This close Killam could see how blown out Jabir's irises were and smell the alcohol on him.
He slapped Jabir on the shoulder. "You've always treated me well."
So long as no one harshed his vibe, Jabir was a rather happy drunk. He didn't tend to get paranoid, either. Killam hoped the cousins were sober enough to keep control of their tongues.
"I want to give you something," Jabir said.
"That's not necessary." Killam braced himself as Jabir leaned toward him.
"Yes, it is. You should appreciate those friends who have been with you."
"You show me enough appreciation, Jabir."
Jabir wagged his cigar under Killam's nose again. "I know what you'd like."
He groaned inwardly. Jabir was always pushing stuff on Killam he most definitely did not want. "It's really not necessary."
"The blonde," Jabir said.
Killam clenched his jaw and his stomach immediately knotted up.
There were lots of blondes in Jabir's employ, but only one that got under Killam's skin.