Ansel straightened his back, adopting somewhat of a professional pose (as sitting on the floor with crossed legs could look, anyway).
"People have entered habits now: Go to work, train, make money. Risking their lives outside had been normalized. Although we don't scream or complain much anymore, it didn't mean people aren't bottling things up." He told her, scooting over to pander more effectively. "They are starting to need a few more… outlets."
"I'm talking more than landscaping," he added. "Gardens are cool and all, but we're an energetic bunch now—we had to.
"Not to mention, there are more and more reports of spats. Maybe we should build an arena of sorts?"
He was not even exaggerating. The more people there were, the more disagreement there would be. Combined with the stressful environment, scuffles were inevitable.
Thanks for reading folks! I would like to thank the lovely people who sent Golden tickets (some even in bulk), keeping me in the Golden rankings! Thank you to the gifters as well (LOVE YOU!) as well as everyone else who showed support!
Come on come on!