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50% A Whole New Demon Slayer(s) / Chapter 3: Senjuro Awakens: Rengoku Battle

Chapter 3: Senjuro Awakens: Rengoku Battle

Senjuro felt a surge of gratitude and admiration for Jin. He had never met anyone like him before. He was strong, brave, kind, and generous. He had saved his life by offering this path, and now he was giving him his uncle's precious sword and teaching him his secrets. He wanted to be like Jin. He wanted to become a flame kata user of the Ogame school. He wanted to honor the Rengoku legacy and protect people from evil. He looked at the sword in his hands. It was heavy and warm. It seemed to have a life of its own. He could feel its power pulsing through his veins. He looked at the book that Jin gave him. It was an old leather-bound tome with faded letters on the cover. It said "The Art of Flame Kata: The Secrets of Sadanaga". It contained all the techniques and principles that Zanmaru had learned from his master, who had learned them from his master, and so on. He opened the book and saw pages filled with diagrams, symbols, and words that he couldn't understand.

He looked at Jin with a puzzled expression. "Senior brother, how do I read this book? I don't know what it says."

Jin smiled and ruffled Senjuro's hair. "Don't worry, little brother. I'll teach you everything you need to know. But first, you have to learn how to hold Sadanaga properly." He took the sword from Senjuro's hands and showed him how to grip it with both hands. "Like this," he said. "You have to hold it firmly but gently. Don't squeeze it too hard or too loose." He handed back the sword to Senjuro. "Now you try." Senjuro mimicked Jin's movements and held Sadanaga as he instructed. "Good," Jin said. "Now let me show you how to swing it." He stood In front of Senjuro and demonstrated a basic slash. "This is the first mode: Hibashira," he said. "It's a simple but effective attack that can cut through anything with its flaming edge." He repeated the slash several times slowly then faster. "Now you try," he said.

Senjuro nodded nervously and tried to copy Jin's slash. But as soon as he lifted Sadanaga a burst of energy ran through his body, flames danced as his hair looked ablaze. When he did it he produced a slash of flame better than Jin's. It was more like the original, a true flame kata user Zenmaru than Jin's version.

"In two months we'll be leaving. Train hard until then, your family is gonna be a tough sell. Only strength can get you through so study hard," the silver haired teen said to his new younger brother. "If I told the brat he be dueling his elder brother, the Flame Hashira, his anxiety would over take his fighting spirit wasting his potential. So I'll let him train freely with Uncle Zenmaru's flame kata and flame mode. If he manages to combine them with the breath of his family, he can at least give a Hashira a good run plus he developed haki in that last slash.'

6 months later

Senjuro bowed respectfully to Jin and expressed his gratitude for his teachings. He felt a new spark of hope and excitement in himself. He had always looked up to his brother's bravery and skill but had never been able to match him. He had quit being a demon slayer after failing to master Breath of Flames. He had felt worthless and guilty, especially after seeing how his father hated him.

But now, thanks to Jin, he had found another path to follow. He had learned Ogame School's Kagutsuchi Kata, which suited him better than Breath of Flames. He had also awakened haki, an ability that allowed him to sense life force, and hardened his body and weapon. He is ready to travel before the examinations and meet other Ogame members his final test is his family. He's scared of course, but he's a swordsman now and more importantly soon to become a demon slayer.

"Well that went as expected" says Jin as he and Senjuro leave the main entrance of the Rengoku family compound.

"You make it sound easy. I have to fight my big brother! The Hashira!" Senjuro begins to have self-doubts.

"You'll be fine" Jin says matter of factly.

"And why are you so sure I'll be okay? I only trained for 4 months and-" Senjuro stammers as Jin interrupts

"You wield the Flame kata. The one who will be Kagutsuchi, I have faith in you. Now get ready and head to the clearing."

The battle location was a clearing that was used for training by the clan founder. Standing center field, both brothers stared at each other waiting. Jin was already there but the guest of honor had yet to arrive.

"I'm here Kyojuro. Hurry up and end this farce so he can give up this foolishness," Says the new face, the father of the boys.

"Father I will prove I am worthy," says Senjuro as he faces his brother and prepares to battle. He grabs a long wooden sword but was interrupted by his father.

"Demons don't die to wooden swords use the real thing and it's not against the rules since Sen is not a demon slayer." Says the sad father.

"But father." Kyojuro utters.

"ENOUGH! You forced me to agree to this, so my way or no way." The dad says firmly.

"It's fine," interrupts Senjuro. "I've never seen a wooden version of my sword." As he reaches for Saganada. Leaving his family in awe and Jin smiling in smugness.

The fight begins lightly with Senjuro rushing Kyojuro into close combat. His level of skill and sharpness of moves shocked his opponent but not enough to get his guard down. The two brothers exchanged blows for several minutes, neither one gaining an edge over the other. Though it was obvious that Kyojuro was still completely relaxed as they moved like blurs of fire across the field, creating a spectacle of light and sound that amazed their father and Jin. Senjuro rushed his brother swinging the giant sword upwards. But his attack was easily blocked by his opponent, a skilled swordsman Kyojuro who had been training for years. "You are still naïve," the Hashira said calmly. Senjuro felt a surge of frustration. He knew he was not as skilled as his opponent, but he refused to accept being labeled as weak. "I will not give up," he said defiantly.

The Hashira smiled. "That is the spirit. But remember, strength comes from within. You must first conquer your own fears and doubts before you can defeat anyone else." Senjuro took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He recalled his past failures, his moments of weakness. But instead of letting them bring him down, he used them to fuel his determination. "I will become stronger," he thought to himself. "I will not let my weaknesses define me. I will set the world ablaze!" With renewed energy, Senjuro charged towards his opponent once again. This time, he focused on his breathing and his movements, channeling all his energy into his attack. "Third form x first mode: Blazing inferno!" he shouted as he swung his sword. To his surprise, his attack hit its mark. His opponent staggered back, impressed by Senjuro's newfound strength. "Well done," he said with a smile. "You have grown stronger."

Senjuro felt a surge of pride. He knew he still had much to learn, but he was no longer afraid of facing his weaknesses. He would continue to train hard and push himself to the limit, knowing that with each step he took, he was getting closer to becoming the strongest version of himself and he had his best friend Jin to thank for this and the Ogame school.

"Come young Lion I will be serious" Kyojuro states as the air starts to heat due to the atmosphere and his breath. With no time to marvel, Senjuro charged into the forest clearing like a flaming lion, his Sadanaga shining in the sun. He aimed for Kyojuro's chest, hoping to land a solid hit. But Kyojuro was faster and sharper than a tiger. He dodged the attack and slashed at Senjuro's arms with his katana. Senjuro barely managed to raise his Sadanaga and block the strike with his blade. Sparks flew as the two blades collided with a loud clang.

"Good attempt, Senjuro," Kyojuro said calmly. "But you need to be more careful with your timing."

"Thanks for the compliment Kyojuro," Senjuro said seriously. "But you need to be more careful with your guard."

Kyojuro nodded slightly and pushed Senjuro back with moderate force. He unleashed a flurry of slashes, each one faster and stronger than the last. He used his flame breathing technique to enhance his speed and power, creating waves of fire that followed his sword. He wanted to end the fight quickly and show his brother some tricks.

"Watch this, Senjuro," Kyojuro said confidently. "This is my flame breathing first form: Unknowing fire!" Kyojuro rushed forward with a powerful slash.

"Wow…that's amazing…" Jin whispered from the sidelines as he watched in awe. As it is his first time seeing traditional breathing.

"Ha! That's nothing, Kyojuro," Senjuro said defiantly. "I have something better to show you! This is my flame kata fourth mode: Amaterasu!"

Senjuro glared fiercely and parried each slash with skill. While parrying he used the frictional force to light his blade aflame. He felt the heat from Kyojuro's sword burning his skin and charring his clothes. At least now they're even. He knew he was risking injury, but he refused to give up. He used his flame kata technique to counter Kyojuro's attacks with powerful and violent movements, creating circles of flame that surrounded his Sadanaga. He wanted to prove himself worthy of being a demon slayer.

"He's doing it…he's using the new flame kata technique I taught him…" Jin muttered proudly as he watched in admiration. The two brothers exchanged blows for several minutes, neither one backing down from the other. They moved like blurs of fire across the clearing, creating a spectacle of light and sound that startled their father and Jin. The air was filled with smoke and ash, and the trees were scorched by their blades.

"That was incredible, Senjuro," Kyojuro said sincerely in surprise as he lowered his sword in respect. "You've improved so much since we last sparred! I'm proud of you! To believe another child taught you all this in four months no doubt my brother was always talented!"

"Thank you…Kyo…ju…ro…" Senjuro said weakly in gratitude as he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and blood loss.

"Take him before I change my mind." Utters the Rengoku clan leader before walking away coolly.

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