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20.83% Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin / Chapter 10: First day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 10: First day at Hogwarts.

When they entered the carriage, the couple found a free compartment rather quickly. Bella just looked at the scenery outside the window, and Alex started reading a book on dark magic, disguised as a book on transfiguration. Only Alex couldn't finish reading one single page for twenty minutes. His thoughts were scattered and he couldn't concentrate on the book. He was about to meet Dumbledore, Darius's last words, "for his bride-to-be," and strangely enough, the girl sitting across from him, staring blankly at the scenery outside the window.

By one o'clock the door to the compartment opened and a sweet-seller stood in the corridor. To Peverell's surprise it was the same woman as in his time. Younger, though. Much younger.

- Would you like something sweet, my dears? - The woman asked in the same kind voice. Alex and Bella had already had ice cream, so they just politely declined.

- Miss Black..." Peverell started to say, but was cut short.

- Just Bella, - the girl surprised the guy, and seeing his look explained. - When we're alone together, it's just Bella, and let's go by 'you'," the boy nodded silently.

- Say Alex... - the girl started, but stopped when she saw the strange look in the guy's eyes. - What's wrong? - the girl got suspicious.

- No, everything is fine, it's just that I've never been called that in my whole life, - explained the guy.

- So, you haven't even had someone to talk to, - the girl asked with shock.

- No, I didn't. I haven't had parents since birth and I don't even know them, - the boy shared his secret.

- And that man who was with you in the slanted alley? - another question from the girl.

- Well, it depends on how you look at it. He's not the kind of man who likes to turn his soul inside out. And he only ever addressed me as a lord or his apprentice, and House elves, you know, aren't good for talking. Forget it, though," was His reply.

- What have you been doing all your life? If you haven't even had anyone to talk to. What have you been doing? - Bella asked with interest.

- There's nothing to say until I was five, and then Darius became my mentor and started teaching me everything I know about magic. The housekeepers took care of me when I forgot to eat or fainted because of training, and the portraits taught me how to run my family's business, clan magic and so on. They became a kind of family, but still a family," Alex said, smiling.

- And what did Darius teach you? - The girl asked curiously.

- Everything. History, spells, transfiguration, potions, etiquette, traditions, even dancing, - at the last one he blushed a little. Which amused the girl a little.

- How? Is he a man also much taller than you? - the girl asked.

- And he's also a metamorph," Alex simply mumbled, thus amusing and surprising the girl even more.

Towards evening the train reached Hogsmeade station. It was dark outside and the weather was clear, for it was raining heavily. The children, who had already changed, got out of the carriage and looked round to see a young Argus Filch.

- All first-years to me. Let's get a move on," Filch said in his usual disgruntled voice. - My name is Argus Filch. I'm Hogwarts' head chef. Everybody follow me and hurry up. We won't be waiting for any stragglers," and with those words he headed for the lake, followed by the first-years. It took about twenty minutes to get to the boats. It was dark, wet, and slippery. Thanks to water-repellent and warming charms put on robes and a simple spell "Lumos" Alex and Bella, unlike most of them, did not feel much discomfort. When they reached the shore, the students saw a small flotilla. 

- Four for each," Filch said, taking one of the boats himself. The prospective freshmen quickly took the boats. Our couple got into one. And to Alex's surprise there was a little Lucius Malfoy in the back, and seeing him, and especially the mask of indifference on his face, Peverell had a hard time suppressing a chuckle. He had wanted to see a petite version of Malfoy senior, but the reality exceeded his expectations. The other was a boy of eleven years of unpleasant appearance, looking like a wardrobe.

- All settled, then let's go, - after these words all the boats simultaneously floated on the mirror surface of the lake towards the school.

The sight of the thousand-year-old castle with its lights on was breathtaking, and no one but Alex (who had already seen it) could hold back a shaken sigh. Having reached the other shore, everyone headed towards the main gate, which opened with a soft creak as the students approached. Once inside, the head teacher led everyone into the Great Hall. As they approached the hall, everyone saw a figure in a robe with a pointed hat. It was Minerva McGonagall, very young, but with the same stern eyes.

- 'I brought them Professor,' said the archivist addressing McGonagall.

- Thank you, Mr Filch, you may go," Minerva replied and continued, addressing the freshmen. - Welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Minerva McGonagall. I will be your transfiguration teacher, and I am also the Dean of Gryffindor. In a few minutes, you will enter through these doors," she said, indicating the doors of the Great Hall, "and join your fellow students. But before you do, you will be divided by faculty. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Take this seriously, as selection is a very important event. After all, the faculty you will be selected for will be your second family, where you will be for the next seven years. For success in your studies you get points, and for breaking the rules you will lose them. At the end of the year, the faculty that will receive the most points will receive the school cup, - after these words the professor left.

- How do you think the selection will be done? - Bellatrix asked Alex.

- I don't know, maybe some artefact will determine," Peverell answered. He could have been telling the truth, but there would have been questions about how he knew that, because, according to him, he had spent his entire childhood in the Manor. Still, Bellatrix had a very sharp mind and an incredible memory. The girl wanted to ask something else, but didn't have time, as McGonagall returned.

- Line up in rows of two. Everyone is waiting. Let's go," she said, heading towards the doors of the Great Hall.

The Great Hall hasn't changed a bit. It was still the same huge room. Four long tables from one end of the hall to the other and a fifth smaller one for the professors, and the main attraction of the Great Hall was the enchanted ceiling.

To Alex's delight the only people he knew were Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn, Flitwick and Filch. He didn't know if Hagrid was a forest ranger or not. And oddly enough, Mad-Eye. He looked a lot better now than he had before, but still the magic eye was there, but the prosthetic seemed to be gone.

Walking to the other end of the hall, led by McGonagall, the first-years walked over to a chair on which the same old, tattered, spreader hat lay.

McGonagall walked over to a chair and opened a scroll from nowhere, then said:

- 'The one whose name I call will step forward and I will place the Sorting hat on his head,' the professor instructed. And the distribution began. At each of the hat shouts, a certain one of the faculty tables exploded with a deafening noise.

- Which Houses do you think you'll get into? - Bella suddenly asked Alex.

- I don't know, maybe Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw, though more likely the former," Peverell answered.

- I think so too, my whole family went to Slytherin, although I love reading, so Slytherin or Ravenclaw," Bella said. Suddenly her eyes sparkled and she turned to Peverell.

- How much money did you bring with you? - The boy was surprised, but answered.

- I have nothing to buy, but I have a hundred galleons just in case," replied Peverell, remembering his wallet.

- Great, I've got a hundred too. Let's have fun, - Bella suggested. Alex only silently raised an eyebrow, showing to continue.

- Betting. Let's bet from five to ten galleons, to whichever House is chosen, - Bella suggested. After thinking, Alex nodded in agreement.

- Good. I'll go first," Bella said, to which the boy again nodded silently.

- Marcus Goyle," the professor announced. And to the chair headed the very cabinet, who sat together with Malfoy on the boat behind their back.

- Five galleons for Hufflepuff," Bella said, and then Alex noticed that the other first-years were watching their argument with interest.

- Five galleons for Slytherin," Alex answered.

And the hat a second later voiced "Slytherin" to the whole hall. Alex grinned contentedly after those words, and Bella looked shocked.

- Arius Crabbe," the professor continued. After which another wardrobe headed towards the hat, only this one was wider in the stomach area.

- Five for Slytherin," Peverell was the first to voice the bet.

- 'Five on Hufflepuff,' Black replied.

- "Slytherin," the entire hall chimed in. To which Bella hissed irritably and Alex just grinned.

- Frank Longbottom," another student called out. "Neville," flashed through his mind.

- 'Five galleons to Slytherin,' Black voiced.

- Five to Gryffindor," from Peverell.

- "Gryffindor," came from the hat. To which Bellatrix was already frowning.

- Bellatrix Black," came from McGonagall.

- All or nothing," Bella suggested. To which Alex, after a moment's thought, agreed. - Slytherin," the girl voiced her choice before leaving.

- Ravenclaw," she said back.

- "Slytherin," the hat voiced its choice a moment later. To which the girl smiled smugly at the guy for just a moment. And the guy...

- Oh, shit," the guy swore, at which the people next to him smiled. Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall looked at the scroll, about to call out the next person, but faltered when she saw the name.

- Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin," McGonagall said, and then the entire Great Hall fell silent. The first-years began to look around.

Taking a deep breath. Alex walked out of the crowd, feeling several hundred stares on him. Especially the Slytherin table, the Headmaster, and the Dean of Slytherin himself. The former was as interested in the appearance of the heir to one of the Founders as the latter was, but he was also interested in Slyznorth because he had a thing for famous personalities, and the Headmaster was interested in one more thing besides all that. He was a member of a family that was thought to be dead. Besides, the legendary Deathly Hallows came from this very family, and Albus had seen for himself that it was not a legend. The Elder or Elder Wand, which the Headmaster had the honour of owning, but which had suddenly disappeared right out of the Headmaster's hands a few years ago, and then, a few years later, a member of the same family showed up. They don't know that Alexandros is the head of both, the rings are hidden. As the boy sat down on the chair he felt a hat being placed on his head, and then Alex heard the voice of the hat in his head. 

- Welcome to Hogwarts Lord Peverell, - sounded in his head.

- Can you communicate mentally? - The lord clarified.

- Yes. I can communicate mentally, more specifically, I can be inside your head and see everything you've experienced in your entire life, although I can't see what you had before the age of five, but that's enough. Your skills and knowledge are impressive. Head of the Peverell family, head of the Slytherin family, animagus, dark mage, youngest potions master in the history of potions, snake-witch, you have aptitude in artefacting, blood magic, dark magic, necromancy, ritualistics, and in the basic magical arts your skills are impressive, excellent physical condition, intelligence and strength. And this is only at the age of eleven. You are without a doubt the most gifted freshman in the long history of Hogwarts," it was all said in a leisurely voice while only ten seconds had passed outside.

- I hope you'll keep my skills and abilities a secret? - The guy asked.

- 'Don't worry, no one will know about it. I'm part of Hogwarts, and the school keeps its students' secrets from everyone and the Headmaster is no exception. And he will only find out if the students are in danger. But even without that, you should know that the Headmaster is interested in you," the artefact said, not asking, but rather stating.

- Yes.

- Well, where do you want me to send you? You have an incredible thirst for knowledge, you have a goal that you would do anything for, but you have almost no honour or nobility left in you. It follows, then, that the road to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff is closed to you; you are loyal only to those who show similar loyalty to you. That leaves two more faculties. So, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Although Slytherin would be the best, there you can find yourself loyal future mates and Slytherin will help you fulfil your potential and help you on your way to greatness. It's settled then," and all this was said in the same calm and unhurried voice while ten seconds passed outside.

And in the great hall, in those twenty seconds, the tension seemed to have reached such a level that it seemed to be palpable. As suddenly to the entire hall...

- Well, it's decided, definitely Slytherin," the hat's decision was announced. 

The Slytherin faculty, despite the fact that they were mostly purebloods with good upbringing, did not hold back and burst into applause. They calmed down quickly, though. Having waited until his hat was taken off his head, Alex got up from his seat and with coldness on his face, with a leisurely gait as decency demanded, went to the table of his faculty. Having reached the table, Alex sat down next to Bellatrix and began to watch the distribution. Also joining the Slytherin table were Lucius Malfoy, Marius Nott, Rogers Gump and Rabastan Lestrange. The last name made the boy frown, for as far as he knew from his past life, that one had an older brother. Who was two years older than Rabastan and had been Bellatrix's husband in a past life. The latter made Alex clench his fist to a crunch, but no one else noticed it except Bellatrix and she looked at him worriedly, but said nothing. However, this behaviour made not only Black tense up, but Alex himself. Peverell couldn't understand why he was so angry and the sudden realisation of it was like a bucket of cold water for him. HE'S JEALOUS OF BELLATRIX! Deciding to think about it later, Alex began to watch as the distribution ended. The very last was, to the boy's surprise, Rosmerta Pezgood, the future owner of the Three Broomsticks pub, who went to Hufflepuff.

Peverell was glad that Slytherin knew what etiquette and decorum were. They didn't press the issue. But there were stares of scrutiny and calculation. And the latter were a little frightening, because they were from the Slytherin women.

Once the distribution was over, Dumbledore rose from his seat and said:

- Before we begin the celebratory dinner, let us welcome Alastor Moody. Our new professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Professor Edgecom has resigned for health reasons and has gone to St. Mungo's Hospital, and Professor Moody, together with Professor Flitwick, will be teaching the dueling class, which is compulsory for all courses," Dumbledore said a little understatedly, as he said that Moody had made the DADA professor a little ill, and then the Headmaster had dismissed Edgecom and invited Gryum to take over, so that he could find out more about Peverell. And even for the sake of it, he had resumed dueling classes, which had been suspended quite a while ago, to see what Peverell was capable of. Still, the auror was intelligent and experienced, and his knowledge and experience in the dark arts surpassed even Dumbledore's. He had seen and noticed many things. He was clever, cunning and savvy. The perfect agent and spy.

- Freshers, remember the curfew of nine o'clock, after which it is strictly forbidden to be outside the living room. And the number of forbidden things has increased to fifty-seven, which you can study in more detail near Mr Filch's office. Oh yes, classes start tomorrow at nine. You'll get your timetable from the head teachers. I won't bore you any further. You'll find out the rest from the Heads or Deans. And now everyone have a pleasant appetite, - after these words the tables of the faculties became literally piled with food. And Peverell, remembering the lessons of etiquette, began to slowly devour the food.

After dinner, the headmen took all the freshmen to the dungeons. Stopping in front of a part of the wall, one of the headmen looked at the freshmen and began:

- Remember this place. Here is the entrance to the Slytherin drawing room. The password is 'defeated lion', no one but members of the faculty should know about it. Remember this," with these words he looked at the wall and spoke clearly and distinctly.

- The defeated lion, - a part of the wall seemed to melt away and the entrance to the living room appeared in front of everyone. The Headmasters followed inside and the freshmen hurried after them. The Slytherin drawing room was exactly as Alex remembered it when he had snuck into the Slytherin drawing room as Harry Potter with his friend Ron Weasley in the guise of Crabbe and Goyle. Still the same black, leather, expensive and soft furniture, pale green lighting and a slight chill.

- The bedrooms are there, the women's on the right and the men's on the left. There are two in each room. There are signs with your names on the doors," the headman said, pointing to the door.

- In the morning, when you wake up, don't go anywhere, the dean would like to tell you something, - after these words, the headmen said good night and went to their separate bedrooms.

To Alex's surprise, his roommate was the future, lordship Lord Malfoy. Once inside, Peverell saw a spacious room, with two large four-poster beds, two wardrobes, a cupboard for robes, and two desks with writing utensils. Taking the left half, the young lord pulled out a shrunken briefcase and returning it to its proper size, began to settle in. When Alex was done with that, the door to the room opened and Malfoy entered the room.

- Lucius Malfoy. Heir to the Malfoy family," Malfoy introduced himself.

- Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin. Head of the Peverells and Head of the Slytherins," Alex introduced himself removing the illusion from the rings.

- It's nice to meet you," Lucius said, a little embarrassed, expecting that he was an heir like him, but he was already a lord, who was even higher in status than his father.

- Likewise," the young lord replied.

Then Malfoy took the other half and began to arrange his things in the same way, while Peverell pulled out a book on dark magic that was no longer disguised and began to read. Two hours later, both Lord and Heir were asleep.

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This chapter is dedicated to my paid subscribers: Kurupt and Someone. Thank you for being you, I'm about to do some chapters for you personally)))))) at:

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