JAMIE HUNCHED BEHIND HIS truck, listening to the slugs tear into the old vehicle. Down the street, Tabby's taillights turned out of sight.
She was safe.
When he'd driven up and seen those men dragging her out of the car, he'd seen red. It had taken him a few seconds to get his gun out from the locked case in his back seat, but once he was armed, he'd done his best to make her a risky target.
It had worked. Maybe a little too well.
An engine whined and tires screeched.
Another bullet ripped into his truck causing Jamie to wince.
He and this truck, they'd had a good run.
Neither the SUV or van that had blocked Tabby in pursued her. Least not that Jamie saw.
He straightened, peering around the truck, but the street was empty save for him, bullet casings and a pool of glass. There weren't any bodies, and he knew for a fact two of those guys had gone down never to get up again. People didn't come back from a headshot.