"Brother, are Western officials all like this? Then why do they choose to be officials?" Su Yanqiao couldn't quite understand.
Zhu Wencong, however, thought that the Chinese restaurants these days were terrible, too catered to Westerners' tastes.
Perhaps due to the scarce number of Chinese in Washington, they had no choice but to adapt in this way to have developed until now.
"Although Americans like to daydream, there is also a portion who are honest and simple, not chasing after great wealth and luxury.
For them, having a job is enough, working for the government is more stable, and of course, there are also instances of unpaid wages.
In the end, ordinary people in the West are no different from those in the East; the underprivileged have always lacked the power to choose."
"Low-level officials in the West are really public servants, it's the middle and high-ranking officials who start to cash in on their power," Zhu Wencong explained in detail.
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