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65.85% A Wizard's Solitude / Chapter 27: The Gift of Flight

Chapter 27: The Gift of Flight

Waking up, I heard the chirps of birds outside. I got out of bed, put on some clothes Randolph had gotten me and went over to my window. 

Looking out at the landscape, the snow seemed to have settled fully overnight. The trees coated with white, the shining snowflakes stuck to the windows; It was picturesque. The view drew me in and gave me a sense of peace… yet it also made me feel melancholic.

2 years in this world, and soon a new year would arrive again. I was happy with where I was now but I still had no answers. Seeing this beautiful landscape made me think of my time with my father in my last 'life'. The scenery we'd see when camping, the stargazing I'd do from the tent and the cabin we'd both share after my mother passed. These scenes replayed in my mind leaving me feeling empty; A sense of loss I couldn't explain with words.

Whilst I had overcome my obscurus' will and stopped the threat of it claiming my life, the scars it left on me internally… the scars it left on my mind lingered. The constant nightmares of everything coming to an end, the fear of returning one day to my father dead, the fear of being killed whilst in this world… I couldn't help but remember them vividly each night I slept. 

When I finally escaped the forest, I was at my breaking point. I was very… very close to losing my sense of self altogether. Randolph saved me in a way and gave me the sort of comfort I needed to keep my sanity, I knew something within me had been broken, irreparably. Thinking of what I may have lost made me feel even more empty as I looked out onto the horizon framed by my window.

As the snow dropped, I tried to calm my mind and look at the positives. I was at least finally out of that damn forest and was starting to pave my own way. A prisoner for 2 years but now my chains were broken. 

I was hoping for too much, hoping answers would be given as soon as I escaped my cruel fate of being a prisoner but that was just wishful thinking. The resolve to continue on, to learn and practice everything I could… I had to rely on these feelings to keep going.

My father pushed through everything and his words echoed in my mind;

"Change is something everyone fears. Being thrown into the unknown is a part of life and sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and cope. It may not be the best way to deal with hardships, but it has always been my way. If I were to stop, even for a moment, I would probably crumble. That's why I have to keep moving forward."

Whilst my father could never imagine the situation I was going through right now, his words still held truth within the lines. 

I had to keep moving forward, even when I broke down or even if I one day lost myself… I needed to keep moving.

As my resolve was tempered by these thoughts, a knock on my door sounded. Turning towards the door I spoke out. "Come In".

Randolph opened the door and smiled brightly at me.

"Merry Christmas Axel".

I smiled back with the best smile I could muster. "Merry Christmas Randolph".


Me and Randolph both headed downstairs and started our day by eating a hearty breakfast. He had gone out a few days back to specifically get the food for today which filled me with warmth. 

This man, he was like a god-father to me at this point. He may just be using me to fill the gaps in his own heart but I didn't mind. Our relationship was one of mutual healing, we both benefited from it and we both grew with it.

As breakfast finished up, Randolph went into the kitchen and made me a hot chocolate. I thanked him as he handed it to me and we both sat down in the living room.

Sitting down, Randolph went to drink his coffee but as the hot drink touched his lips he spoke. "Oh, I nearly forgot!"

Casting a spell abruptly, a Christmas tree appeared in the corner of the room. I couldn't help but laugh seeing the tree just appear as it did.

"Magic really is convenient, isn't it?"

Randolph grinned. "You'll be able to do this one day, don't worry".

Looking at the tree, flashes of memories echoed in my mind. The times me, my mother and father all got our tree down from the attic and set it up. My mother spent extra care on decorating the tree, carefully wrapping the tinsel around bit by bit and hanging the baubles one by one. I would always help her, hanging baubles wherever my short height would let me.

Magic was convenient for sure, but for a Christmas tree my vision of it was something that needed difficulty in bringing into the home and decorating in order to give it meaning. I didn't chastise Randolph for this though… I mean how could I? He was brought up as a Wizard whilst I was technically a 'muggle' in my previous life.

The steam from my hot chocolate rose into my nose, tempting me to take a swig. The cold weather had penetrated the cabin and noting this Randolph immediately set the fireplace alight, in a similar way Hagrid set the fireplace alight in that house Harry stayed at on the island.

That boy right now… He was probably getting his invisibility cloak currently. Opening presents with Ron in the Gryffindor common room. Thinking of the gift he received made me feel as though my gift to Randolph was a bit inadequate, but it was at least thoughtful in a way.

We both peacefully drank our drinks, eventually finishing them off and setting them to the side. The snow seemed to gently glide onto the window, sliding down as it hit. 

Looking at the current weather made me think back to how in my last life, snow was not a normal sight to see. Usually, only bouts of it would come but it would never settle. Seeing it in such abundance here was a nice sight.

Randolph who just charmed the cups float over to the kitchen and clean themselves, broke the silence with a calm voice;

"So obviously today we won't do any broom making… I plan on just relaxing here. You are free to go out in the snow though of course… just don't freeze yourself to death".

I nodded to Randolph, acknowledging his words. "Just one thing Randolph, can you wait here a moment?"

He seemed a bit taken aback but nodded, seeing this I quickly ran upstairs into my room and grabbed the broom handle I had made for him, wrapped in magic newspapers that moved. The newspapers creeped me out all night so I wanted them out of my room as soon as possible.

Running down stairs, I entered the living room and handed Randolph the broom handle wrapped in newspaper. With a smile I spoke;

"Its nothing really special but I felt like I needed to gift you something after everything you've done for me… You housed me when I was lost, healed me when I was injured and now trained me as your apprentice in broomstick making. I really appreciate everything you've done for me Randolph truly, please accept this…".

Randolph's normally warm eyes started to fill with tears a bit as he heard my words. He grabbed the present I got him shakily from my hands and unwrapped the newspapers I had wrapped around it. As the broom handle appeared, he seemed lost for words. Seeing this I started to speak again;

"I know it's not anything much… also you could make something better in a few hours whereas this took me days of work but-"

Randolph interjected. "It's… its perfect Axel. Thank you so so much…"

Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he spoke. He was genuinely choked up about his gift. I sat with him for a while until he calmed down.

The broom handle I made for him was just made out of normal oak wood. I had carved a swirling design on the end and also carved Randolph's name into the broom handle as well delicately.

Randolph's hand smoothed over the letters etched into the broom;


Looking at the etchings, I remembered how I felt when doing the letters. The last time I etched was in fear and anger towards Jason, trying to place evidence on him within the Blackfang clan. This time though was with comfort and appreciation. If you compared the two etched names together, you would see a stark difference just from the emotions I had when doing either one.

After several minutes, Randolph finally settled. He set the broom handle to the side and gave me a hug.

"Thank you, Axel, truly… I-I didn't want to say anything about this but I feel as though now is the time to tell you the main reason why im out here alone".

Randolph sat back in his chair and looked out the window at the snow falling. His mind seemed to be replaying deep memories that were both happy and also sad.

"I had a wife, Axel; she was a beautiful woman who supported me wholeheartedly. She would always have a warm meal after I finished my broomsticks and she would help me in so many ways. She was a distinct part of my life, a soulmate that I loved deeply".

I listened carefully to Randolph speaking and felt like I knew where this was going already.

"A few years ago, she came to me saying she was pregnant. Despite both our ages we managed to conceive a child which left us both elated. We planned everything we could for our baby. I even bought another set of carving tools planning on making him or her a broomstick making genius when they were born. My wife got all sorts of baby clothes and this place was filled with warmth as we prepared to welcome our child into the world".

Tears started to form in Randolph's eyes again. I wanted to tell him he didn't need to continue with this story but I knew that would be cruel. He was truly showing his heart on his sleeve, something that was extremely difficult to do for him. I had to let him speak as much as he needed.

"When the day came, my wifes water broke. We took her to the closest wizard hospital, Drachenfels Klinik based near Dragon's Rock and got her admitted. I waited patiently in the waiting room awaiting the return of my child and wife… but…".

He started to cry out. I watched silently as he collected himself, trying to steady himself to speak further.

"My wife… she suffered a maternal death. Even with all the potions and magic we witches and wizards have, nothing could save her. The child… was born but had died as well. When the doctors came out to inform me, my mind went blank. I silently left the hospital and headed straight here… I spent years in solitude, years suffering from their passing".

He wiped the tears from his cheeks and mustered up the best smile he could, looking at me with pure appreciation.

"That's when you came along. I had my doubts when I first saw you and worried you'd be trouble, but you were the opposite. You became the child I was never able to have Axel. Over these last few months, whilst the time was short, I started to see you as fates gift to me… the child I had lost returned to me. I'm truly… truly thankful you showed up".

As I listened to Randolph's full story, I felt a sadness I couldn't describe. His situation made me initially feel sad and his wife and stillborn child made me feel the weight of his extreme grief as he divulged what had happened to me… but…

I could feel tears trying to well up in my own eyes in this moment, the thoughts now dawning on me as to why I felt extreme sadness at these comments. Randolph had been saved by me, but his suffering was apparent. His suffering… my father would be going through the same right now.

Losing his wife and then losing his son, living all alone in solitude trying to push through these emotions. My father would never confide as Randolph just did, but hearing Randolph speak I could see my fathers face mirror his saying the same words. The thought of these emotions being shared by my father now currently left me extremely hurt.

The room went silent for a while as both me and Randolph recovered from our emotions. Randolph's face eased sooner than mine, however I took a little bit more time to calm myself after making the connection between him and my father. 

As we finally both calmed, Randolph stood up and looked at me with a grin;

"Thank you again Axel… I guess I should give you your gift now".

Heading off into the workshop, I could hear Randolph rummaging around for a while. Eventually the sounds of rummaging stopped as he seemed to have grabbed what he needed to get. His footsteps echoed and the floorboards creaked as he re-entered the living room.

Passing me a wrapped package, he spoke. "Merry Christmas Axel".

I grabbed the package from his hands and opened it. My eyes widened as I saw the present he had gotten me. Seeing my reaction, he started to speak.

"I know you've made better broom handles since, but the first is always special. Even though it's rough I spent time enchanting it to ensure it flies well and true".

The broom handle was indeed the first one I had ever carved. Comparing this to the one I had made Randolph for his present was like night and day but as Randolph said, it held meaning. I thought he'd thrown it away but it seemed as though he kept it to the side for this. 

The wood it was made out of was simple oak, the bristles were simple also yet sleek and the bond was also simple as well, with a nice footrest added on also. 

Looking at the broom for a moment longer, I eventually lifted my gaze to meet Randolph's. "Thank you, Randolph, this means a lot".

He smiled. "Don't mention it, Axel. Why don't you take it for a spin?".

My jaw dropped slightly as words spilled out of my mouth. "C-Can I actually do that?"

I think he understood what I was getting at as he gave me a sly smile. "We are so far out here that you won't need to worry about being seen. Also before you ask as well, simple broomstick flying doesn't break any magical laws especially with me supervising. You can run… no fly wild around here all you like".

I quickly ran outside with the broom in hand, Randolph following behind. Stepping on the soft snow I put the broom under my legs and willed it to fly. To my surprise it responded quickly and shakily rose into the air.

Randolph looked with some surprise. "Looks like you may be a natural! Maybe because you carved the handle its listening to you like a servant to its master…".

I smiled as I tried to gain some balance. I then flew forward, starting at a steady pace. I felt myself getting the hang of it quickly, like riding a bike in a way.

My broom's speed steadily rose and eventually I zoomed down the valleys river with a smile plastered on my face. I then soared into the sky as high as I could feel confident in soaring to and looked over the landscape.

The world in front of me that was painted white was truly beautiful.

SovOz SovOz

Just a forewarning from here on, going to be releasing daily chapters if possible but im trying to still get a feel for re-reading and ensuring it all flows right which may delay some releases by a day or two.

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