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All Your Fault!!!! All Your Fault!!!! original

All Your Fault!!!!

Author: Kash_108

© WebNovel


*3rd Person Pov*

Gotham Central Hospital, 12:00 am

A young woman, roughly 23-25 years old, can be seen huffing and panting on a hospital bed.

This woman is the mother of Jonathan Davis. The mother of the unborn child's name is Olivia Davis.

As of right now the child's father is nowhere in sight. The Father not even knowing he was having a child was not present this day.

Olivia: *grunts*

Doctor: GIVE BIRTH!!!!

*Pop* Finally after hours of screaming the baby boy was finally born.

Jon: *Baby Noises*

Olivia: Let me see my baby.

Doctor: Here ya go miss.

Olivia: Oh my beautiful baby.

Sadly good times do not last very long, as not to long after the mother died due to complications giving birth. After seeing if she had any family who could adopt the doctors decided to give the child to an orphanage. That is until a man by the name of Ra's Al Ghul showed up and claimed the child as his grandson, though the woman's parents were supposedly deceased.

However that all went out the window when the man offered exorbitant amounts of money to adopt the child.

So the child was given to the man after a small amount of paperwork was filled out by the man.


It's been 4 years since that day. We can see Jonathan and his "Grandfather" training with Bokken(wooden katana), Jonathan is clearly outmatched as Ra's is vastly more experienced and skilled.

*1st Person Pov*

Jonathan: Dammit I lost again.

Ra's: Do not worry, you will get there eventually. For now rest as of tomorrow we're training nonstop for another week.

Jonathan: Yes Sir.

With that I headed back to my room to rest. For as long as I can remember I've lived with my grandfather. It's nice here, all of my ninja friends are cool and everyone is kind to me. Sadly grandfather is a little rough when it comes to training and I always have to get bandaged after. Even though recently it hasn't been hurting as much and I feel fine within a day.

Aunt Talia always says I'm special but I've never understood what she meant. Anyways as of right now I'm heading to my room so I can rest. My room is very simplistic with just a bed, dresser, and nightstand. My grandfather always says that I don't need anything else because anything else is unnecessary.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Jonathan, my grandfather didn't give me a last name. I'm 4 years old and I don't have any family except the people here at the temple. I love everyone here especially Aunt Talia, she's always nice to me. I don't like Aunt Nyssa though, she always forces me to do extra training and is mean to me. Grandfather is pretty cool, he doesn't really interact with me outside of training but he's never mean and encourages me to get stronger.

Anyways after arriving in my room I turned off my lights and went to sleep.

*Timeskip to the morning*

I was awakened by my grandfather at 0500 hours. I walked to the cafeteria where my ninja friends were serving breakfast. I got some simple oatmeal and bacon to eat. After eating I went to the training grounds where my grandfather was waiting for me by himself.

After giving myself a small pep talk I prepared for another week of nonstop training.

Ra's: Are you ready boy?

Jon: Yes Grandfather.

*1 Year Timeskip*

It's been a year since the "real training" has started and I've come to learn that my body adapts pretty fast as within a week the training was kinda mundane to me. However the training only increased and I just continued to get stronger, faster, and more deadly as time went on. At least that's what grandfather says.

Anyways since then we've been practicing with weapons. We started with actual swords first, this was also the time I learned that I could heal from minor cuts in a single day. I'm starting to realize what Aunt Talia meant when she said I was special. Anyways I need to get back on track, other weapons we've started training with were daggers, knives, axes, and more. Ra's has even started teaching me how to use guns.

Grandfather has also started teaching me martial arts of my choosing, at first he just taught me the basics of fighting but now it's time for me to create my own martial arts style and perfect it but, first I need to learn some preexisting martial arts.

Grandfather started by showing examples of each martial art. After seeing each of the I went into deep thought. I feel more comfortable throwing punches but, I also want to integrate kicks into my style. So I finally made up my mind and told Grandfather.

Jon: I've decided to choose Muay Thai, Krav Maga, and Boxing.

Ra's: Good choice. We shall start your training now.

And with that we began. The schedule I've been given Consists of me practicing techniques for each martial art on weekdays and on weekends training my body nonstop. It was very strenuous at first but I got used to it, of course I wouldn't tell Grandfather this as heed increase my training by a lot.


It's been a month since we started but, I'm already almost as strong as my ninja friends. I asked my Grandfather why I got strong so fast and he said that I was special, just like Aunt Talia said, but he wouldn't tell me what it meant.

Anyways since then I've learned a lot and could match my ninja friends in combat. Grandfather said he's going to be increasing my training tenfold every time I get better or used to my training, which sucks but I can't argue with him or he'll train me even harder.

Kash_108 Kash_108

Hello Author here. This is my first story and I've had this idea for awhile. I also haven't seen many stories based in the Dc Comics Universe that haven't been dropped.

Also no there will not be a harem and that is final.

If you're wondering why I chose those specific martial arts for the reader, it's because I have some experience in them myself and it'd be easier to write martial arts I myself know about.

Anyways, leave some ideas down in the comments and those of you readers that are smart will know what the mc's power(s) will be.

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