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50% Amongst the Infernal Empire (Book 1: Alex Remembers) / Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The New Girl

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: The New Girl

Over the years, Alex grew up beautifully and began to attend college. She was a good student. But she usually liked to keep to herself. She and Charles usually argued but what they agreed upon were good books. As for Aaron, he typically had an outgoing attitude and sometimes got himself into trouble but nothing too serious.

One day in early February of Alex's first year, everyone in her classes talked about a new student, who was said to have been exceptionally beautiful that was speaking with the college dean in the Dean's Office. Alex was running late for class that day as she slept in. As she walked through the front doors of the school building, she noticed a group of the guys in Alex's class in the hallway that was speaking with their usual cocky attitudes claiming who would date this new girl first. Alex stopped to observe their interaction with the new girl as she walked by them, trying to find her first class. Sure enough, they reacted to her in a very unpleasant manner.

One guy grabbed the new girl by the ass. He quickly realized that this new girl was not to be toyed with as she, in return, gave him a mean hard right swing. The blow to the boy's face knocked him out and chipped a tooth. A teacher was in a nearby classroom heard the boy's head cracked into the locker right behind him. When his friends were questioned, they were quick to benefit from the new girl's story. Their cooperation was probably due to the fear of facing a similar situation of their own as they might suffer physical pain and anguish.

The teacher, Ms. Johnson, then escorted the Auburn-haired girl towards the main office to report the incident. By the time the new girl had arrived in her English class, Alex was already seated in the classroom. There was an empty chair beside Alex in the back. As Ms. Johnson checked her registration papers, she pointed out the empty chair for her to sit in during his class. "Lilith Manchester," said the teacher as he wrote down her name on the attendance sheet.

"Lilith." This name was taken as a mental note by Alex as she was impressed by Lilith's punch on her assailant and wished to befriend her. Lilith had a slender and lengthy body with auburn, wavy hair, freckles, and green eyes. The clothes that Lilith wore complimented Alex's style of grunge. Lilith wore a green eye shadow that highlighted her green eyes. "Who is this Lilith?" Alex wondered.

As Lilith walked over and took her assigned seat, Alex said, "That was an ugly punch." Lilith turned, responding in a cockney accent with, "He had an ugly face. I only made him pretty." Both of them started laughing, trying to remain subtle. "It'll be just a moment before I am ready. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves," said the teacher before leaving the classroom. Lilith and Alex continue getting to know each other. "Hey. I'm Alex," said Alex as she extended her right hand in an almost business-like fashion to shake Lilith's hand. Lilith shook Alex's hand.

"Hello. I'm Lilith," said the mysterious woman. This time Alex detected the cockney accent as she had a surprised look on her face. "Oh, wow! Are you British?" asked Alex. Lilith was quick to lose the fake cockney accent and gave a mischievous smile. "No, but it makes me seem sexier and more mysterious to other Canadians. The same goes for the Americans down south," said Lilith. Alex chuckled and said, "Oh. Good point. That makes sense. I'm Alex."

Alex and Lilith listened attentively to each other's answers as they exchange questions. A few minutes have gone as Ms. Johnson continued to mark her attendance of tardy students finding their classroom and sorting through the last of her papers. Alex asked, "So tell me, what college had you came from before?" Lilith answered, "Well, I am actually from Victoria, British Columbia. My parents were originally from here in Hamilton. Just last week was the first time that I had met both sets of my grandparents." Lilith responded with a sad look and tears in her eyes before quickly brushing them away. Alex noticed immediately.

"Oh, wow! That's pretty exciting." Said Alex with a look of concern. "Yeah, it is. Isn't it?" said Lilith with a look of deep thought. "Hey. So, do you have any friends here in Hamilton?" asked Alex wondering about the well-being of her new acquaintance. "None," said Lilith. "Well, that's a lie because I am your friend now," said Alex with an optimistic smile. "Oh," said Lilith, taken by surprise, and smiled in return. With Lilith's words, "Thank you," Alex and Lilith knew that they would be friends for a long time.

By the end of the girls' English class, the class was roaring with laughter as usual when Ms. Johnson cracked jokes when they were waiting for the dismissal bell to signal the end of the class. The students that were in attendance very much enjoyed their first class of the semester. Since Lilith's first day at the college, Alex offered to show her where their next class would be.

"What class do we have next?" asked Lilith, still chuckling from the jokes that Ms. Johnson had recently told. "Elementary Foundations of Mathematics," said Alex. "Well, so much for my laughter," said Lilith. "Time for nap time," said Alex. "Agreed," said Lilith as they shared a chuckle. "Don't worry. The Math teacher, Mr. Peach is nice," said Alex. "I guess you could say he is a real peach," said Lilith with a wink. "You're not the only one to crack that joke," said Alex. "I hope he tastes as good as he sounds," said Lilith jokingly. "Ha! You pervert!" said Alex as she chuckled. "If he's that good looking, why not?" asked Lilith. "Hmm. He's a little old for my liking. Maybe you can have a try once you've graduated," said Alex.

Alex smiled. "So, tell me. What are your thoughts on life and death?" asked Lilith. Alex pauses for a moment as she collected her thoughts. "Hmm. Strange question. I would have to say that there are people who look at death similar to that of the water cycle. When waterfalls from the heavens during thunderstorms towards the earth, it is like when our mother has given birth towards us; painful, agonizing, scary, and necessary for life to begin a new. As the water lands and soaks the earth, it doesn't remain like that for long. As it quenches the thirst of the plants and animals, so too do we work towards making this world a better place before our time comes for us to evaporate and rejoin the heavens. The cycle of changes continues on and on," said Alex. "Wow. I never thought of you like the philosophical or spiritual kind of person," said Lilith. "The truth is that we all are. We just forgot, and lately, we've been stuck in this state of stagnation and amnesia," said Alex.

"Well, I figured that if I die, then I die. If anything is for sure, I would like to leave behind something that would last beyond the bedside manner of death itself and give birth to a legend. That is my quarrel with life. In the meantime, all we can do is experience the universe while we can," said Lilith. Truth be told, as simple of philosophy as Lilith had told it, she found it possibly the most profound.

"Well, enough of this. Let's just get to our next class. Lead the way, Ms. Chinese-fortune-cookie," said Lilith. "Sure thing. This way," said Alex. Lilith couldn't help but think that it was indeed an odd question that she had asked, but it had plagued her mind for quite some time.

Alex, leading the way, both arrived at their classroom with several minutes to spare. "Ah. Hello, girls! Another great day, another great math lesson!" said Mr. Peach with cheerful enthusiasm. Alex couldn't help but groan at Mr. Peach's cheerful manner about the subject as she wasn't fond of it. Mr. Peach, a tall, slender man with grey features and a chiseled face, asked, "Whom might this be, Alex?" Alex, with a gesture, "M'lord, 'tis be the fair maiden, Lady Lilith Lancaster." Mr. Peach pleased said, "'Tis a pleasure."

Suddenly, a violent scream interrupted their conversation as two female students had started physically fighting outside of the classroom. "Excuse me." Said Mr. Peach as he stood up and ran to intervene. "Knock it off!" yelled Mr. Peach as he then escorted the two female students to the main office, leaving Lilith and Alex in the empty classroom.

"Hey. Uh. I know we just met but do you want to meet up after school at my place?" asked Alex. "Planning on murdering me already?" teased Lilith. "Only if you fuck my brother," said Alex with a chuckle. "Only if I get caught," said Lilith with a smirk. "Ew! Gross! Stop! Not happening!" screeched Alex in horror at the thought of her joke being a possibility.

Later that evening, Lilith was riding her bike as she pulled up to Alex's place. Lilith checked her cellphone for the address. "Well, this is the place," she said as she had placed the kickstand into position on her bike and leaned it against the outside wall of the house. It was a two-story bungalow with the front steps centered to the front and two adjacent flower beds to the steps leading to the front door.

Just before Lilith could approach the front door to knock, it opened. "Hello," said Alex smiling. "Hello," said Lilith returning Alex's smile with one of her own. "I know I look like I am ready for bed, but I hope you didn't mind that I had put on these comfy baggy clothes," said Alex. "I don't mind at all," said Lilith. Alex took a moment to see if the two of them were alone or not. Alex leaned in a bit and placed one cupped hand on the side of her mouth, whispering, "Let's have some fun, but we will have to be quiet about it." With a confused look on her face, Lilith was then led up the stairs to Alex's bedroom.

As they had entered Alex's bedroom on the second floor, what Lilith saw had impressed her. Her room was painted. Alex had a black bookshelf that was roughly five feet wide and seven feet high, almost reaching the ceiling but not quite doing so. The bookshelf contained a large number of different books. Most of the books were fantasy and sci-fi novels. There was one book that stood out pretty fast that Lilith had a copy of herself. 'The Karma Sutra' was quite a particular book.

"The Karma Sutra, huh? New girl in town and you're already trying to sleep with her?" said Lilith giving Alex a smirk, knowing very well that Alex had some interesting topics that she likes to read about. "Shut up!" said Alex as she began to blush. "l don't date. So, I keep myself preoccupied." Lilith chuckled. "Is that so? You must have some pretty interesting hobbies as well. And why are you blushing? I would have thought that based on our interaction earlier, and you were inviting me over, that I would have assumed that I would have been the 'shy one'?" said Lilith. "Hey. Even I can become insecure at times as well. I normally hide stuff like that, but I forgot," said Alex. Again Lilith laughed.

"Well, anyway, you mentioned that you had a brother, correct? Is he out?" asked Lilith. "Yeah," Alex said with a sigh. "He is drinking with his friend, Mark again. It is just a small gathering." Alex shook her head. "That's cool. Hopefully, he comes home safe," said Lilith. "Yeah, I hope so too," said Alex with a worried look on her face. "Don't worry. He will be safe," said Lilith with a smile on her face hoping to make Alex feel less worried about Aaron's drinking habits.

"Well, anyway, what do you want to do for fun?" asked Alex. "Well, do you want to do an Ouija board session?" asked Lilith in response to Alex's question. Alex paused for a moment to think of an answer. Sure," said Alex. "Okay," said Lilith, still smiling.

Alex reached underneath her bed and pulled out a black garbage bag filled with various objects and books. "So," Lilith said. "You have gotten around to hiding your stuff better, huh? Yes. Well, my dad started coming in my room lately." said Alex. "l just didn't want to take any chances." "Is he religious?" asked Lilith. "No. Are your parents religious?" asked Alex. "Yes, they are religious. It is great that they are trying to find peace, but I just want to find my path in life. And that is something a lot of people seem like they would never understand. Especially my parents," said Lilith.

"Yeah, I get that. The hardest thing that parents sometimes forget is that even though their children may look like them and may have similar mannerisms, they are completely separate people, who have their roles to play within the grand design, that is the universe," said Alex with a sigh. "Wow. That's quite profound for an eighteen-year-old college student," said Lilith. "I sometimes read Friedrich Nietzsche and Emmanuel Kant," said Alex. "Dry stuff and yet, profound but anyways, let's open up your bag of goodies and whip out that Ouija board," said Lilith. Alex opened the black garbage bag and emptied it. It contained an Ouija board, two white candles, scrap paper, a couple of books on witchcraft, and a black journal.

The girls had set up their Ouija board with a white candle on each side of the Ouija board. They sat facing each other with the Ouija board between them. Lilith pulled out a lighter from her pocket and lit the candles. She wasn't a smoker, but she was a bit of a pyromaniac. And considering that Alex and Lilith enjoy having Ouija board sessions often, it was just that much more convenient that Lilith kept a light on her at all times.

"Ready?" asked Lilith. "Yes. Let's begin," said Alex as they both crossed their legs, sitting on the ground. They both placed their hands on their knees as they both entered into a trance state, as they have done several times before. They then placed their hands on the planchette.

"Are there any spirits in this house?" asked Lilith. The planchette moved on the Ouija board to the place on the board that reads 'yes.' "Spirit, are you a human spirit?" asked Lilith. The planchette moved around the Ouija board and landed on 'yes.' "What is your name?" asked Alex. The planchette moved around the Ouija board, spelling 'A-A-R-O-N-S-T-R-A-T-T-O-N.' "Aaron Stratton."

Alex and Lilith looked frantically at each other. "Do you think," said Lilith but was interrupted by Alex. "No!" screamed Alex. There was a knock on the bedroom door. Charles's voice came through the door with the sound of sobs that he was trying to suppress. "Alex, can you please come out here? I have something important to tell you". "Sure, Dad!" responded Alex, knowing all too well about what horrible news that Charles had to share. Alex left her bedroom, leaving Lilith with the two lit, white candles and an Ouija board, as she closed her door.

Several moments have gone by as Lilith waited for Alex to return by her side. Lilith suspected that what the Ouija board had said to be true, as did Alex. As Lilith reached out for the planchette on the Ouija board with tears falling one after another down each cheek, she asked, "Aaron, is it true? Are you dead?" The planchette didn't move as fast this time, but slowly and subtly, it moved and pointed to 'Yes.'

As Lilith sat there, no longer touching the Ouija board, staring at the planchette as it had given its answer, she covered her eyes and cried as she knew that what truth that Alex had to face, if not now, would be soon. Lilith cried and then took her hands off her face as she realized that the planchette on the Ouija board was moving on its own. As each letter was pointed at by the planchette by seemingly invisible hands, Lilith wrote down each letter on a scrap piece of paper that she had in her pocket. The letters in order were 'L-I-L-I-T-H-I-L-I-K-E-Y-O-U' or "Lilith; I like you.' Lilith was comforted by this, but she knew she had to come to terms with her feelings. "Aaron," she said. "I am grateful for your honesty, even if the circumstances are dire. The truth is that I like your sister Alex. I just hope you can find peace."

It was at this moment when Lilith said nothing, and Aaron didn't move the planchette. Communication, whether it would verbally or through the touch of the Ouija board, had ceased. The once creepy feeling within the room was quickly replaced by one that was uneasy and compromising. Lilith asked '"Well, this has become an awkward séance, hasn't it, Aaron?" The planchette on the Ouija board moved on its own and stopped to point to 'Yes.' The two white candles around the Ouija board flickered violently and blew out, leaving the bedroom and Lilith in darkness.

Lilith sat there in the dark room and took a second to reflect on her situation. She hoped that her dead admirer would find peace. But at the same time, she had also wished that Aaron hadn't died. Lilith didn't bother to use the Ouija board to learn more from Aaron about what ended his life or who is responsible. She figured that she would find out about how Aaron died from Alex.

As she thought more and more about the situation, the emotional shock wore off from Lilith. Lilith then found herself breaking out in tears as she went from her lotus position to a quivering fetal position on the bedroom floor. Lilith then knew, at that moment, that she would also have to eventually be honest with Alex about her personal feelings as she had very much realized how life is too precious. That time, however, could not be now.

The bedroom door opened, allowing the light from the hallway to pierce the dark room like a butcher's cleaver chopping the flesh of an animal that it may devour. Lilith looked up from her fetal position, brushing the red hair from her face as she was weeping on the floor to who had opened the door. There way Alex standing in the doorway with a gloomy look of sorrow and tears rolling down her cheeks. Alex spoke with sobs in her voice as Lilith focused on what she was trying to say. "It is true. A drunken driver killed Aaron," said Alex. Alex walked into her room and turned her bedroom light on while closing her door behind her. Alex walked over and sat beside Lilith as they held and comforted each other.

As for what had felt like hours for the two girls had gone by, there was a break in the sound of Alex's crying when Lilith asked, "So, what had happened exactly? You and your Dad were talking for an awfully low time," Alex, with sniffles, still in Lilith's embrace, said, "Well, the Police had been talking to my Dad while we were playing with the Ouija board. So far from what we could find out, Aaron had been walking home from a party at Mark's. Aaron usually drinks at Mark's parties and then walks home. And for whatever reason, Mark, that ungodly pile of dog vomit, was out driving drunk. He ended up killing Aaron. He will pay for this!" Paused for a second to think about what Alex had just said. "I don't know what to say. What Mark did is hard to forgive even if it were by accident," said Lilith.

"I'll kill him!" screamed Alex with an angry tone in her voice. "No, you will not," said Lilith. "If we can talk to the dead using magic, we sure as hell use magic to make someone dead," said Alex. Lilith seeing Alex's emotional pain and anger, said, "Alright. I'll help you out." "Wait. What?" asked Alex with an astonished look on her face. "Well, you and I both have roughly an equal skill and knowledge in the occult. It may not be much, but we would be better doing it together," said Lilith. Alex got a huge smile on her face. Lilith saw this, and she also returned the smile. Alex surprised Lilith by kissing her on the lips and hugged her tightly. Lilith blushed. This had caused a very bright shade of red to appear on her cheeks.

"Well, let's do it a couple of weeks from now. I would like to get through the funeral first," said Alex before she had started to cry again. "Hey. Things will be alright. We can get through this together," said Lilith as she hugged Alex. "Yeah, it means a lot for everything that you have done for me," said Alex as she looked up into Lilith's eyes. There was a moment of silence as Alex looked deep into Lilith's eyes. "Wow," said Alex. "What?" asked Lilith. "You have really beautiful green eyes," said Alex. Alex then leaned in with her eyes closed and lightly pressed her lips against Lilith's lips. Lilith was at first startled by this showing of affection from Alex but soon lost the feeling of nervousness as she began to indulge in this pleasure of the flesh that she was so dearly depriving herself so long. In each other's bliss, Lilith placed one hand on Alex's cheek, and her other hand cradled Alex's head as they started to enter each other's mouths with their tongs. Their bodies contorted with each other's movements as they went from their rather prone sitting positions to Lilith lying on top of Alex as they kissed, holding each other in their arms and wrapping their legs around one another.

Meer moments have gone by as the two friends were consumed in each other's passion as they were lured by each other's movements on the wooden floorboards of the room. Alex was moving her hands down Lilith's back as Alex lightly kissed Lilith's neck. Lilith had moaned at the touch of her soft, moist lips tickling her neck. Lilith had an impulse that brought her back from their co-inhabited blissful state that reminded her that Alex was in a sensitive state because of the passing of Aaron, Alex's brother. As much as Lilith has been waiting for this moment, she realized that she could not have her love. Not yet. And not like this.

Lilith pushed herself away from Alex as they lay on the ground. "What's wrong?" asked Alex. "Well, your brother just died, and we are making out! "said Lilith. "Yeah, I know. I guess I'm not thinking straight. I just need an emotional release and to forget about all of this," said Alex with tears as she wrapped her arms around Lilith and placing her head on her shoulder. "It's okay. I would go a little crazy as well," said Lilith, hoping to think of something to alleviate each other's pain. All Lilith could hear is the sound of Alex's cries as they held each other. She knew that this truly was a mental breaking point for Alex and all she could do was comfort her in this time of need.

Weeks have gone by since the night of Aaron's death. Students at Alex's High School were still mourning his death. Many of them had come to his funeral. Many spoke to both Alex and her father, Charles, saying how great of a guy he was and what he had done for them. When the trial date came up for Mark, he got only about five years for his sentence considering he was seventeen years old. This news didn't at all sit well with Alex. A few days had gone by since Mark's hearing; Alex and Lilith were holding each other while lying in Alex's bed thinking of what had occurred in the courtroom, and they were looking rather gloomy. Alex suddenly cracked a smile. "It is time," said Alex. Lilith turned and looked at Alex knowing what she was talking about. "Do we have all of the necessary items for the ritual?" asked Lilith. "Most of them I have, but I just have to pick up one last thing," said Alex. "When do you want to do it?" asked Lilith with a sigh. "It will be done tonight. For the ritual I have in mind, I'll need a graveyard," said Alex.

Later that night, Lilith went to the local graveyard and waited for Alex to show up. The graveyard was a two-acre property that happened to have a pond that a few ducks usually occupied. Several maple trees are along the asphalt path that leads through the graveyard. During the day, this place was beautiful and almost tranquil, but during the night, it would have been the last place anyone would have wanted to be. This graveyard was featured in the news as there were a few murdered victims that were found here. Lilith knew of the murders. So, this made it rather uncomfortable for her to be in this area.

Lilith wandered through the graveyard, wondering what was taking Alex so long to gather what was left to complete the ritual. She had also thought about her and Alex's passionate moment. She still remembers the taste of Alex's cherry lip balm and the smoothness of her lips. The mere thought of what they did brought a smile to Lilith's lips as well as a giggle. She raised her hand to cover her mouth, almost as if she was worried someone would see her expression, but she soon remembers where she was and what she and Alex were about to do. She thought it was weird having thoughts like that in such a place. But as she stood amongst the tombstones, she looked down at her feet with a worried expression on her face as she was whispering to herself. "Where are you, my love?" she said. Lilith then heard a voice that caught her by surprise. "Nowhere and everywhere!" said Alex with a giggle as she walked up the small road that led into the graveyard. Alex was carrying a shovel as well as a backpack. "Oh. Hey. You got the stuff?" asked Lilith. "Of course, I have the stuff," said Alex with a smirk.

"What was that was so hard to get?" asked Lilith with a concerned look on her face. "Lamb's blood," answered Alex. "You went to get lambs' blood? Why in the hell would you need lamb's blood?" asked Lilith. Alex only stood with a smile on her face. "Well, I guess I'm about to find out," continued Lilith. "Well, my dear friend," said Alex almost sarcastically. "Blood feeds the spirits. I got this fresh from a local butcher shop. Blood also acts as a gateway between the worlds. Earth, Heaven, and Hell are connected through blood, water, and fire. That is something not too many people know." "But how does that explain the use of mirrors?" asked Lilith. "Mirrors mimic the reflective surface of the water. But anyway, let's get walking and find a nice hidden place," said Alex. "That is very interesting. And yes, we best be moving fast if we don't want to get caught," said Lilith with a smile.

As the girls were walking, they continued their conversation about the ritual that they believed would ultimately end the life of Mark, the one responsible for Aaron's death, Lilith," said Alex. "I know you agreed to help me out with this ritual. You can stop here and no longer be involved and spare yourself the guilt." Lilith stopped to turn and look at Alex. "Hey. We are in this together now," said Lilith.

"Honestly, I think he has already suffered. And by ending his life, we are putting his suffering to rest. But what I think you should be asking is 'if I go along with this, will I find peace?" Alex was shocked by Lilith's response as Alex came to realize that maybe Lilith was right. Alex then soon remembers quickly how much anger and pain Mark had caused both her and her Father for taking Aaron's life. Alex then no longer cared how Aaron died, even if it was total negligence. Tears began to flow from Alex's eyes as her makeup was being messed up as she fell into Lilith's arms, dropping the shovel and backpack. Lilith was holding onto Alex as she was crying into Lilith's shoulder.

"It is okay. I'm here for you, Alex. Let's just get this ritual done and spend the rest of our days trying to find peace and love," said Lilith softly as she kissed Alex's cheek. Suddenly Lilith's cell phone was ringing in her pocket. Alex took a moment to shuffle through what she had in her pocket to find her cell phone. When she found her cell phone, the caller identification on the cell phone read that she had a text message from her dad. Alex, in her state of emotional anguish, handed the cell phone over to Lilith. Lilith took the cell phone from Alex and read the text message. The text message was written in capital letters reading "COME HOME - AGATHA." "Who is Agatha?" asked Lilith. Alex, looking up at Lilith's face as she was trying to respond by holding back the sobs in her voice, said, "Agatha is my mother's cousin, who also went to the same high school as my mother. My parents always said that if anything were to happen, I should call her".

Lilith thought for a moment as she held Alex in her arms before asking, "Do you think something happened to your Dad if she is using his cell phone to send you a text message?" The atmosphere soon went from one filled with sorrow and despair to gloom. "Well, No. I don't think that is the case. Or at least, I hope not. I haven't talked to her in four years. I was fourteen years old when I had last seen her at my Great-Aunt Victoria's funeral. I also have enjoyed her company, but she was usually around when there were horrible circumstances," said Alex as she cried the last of the tears as she could. Lilith sighed as she wondered who Agatha was and hoped she could help Alex come to terms with Aaron's death.

Before leaving, Lilith would help Alex clean up her smudged makeup. Lilith looked through her pockets to see what she had. She found a few packets of sanitized tissues and did her best to help Alex look more presentable. "Thanks, Lilith," said Alex. "Not a problem," said Lilith. "I wouldn't want you to see this 'Agatha' woman while looking like a hot mess." Alex laughed between each sob as she started to smile.


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