Jiuding Bank's affairs had temporarily come to an end, and Zhu Wencong wouldn't need to worry about it for a long time.
Those investors, in their pursuit to become the new fintech elites of California, would do their utmost to propel Jiuding Bank forward.
Originally, they were all capitalists fighting their own battles, but Zhu Wencong's emergence united them, achieving monopolistic collusion.
For this very reason, no one was willing to exit, as those who did would inevitably become prey to the others.
Other capital groups lacked a leader of Zhu Wencong's caliber, unable to band together to confront Jiuding Bank.
In simple terms, a qualified leader would maximize the concentration of all resources and aim their collective firepower outward.
At this moment, Zhu Wencong was like the North's Lincoln, capable of uniting the majority to strike at a few.
The South's Slavery Federation still had no qualified leader, and their internal situation was a tangled mess.
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