Altera, a week ago
One morning, Gochi was doing his standard rounds around the territory, looking for refugees, clearing monsters, and at the same time taking note of the plants there.
His teammates were not too far away. They didn't mind him 'slacking' occasionally to check out plants because that meant a short break for them, too.
In fact, at first, even if it didn't take too long, he did feel a bit guilty. But his teammates convinced him that it was good to have someone who knew more about plants and that maybe he'd trigger the Pharmacist occupation someday.
Gochi couldn't bear to tell them it didn't work that way, but he smiled for their well wishes anyway.
His ears moved when he heard distant rustles, guardedly looking in the direction of the sound. Immediately, his teammates stood up, alert, and they immediately softened when they saw who it was.
"Miss Althea?"
Yeah, no. Not sure about the other half-orcs, but no interracial attraction for Gochi. His endgame will be another half-orc.
Come on come on!