/ Otros / Adventures of Fou- Sorry Three demons through the aspectual multiverse

Adventures of Fou- Sorry Three demons through the aspectual multiverse Original

Adventures of Fou- Sorry Three demons through the aspectual multiverse

Otros 1 Chapters 3.9K Views
Author: Journeys_Demons

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The adventures of a lupin, a prince of demons, an incarnation of sloth and the subtle mysterious figure in the background

Hello hello, Authors-san here, welcome to our new fanfic of the Aspectual Multiverse, we are group of four people (3 authors and one very good editor) that are trying to get rid of our boredom.

Please don't expect any periodic or regular updates, it will mostly be random and infrequent, thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the read.

Discord: https://discord.gg/2VCUEjD

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Right, Snife here, being a little **** and promoting this group effort. In my opinion our group is a bunch of fucking idiots and we should all choke on each others cocks for even thinking we could try doing a novel without dropping it half-way but whatever... Right, our updates will be really sporadic as the prologue itself just drained my and the other guys' remaining, somewhat limited amount of brain cells, this is a fanfic so don't expect no cliché's though I myself will try and prevent that as much as possible. We're all inherently lazy for some reason so that might limit our updates as well and the characters are somewhat based on our selves as we can't really write something so different to us. Sloth is me(snife){that's coz I'm the laziest out of all of us four} Envy/Areex is the demon prince {We somehow made him an edge lord} Overseer is hype {He's the smartest out of all of us and the most quiet, only talking when talked to} Brien is the lupin{He really likes wolves for some reason and fucking with every thing in sight}

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