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97.14% Akashic / Chapter 136: The Schnee Mansion (In Vale)

Chapter 136: The Schnee Mansion (In Vale)

"Well, can't say I'm surprised…" Arthur muttered as he stared at the elegant white, blue and grey mansion where Weiss and Willow had moved to after their falling out with Jacques, although not as large it looked a lot more 'homely' fitting in with the architecture of Vale, just swapping the colour pallet with the general Schnee family colours.

That and it looked like you didn't need to pack like a hiker just to get to the other side of the building as it was still in Vale where many other buildings were, including other mansions around this area, though none were connected to each other and would still have enough room for a large enough garden where Arthur could see people working to create a large hole in the ground, undoubtedly where Willow's, willow would go.

As he made his way up to the front gate a tall, burly man in a white suit came out from the guard box next to it also wearing white sunglasses which were really strange considering the lenses were also white, the man walked up to Arthur, getting in front of him and preventing him from getting any closer.

"This is the Schnee residence, what is your business here, if you are here to sightsee turn away now, I will not warn twice" the man said, his voice sounding as menacing and domineering as he could make it out to be and with a noticeable growl to his voice.

Arthur inspected the man for a moment, noticing the almost indistinguishable black fur on his wrists and his sharpened claws, revealing him to be a faunus, "Arthur Fielder, I told Weiss and Willow that I'd catch up with them back at the station, I had a few things I needed to get done" he quickly explained to the man.

He could feel the man squinting behind his pure white sunglasses and watched as he slowly brough his hand up to mouth and spoke into his cuff, "Poppy, I've got an 'Arthur Fielder' out here, shall I let him through?" he asked and went silent as he awaited a response.

"Understood" he replied into his cuff and looked back to Arthur, "Welcome to the Schnee estate sir, the head maid will be her within the next minutes to escort you to the ma'am"

"Thank you, Willow sure works fast getting this place staffed" he commented looking through the slowly opening gate to the various gardeners and groundskeepers working on the mansion to bring it to a more presentable and less messy look.

"This place has been staffed for years now, the ma'ams father had this place built intending for it to be a vacation home, but after Jacques took over the company this place had been forgotten, after the ma'am informed me that she would be coming to live here from now on I had to scramble to get the groundskeepers and maids to fix it up to be more presentable, especially after that beautiful performance by the young miss during the Honour ball"

"Don't like Jacques I'm guessing?" Arthur chuckled

"Trash in the shape of a man, he does not deserve anything Nicolas built, it was about time the ma'am took it upon herself to leave him" he snorted, and saw a woman exit the mansions front door and began to walk towards them, she had long brown hair with white tips which, wearing a long, dark blue straight, dark blue, white and gold maids outfit. Her eyes sharp and a small almost unnoticeable frown on her face.

"This is her" the man said nodding to the head maid who Arthur quickly recognized as Poppy, Willow's new chauffeur and apparently head maid, "Don't annoy her, she's the no nonsense type of gal, though, if you can get her in bed she's quite the beast" he chuckled and used his arm to shove Arthur slightly.

"I don't think I'll be 'trying' anything" he replied as he already had enough woman problems and well, this seemingly ever growing field of 'opportunities' around him was starting to get slightly uncontrollable, even if he hadn't tried to 'control' it that much or even affect or try to create more 'opportunities', they just kept popping up, yet, somehow the guard mistook his words for something completely different.

"Oh, quiet the confidence, good, it's always good to have some, have enough of it and maybe you'll get a few wives for yourself. right small tip if you want to get to loving the no-nonsense types, watch them, figure out their weakness and exploit that, they all have one and if you do it well enough you'll have em wrapped around your fingers, literally and figuratively" he chuckled, leaving Arthur speach less at both the misunderstanding.

"I think you mistook my words…" Arthur tried to retort.

"Oh, I don't think so kid, I already know about your relationships with the young misses leader and her sister and mother, let's not forget about the Adel girl or the rabbit faunus, and many more. You don't exactly seem like the kid to be satisfied with just one, hell, it was quite the surprise to hear the ma'am speak about you so happily, and the young misses terribly hidden feelings weren't that hard to figure out"

"How do you…"

"I know lots of things kid, I have eyes everywhere, and my ears are just as good, plus, search hard enough and you can find enough information on your fan-sites about your relationships and that you clearly don't care for only having one, though, the mother rose was more of a challenge to figure out" he shrugged, soon feeling a shiver run down his spine as Poppy got closer.

"Right, I'm uh, gonna get back to work, I'll see ya every now and then kid" he quickly evacuated himself to his little hut next to the gate, quickly locking the door behind him while sending a fearful glance to Poppy who was staring down at him with eyes that if they could would be tearing him limb from limb.

"I have a fansite?" Arthur muttered, dumbfounded at the new news, completely blanking out the approaching Poppy who had turned her gaze to him with a small scowl on her face.

"Yes, you do" her voice was equally as irritated as she looked at him, unlike what she had when they were back at the station, undoubtedly because Willow and Weiss weren't nearby.

"Did I do so-" before he could finish his question she interrupted him.

"I'm going to make this very clear, I. Am. Not. Interested. She leaned forward slightly, her arms crossed, "I have no interest in being with a man who spreads himself so thin and can't keep his hands off of other women" Arthur unconsciously found himself flinching at her words.

"If I may say, so far, I have not started anything with any of the girls" he tried to pacify her, he failed.

"That doesn't mean you should just accept their advances, a man who cant even protect himself from is own lust, is not someone I have any interest in"

"Well, there have been times I rejected some girls" he added.

"Let me guess, not many of them, and if the girl was persistent you soon gave in?" she accurately described most of his relationships in a single sentence, leaving him unable to retort.

"My point exactly" she huffed and turned around, "Hurry it up, the madam and miss are waiting for you, tea and coffee is soon to be served" and began to walk away, not caring if Arthur was following her.

"..." he was left silently blinking as he watched her walk away, his gaze unconsciously looking to the guardsman who looked like he had also recoiled from her words to Arthur, having apparently heard everything either through a speaker or his own ears.

"Hurry. Up" he heard Poppy growl at him once again from the door to the mansion, getting him to pick up his pace and break him from his stupor as he quickly walked up to her, "I'm not sure what Wulfrum told you about me, most likely his usual depraved drivel about 'finding my weakness' and 'wrapping me around your fingers', but as I said, I. Am. Not. INTERESTED!" her voice turning to a low scream so as to not alert Willow or Weiss before she ignored him again and pushed the door open, moving to the side to let Arthur enter after her.

"This way" she mumbled, her tone becoming slightly kinder now that there was a risk of either Willow or Weiss hearing her if they were walking through the halls.

'Well, I guess staying here's going to be awkward…' he thought to himself and let out a tired sigh, which Poppy mistook and suddenly stopped, almost causing Arthur to bump into her had he not been careful.

"You sighing about not being able to dominate me? That I won't be so easy or even allow you to even try and do like Wulfrum says and 'wrap me around your fingers?" she growled at him, strangely Arthur noticed a slight red tinge appearing under her collar.

"No, I was just thinking about, how, uh" he tried to come up with the correct words for describing what he felt he was going to be feeling for the next few days until the term started up.

"Can't even say it, just another depraved coward to scared to even say anything" she scowled once again, her voice remaining low enough so no one could hear apart from them. "Hmph!" she turned away from him and continued to guide him to where Willow and Weiss were having their 'tea' which was more likely to be wine and coffee if he knew the two of them well enough.

As he followed her he noticed that directly after her little 'outburst' that she seemed slightly more 'wobbly' than when she had first begun to guide him.

'Is she…' an idea formed in Arthur's mind as to what type of person she was.

[Test it] Was what the small golden letter flying in front of him said, as per usual Ashe playing the observer and the demon inside his head.

"What? No" he unconsciously retorted out loud.

"What, no, What?" Poppy growled, "What, No? your not a depraved coward? What! Tell me!" her voice picked up a decibel as she leaned forward and continued to growl at him.


Alternate Chapter names: [Where Willow's, willow would go] [Poppy, the head maid and chauffeur]

So, as I am taking more time between chapters I can now do things like this, how does Arthur react to Poppy in the next chapter?

Also, I've edited the Harem poll, remove Glynda and Willow, their at the point where its essentially guaranteed that Glynda's in there (Yay for the milf faction) and added Poppy.

Also added Long Live Summons to Where to next poll. (Next World Poll)


If you enjoy this story and wish to support me in maybe one day turning this into a full-time job please support me on either P.atreon or Paypal







Next World (Runs until the end of the RWBY storyline)

[Added Long Live Summons]

[Removed Harry Potter]


New Harem Poll as of chapter 121, the previous one is finished.

[Removed Glynda Goodwitch (Moved to harem girls in Akashic: The Tome]

[Removed Willow Schnee (Moved to Harem Girls in Akashic: the Tome]

[Added Poppy]

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