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87.5% Alpha Lilly / Chapter 28: Alpha Lilly

Chapter 28: Alpha Lilly

I got up this morning early. I can't sleep. Too excited. Today is the day I become Alpha!

I meet father in the office and find him packing.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"After today this is no longer my office... Alpha." He says grinning at me.

"How do we know I will retain my Alpha... I mean later... no female Alpha ever has." I am worried. I am excited but what if I'm not strong enough.

"There have only been 4 female Alphas in history. Each one was used and abused. Treated like an object to gain power. Also they were mated before they were given the Title. There are no guarantees, little wolf. I can't tell you it will all be perfect but you are doing things right. You are strong, and Aaron is a good man. I have faith in you... you'll be fine." He says.

"Soo... what do I have to do in this ceremony?" I ask and Father laughs.

"Let's take a walk." He wraps his arm around me and leads me out the door.

The place is extremely active. Wolves running around setting things up. It is a beautiful day. A no shoes kind of day which I prefer. Sam set everything up. A platform in a clearing in the woods is where we usually have important events. Wolves prefer being outside and it fits hundreds of wolves. It is all decked out lights in the trees that will look beautiful once the sun goes down. A podium is set in the middle of the platform with a bowl and knife.

"Let me guess... blood?" I say as we step up.

"You know it... it's what unites us all." He grins. "So you will stand in the front of the crowd with the ranking wolves. I give a little speech and call you up. Then an elder conducts the ceremony. You take the vow. We share blood. You become Alpha."

"That sounds like the sesame street version." I say.

"Kinda is but you get the idea.... Samantha!" He calls her over.

"Yes Alpha." She says as she approaches.

"Everything ready?" He asks.

"Sure is... did you need something?"

"Can you get Lilly ready?" Oh no not again Sam is queen of overkill!

"No problem Alpha... don't worry everything will be perfect!" She says to father then turns to me "let's go!"

Lucky for me Sam had no intention of taking me somewhere she had found three fancy dresses and brought them to her house.

"You pick! It's a big day, little one... or should I start calling you Alpha now?" She says.

"You can call me what ever you want, Sam." I laugh.

They are amazing. Floor length and very formal. I pick the green one.

"Is everyone going to be this dressed up?"

"Of course! This is not only big for you but for the pack as well. They are getting a new Alpha." I am more nervous now than ever. "You will be great Lilly!"

"I agree." Beta Carson says as he comes in. "Babe you mind if I steal our Alpha away for a bit... pack business and all."

"Fine. But I need you back here at 6 for makeup and hair if we want you ready for the ceremony at 8." She says.

"Will do... come on Lilly." I follow Beta Carson out the door.

"So were you just saving me or do you need me for something?" I ask and he laughs.

"Both I guess... you need to decide pack ranks." Carson says.

"What do you mean?" The pack is already set. What do I have to decide?

"Who is your Beta, your Gamma, your Delta... you have to decide." He tells me.

"You, Eric, David... its already done." I respond.

"I will gladly be your Beta Lilly and I'm sure Erickson will accept the position as Gamma... I think David may be ready to step down but if you ask him I bet he'd stay... the point is once you are Alpha you have to Appoint us, accept us as leaders of your pack. Its not automatic so think about it... who do you want ruling along side you?" I think about Carson's words. It's a lot to consider. I don't want to force David into anything so I need to find a new Delta... it's a lot to think about.

"Carson. Will you do me the honor of becoming my Beta to protect and serve this pack for as long as you draw breath?" I ask him. I read a book on werewolf ceremonies a while ago. The wording of a request like this is always excessive for my tastes but I am taking this seriously.

"Of course Alpha... I'd be honored." I hug him. "Go find your Gamma and Delta now... you will accept us after your ceremony."

I leave Carson and head to the pack house. "Have you seen Erickson around?" I ask the first wolf I see.

"I think he is in the kitchen." She says.

I make my way to the kitchen. When I walk in I see that he is not alone. His back is to me and I can see someone's legs on other side of him as she sits on the counter.

"You want me to come back later, Ricky?" I ask. He breaks the kiss and turns to look at me.

"Lilly!" The girl yells jumping off the counter.

"Well hi, EV!" I laugh. I was not expecting that! "I thought you left with Aaron."

"Well I decided to stay." She says sheepishly. Eric walks to her side wrapping his arm around her.

"Lilly... this is my mate." He tells me.

"Sooo... you traveled the world looking for your mate and she was 3 hours away? You are not very good at searching... good thing I don't want you to be a tracker!" I tease him.

"Ha ha very funny." He glares at me and I laugh.

"EV can I steal him a minute... just a little pack business shouldn't take long." I ask her. She nods kisses Eric on the cheek and leaves.

"What's up, spitfire?" He asks leaning against the counter.

"Erickson. Will you do me the honor of becoming my Gamma to protect and serve this pack for as long as you draw breath?" Same words I know.. I'm getting nervous as he starts to laugh.

"Oh my Lil! You look so serious!" He continues to laugh.

"I'll take that as a No then!" He is seriously laughing at me! Jerk!

"Lilly stop!" He straightens up and stops laughing. "I would be honored to serve as your Gamma, Alpha Lilly." He gives a bow showing respect. "Sorry I laughed." He pulls me into a hug. "My lil spitfire is turnin' into a big bad Alpha! I'm so proud!" He starts laughing again and tousled my hair.

"Knock it off, Ricky!" I yell at him.

"I told you not to call me that!" He glares at me.

"Yea yea go back to your mate I got ta go find me a Delta!" I hear him mutter a whatever as he leaves.

I walk straight to Delta David's house. I knock on the door and his 16 year old son answers.

"Hello, your dad home?" I ask.

"Dad!" He calls and walks away. Well hello to you too.

"Lil' Alpha! Sorry for my boy. NO RESPECT!" He yells the last bit after the boy. "Come in." I enter his house and have a seat in the living room. "What brings ya here Lilly?" David asks handing me a glass of sweet tea.

"Do you still want to be Delta?" I ask point blank.

"Honestly... I'm tired... I'm older than your father. I've spent most of my life serving him. I'm not complainin' but mu boy's nearly grown. If ya need me it'd be my pleasure. I'll serve ya as I have yer father. I know mu boy is too young and immature fer the position so I'll take it." He says.

"David... I can find someone else. Be with your family. You've earned it." I tell him.

"Ya sure lil' Alpha?" He asks.


He smiles at me and gives me a hug.

"Thank you, Alpha." He says... no lil' just Alpha.

I leave and meander about. There is only one person that I really trust and want by my side. The only question is whether or not he will accept it. Only one way to find out.

"Dalton!" I call when I finally find him on the training grounds.

"What's up Lil!" He responds as he continues his assault on the dummy.

"You are the only person training today...most everyone else is preparing for tonight." I say.

"Yea well." He kicks the poor dummy in the face. "I nearly got our new Alpha killed. I deserve a lot worse than a little extra training." He throws a few more punches then kicks it snapping its support the dummy falls to the ground.

"Come here I need to talk to you." He comes over and I toss him a towel. He wipes his face and neck then takes it across his chest and throws it. He plops on the ground by wall and leans against it.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"You know this wasn't your fault."

"Sure." He scoffs and looks down.

"So hay Delta David is retiring." I try to sound like I'm merely gossiping.

"Really?!" He asks. I see a little smile.


"Never thought I'd see the day... wait who is the new Delta? No way his runt is stepping up! I help train the teens. Kid has no respect, no since of duty, he doesn't care about anything!" He rants.

"You seem to know what a leader should be." I say.

"Well yea! Respect the Alpha. Loyal to the pack. Caring and compassionate to it's members. Not afraid to do what ever is necessary to protect our people." I just smile at him. He will be great. "What? Why are you looking at me like that!"

"Dalton. Will you do me the honor of becoming my Delta to protect and serve this pack for as long as you draw breath?" I ask and I see his jaw drop.

"You can't... you want me to?... why?" He stammers.

"Listen to yourself. You just told me why! On top of all that I trust you. You are my best friend and I couldn't think of a better person to help me lead." I tell him.

"Umm... wow Lil..." he stands up in front of me. "Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't." I answer.

"I would be honored to become your Delta. To serve you and if necessary die for you and this pack... thank you, Alpha. " it is odd to see your best friend bow to you. He stands up straight. "I got ta get ready!" He says and runs off.

I make my way back to Sam's. She is ticked. It is nearly a quarter after 7 when I come in.

"Where have you been?" She asks dragging me into the living room.

"Pack business." I say. I like that explanation. No one questions it.

"Fine but we need to hurry." She says.

"Skip the makeup Sam." I tell her.

"I know you don't like it but..." I glare at her. "Come on Lilly Aaron will be there and..."

"And he doesn't like when I wear makeup either." I cut her off.

"Fine break my heart why don't ya! At least let me do your hair!" She insists.

"Of course Sam."

She has me all done up in no time.

"Ok let's go!" Carson comes in just as she zips the dress.

We walk to the platform and stand near the front with the elders, Eric, and now Dalton. Carson smiles at Dalton when he sees him and then me. He gives me a hug.

"Good choice." He whispers.

I see the sector leaders standing in the front on the other side of the platform. More wolves are gathered here than I have ever seen in one place. I couldn't count but I'd say nearly the entire pack came home for this. The lights in the trees are magnificent. The moon is full bathing us in it's light. A fire pit is burning just in front of the podium.

"Welcome!" father's voice booms over the crowd. "We gather tonight to mark the beginning of a new era. As of tonight I will no longer be Alpha of the Red Rivers pack. A new generation will step forward to rule. Come." He says with an outstretched hand. I walk up to the platform and stand next to my father. He leads me to the podium and we stand on either side. The eldest wolf is already on the platform. He steps up facing the pack between my father and I.

"Do you, Lilly Anne Blackthorn, accept the rights and responsibilities of Alpha? Do you swear to devote your life to the pack and lead to the best of your ability? And should you ever become unfit to lead do you swear to relinquish your Alpha power to a worthy leader?" The elder reads.

"I do." I say

"And do you, Alpha Mason Bartholomew Blackthorn, Give your position freely, Stepping down as Alpha, do you swear to guide your successor competently accepting a position among the elders?"

"I do." Father responds.

Father takes the knife and slides it across his palm.

"May my blood be my bond." He says.

"May my blood be my bond." I echo cutting myself. I know the words. I don't know how but I do. Father takes my hand.

"By the sharing of blood may the power flow." Father and I say simultaneously. I watch the blood drip into the bowl. A shock shoots up my arm knocking me back. Fathers grip tightens holding me in place. The elder takes the bowl and throws it into the fire.

"Let the fire purify you washing you of any past titles." He says. "Alpha Lilly. Elder Mason." Father drops my hand. The pack bows to me as I am announced.

"Elder? That makes you old now" I link father.

"Don't start little wolf." He links back. I can see a smile on his face.

"Now." The elder continues. "Alpha Lilly, name your Beta."

"Carson Andrew Rose." I see him smile when I use his true last name rather than the one he changed it to. Carson steps up onto the platform.

"Your Gamma."

"Erickson Mathew Hansen." Eric stands beside Carson on the platform.

"And your Delta."

"Dalton Emanuel Richardson." Dalton stands beside Eric.

"Alpha. Do you accept these wolves as leaders of your pack?" The elder asks.

"I do."

The elder turns to the other three.

"Do you swear to protect this pack. To serve it and its Alpha as long as you draw breath and are able to do so serving as..." he stands in front of Carson. "Beta."

"I do."

He moves to Erickson "Gamma."

"I do"

He moves to Dalton "and Delta."

"I do."

I feel father slide the knife into my hand. I cut my palm again and hand it to Carson. He does the same passing it down the line.

"Let the blood bind your oath to Alpha and pack." The elder says. I shake hands with Carson then Erickson and finally Dalton. "The positions are set. Beta Carson." Carson steps forward "Gamma Erickson." Eric steps forward "Delta Dalton." Dalton joins them at the front of the platform.

"Let's Run!" Father booms and everyone cheers.

The entire pack shifts and I along with my team lead the run. We go for about an hour.

"You should turn back Lilly... don't want to overdo it." Father links.

I turn back home and we all shift back into our human forms and dress. I get a lot of hand shakes hugs and congratulations. Slowly the wolves filter out. I sit on the platform watching the embers burn and fizzle out one by one.

I'm Alpha now... wow... I don't know what to think. Can I do this?

"Are you going to lurk all night Aaron?" I call out to him. I've smelled him for the past ten minutes.

"You seemed lost in thought, Alpha... didn't want to disturb." He says grinning.

"Get over here!" I yell at him and he jogs up to sit next to me. He wraps his arm around me and I cuddle into him.

"I've never seen one before... you were Amazing!" He says hugging me.

"I was nervous. I nearly fell over!" I say.

"Not from where I stood. You seemed confident. You ooze authority. It was impressive." He smiles at me.

"Thanks Aaron." I lean my head on him.

"I have one more question for you tonight." He says pulling away from me. He pulls out a small box.

"I know that a wolves mark shows they are mated and its basically a wedding band. But I want humans to know that you are mine too. So Lilly Anne Blackthorn will you be my mate. My bride. Make me the happiest wolf on earth and don't make me beg. Give me the same answer you've given all night."

Wow...he just...he asked...

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" My wolf chants.

"I don't know begging could be fun!" I smile at him.

"Lilly." He says warningly.

"Come on Aaron Yes, I will, I do. How ever you want me to say it, I'm yours!" I yell. He places the ring on my finger and picks me up. Spinning me around he kisses me.

"You know... now we have another ceremony to plan." I say as we walk back to the pack house.

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