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59.67% A wizard101 system / Chapter 37: 200 years

Chapter 37: 200 years

Within a bar, a group entered while happily cheering, it seemed like they just won something, so they were entering to bar to party. amongst the group, a yellow-blonde little girl was on a man's shoulder, she looked a lot like Iris only slightly taller.

"we hear the good here is top class, what do you have on the menu." the man carrying the little girl who looked like Iris asked with a smile. Uta who was standing at the counter looked at the little girl in shock for a moment, only for her to snap out of it when Keo hit her slightly.

"We have the best of the best... you guys seem to be in the good mood, if I may ask, what is the happy occasion?" Uta asked with a smile as he gave the group a menu, the little girl on the shoulders of the man held her chest out pridefully.

"When formed a guild called fairy tail, it shall come to the strongest guild." She said with a smile, Keo stepped aside and went upstairs while Uta talked to the group. and upstairs, she opened one of the doors to find Sora sitting, crossed-legged on the bed.

"... i'm sure you sensed her," Keo said softly, Sora slowly opened his eyes and simply through a cold glair at Keo. but Keo was not afraid and went to stand at the window where she looked at the city outside.

"Time really passed when you were sealed within the void... Iris gave birth to your daughter... but it has been 200 years, I wonder why she waited 200+ years to give birth." Keo said as she turned to look at Sora. but Sora ignored her, and simply closed his eyes.

When the 3 sisters sealed Sora away, they found out that the poison had been deluded by either Iris or Irene. in other words, it couldn't kill Sora, and only keep him in a weakened state for a long time.

After some time, Sora also calmed down from his mad state and realized this as well, seeing as he was not going to die, and being bored out of his mind. the 4 began talking, in the end of the day, Sora was human, days and years within a void without talking would drive him mad.

So, after some talking, Sora admitted that he might have been a bad lover to Irene. All Irene did after finding out he was the demon lord was try and find even grounds, but he was too headstrong about this matter. Sora would also admit, he was blinded by the fact that killing could give him XP.

after some talking, the 4 agree to leave, and in return, Sora will ignore the outside world and do his own thing. and that was opening a small bar. but what they didn't expect was that when they left, more than 200 years would have passed,

"you don't think it's fate that the two of you could meet like this? are you going to hold the rage towards the mother at your daughter, who seems as if she doesn't even know who her mother and father are?" Keo asked with a sigh, although Sora was willing to accept that he might have been in the wrong, he still held a deep hatred towards Iris.

that little girl was like a sister to him, he saved her and deeply trusted her. and she was the main reason he was defeated 200 years ago, at this point, Sora could care less about anyone with the human bloodline running through them. it was humans at every turn that lead to his defeat,

Keo sighed softly as she just left, although Sora was free, he was still sealed. they were like avatars, their real bodies were within Sora, sealing him away. they still didn't know if Sora would go crazy and try and get revenge.

'she seems to be cursed. did the gods break the seal? the seal was not created for it to last 200 years,' Sora thought while sensing his daughter, before ignoring her. if he got near her, Ankhseram would get news of his existence, and secondly, he had no interest in the outside world. he just wanted to keep to himself for the next 300 years.

a few hours later, Keo entered the room and began talking once more about his daughter. Her name was Mavis Vermillion, she was an orphan and like her mother, she had a bright mind, she might even be on pair or a step higher than Iris.

"you not even curious in the slightest as to why Iris of all people would allow her daughter to be an orphan, or as to how she lived for so long?" Keo asked seeing Sora ignoring her, in the end, Sora got off the bed and went downstairs. this didn't make her happy or anything as Sora did the same thing every day.

"So the rumors were true..." the sound of a woman sounded as Sora arrived downstairs, Sora calmly looked over and saw a blonde-haired woman looking at him in shock. within the bar, all eyes were on him at the moment, everyone eyeing him as if he was some treasure.

In the past, Sora was not some outstanding over top charming person, but with his past events of him awakening the demon bloodline, his charm did become devilishly handsome. most of the people that entered this bar were single women or wives who were not happy with their man or something else.

"what is it?" Sora asked calmly while looking at the woman who called out, the woman smiled slightly before pointing at Sora.

"Follow me, and become my man, I will take care of you." the woman said while licking her lips, she was the mayor's daughter, and the amount of money she had was far more than anything Sora could get from running this bar,

"..." Sora sized her up for a moment, at this moment was a 7.5 out of 10, you had to be at least a 10 for Sora to sell himself like that. Sora ignored her and went to grab the few expansive alcohols while ignoring all of the looks. but there were two pairs of eyes that he was having trouble ignoring.

Turning around, Sora looked at Mavis who was looking back at him. Sora sized her up for a moment, and after a moment he turned and left. he didn't even know Iris was pregnant after that one night,

"Mavis you not into him that pretty face of his right?" a one-eyed man eyed with a raised eyebrow, Mavis shook her head slightly, but she didn't know if that was the case. she felt a strange attractive force pulling, she didn't know if that was love or something else.

"That was a long look," Keo said with a smile while looking at Sora, Sora ignored her and went to the back of the building, where he calmly drink while looking after the garden. this bar was so high class because he raised the garden, he used it as a way to clear his mind while going through his mistakes in magic.

for a long time now, Sora had been trying to find a way to cast magic by using the energy in the air, he is able to do this, but the magic uses up far more of his mental energy than its worth. but since he could do it, he could improve by finding his mistakes,

"So, I did some digging. guilds were created by Iris, based on the adventure guild you created back then. Mavis is the current leader of her guild, which is located within the same village we are in. you have to admit, this is fate." Kashi the youngest of the 3 sisters said with a smile, annoying Sora

"to think the place you fell 200 years ago happens to be the place where your daughter would build a guild over." She said softly, only to freeze as a rock was thrown in between her head, killing her. she fell to the ground, lifelessly, only for her to get back up after a moment with the hole in her head gone.

"just because this is an avatar doesn't mean I don't feel pain. to think your body only got stronger after awakening your demon powers." Kashi said softly while rubbing her head, Sora ignored her as he returned to watering his plants.

"... by chance, do you think the reason Iris waited to give birth so long is because of the devils? if that is the case, then..." Kashi didn't need to say anymore as she watched Sora who froze slightly. the main reason... no, the only reason Irene was willing to stop him was because of the devils. Sora killed many gods that day, so the seal would have weakened. what if some devils spilled out and into this world?

"even if Devils came to this world, it would have nothing to do with me. I had my plans to deal with them." Sora said calmly, since they defeated him then they should deal with the problems behind that, after some time, Sora returned to his room where he went on return to his training.

later that night, Sora sensed something nearing the building, opening his eyes he got off the bed and went to the window where he saw that a young man was standing on the empty streets outside. opening the window, Sora looked at this man with a frown as he too had Ankhseram's curse

"... so you're still alive Demon lord." the young man said with a gentle smile, Sora's eyebrow raised, how did this person know of him?

"oh, thats right... if there is anyone who wouldn't know me, it's you... My name is Zeref." Zeref said with a smile, but the smile disappeared when Sora was about to close the window.

"I wish to talk to you about the gods, I was cursed more than 200 years ago. if anyone can break a curse placed upon someone, it's you." He yelled, Sora had to admit, he only broke free a few months back, yet someone already found out who he was,

"My demon lord life is over, go find your human race hero," Sora said calmly as he closed the window, but he froze mid-way when Zeref said something shocking.

"She suffered heavily injures from her battle with a devil, it's unknown if she is even alive or not. She had to unite both the gods and devils to push back the devils, after which she had both sides agree to never step food within this world before she disappeared, it's uncleared if she died from her injuries or not." Zeref said softly, stunning Sora for some time.

after a slight hesitation, Sora went out as he wanted to know what happened, and so Zeref told him the complete story. after his defeat, Irene soon cleaned down from her berserk-like state, Zeref didn't know too much about the following events, but he knew due to the many gods he slaughtered, the seal was weakened,

and the first devil stepped into this world, with immunity to magic, and the power to croup people and turn them into monsters, Irene was forced to fight before she could even recover. the other races also had to unite before this devil which was completely immune to most magic, even the magic which managed to affect it did a small amount of damage.

the battle was bloody, and many people died that die if the truth of life didn't move to blind the devil, allowing Irene, Zeus, Hades, Odin, Thor, the 7 Lords of Sins, and many others to land the killing blow, a second devil would have managed to slip out.

Anna using the celestial keys managed to strengthen the seal, and this time every race linked their life to the seal. after which, the gods and devils were forced apart before they could fight, and they were sent back to their realm agreeing to stay out of each other ways, and the mortal realm.

But Irene who seemed as if she was on the brink of death had disappeared, and no one could find her no matter how they searched. Irene was not in a good state of mind, after all, she lost her humanity and was now a dragon, the senses of a dragon were too much for her mortal mind to adapt to. So, many guessed she left and took her own life before she could go crazy.

As the saying goes, You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. so many guessed she took her own life out of fear of the future.

Anna passed away a few years after that battle, but she and Zeref worked on a few things to help defeat Acnologia, who reached a level of power that Anna couldn't be defeated by even the likes of Anna. but Sora didn't care about this part,

Zeref knew nothing about Iris, he didn't even know who she was, Drole, on the other hand, went to the demon realm. even though he was fighting against Sora, Drole king supported Sora's actions against the gods, just not the way Sora went about it.

"..." Sora was quiet for some time upon hearing Zeref's words, his action led to the gods and demons working together. this was the last thing he ever expected to hear, but after a moment he sighed as he got up to return inside.

"I always had a question... why didn't you simply wait until you were strong enough to hold your own against a devil before facing a god?" Zeref asked, he grew up around the same time as Sora, they were about the same age, so he looked up to Sora. From a young age, Sora was just doing shocking things, but this point always confused him.

there was no right or wrong on Sora and Irene's side, the only wrong was that Sora went about things in the wrong way. if he just trained for like 20 more years, would the gods or devils have been his match?

this is the guy who killed the leviathan, and the shock waves from their battle were enough to be heard all over the world. He was only 12 that day,

"... my days as the demon lord are gone, and my powers are sealed. I can't help you." Sora said calmly as he returned inside, leaving Zeref standing there feeling depressed before he turned and left.

"... did Irene kill herself while still pregnant or what?" Uta asked Keo, Keo was speechless, how would she know? Sora with his sharp senses heard them speak, and instantly he was pissed, right now he didn't know what to think anymore. was he in the wrong all along or was Irene in the wrong?

pissed, annoyed, and confused, Sora went to sleep... well, he couldn't sleep, so he just lay there with closed eyes. and so, time passed. Sora after a few months of deep thought and reflection upon himself. He ended up deciding he couldn't reject his daughter for no reason, so he went to the fairy tail guild to see her.

"what are you doing here?" the one-eyed man asked with the eye patch asked with a frown seeing Sora here, the guy was followed by 3 beauties. form the moment he saw Sora, he didn't like him, and that was even more so right now.

"I'm here to see my daughter... where Mavis?" Sora asked calmly, Precht, the man who was standing before Sora was shocked Sora words, first, someone brings Mavis's dead body to the guild and now this guy comes claiming to be Mavis's father?

"Are you really Mavis's father?" Precht looked Sora up and down, but he saw nothing that showed that Sora and she were related. maybe Mavis had his nose and the way they had the same eyes, but that would make them more like siblings. they were about the same age. Mavis was around 25 years old, and Sora looked like he was a teen.

"Haha, he does look young." Keo laughed slightly, annoying Sora who threw a cold look at her, Sora stopped aging when he gained immortality, so he shall look as he was when he was 18.

"They are?" Precht asked with a deep frown while looking at the 3 beauties around Sora,

"Disgusting ghost who will not leave me be... now, where is she? I don't sense my blood anywhere here." Sora said calmly,

"what do you mean by that?" Precht asked with a frown, not understanding what Sora meant by not sensing his blood.

"as her father, I can sense those who hold my bloodline, she was able to sense my last time at my bar," Sora said softly, Precht nodded slightly before his lips twitch remembering that night. that could explain the strange feeling Mavis had, which she confused with love. that could also explain why siblings separated from each other end up falling in love when they meet.

"S-she passed away," Precht said stunning Sora for a moment, Sora's eyebrow raised. just when he realized his wrongs and wanted to be a father, he find out his daughter was dead. she should be immortal, that means someone killed her? she had two layers of immortality, the curse and her being the daughter of an immortal being.

Sora's body disappeared, only to appear, grabbing Precht's neck, and slamming him into the wall, Precht one eye almost popped as he kicked around, he wanted to break free, but Sora was far stronger than him.

"Who killed her," Sora asked coldly, Precht shrugged to speak, but he couldn't speak, those within eh guild seeing this rushed forward, but they fall fell to their knees as Sora killing intent, they all saw illusions of their death, causing them to fill horrified. but Sora snapped out of it when Keo touched her shoulder,

"it seems like I lost control of my rage... tell me how she died," Sora said calmly as he dropped Precht, while looking at his palm, Precht coughed madly before trying to speak.

"I don't know how she died, her body suffered no injuries. it's like her heart just stopped beating." Precht said softly, Sora's eyes narrowed slightly. this had that curse she was affected with written all over it.

"I see..." Sora said softly while thinking about the gods, Keo and the others who could sense Sora's thoughts panicked seeing how he was thinking of going on a slaughter. did he learn anything?

"this time I will only kill one god," Sora said softly as he turned and left, Keo and her sisters looked at each other... one shouldn't be too bad... right? they knew they couldn't hold Sora forever, they couldn't even leave Sora's side for long, or else they would disappear, in a way, they were the ones who were prisoners. they couldn't even break free even if they wanted,

"let's go, I will sell my bar," Sora said calmly, as he threw a look towards a blonde-haired kid who was looking at him with horrified eyes. this kid was Makarov, Sora could sense the potential within him. maybe he might be the next guild master...

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