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32.99% A True Beginning / Chapter 65: Ch.7

Chapter 65: Ch.7

As soon as we got back to Chulak, Illyria immediately declares war on Bastet and Kali in my name. It was a rather long campaign as several other minor goa'uld thought to butt in and take benefits where there were none. That of course led to their deaths and saw to the rise of others while the war raged on.

The space battles were more attack an fleeing type until they were dumb enough to flee straight into the combined armada of the Morrigan, Amaterasu and Olokun forces. There they finally met their end as my ships blew them up like fish in a barrel with dynamite.

As the two System lords died I was contacted by the three system lords watching like hungry wolves. The Morrigan and Amaterasu wanted the territory and resources they contained while Olokun wasn't interested as he wanted resources only to add to his own. He sold it to the Morrigan and Amaterasu as I wasn't about to pay premium price for territory I just took.

I withdrew my forces while taking half the population and territory for myself. The rest was split up between the two other system lords while they paid Olokun for his territory he'd just gained. His interests lay elsewhere as he was trying to take on an aquatic host or build one through science.

With my permission Illyria began expanding my influence elsewhere in wars and simple conquest. I was busy bringing the people in my expanded territory under heel while repairing and fixing the planets and proving my divinity.

The Tok'ra contacted me a month in asking about my new position of system lord. I of course told them they could hide amongst my territories as their main base of operations and even take on any who were willing as hosts so long as it didn't include my inner circle or army.

They were reluctant to risk so much but I let them be and told them my reasons for becoming a system lord and taking on Osiris's persona was my own. They'd have to except that they couldn't know everything or piss off in my opinion.

With my new position as a system lord I began to receive communications from the other system lords. Ba'al was amongst them trying to convince me to team up and help him take out Yu and the other influential members like Cronus and seize power.

I blew him off and refused his gifts as I knew they tended to go boom. The rest were interested in alliances as well to take out the rest except Yu who appeared to be going senile and the three I'd split Bastet and Kali's territory with.

They were busy solidifying their hold of their new territory. Towards the end of my own converting of the masses I was prayed to by Sam while all of my wives called me. I appeared to them in the conference room as there was a meeting going on.

Before me was the general, SG-1 and a man I knew to be a sly snake, Senator Kinsey. I ignored him and his bluster at my appearance and asked Sam. "Why'd you pray to me? Is something wrong? Wait-"

I read their minds and turned my gaze outwards to the two hatak mother ships sneering. "Ba'al and Nirrti are playing games. I'll deal with it."

I teleported away and appeared on one of the four hatak ships I had left over from Apophis's reign. With a lot of magic and a massive teleportation spell I brought all four ships before earth and came around the moon before firing a rapid fire burst of weapons onto the two ships.

They tried to hail me but I refused and continued firing. Two cargo ships fled as the two mother ships went critical and blew up. I told the Jaffa vampire in control of the ships. "Hold a perimeter around the dark side of the moon and outside the planet's sensors. I'll be back in a bit with new orders."

After he saluted I teleported back to the meeting room. As soon as I appeared the senator spoke up in a yell. "Now hold it right there. This facility is not for the likes of you to come and-"

I removed his mouth with a wave. I gave him an annoyed look. "Speak to me like I'm a simple mortal again and I'll flay you alive along with your entire family."

My eyes glowed a mixture of green, red and blue. "Petty humans like you shouldn't be alive to start with. Clearly a result of humans evolving wrong on this planet. A goa'uld at least is honest in it's treacherous behavior. You little snake are no more human than the lowest of standards. Greedy fool!"

His eyes bulged as he fell on his ass. I turned back to the general and my mates. "The two hatak motherships belonging to Ares are gone. He fled with Nirrti on cargo ships just before I blew up the mother ships. The crisis is averted for now but Ba'al and Nirrti have begun targeting you for your efforts off world. It means you're being taken seriously for the first time. You'll need to speed up your actions and development to keep up or fall behind and be destroyed."

I got a rather worded telepathic message from my wives as I turned to face the general. "To that end, and my wives safety, the four Hatak motherships in my possession will be turned over to you and your people to be taken apart and studied. Hopefully it will speed up your development and ensure your safety until such a time as you no longer need my protection."

I gave the general a look saying. "I'd be careful whom you let have access to the technology-"

I gave the snake a look while the general caught my meaning. He smiled. "There's no need to worry on that front. With our independence of power requirements and the success of each mission the president has seen fit to lay down the law in that area and given me the full authority over all technologies and alliances made through the stargate. Senator Kinsey here was just leaving as well after begging the president to get into this meeting, he's used up all of his cards. Effective immediately he no longer has access to this facility nor the information contained within it's walls."

I nodded and returned the senator's mouth. He scowled. "You're going to regret this general. The people-"

General Hammond snorted. "The people will know all that we do here some day senator, but until such a day comes you're no longer involved in this program nor do you have any more pull with the president. You've used up the last of your cards with him and us. Sergeant, see to it that the senator is escorted out post haste and that he leaves this towns borders under gun point if necessary!"

The senator sneered. "You're going to regret this one day George-!"

He was dragged out before shrugging off the guards and leaving in a huff. I sat down now amused by the show. When he was off base I pointed out all the bugs he'd planted. "General, snakes tend to leave bugs behind, might you have a pest control squad sweep the facility. Don't want to be bitten by them, they tend to leak."

He nodded and ordered a thorough search where the senator touched and all besides. They found nearly thirty bugs most of which were new. He reported it to the president while the rest were deemed military grade and as such were destroyed without question.

When they were done he called another briefing while I teleported all my people home and cloaked the ships before landing them where the general had asked me to. While cloaked it's doors were still visible partially to allow the scientists inside to begin researching the technology.

I joined the current meeting room while Hammond discussed the uses for the ships. I pointed out. "They aren't that advanced and would've been destroyed if I hadn't enhanced their weapons temporarily with my personal power. The reason I gave them to you is so that you can reverse engineer them and make your own ships after studying them."

He nodded and the discussion turned to who they should recruit to study it all. After a while the conversation went to what I was up to.

I chuckled. "After I left you I impersonated a goa'uld and became a system lord. Then I declared war on two system lords and destroyed both Bastet and Kali. Their territories were split between me, Amaterasu, Olokun and Morrigan. The rest of the goa'uld are looking to ally themselves with me or curry favor as Bastet and Kali's fleet was beaten easily by my own."

They went silent until I told them. "As it stand there are now only ten system lords all together, including me. You've attracted the attention of two of the worst and another meat head. Nirrti and Ba'al are schemers and sly as hell. They will use other system lords to attack you to continue to test your defenses and destroy or conquer you at no cost to themselves. Morrigan is much the same preferring to be the power behind the throne unless assured of victory."

Sam agreed. "I've seen the reports you left on all the goa'uld. Whose next on your list to attack?"

I chuckled. "Love, I'm not taking out the system lords for you. I intend to use them like a wet stone to strengthen your own resolve and power. Fight them at your leisure but be quick about building your own fleet. As for my forces, they are attacking minor goa'uld lords and expanding my territory in this direction slowly. I'm reviving worlds and saving millions from starvation as I bring them under my wing. I've more concerns than a few petty snakes."

General Hammond finally asked. "Then why did you help us this time? Won't they know you've helped us?"

I shook my head. "The ships I used were apart of Apophis's old fleet and as such I can claim I retired them when I built my own. As for how they came to be in your possession, well, the traitor Teal'c knows how to work goa'uld technology and he's been seen amongst your people commonly. Perhaps he taught you how and where to retrieve them?"

I smirked and Teal'c raised an eyebrow but declined to comment. The general sighed. "So you're left blameless over a former enemies subordinates actions. The ships are too old to be of value to you and as such with the recent war efforts on your part, four old ships going missing from back water planets aren't your concern."

I nodded and told him. "Now you're getting it. Perhaps the Tok'ra helped you acquire them as well. They've been a pain in the ass of the system lords for millennia."

Daniel asked. "Tok'ra?"

I chuckled. "Yes, it's exactly what you're imagining."

They looked to Daniel as he explained. "Tok'ra, literally translated means against Ra. Some sort of resistance group I take it?"

I nodded and Teal'c spoke up. "They are a myth, a sort of Jaffa bedtime story. A group of goa'uld who refused to be called as such and refused to pretend to be gods. They spat in Ra's face and have supposedly been leading rebellions since Ra's time here on earth. Their founder, Egeria, is said to have experienced the harshest punishment for a goa'uld. Forced removal and trapped in stasis after centuries of torture by Ra's hands."

Jack spoke up. "So these Tok'ra are the good guys then?"

I shook my head. "They are devote terrorist that would happily die to bring down the system lords and all goa'uld. Resistance until the point of suicide is there way."

That brought the fire out of him as I continued. "I know they're real as I've met a few of them and even offered safe haven amongst my territories and even allowed them to try convincing my subject to blend with them."

Jack asked. "I'm sorry what? What is blending?"

I chuckled. "The Tok'ra don't believe in forcefully takings host and instead choose to share their minds with the host they're in. Even to the point where it is hard to tell who you're talking to unless they let you. They don't have to vibrate the vocal cords to speak like a goa'uld so it tends to be hard to tell for mortals."

Daniel asked. "But not for you?"

I shook my head. "I can read their minds so there's little chance they could possibly fool me. We've gotten off point now. Earth needs it's own fleet and soon enough you need to think about letting the other military powers into the loop if for no other reason than to avoid them finding out by mistake or the senator's machinations."

General Hammond nodded. "With the ships being studied and a real possibility of more invasions we'd need to do so any way. It's time I talked to the president in person and we extended our hands to our neighbors in the hopes of building a coalition."

I smiled. "Well, that leaves me with little more to do than assimilating the worlds Illyria conquers into my own. Right now she's attacking ten different minor goa'uld and destroying their fleets."

Buffy snorted while Alice said. "She must be enjoying herself."

Jack asked while Hammond left to prepare his flight plans. "You're letting the blue haired women attack the goa'uld instead? Aren't you afraid she'll be seduced?"

I snorted. "One, Illyria can barely be considered a women. Two, she doesn't care for human lust any more than you'd care to sleep with a goa'uld without the host. She's an old one, a demon in a human vessel."

I waved my hand as a small illusion of her true form appeared over the table. "That's her true form. And I gotta say I'd rather sleep alone than with that. But that too is besides the point. Illyria was once a warlord and dimensional conquerer. She doesn't care for any pleas of mercy or begging. She'd lop of your head as quick as a child's if she thought it amusing."

He paled. "Why would you bring something like that here?"

I shrugged. "She owes Buffy her loyalty and she'd never move against me while I'm helping her achieve godhood."

Daniel frowned now. "Why would you want to help her achieve godhood?"

I chuckled. "Because Buffy is immortal and so long as she lives Illyria is honor bound to serve her. Even if I make her into a god she will still serve Buffy and even be a stronger ally and protector for her and the girls."

Jack snorted. "You just said it was a demon, how do you know you can trust it?"

I smiled smugly. "Three reasons. One, it's more than honor that binds her to her words. Magic does as well. Two, she's in my former body and no I wasn't female. She prefers that form so I helped her shift the flesh and bones to mimic it. And three, I exchanged essence with her."

Even my wives stilled at that before Alice asked. "Why would you do such a thing?"

I sighed. "She has an affinity for time magic's that I wanted. Now that I have it, it binds her to me as well. When I ascend I'll have an easier time of it and I'll even be able to help her ascend. Sort of like her joining my pantheon, she will be a minor goddess until she becomes stronger."

Jack snorted. "Aren't you worried about her betraying you once she becomes a god or goddess or whatever?"

I shrugged. "I've access to powers she can't comprehend. She would be the first goddess or god I've eaten."

My admittance sent a shiver down the mortals spines. I stuck around for a while and came back a lot over the next week until Sam got possessed by a Tok'ra. When she was in her detention cell I arrived at her demand instead of prayer.

Chuckling still amused I listened to her explain that an ashrak was after her. Snorting I told her. "It's in the base, I'll deal with it then we're getting the Tok'ra out of you."

Her eyes flashed and her voice changed. "How did you know- of course, I see. Never mind then I'll leave peacefully after the ashrak is dealt with."

I shrugged. "Peacefully or not you'll leave either way."

I turned to see the ashrak come into the room and raise it's finger weapon at me. I snapped my fingers and his body exploded into a meat paste and bloody organ mixture all over the room. It missed me and Sam behind me as I'd covered us in barriers.

I turned to her and raised my hand, healing the goa'uld in her before saying. "I'll contact your people in my territory and have them send a willing host for you to blend with. Once you're out of my mate you will never and I repeat never try to enter her again or I'll be doing worse to you than a meager ashrak torture device can manage."

She shivered and I unlocked her cell while the guards came in with Jack. He asked. "What in the hell happened in here?"

I pointed to Sam. "Tok'ra."

I pointed to the bloody mess all over the place. "Goa'uld assassin come to kill her. You're welcome."

I waved my hand and got rid of the evidence of the murder I just committed. He'd been left in charge while Hammond was in DC briefing the president and making political moves to include this planet's super powers into the program.

I took Sam with me and had her wait in the conference room with Jack and my wives. I teleported to Bubastis, Bastet's firmer home world and where the Tok'ra had temporarily taken up residence. I explained what I needed and took one of the human volunteers and a Tok'ra named Martouf that insisted on coming with.

I teleported us back to the SGC. There I had Jolinar exit Sam's mouth where I caught her and Jolinar went into the human female that volunteered for the blend. When it was done Jolinar apologized and said. "She may experience flashes and visions of my old memories from the partial blend."

I helped Sam into a chair while healing her and telling the Tok'ra. "Just remember my warning Tok'ra, there won't be another."

Jolinar nodded and Martouf asked. "What warning."

I growled. "That I'd kill her in a horrendous way if she ever attempted to enter Sam again."

He frowned but Jolinar stopped him with a shake of her head. Jack made friendly for a bit with the Tok'ra while asking for an alliance of sorts that didn't involve blending. That confused both Tok'ra until I told them both. "He means information sharing and coordinative efforts in taking out targets. These humans are quite effective in their efforts when put under pressure but that's between you, your leaders and them."

Martouf frowned but nodded before asking. "If we align ourselves with them will you tell us where Egeria is?"

I shook my head. "Not my problem, but I can tell you that if you do so they will be able to help you find her eventually. If you're smart and call for me then I'll heal her."

He nodded before telling Jack. "I'll speak to our council and try to persuade them but you must understand we have his in the shadows taking out goa'uld for thousands of years to ensure no single goa'uld ever comes to power. If such a thing like Ra's beginning reign happens again it will mean our and your ends. Separate the goa'uld fight and get distracted killing each other, with a single one in power we'd stand no chance."

Jack dialed them up a portal back to Bubastis while I headed to the house Sam had in town. It was next door to Buffy's. There I comforted her with the girls for another week before she went back to work as Hammond had arrived.

While I was relaxing from my most recent miracle to the masses, I heard Sam and a very irate Lexi praying to me. I teleported to where I heard their prayers and found them on a prison planet. When I saw them surrounded by prisoners I snapped my fingers, killing them all.

All that was left standing was the SG team who were slightly beaten and my mates. An old woman was watching from the shadows but I ignored her. I asked Lexi. "What's the problem?"

She snorted. "Aliens tried passing judgement on us for helping a person fleeing from the law or some crap."

I shrugged and looked at the gate. "Need a ride home?"

Lexi nodded. "Yeah, the damn aliens took the DHD and I'm not wasting power to manually dial the gate."

I chuckled. "Alright. Come here."

The team came over to me but the old woman stepped out asking. "Wait, take me with you please!"

I snorted as I read her mind. "No, I don't think I'll be taking a genocidal mass murderer from this place. You deserve to be here."

Sam and the rest of the team looked to me and I sighed. "I read her mind. She's as evil as they come. Nearly wiped out a planet of all life for her experiments."

She ran at us but I chuckled and flicked a finger sending her flying into the big lug behind her as I teleported us out of there. When we appeared in the SGC they went to give their reports while I went back to bed with Buffy and Faith who were keen to help me relax some.

I lounged about and on occasion went to appease the masses as my empire was being built. Another three months passed in the blink of an eye. The Russians, Chinese, British and French were included in a briefing meeting that finally revealed the stargate a week after Lexi and Sam's mission where they called for me.

There is been invited along to prove they were doing good work. When they asked why I looked human, I shifted into my vampire form and scared the piss out of them. I shifted back in front of them all while Hammond continued. "While you're out there you're not just representing your countries interests, you're this world's ambassadors to the stars. To that end I rest on our record."

I spoke now. "Under General Hammonds leadership he has made an ally not just with me and my considerable empire amongst the stars, earning my protection of this planet as you've all been notified in some capacity. He's also earned my respect as a man, and to that end I've given him specifically four alien motherships. They are his personal property and as he's generously allowed you and your people to use his stargate and study these ships-"

Senator Kinsey came in all high and mighty before looking to me and paling. I smirked saying. "I'm sorry, but this meeting is for those who matter."

I flicked my wrist sending him flying out the door he burst into and locking it behind him. I turned back to the ambassadors. "As I was saying. He has earned my respect and protection and has generously allowed your people access to his property and the gate to go out and make connections of your own. As such while my continued protection and cooperation is not contingent on him staying in charge, it is preferred."

Hammond thanked me and I nodded before taking my seat by the wall and listening idly. The French ambassador asked. "What was that you did to the American senator?"

I answered honestly. "Telekinesis. I simply pushed him out the door with one of my many abilities. I met him before and I really don't like him. Where I'm from he'd be lunch."

That got him frowning. "You eat humans?"

I shrugged. "Not as a rule no but for a cowardly snake like him I could be persuaded."

My words brought laughter from the Chinese and Russian ambassadors as they commented on choking on his greasy politics. I smiled and let it float by while they called for a break. The senator came back in less showy and slightly bruised in places.

While the ambassadors occasionally chatted me up on the benefits of letting the Americans run the program the senator steered clear and talk to each one by one in the hopes of pitching a better suggestion for who would run the program.

When I heard the name NID from the Russian ambassadors and General I shook my head. "It's a power move on his part. While I'm not applied to others leading the SGC and would continue to protect this planet, should he get control of your stargate I'd just as soon take those I like off world and leave you to your fates. He intends to use the NID as a smoke screen and take control of the program as he just got in charge of the NID's funding. He's their leader by default."

The Russian general asked. "Where did you get this information from?"

I pointed to General Hammond and major Davis. "I can hear every word their saying. If you vote for the NID I'll be withdrawing my protection and leaving this planet while warning those your people have made allies with to be cautious as he cannot be trusted."

He nodded seriously before warning the other ambassadors in turn. They each spared the senator a repugnant glance while he was sitting down waiting for the meeting to restart. I sat in my usual seat while the rest of groups slowly found their way to sitting.

Th Chinese ambassador spoke up after they all agreed. "I think we can all agree that the program, at least for the time being that is, is safe in it's very capable hands."

The senator gave a huff and turned to Hammond. "Well played General, well played."

George shook his head. "They came to their conclusions on their own. But if you're worried about back room dealings then look no further than yourself. I'm well aware of what you planned but let me assure you, even if you'd succeeded you couldn't have held on to the position very long. The president himself is looking into allegations of some very underhanded and some might say down right illegal dealings of your own."

The senator paled and left in a hurry while making a call. Hammond apologized to the ambassadors and I grabbed his shoulder while teleporting us back to base to the ambassadors surprise.

When I released him and major Davis I told them. "The senator plans to run for the next presidency. If he win you're all screwed. By the way, he's been illegally funding his own war chest from his donations for the senate. He apparently has been righting them off as failed bills and bad funding campaigns."

After that I'd stuck around on occasion when I wasn't off world turning armies and listening to reports on the fleet's forces. I'd caught up to date on several things as Sam and the team with Alice had been stuck in a game world to others amusement.

Daniel has been nearly seduced by a princess and they'd brought an alien sentient artifact through the gate to the compound. That particular one led them to asking me for my help.

I'd had to destroy the virus like creature and remove all traces of it from the compound. Teal'c was stung by an alien bug to which I went to secure another and help them cure him. After that I wiped out all traces of them from their home planet and gave the planet itself to the SGC as a great off world base.

It was a fully built and functioning modern and slightly advanced technological world. Hammond was ecstatic to receive the gift but not nearly as much as I when Sam decided she wanted to thank me for it.

A couple weeks later I had to sit through meeting her father and eventually introducing him to the Tok'ra. When Jack asked. "You're a god right? Why don't you just heal him?"

I snorted. "Because I doubt he'd agree to how I'd do it. Everything comes at a cost, he wouldn't agree to the cost of my healing him of his cancer. Magic tends to not agree with cancer so I'd have to change what he is on a cellular level. He'd no longer be human if he survived that is."

That shut him up though only for a time. So Jacob Carter became a Tok'ra and as such he came to know about my power as a god and where I stand. Not a conversation I was looking forwards to but one we had anyway that ended with me telling him I intended to make Sam immortal.

He was all for that as no father wanted to face the idea that their child would one day die. We parted ways after that and I went back to my lounging about. The SGC found a new supplier of trinium but stuck with my deal as I was literally giving it to them in bulk as part of the deal I'd made for the town I'd built.

Hammond finally felt the hand of the senator as the NID had been uncovered stealing alien technology from allies. They hadn't been to any of my worlds as I was watching for them just in case.

The second stargate has been recovered and stored in the pack that Hammond kept as it and the DHD had been in Area 51 for study when the NID had done a bait and switch. Now they'd have to come through the gate in the compound.

O'Neil found himself a repository and downloaded all the knowledge of the ancients into his head. I'd laughed my ass off when they called me in for him. "He's downloaded over a hundred million years worth of knowledge into his own mind. It'll overwhelm him eventually and his brain will simply shut off."

They didn't see the amusement in it but I shrugged. "Just leave him be for a while and his subconscious mind will give him the answer in finding a way to survive. It's already working on it."

My words had Jack asking. "Can't you just take it out of my head?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, but then you wouldn't learn anything. Just focus on surviving and the knowledge will come to you. I'm sure by the way you're drawing absentmindedly on the notebook you've already come to a conclusion. All you need is to let it out."

He looked down and he'd indeed been drawing in his notebook. Scowling at me he spoke in ancient calling me and asshole. I answered in kind calling him a dumbass.

Daniel looked at me with a frown. "You know the language he's speaking?"

I nodded. "Like him I've found a repository of knowledge from the ancients but unlike him my mind is strong enough to hold it all. I already know everything that's bubbling in his mind including the answer he's come to."

Sam asked. "What's that?"

I chuckled. "He's going to go to the Asgard home world and have them remove the knowledge. Unfortunately for him it's in the Ida galaxy and so he'll have to build a generator booster to up the gates power supply so that he can get there. They should be able to return him with no problem or I can fetch him when they're done."

Sam looked at me exasperated and I chuckled. "It's all for the good. Becoming allies to the Asgard would me a good thing."

She rolled her eyes and I went back to my mini vacation while occasionally giving her and Daniel hints at the language and machine Jack was working on.

When he finally finished it he was all but speech impaired and simply stopped talking. I'd felt him trying to pry into my mind with a sort of telepathic strength but brushed his attempts off as he wasn't entirely himself.

When he finally went through the stargate after overhauling their system once more to add the eight symbol gate address he gave me one last mental poke and I let him in for a moment.

To my surprise he tried to shove the information into my head instead. I blocked and he frowned before stepping through the gate. Half an hour later he came through with an Asgard member at his side.

That, I wasn't expecting. When he introduced the Asgard in question as Thor I chuckled. "So, the replicators have finally given you a break then?"

The humans were confused but O'Neil just told the Asgard. "Thor, meet our neighborhood deity. The one your people were so keen to meet."

The Asgard spoke in a runic high dialect I hadn't heard in person since my life as a Mikaelson. He asked if I could understand him and I replied in kind that his high handed dialect was a bit weak.

He actually laughed calling me an old tongue. To see the little grey alien giggle made the girls smile. When he switched to Atlantan language though I stopped smiling as he asked if I could help them find and translate the information they seek from the ancients archives.

I switched to English saying. "I could just tell you the solution as I already know everything the ancients did when they walked this realm but then, why should I?"

Thor followed my example while narrowing his eyes. "O'Neil said you were a kind being-"

Jack stopped him. "I believe the term I used was benevolent and I said that was pushing it."

I snorted. "I'm hardly either of those things and O'Neil is an idiot if he thinks otherwise. Now why should I help your people reverse the cellular degradation when you had to have seen it coming a mile off when your forms started to change? I'm not one to help fools that will just end up dying off from their own stupidity."

The little grey alien offered. "What is it you want then? Our technology-"

I snorted. "Is useless to me. I already have the technology and know how of the ancients and even if I didn't, I've already been to Hala and copied all of your peoples knowledge as well as that of the Nox. The Furling's are long dead thanks to their own stupidity and the goa'uld using the survivors as slaves. A fate I'm fairly certain could have been avoided had any of their former allies thought to lend a hand. So tell me Asgardian, why should I help your people when you so clearly deserve your fate?"

The little Aliens eyes bugged out before he contemplated my words. After a while he sighed. "Then as a supplicant to a deity I humbly ask for your help."

I gnashed my teeth. "And as a supplicant what do you offer me?"

His head bowed and he spoke in his native tongue. "My life and soul. Save my people please!"

I was about to deny him when Buffy spoke up. "He'll do it."

Sighing as she'd accepted it on my behalf I looked to her and the girls who were looking at the proud alien bowing to me. They gave me accusing looks and I read from them that they thought him adorable and in need of help.

I turned back to Thor saying finally. "Very well. Thor, supreme commander of the Asgard fleet, you shall have all that you seek and more but remember this, when you return from giving your people the answers they seek and cloning yourself a new body, you will return here to me where you will honor your words or I'll take yours and every Asgardian's soul that is effected by what I give you as compensation."

I gave him the knowledge he sought on how to reverse the cellular degradation and how to destroy the replicator threat in his home galaxy. When he raised his head he thanked me but I waved him off. "Thank my mates for feeling sympathy for your plight. If they had not you would be leaving empty handed. Now be off with you. Your ship is over head and I tire of hearing it's incessant humming."

He beamed aboard his ship and left I in turn took Buffy to her room and introduced her to some corporal punishment. When I left the room she was cuffed to the bed face down with a red ass and both holes dripping my seed.

One last moan from her as I closed the door let me know she'd learned her lesson. When Alice went to check on her she mentioned something about drooling and Buffy moaning more and harder. Clearly I might've broken her as she declined the next mission she was on for and Faith took it instead.

By the time she came back with the team and the weak old man called Ma'chello, Thor had returned looking like Chris Hemsworth. When he saw me he kneeled and thanked me for saving his people's life and swore his loyalty.

He stood beside me when Faith came through with the old man. When I saw Daniel I raised a hand and made him stop mid step before telekinetically bringing him before me. "You're not Daniel Jackson. I take it you must be the old man then? Ah, Ma'chello."

He struggled to no avail before bitting out. "What are you foul being? Unhand me!"

I snorted and removed his move before turning to Jack. "Daniel touched something without knowing what it was and switched bodies with this fool. Bring back the device and we'll put him back together. Make sure only one of you touches it at a time."

Thor went with them on my orders and they came back with said device. Ma'chello still floating there I had Faith bring the weakened Daniel back. Jack switched bodies with Ma'chello who then switched bodies with Daniel. Then I manually switched them back with a spell.

When Thor saw me doing it he asked about magic. I saw no harm in it and gave him the full download on all magic and how it's used and absorbed. I then sent him to Chulak to meet up with Illyria and Spike. He was to use the time there guarding the planet while Spike was sent to patrol the territories with the reserve ships to absorb and convert the magic into his own power.

What use is a supplicant if they die off before they become useful? While he was gone Ma'chello passed away. The next mission had Alice flying a drone over a planet to get a look at something's until she swerved away telling the General. "If I kept flying in that direction the drone would hit some kind of sound interference and crash into the a plant that gives off the same frequency. The natives depend on it to stay alive but it hurts human brains to be in contact for to long."

He trusted her as he knew about her psychic abilities. He called the mission a wash and had her return the drone with the ground team. I went off world to check on my own budding empire and found Thor, Illyria and Spike arguing about whether to conquer the Nox.

Thor was against it, as was Spike though for different reasons while Illyria was all for it. When they noticed I was sitting on my throne listening Illyria asked. "Do I bring them back in chains?"

I frowned and shook my head. "No need. Thor, you will contact the Nox and through them the Tollans. Offer them safety and prosperity from all outside threats so long as they pay heed to our laws. We follow a more war like version of the Ancient's laws so there should be little they find trouble with. They need not be apart of the war efforts so long as they do not interfere in them either way."

Thor nodded and Illyria raised an eyebrow. I just shrugged. "Why waste the effort in conquering pacifists when our efforts can be put to use elsewhere?"

She nodded and replied. "All of the minor goa'uld in this region are defeated and their heads adorn the hull of the fleet's ships. We were arguing over whom to conquer next."

I smiled. "Conquer all planets between here and earth. Very few have space capabilities and those that do aren't nearly as advanced. Feel free to kill any goa'uld that get in your way, just be sure they're not Tok'ra."

Illyria smiled while Spike lit a cigarette saying. "That's what I'm talking about!"

Thor was frowning but didn't comment except to ask. "Is it really necessary to conquer them all?"

I shrugged. "Necessary? No, but then it wasn't necessary to help your people either. If they don't resist and listen to actual divinity they'll be just fine. Better than fine actually. There planets will become like this one, a paradise."

Thor sighed. "And if they choose to fight?"

I smirked. "They'll learn that I am not always a benevolent god. Don't worry, no matter how many times they die I can bring them back. After all, I am a god of rebirth."

He shivered at my smiling face as I teleported away. What can I say, being a god had it's perks and with the seeds all I needed to sacrifice was magic to bring someone back. I had plenty of that and if push came to shove I can absorb the other seeds I've made on each of the planets I've conquered. Though I do hope to get more seeds of this new energy even if I've yet to find a use for it yet.

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