Sprig agreed.

"Sprig, you wanna know the best thing about friendship? When you got your friend by your side, anything is possible. Whatever you want, a real friend will help you get. And you know what I want?", Anne asked.

"The lake!", Sprig responded.

"Fine. As long as we bring them along with us.", Jackie responded.

"Yup. Now let's go rob an old man!", Anne shouted.

"Ew.", Sprig commented.

"Yeah, that didn't sound as cool as I wanted it to.", Anne admitted.

"Fine, but don't blame me if things go wrong.", Jackie responded.

Later, while Jackie kept an eye on Rose as she held her hand, Anne and Sprig peeped out near Hop Pop's reading quarters and saw a key in Hop Pop's jacket pocket.

"Any ideas?", Anne asked

"Ooh! What if we use fishing line to lower me from the ceiling? Then I grab the key right out of Hop Pop's pocket. I'll move like a shadow.", Sprig suggested before inadvertently knocking a vase out of the table before Anne caught the vase and noticed that Hop Pop didn't make a single reaction.

"Shadows knock things over sometimes.", Sprig spoke before Anne shushed Sprig.

"Do you hear that?", Anne asked before she and Sprig overheard Hop Pop snoring and went over to him, noticing that Hop Pop was sleeping with his eyes open and moved her hands in front of Hop Pop with still no reaction showing.

"No way. This might be the creepiest thing I've ever seen.", Anne commented.

"Happens all the time. He makes a great scarecrow.", Sprig whispered before Anne lightly snatched the key and went back out, closing the door.

"How did it go?", Jackie asked before Anne sniffed the key.

"Know what this smells like?", Anne asked before Sprig then inhaled the scent of the key and licked it for a moment.

"A key that's been in an old man's pocket?", Sprig asked.

"Freedom!", Anne shouted.

"That was my next guess!", Sprig added before Anne suddenly croaked involuntarily again as her chin puffed up for twice as long as last time with the glow appearing just as well for a moment, surprising Sprig.

"Whoa! That one came out of nowhere. Again.", Anne spoke before Jackie and Rose involuntarily croaked again as well as the triplets like before.

"Anne, are you sure you guys are okay?", Sprig asked, a bit worried.

"Of course we are, Sprig.", Anne assured before she felt a tingling sensation and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again a moment afterward, her eyes were now frog eyes.

"And apparently, better than okay, because my peripheral vision just got better than normal.", Anne responded before the same thing happened to Jackie and Rose.

"Oh, this is weird!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Whoa. That felt trippy.", Rose grinned before Lily, Danny, and Andy each croaked and got frog eyes as well, laughing.

Sometime later, the group of four were now walking out to the forest as a sort of bird pecked on a tree as Anne sighed.

"I can't believe you talked me into this.", Jackie spoke.

"This is great. Seven pals beatin' the odds to have some fun. Here. Smile!", Anne spoke as she got out her phone and took a picture with her, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, and Sprig in the picture before a photo was taken.

"Whoa. Hey, that turned out great. And I think our new eyes made us look a bit cuter.", Anne responded.

"Yeah, I'm still not exactly happy about this. And how are they fine with this?", Jackie responded.

"Well, can you blame them? They really love frogs. Like I do, but more.", Rose responded.

"I don't know what's crazier, that you just stole my soul in a tiny box, or that we look so incredible. I gotta say, this friend business is amazing!", Sprig spoke in amazement.

"Didn't you have friends before we showed up?", Jackie asked.

"Uh...", Sprig began before it went to a flashback of 2 little frogs playing around as they giggled.

"Your turn.", one of the little frogs spoke.

"Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Check this out! Aaah!", Sprig spoke as he pulled out a skeleton of a water snake, freaking the two little frogs out.

"Aaah! Help! It's eating me alive! Ha-ha! I'm just kidding, guys.", Sprig spoke before he decided to milk it and go further in, frightening the two little frogs as they screamed again before it went back to the present.

"Kids around here don't really get me.", Sprig responded.

"Well, hey, they are missin' out. Come on.", Anne spoke as she lightly punched Sprig in the shoulder and went forward.

"Yeah. The least we can do is be there for you.", Jackie assured.

"I wove you.", Lily grinned.

"So, is punching part of friendship?", Sprig asked.

"Absolutely.", Anne responded.

"As long as it's playful.", Jackie added.

Eventually, the group arrived at a lake.

"We made it.", Sprig spoke.

"Whoa.", Jackie spoke.

"It's beautiful.", Rose grinned as a v formation passed by above the lake surrounded with an assortment of round and green lily leaves.

"You ready, dude?", Anne grinned before she and the others cheered as they ran only to stop when they saw a sign that said "Don't Swim" on it.

"Oh.", Anne spoke.

"Oh. This was not here last week.", Sprig spoke before Rose groaned.

"What do you think that's about?", Jackie puzzled as Anne only saw a sort of rainbow behind the don't swim sign.

"I know exactly what's going on here. Some jerk just wants this beautiful lake all to themselves. Well, forget that.", Anne deduced.

"I don't know. If that was the case, that jerk would've shown up to stop us by now.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah. Whoever wrote this wrote it in a hurry, like they were scared to be here.", Sprig responded.

"Or maybe they just had bad handwriting. Come on. Don't be a buzzkill. Ooh, that's nice.", Anne spoke as she then stepped in the lake before Sprig then stretched out his tongue, stopping Anne from going in any further by the arm.

"Hey, what are you doing?", Anne asked.

"Look. Something's not right here, Anne. What if it's here for an actually good reason?", Jackie asked.

"Let's just go back.", Sprig urged.

"Ugh, I thought you were trying to be my friend.", Anne responded.

"I am.", Sprig responded.

"Well, this is what friends do. Remember? They help each other get the things they want.", Anne responded, confounding Sprig as Anne removed Sprig's tongue from her.

"Look, if a friend likes a pencil case, you get it for them. If your friend likes your new shoes, you give them to her. And if a friend wants you to steal a crazy music box from a thrift store, even if you really don't want to, you do it, okay? Because if you don't, they might not want to be your friend anymore.", Anne spoke.

"Well, half of that is true. But sometimes, Sprig, there are some things friends just shouldn't do. For everything else, there's always a right thing to do.", Jackie responded before Sprig looked back at the sign.

"Fine.", Sprig responded as he then seemingly left.

"Fine.", Anne responded a bit sadly as Rose groaned.

"That's probably for the best. We shouldn't even be out here anyways.", Jackie responded before Sprig panted as he ran, now shirtless.

"Wait, what?", Jackie asked.

"Whoo-hoo!", Sprig shouted as he jumped in before splashing into the lake.

"Unbelievable!", Jackie shouted.

"Ah, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about! Cannonball!", Anne shouted as she then splashed in with a cannonball as well.

"Can I swim in there, too?", Rose asked, pointing to the lake before Jackie inhaled sharply.

"Fine, but I'm staying right here and keeping an eye on the triplets.", Jackie sighed as she went in the water a little way where the triplets would be before Rose cheered as she went in.

Soon after, while Sprig and Anne swam upwards while facing the sun, Jackie and Rose did some splashing, although mainly the latter,. especially the triplets, who joined in, before the four were seen resting on a lily pad as Jackie held onto the triplets with Sprig resting on a leaf above said lily pad before Anne and Sprig were seen underwater having a toast before the two then rode on a water skipper, which whinnied like a horse before speeding off across the water, exciting the group before Anne and Sprig later had a play fight with a couple marsh plants before the latter had a picture taken by the former, who eventually noticed something unsettling behind Sprig as did Jackie, Rose, and the triplets.

"I was blinking, wasn't I?", Sprig asked before an apparent water snake blinked and stood up tall, making Anne drop her phone before the four screamed while the water snake roared, making them flee as they swam from the pursuing water snake as it darted after them with Anne and Rose starting to slow down.

"Faster, guys!", Jackie shouted.

"We're trying!", Rose shouted.

"Stupid non-webbed human hands.", Anne spoke before Anne and Rose looked up to see the water snake about to attack as it stood up again.

"Anne!", Sprig shouted before he pushed Anne and Rose out of the way and narrowly dodged the water snake under water before they jumped onto a nearby lily pad.

"Ah. That explains the sign.", Sprig realized.

"I knew it! I knew there was a reason that sign was there!", Jackie shouted.

"Sprig, we're just slowing you down, buddy. Get out of here. This was my fault anyway. I should have listened to you.", Anne spoke before Sprig then punched her.

"Friend punch!", Sprig shouted.

"Ow! Hey.", Anne spoke as Rose gasped.

"Never! I'm not about to let my first real friend get eaten, especially not her siblings. We're in this together.", Sprig urged before the water snake emerged form the water and surrounded the trio.

"Anne! Rose!", Jackie shouted in worry.

"Uh, any ideas?", Anne asked before Sprig leapt onto her head.

"What are you doing?", Anne asked.

"I have a plan. Stand up!", Sprig urged.

"Uh, okay.", Anne responded before doing so.

"What's the plan?", Rose asked.

"When I count to three, duck.", Sprig responded.

"What? Are you crazy?", Anne exclaimed.

"But what about you?!", Rose shouted.

"Just trust me.", Sprig responded before Anne and Rose both nodded.

"All right. One, two... three!", Sprig shouted as the water snake lunged forward

"Sprig!", Anne shouted before she suddenly croaked again, this time, with the bottom of her chin getting a little puffy as the blue glow returned.

"Whoa. What's happening...", Anne began before she gave another involuntary croak, making the bottom of her chin twice as big as it was just now.

"to me?", Anne finished before moaning as she gave a longer croak, the bottom of her chin growing bigger as it now grew twice that size with the blue glow on her chin becoming more prominent with her neck growing longer to help balance out the growth before the croak stopped.

"Ooh. So good... So froggy...", Anne grinned just as her hands and feet became webby, tearing off her shoes and socks, before moaning as the glow from her chin spread all across her body, turning her skin color blue with her body growing as if it was maturing into an adult size in human biology as her neck thickened in width before her chin shrank back to normal with the air in it going straight to her chest, making it bulge out in twice their original size, making it just as bouncy before her butt was the next to grow in size while her legs grew in length before Anne was now turned into a frog girl.

"Whoa-ho-ho-ho! I just turned into a frog?! I could really get used to this.", Anne grinned, amazed with her new form already just before she noticed Jackie giving a long croak quickly as her neck, too, grew out quickly.

"Oh, no! Not again!", Jackie groaned.

"Mmm, not really sure about her, though.", Anne spoke before Rose gave that similar croak before both Jackie and Rose went through the same changes Anne did, although for Rose's case, her body didn't really mature, although it certainly changed and while Jackie's skin color was now purple, Rose's was yellow.

"Oh, I can't believe this happened!", Jackie spoke in fright.

"Me neither. It was exciting.", Rose grinned.

"Well, at least Rose liked it, too. But if they turned, too, then that means...", Anne spoke before the triplets croaked and then grew happy as they, too, turned into frogs, albeit, little tadpoles.

"Yay! We fwoggy!", Liliy, now pink, cheered as Andy, now black and blue striped, and Danny, now green, laughed.

"Aw. So, cute. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. VENGEANCE!", Anne shouted before leaping up into the air, amazed with the takeoff result.

"Okay. Let's see what this frog can do.", Anne smirked before lurching her now blue-green tongue toward the water snake, this time, attacking it left and right.

"Take this and this!", Anne shouted as she maneuvered her tongue against the water snake, whacking and smacking it until it was quite out of breath.

And then, all of a sudden, it widened its eyes and spat Sprig out again; and the only thing it swallowed was Sprig's Pain Peppers. And Sprig landed in Anne's arms just as she landed in a lily pad.

"You're alive.", Anne spoke in relief.

"And you're a frog now?!", Sprig spoke in surprise.

"And I'm not the only one.", Anne responded.

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening...", Jackie spoke in worry.

"Big sis, are you okay?", Rose asked.

"I think she still needs to get used to it.", Anne responded before Sprig nodded in agreement.

"But what did you do?", Anne asked before he got out a pain pepper in response as the water snake screeched and retreated into the water.

"So hot, they'll make you wish you were dead.", Sprig grinned.

"You little genius, you.", Anne grinned.

"And it looks like he couldn't take the heat.", Sprig stated before he and Anne laughed only for a roar to interrupt.

"Run!", Anne shouted as she and Sprig swam away.

"Death approaches!", Sprig shouted.

Later, back at the farm, Hop Pop just woke up from his apparent sleep.

"I'm up! I'm awake!", Hop Pop spoke before noticing a crucial detail.

"The key. It's gone! Oh, no. Did they get out? Is the town rioting? Are they dead? Have Anne, Jackie, and Rose eaten the kids, the whole town?!", Hop Pop panicked before he ran out to the door only to notice that the lock is still here and in place.

"What's this now? It's still locked.", Hop Pop spoke before he heard dice rattling and noticed the sound coming from Anne, Rose, and Sprig playing on a board game with dice as Jackie was reading a story to the triplets, quite puzzled at the sight before getting a closer look.

"Come on. Mama needs a new pair of shoes. Seriously though, I do need new shoes.", Anne spoke.

"I don't know, Anne. Seems to me like we don't need shoes anymore, weird as it is. And that's coming from me.", Jackie responded before Hop Pop gasped dramatically at the realization.

"You all turned into frogs?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Yeah. It just kinda happened.", Anne grinned.

"It was pretty neat, huh?", Rose replied with a grin.

"B-B-But that's imp... Oh, we'll talk more about this later. So, you guys been here all day, huh?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah, dude. I'm on a winning streak.", Anne responded.

"I owe her my first-born child.", Sprig added.

"Who knew this game is so simple, yet complex?", Rose asked in a mystified way.

"And I've been keeping a good eye on the triplets.", Jackie added.

"Oh, by the way, Hop Pop. We found this on the floor. You must have dropped it.", Anne assured as she picked up the key before Hop Pop got it back.

"Dang shallow pockets. Well, you get what you pay for.", Hop Pop spoke as he put the key back in his pocket and went up the stairs before Polly got down.

"Aha!", Polly shouted with a smirk before gasping just as dramatically.

"'Sup, Polly?", Anne grinned.

"Wanna play a game with us?", Rose asked before croaking for a split second.

"No! No! You can't do this to me! Not now! I was so close! I never even get to use this thing.", Polly groaned as she then turned around and hopped away before Anne closed the cellar door and sighing with Sprig doing so dramatically.

"Hey, sorry I almost got us killed today.", the blue she-frog apologized.

"Are you kidding? That was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me! You and the others turned into frogs and my heart was beating faster than a dragonfly on a sugar rush. In fact, I'm feeling a little... sleepy.", Sprig spoke before falling asleep as Anne picked him up.

"So, what do you think, Jackie?", Anne asked.

"Well, I'll admit. It is a little...weird. But I think I can make it work. If I try.", Jackie grinned.

Then, sometime later, Sprig was already sleeping as the triplets were now asleep and croaking as well as Anne looked back at her picture of her from when she was human, Sasha, and Marcy.

"Sasha, Marcy, I hope you guys are okay. Because I am.", Anne grinned.

There was an apparent thunderstorm in a tower of sorts before a toad with a scar on his right eye spoke up, holding Anne's apparently missing shoe.

"Take a look at this please, Sasha. It was found far from here, in the South Forest. Now we know that you've been lying to us. Now we know that there are more of you.", the toad spoke to Sasha, who was apparently there in the dungeon before lightning struck again.

A/N: And there you have it! In this story, they turn into frogs! Well, at least, Anne and her siblings for now. Pretty good setup with how each transformation occured, huh? And for those who have seen Amphibia Season 2 all the way, I will tell you that it will be somehow connected to a certain magic box. And now that that's out of the way, if you have ideas for how the 2nd chapter of this story should go when it gets released later, please let me know in your review. :) In any case, I gotta focus on releasing certain stories like "The Boscha Chronicles" (for Misaki Ayuzawa234), which I hope would be later tonight or tomorrow after the next story mentioned, and Dragon Ball M. :) For now, enjoy. :)

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