Soon after the etchings were gone, the angel in question showed up. I was sipping another drink while Lucifer poured himself some of the same. Amenadiel spoke up asking as he sensed my lineage and link to Lucifer. "You have a kid?"
Lucifer smirked. "Yep. Turns out a pagan three way does end in diapers and a nappy. Amenadiel, meet-"
Lucifer turned to me and I sighed. "Wraith, just Wraith."
Lucifer smiled. "Wraith Morningstar. Son, meet your uncle, feathery douche."
I waved a light hand with a smirk. "Hello, it's good to meet a douche that bats for the angel team. I was wondering how they get the Eiffel Tower sized sticks out their feathered asses. Must be a tough job."
Lucifer laughed while Amenadiel didn't look too pleased at all. Mazikeen took that opportunity to walk out with the spiked leather collar and leash and a whip. "I found some extra toys we can play with if you're interested. I'd really like to see if you can buck like Lucifer does when I stick the spurs into his sides."
I snorted. "I'm not interested."
Lucifer put an arm around my shoulder saying. "Come now son, you can't turn down a trip to Maze town without having experienced a taste at least. Be a good sport and make me proud, bedrooms that way. I need some time to chat with me dear brother here anyhow."
He passed me off to Maze, handing me the bottle as she grabbed me. If I weren't under cover now and she wasn't clearly at a monster's level in strength, I'd like to say I would've put up a better fight. As it is, the moment she put the collar around my neck, bad things happened and I wound up in bed with a demon.
She was a screamer after that, even so much as going to put on a show for Lucifer and his brother. I was a beast I admit, the way I treated her, well, there's a reason I have so many wives and am able to keep them satisfied. That night after an entire day of sex, with only a few breaks that ended in a shower and back in the bed, Maze was in my arms barely awake as she asked. "Whose Faith?"
I growled as I pulled out of her to her disappointment and saying. "One of my wives. Like I said before, I have a few. No offense to you love, but I've been away from them for over two decades by my perspective. I tend to want to be with them in the moment."
She murmured as she pushed me back in with one hand. "I've been called worse."
I slowly pumped into her until we both shuddered and she sighed as I got up. Our fun time was over now as I sensed the detective downstairs. I grabbed a quick shower before dressing and noticing Maze had fallen asleep.
Amused now, I slapped her ass lightly saying softly. "Lucifer is back with his pet detective."
She murmured. "I'll hear about it tomorrow. I already warned him about someone using his name."
I chuckled and headed downstairs where I found Lucifer threatening to dismember a trussed up human while another watched. I could still feel where the detective was and assumed the other humans with her were cops.
I chuckled as I saw him slap the man around while he lost his accent. "Maze would say it's like you're punishing yourself and call it hot, I on the other hand think you're clearly not taking things far enough. After all, if your rep falls as a ladies man, I'd hate to think what people will think of me."
Lucifer stilled before letting the man off with a warning. As he fled, the fixed woman asked. "Whose the kid?"
I held out my hand and shook hers saying as I kissed her knuckles. "Wraith Morningstar, at your service."
She raised an eyebrow. "Lucifer, I didn't know you had a kid."
I gave her a charming smile as the mortal in her reacted to the divinity in me while my aura matched Lucifer's in intensity. Her eyes glazed over a bit as she continued. "Such a charmer, perhaps you'd like a lesson or two in private?"
I chuckled as I released her knuckles saying. "Sorry love, I'm only sixteen."
She rubbed her thighs together as she felt the primal urge to mate. "I'm sure you're an old soul."
Chuckling Lucifer patted my shoulder as he broke her out of the state, handing her some cash in an envelope. "He really does take after me, but we're kind of busy right now. Oh and sorry for this."
She frowned. "What?"
Cops came out from their place arresting her. I sighed and walked away while detective Decker or Chloe as everyone else called her, questioned the woman. When she threatened her with soliciting a minor and murder, things got hairy.
Lucifer explained to Chloe. "The minor thing you might want to ease up on. Wraith seems to have my talent for bringing out people's hidden desires."
As for the murder, well, the fixer explained that away immediately. I sat in a booth and watched it all go down. When they made plans to bust the football manager, I tagged along using my shadows to follow. I watched Lucifer loose his cool and shove the mortal through a sheet of office glass.
While entertaining, it also brought questions to the forefront of the detective's mind. Chuckling I headed back to Lux where I crashed on one of the couches. It'd been a while since I'd actually gotten any sort of real sleep in a bed. Persephone was more into using me even if I was tired, to get what she craved and Maze, well, there was no sleep involved whatsoever.
The next morning Lucifer woke me up asking. "Do I need to get you any sort of fake ID's or anything?"
I shook my head. "Technically as my sole parent you can just allow me to sleep around and drink as I'm sixteen and it's consent with your permission. As for the human things, well, I've got a GED and a Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering. Their files will all say I'm golden except for having no real home for the past twelve years and practically disappearing from the face of the earth at age four. The rest is taken care of already."
He sighed. "I'm heading to the detective's house to see what case is next. Tell Maze when she wakes up that the last case and my stolen identity is taken care of."
I nodded and sat up. "Fine, I'm sure she'd be up for a morning workout. I could use a sparing partner to keep my skills up."
He shrugged. "Whatever, just be weary of the demon daggers forged in hell. Your part me wether you like it or not so they can and will kill you if you're struck with them."
I stood up. "Good to know."
He headed out while I grabbed a shower before waking Maze up. She wasn't a morning person as it turns out and had slept through since I'd left her there. She smelled of sex and spent seed and was not happy when I woke her up.
She gave me the evil eye but I shrugged it off saying. "You slept all night and I need a sparing partner. Get up or I'll pour some soapy water and a scrub brush on you. You're starting to smell like a whore house."
She stood up giving me a full view before stretching and bending over to grab her clothes. I raised an eyebrow when she turned back to me and a bubble of seed poured out from between her cheeks.
She smirked and I shook my head. "Not interested. We had our time and that's passed now. As Lucifer said, I've taken a trip to Maze town and now I'm declining another visit."
Growling she stood up, now leaking seed as if the seal of dried seed on her lower holes had been broken. She swayed to the bathroom while I headed to the living room/bar room. There I used my shadows to move the furniture out of the way before stretching and getting ready for the fight.
Half an hour later she came back in with a few weapons and grabbed a mace and shield out of the pile when she saw my swords. We didn't say another word as we circled each other before clashing violently.
She dropped her shield an hour in as it'd bent around her arm enough to hurt. The mace and one of my bronze swords wasn't fairing any better. When the mace and sword finally gave way after the third hour, I tossed my second sword to the side as well and threw the first punch.
We switched fluidly to hand to hand combat. Her strength and eons of experience versus my talent and reflexes. Faster and faster we traded blows as we both ended up breaking cartilage and knuckles.
When Amenadiel showed up though, I backed off saying. "He's here for gone of us and since we've been at it for most of the day, I could use something to eat."
She smirked and licked the blood off her split lip. "You're just getting tired."
I shook my head. "No, I was just sparing the death blows as I'd hate to ruin such a fine body for long enough for it to heal properly. Go, see what he wants, I'm gonna wash up and grab a bite to eat."
She leaned forward and licked the blood on my own busted lip before saying. "Perhaps I'll join you when you wash up. Lucifer did tell me you were priority number one now."
I growled and slapped her ass saying. "Pass love. You don't exist to be my plaything and I'm not my father, I won't treat you as expendable or a toy. We had our moment and that moment is gone."
She pouted but I chuckled. "Perhaps you can get yourself some angel food cake instead."
I gave Amenadiel a look and passed him to the bedroom. He went to speak to me but Maze told him. "You don't get to look at him like that. Lucifer says I get to kick anyone's ass that has bad intentions towards his son. After all, technically, he's the prince of hell."
I shivered when I heard that and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed a nice hot shower before heading out. Amenadiel caught up to me when I made it to the beach. "How did you travel like that?"
I sighed. "My mother is Nyx, goddess of night. All shadows and darkness are easy for me to manipulate especially at night."
I watched the night sky as I'd done many times throughout the year. Amenadiel sighed. "So it's true then, Lucifer slept with a pagan."
I shrugged. "Does it matter? My brothers are death and sleep. My mother the night, and my father a fallen angel with issues. My family is no more or less messed up than yours, or should I say the other half of my lineage? Uncle Amenadiel, do you ever look upon creation and wonder why he made it all? What the point is of all the chaos and order that makes life so unique?"
He sighed and surprisingly sat down beside me before saying. "All the time. But then I realize that uniqueness is what makes it all worth it in the end. After all, every angel, human and divine is different in an infinite different ways."
I chuckled. "If this is your way of saying I don't have to be like Lucifer, it's a nice sentiment, but he's not been apart of who I am for a long time before I ever actually met him. While I can feel his influence in what I do and who I am, it's my own choices that make me unique. Because I make them."
He looked over to me and asked. "Would you be willing to take up the mantle of ruler of hell?"
I raised an eyebrow before shaking my head. "I don't want to rule anything. Besides, it takes an angel to rule hell, not to mention the fact that I'm part Greek god."
He frowned and sighed. "You're right, while the Greek part isn't a problem, you don't even have wings."
I shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I wouldn't take the throne anyway. Why don't you take it? I know it's not pleasant, but you'd get to leave every few decades to visit earth."
He grimaced and shook his head before he flew away with a gust of wind. I watched the sky until dawn when I traveled to one of the guest bedrooms in the penthouse. I grabbed a shower and went to sleep.
When I woke up I heard a party downstairs and decided to go and check it out. Unfortunately by the time I'd arrived an idiot was holding his gun on Lucifer. I used my shadows to hold him in place, effectively paralyzing him while Detective Decker disarmed him.
When they brought him upstairs for questioning as he'd been spouting that his girlfriend had been kidnapped, I listened in from the side. It was actually interesting. As soon as Lucifer called them up and accepted to pay for the girl's life, I laughed my ass off as they sent a proof of life without being asked to.
Lucifer and the detective turned to me while the playboy with a heart of love asked. "What's so funny kid?"
I gave him an annoyed look before replying. "You've all been duped. It's clearly not just about the money, so I'd say they want to kill you dumb ass."
The detective frowned. "What do you mean by that?"
I shrugged. "I'm just guessing at the situation here but they had no way of knowing you'd need proof of life, they'd already hung up. Ergo it was an emotional play for the idiot here. Emotions imply it's personal and so they want him emotional and not thinking straight. Odds are the girl is in on it with someone else to get revenge for some past misdeeds and score some serious cash on the side."
Lucifer, knowing I had no need to lie, frowned and turned to the idiot. "What did you do?"
He gapped like a fish before saying. "Nothing, I've done nothing this time."
I rolled my eyes. "You're a horn dog that's probably screwed more woman than you can remember. She's clearly in on it so you've definitely done something. Did you sleep with her before you met her four months ago? Maybe when she wasn't so pissed? Only thing I can imagine that would scorn a woman so is if A, she was a virgin and you scored as you do cleverly put it, or B, you cheated on her with her family members. Since the second I implies a longer turn relationship than a single quickly, odds are she was a virgin."
The idiot man went pale before thinking back and saying. "I've only slept with one virgin and that was like, two years ago back when I was righting my book."
I winced. "Damn, definitely scorned then dumb ass. You probably wrote about her and nailed the coffin home. Odds are you walk into there and you're not walking out."
The detective frowned. "Isn't this just speculation?"
I shrugged. "Sure, but then, would you see any other reason to want this loathsome reptile dead? Perhaps it's just about the money, and assuming the girl isn't involved. The moment one of you goes to do the drop they'll likely riddle you with bullets and take the cash after dumping the girl's body. If they'd resort to these measures and it's all about the money, that means professionals and odds on they couldn't risk her or anyone seeing something they shouldn't have."
That got everyone frowning. Chloe sighed. "I'll call in swat as backup and go in alone-"
Lucifer immediately refused saying. "I'll take care of this detective. Are you forgetting the fact that I'm invulnerable? Or that I've made a deal?"
I chuckled. "You could always send Maze. I'm sure she's up for a beat down. She is a professional bodyguard of sorts and well trained in hand to hand combat. Definitely on par with me on a bad day."
Lucifer smiled. "So you've had a chance to trade blows have you?"
I nodded. "Yeah, we ruined one of my swords and that spartan shield you had. The mace is busted as well. What can I say, it was a good workout."
Lucifer looked a bit proud while Chloe shook her head. "I'm not bringing in anymore civilians on this."
I shrugged. "I can always go. It's night after all."
The detective didn't know what that meant but Lucifer did and while he was nodding, she shook her head. "I am most definitely not putting a child at risk."
I scowled at her before shrugging and telling Lucifer. "Just say my name and I'll be there. I'm going to follow just in case."
He smirked and turned to a scowling Detective now who shook her head. "What are you thinking?"
Lucifer tried to defend himself saying. "What, he can take care of myself if he's as good as Maze or even better. Besides, it's not like he'll die, it's night time."
She didn't know nor understand what that meant either but she did say. "If he follows us then I'll see to it that he's arrested, sixteen or not, interfering in a police investigation is a crime."
I chuckled. "I'll be sure to quake in my boots when you put the cuffs on."
As promised, an hour later I followed them to the meet up. Things went as I predicted as sure enough they'd contacted the idiot to be there. He'd come running without question and when Lucifer went to make the trade, locking out the detective, he called for me when the human got shot and was about to do so again. "Wraith, I know your listening, help daddy out."
I snorted and knocked out the humans, including the idiot that got shot by shadow punching into their shadows with a fist to the back of their heads. When I showed up as they all fell to the floor unconscious, I told him. "That's the last time you call yourself daddy when you refer to our relationship."
He looked around before shrugging. "Fair enough. So, what happens next?"
I sighed. "The detective is coming, I'll see you back at the penthouse. As fun as juvenile hall sounds, the beds are softer at your place."
I shadow walked home leaving him there. I went directly to my room to catch up on some sleep. Sometime after I left, he managed to get himself shot in the leg by Chloe. I laughed my ass off the next day until Maze told. "It's not funny, he could be turning mortal!"
I snorted. "Only in certain circumstances sure!"
They both frowned at me and I whipped out a blade and stabbed him in the hand. The blade bent and I showed it to them. "You're invulnerable right now so it's clearly a circumstantial thing. Perhaps you're weak to bullets or to the detective harming you herself. Either way you'll need to be careful on the job as it were. If you die now, you'll probably end up in hell and have to come back all over again."
Lucifer grimaced. "That's not something I'm particularly in the mood for."
I shrugged. "That's up to you. I don't know where the entrance to the Christian hell is so I couldn't bust you out either."
He perked up. "You'd do that for me?"
I shrugged. "Why not? You are my father after all, well apart of him anyway. As much as I despise his lessons, I am learning from them, and I've even had the chance to speak to my real mother once before I came here so I know my wives are safe. No harm no foul and all that."
Lucifer smiled. "I'm that case, let's go to an event tonight. It's something we can do, you know, as a family."
I sighed. "Sure. Just don't get yourself shot, last thing you need right now is to find out you have a sudden allergy to bullets the hard way."
He insisted we go shopping for a more appropriate attire which, while annoying, I wasn't apposed to. I had my own suits again but I settled for an Italian silk cloak with black sheepskin boots. When he saw I looked more like a ninja monk, I showed him all the weapons I had in it and he declined to reject it.
Besides the fact that he caught the first few hours of Maze and I together and knew I was an animal in the sack, he also knew I was at least as deadly as she was. He settled for getting me a sheepskin duster as well to wear to the event.
I of course had some bullet proof suits made for him that while it wouldn't stop a sniper rifle or a head shot, it would stop anything else. When Maze saw them she approved whole heartedly and insisted he get his whole wardrobe done like that.
I we to a specialty store and bought a few items before heading to the closest person Lucifer knew that had a forge and made Maze a sword belt as a gift she might like. Once I showed it to her, she gave me a kiss.
Smirking I told her. "Twist the buckle counter clockwise and a smaller dagger coated in hydra venom comes out. Be careful not to knick yourself with it as it's deadlier than any human toxins and I've no idea what it'd to a demon or angel for that matter."
She grabbed me very thoroughly before saying. "All you have to do is say when."
I shook my head and pulled out of her grip. "I appreciate it, I do, but once was enough. If it helps any, you're the first demon I've ever slept with and you'll more than likely be the last."
We left the forge and went back to get ready. We headed to the showing for some Asian artist showing off his shoes. It was rather simple to get in and on the way in, we saw three Latin gangster looking people trying to get in. Luckily Lucifer had reserved three seats or we'd be like them, stuck.
I stopped by them and asked the beauty with the least tattoos. "Would you care to join me? I'm sure Lucifer here can get us another seat."
The door guy saw us and nodded as the girl sighed and looked at the other two who told her. "Go, we'll see you afterwards."
I held out my arm and she took it saying. "Thanks. Those two are my cousin and his girlfriend. Is there any way-"
I shook my head. "Sorry love, one I'm sure he can spring for but more than that and it'll be awkward. The seats are mostly reserved you understand? As it is some unlucky soul will be stopped at the door like they were."
She looked glum but perked up asking. "Are you some sort of cowboy?"
I smirked. "Only of the space variety."
She snorted cutely and I chuckled. "No need to pick fun. Anyway, you want to be some sort of artist or something? Or is it the shoes you're interested in?"
She told me about her interest in art while Lucifer talked with Benny Choi about another seat. When he approved, we all sat in the front row. While the show went on she told me the interesting designs and all the fashionable trends these shoes could kick off.
I enjoyed her company while Lucifer was encouraging me to take her back stage and have my way with her. Sighing, I ignored him as it wasn't about that. It was about the companionship. When the show was about to end, Lucifer himself slipped off to enjoy one of the show girls.
A few minutes later someone started firing off shots. Paula, the girl I'd helped get in, got separated from me as she was pushed to the door while Maze dragged me to the back to find Lucifer.
We found him in a coat rack changing area with the show girl. Maze insisted we leave now so he was a bit disappointed by then though the show girl had run off so he had little choice now.
A few more shots rang out but by the time we got to the show room again, we saw someone on the floor. I sighed when I saw it was Paula. "Call your detective friend."
I kneeled down and felt her for a pulse before growling. "Fuck the detective, call an ambulance, she's still alive!"
Lucifer called the hospital and I gemmed the bleeding as best I could while making sure not to move her too much. When the professionals came, I told them. "Her pulse is thready but it's there she's lost a lot of blood and there's clear head trauma. I checked as best I could and I thing her neck is broken but she's alive barely."
They put her in a neck brace and took her to the hospital while hooking her up to a lot of machines to make sure she stayed alive the whole way and to check the extent of the damage. The two who were stuck at the door before separated, the male going with his cousin while the female asked me. "What the hell happened?"
I sighed. "Everything was fine until some dumb ass popped off shots into the crowd. The people stampeded to the door and she got dragged away in the crowed while I went with Maze there, to get my father, Lucifer, from back stage. When we came back around there were two more shots and the crowd was basically gone. She was already on the floor bleeding out. I did what I could for her while my father called the ambulance."
I showed her Paula's blood on my hands and sighed. "I just hope it's enough."
She looked it over and saw I was sincere before sighing herself. "Don't worry about it kid, thanks for doing what you could."
I nodded and she left before the police came. I gave them the same description of the events before heading to wash up in the back. Lucifer was busy with the detective he favored so and Maze was watching them closely. When I came back out I told him. "You go find the detective to find out who did this, I'll head back with Maze. Don't worry, I've my own car."
Maze raised an eyebrow as I stepped into the ally and pulled the Maserati out. Maze smiled and took the keys while I got in. Lucifer sighed and left to find the detective and see about getting into the case. On the way back to the penthouse Maze asked. "What else can your shadows hold?"
I shrugged. "Infinitas. That is to say, anything I want. The space is infinite and can even hold living things. I've not stress tested the infinite before but I do know it's more than several city's worth and can hold billions of humans if I do wanted."
Her eyebrows shot up and I chuckled. "Neat huh? Right now it's just my personal stuff and weapons of course. Some unique things I've picked up in my travels and some food and drinks as well."
She asked. "Like the hydra venom?"
I nodded. "I've got a whole hydra head inside. I dusted one a while back and scored it as a bonus. The blood is venomous and that's what coats the blade. I killed a Minotaur a few months ago but I gave it's horns away as I had no use for them. I've also killed Medusa. I've got her head as well though I highly doubt you'd want to see it. Turning to stone would not be fun."
She smiled. "Actually, I already know I wouldn't. I partied with Medusa a few centuries back. She and Circe were great for a one off till they started in with the man hating things."
I shrugged. "It's their shtick I guess. One hates all men and the other was scorned by one who let her turn into that."
She nodded and parked the car saying. "It's a nice ride."
I smiled. "Thanks. I stole it from the lotus eaters along with a lot of demigods I freed. They were not happy."
She laughed and I headed upstairs to change. We spent the rest of the night drinking and listening to music. It was actually pretty nice considering how the evening started. I'd figured out I could do small bits of magic when Paula was there and I'd healed her just a bit before the magic had faded out but it was enough to give her a fighting chance at least.
After hearing enough music, I headed to the hot tub and relaxed with some champagne. The next day I heard Paula didn't make it and sighed sadly. Lucifer tried to comfort me but I shrugged it off saying. "Perhaps it was her time or she was simply to weak to survive, either way, I did what I could with what I had."
Lucifer and Maze both agreed and while Lucifer went to work, Benny Choi came by with his bodyguard. I could smell the deceit on them even without knowing how it was going to turn out. When Lucifer and Chloe stopped by to question them, I watched as they pointed out Dani and Diego.
Sighing I spoke up. "Diego is Paula's cousin. The girl who died. They let her come in without them because she was an aspiring artist. All they wanted was a chance to score some shoes."
Chloe turned to me. "How do you know this?"
I shrugged. "Paula was the girl I brought in. I'm the reason she's dead in a way. But then, so is whoever fired those shots. I mean, to do so and not hit anyone in a crowd so pact they'd have to be the worst shot in the world."
Chloe frowned and looked to Benny's bodyguard once more saying. "Or the best. So, why'd you do it?"
The bodyguard clammed up before pointing the finger at Benny. "He said he'd make me partner. He said we'd be equals."
I didn't wait for anyone to react as I slugged him and sent him rolling backwards before doing the same to Benny. I gave them a glare before turning to the detective. "Do what you want but they both deserved it."
I walked away as I headed to the sink to clean the blood off my hand. They both were missing teeth and I had a few cuts from where they shattered across my knuckles. I poured some vodka across them as an antiseptic before wrapping them up.
Chloe called a squad car and had them both arrested while berating me for punching them. I growled at her. "You're not the one who fought to keep the girl alive for a half hour after being responsible for bringing her into the show to start with. If you've got a problem with me, arrest me. If not, then leave me be."
I walked off while I heard Lucifer sighing. "He blames himself for what happened detective. It's probably not something he's likely to just let go until he's calmer. As for the two miscreants, I'm sure they deserve far worse than some missing teeth."
The detective shook her head. "That's not the point! He just assaulted them Lucifer!"
He sighed. "There were extenuating circumstances to that. I watched him keep that poor girl alive until the ambulance arrived. I'm fairly certain she'd have been dead long before they arrived otherwise. Then to hear she died anyway and the ones responsible were lying peace's of excrement, well, could you expect a teenager to hold it in so well?"
I ignored them from there as I headed to my room to grab some shut eye. Two days later that case was closed as they'd found out the reason and Lucifer himself was pissed as well to be used like that. Benny has used him before to place the blame for a past crime on his old friend and stay out of jail himself.
When his friend got out a few days before, he planned it out and even had the gun planted in his 'friend's' bag. Dani and Diego stopped by to thank me for doing what I could for her and invited me to the service.
I showed up in my duster and a suit. When they put her in the ground, instead of a flower, I put the duster across her casket saying. "Maybe you'll meet another space cowboy wherever you end up."
I turned and left the service there as Dani and Diego thanked me for my words. I thanked them for the invite and left in the Maserati.
When I got back to the penthouse, Lucifer was irked about the duster but I simply told him. "Humans and mortals have a capacity for emotions that go beyond their own selfish desires. It's called empathy. The same feeling you have that drives you to punish the guilty. There's is directed at many things and even I sometimes feel it. To me it was a coat, but to her, it was a reminder of me. Hopefully her soul will look down on it in fondness no matter where she ends up."
He didn't quite get it but I could tell he understood it was something I had to do. The next day I listened to him playing the piano in the club. He truly had the voice of an angel. When the night dragged on and morning came, I helped clean up the club before Maze brought out two girls she called the Britney's.
She offered both myself and Lucifer a chance at a five way. I was in just the mood to say yes as my own soul felt tired and want to release some pent up energy. Lucifer declines on the grounds of a case.
I shrugged. "More for me. Shall we ladies?"
Maze smiled and lead the way. We started in the elevator and ended up skinny dipping in the hot tub. The night dragged on until Maze got a call and left us. I of course, enjoyed the other two I called Lexi and Buffy.
I was a bit of a beast on their poor mortal bodies but they certainly didn't complain. I was dragged out around mid day as Lucifer had arrived and asked for my help locating his lost container. I shrugged. "What's in it?"
He sighed. "My wings."
My eyes went wide. "Ouch, that must've hurt like a bitch."
He grimaced. "You've no idea. So, will you help?"
I nodded and closed my eyes. "There's three sources of divinity connected to the Christian pantheon in LA other than you and I. I can take you to two at night but the other is Amenadiel. I don't think he has them so you'll have to wait for tonight if you want my help on getting to them the fast way. Hand me a map."
Maze brought one out with a pin and I circled the areas where I felt them. When Lucifer saw the last one he cursed. "Amenadiel is at that one?"
I nodded. "That's where he is right this minute. As for your wings. "It's at one of these two places. This one is a loony bin so I doubt it's there. As for this one, it's either your wings or I'm wrong about Amenadiel and he has them."
Maze asked. "You can sense angels?"
I nodded. "After a fashion yes. I know what angels feel like thanks to Lucifer an Amenadiel. I just use my shadows to feel out as far as I can reach and they tell me the location. So long as I'm not actually using them to do anything else it's not hard but if I try to shadow travel the distance is cut down significantly."
Lucifer took the map saying. "This will do wonderfully thanks."
I nodded and went to shower while Maze was disappointed that the other girls were already sleeping, fully sexed out and tired. When I finished in the shower, I headed to the piano downstairs. After practicing a bit as I was severely rusty and because it was Edward's shtick I hadn't put too much effort into learning to play, I grabbed a drink and waited for the dancers and the club to open.
Lucifer came back later that night pissed off. He asked me to check again saying. "They've been moved. The container was there but they were already gone."
I sighed. "I'll need another map and a minute or two but I don't see why not."
He gave me a second map saying. "I suspected as much."
I closed my eyes and felt out before circling the places on the map again. This time two had changed places. They were no longer where I'd felt them before. When I circled Lucifer's therapy place he scoffed and I nodded. "Amenadiel is there. As for the last one, I've no idea why it's in someone's home, but it's there."
He nodded before asking. "Do you feel up for a trip?"
I shrugged and grabbed his shoulder before taking Maze as well and shadow hopping across LA. When we ended up in suburbia, I stopped us right in front of the house and pointed to it. "They're in there."
Lucifer asked. "Are you sure?"
I gave him a droll stare and he sighed. "Right, stupid question. Maze, care to do the honors?"
She smiled and broke the door down. The balding black man that was scared shitless said he'd call the police until he saw what we were after then begged Lucifer not to take them. Lucifer was in a state when he saw their condition. They'd been mounted to the wall like a deer head.
Maze broke the casing while Lucifer turned his devil face on and sent the begging man into a drooling coma as his mind broke. I chuckled and helped take them down. Lucifer looked back at the map and remembered the mans last words about being tipped off by someone matching Amenadiel's description before sighing and asking me. "Do you want them?"
I stilled before shrugging. "It's take some doing to connect them to my body. Are you sure you don't want them back?"
He scowled. "Yes, I've held onto them long enough. If you didn't want them id simply burn them."
I shrugged and absorbed them into my inner world before saying. "I'll need a discreet doctor or better yet. THANATOS!"
A flap of wings later and my brother appeared. I asked him. "Care to help a brother out? I need these attached to my back."
I took the wings back out and he sighed. "If you weren't mother's son you'd be dead for summoning me."
I shrugged. "Take the mortal. He's practically insane and partially brain dead anyway."
He waved a hand and killed the idiot mortal before grabbing the wings and a moment later I felt severe agony as they attached themselves to my back. Agony overwhelmed my mind as they connected to my nerves. By the time he finished I was panting and sweating badly.
He left in a flap of his own and I stretched them out before they caught fire to both Maze and Lucifer's amazement and shock. Green fire burned over them until they were completely scorched a forest green with purple outlining.
The fire went away as my essence and body adapted to them. And a single feather fell off. Maze took the feather and I shrugged not wanting it anyway.
I stretched them out before putting them away properly. Lucifer finally asked. "That was Thanatos?"
I nodded. "Yeah, he does what Azrael does but only for the Greek Pantheon. His Roman half, Mors, is far less pleasant from what I'm told."
They nodded and I shadow traveled to the penthouse with them before taking to the sky for a bit. I could feel the entrance to the other dimensions including heaven and the hell realms now that they were apart of me. When I landed again, Lucifer sighed. "Seeing you enjoy them almost makes me regret giving them up. Almost."
I chuckled. "Well, if it helps I'm pretty sure I can bust you out of hell if you're ever killed while with the detective."
He smiled lightly before saying. "Amenadiel has been playing games with me. It seems one of the places you circled was my therapist's place. If he's been the proverbial angel on her shoulder feeding me psychobabel and he's the one that tipped this man off-"
I sighed. "Then he has information being spread to him. He can probably feel the wings like I can but the therapist office is a different story. Someone had to have told him."
Lucifer looked to me and I shook my head. "Hard pass. I can't stand most gods, there's no way I'd hang with an angel, well, apart from you and this one bloke that called himself Angel. Though he was a vampire and a mass murderer so I doubt he counts."
Lucifer sighed. "Then it's Maze."
I grabbed his arm. "Take it easy on her, she's been in a tough spot. Learning you're vulnerable, seeing you run off each day to the detective and leaving her behind without any way of protecting you. It'd be nerve racking at the best of times. I for one don't envy her the job. Not to mention she's the only demon amongst a see of humans."
His eyes flashed red for a moment before sighing. "Perhaps you're right. I've been to hard on her. From now on I'll ask that she only protects you."
I shook my head. "Don't do that. I don't need her protection. But if you don't want it either, perhaps you should encourage her to find out who she is without us. Maybe she can take up bounty hunting or open up an S&M club for high paying politicians. Either way she needs more than what we can give her when we're doing our own things."
He nodded and left to have a chat with her. I on the other hand headed to the shower. Flying burnt a lot of energy even for me as my body was fully celestial. I'd been gone from camp for a month and a half now and things were just starting to get fun.
A week later a priest walked into Lux looking for Lucifer to do him a favor. Lucifer found it hilarious and told him no. But he did turn to me saying. "Maybe you should try it? Come on, do your first devil deal."
I sighed. "Alright, what is it you want sir didles?"
Lucifer snorted and the priest looked to me while my aura kicked. "What is it you desire?"
He looked a little foggy before saying. "I just want Connor to be safe from Arietta."
I sighed. "He's the neighborhood youth center director you were talking about?"
He nodded. "Yes, he's also a drug dealer who pushes the youths in the center to sell for him."
I chuckled. "Got it, now, what would you like me to do to him for this devilish iou?"
He frowned a bit before replying. "Convince him to leave Connor alone."
I smiled. "Sounds easy enough. Why don't you wait here and enjoy a drink while I go talk to this drug dealer."
I turned and headed for the door. Once I was through it, I shadow traveled until I found the right youth center. There I headed for the director's office and went inside. He was alone but still angry I'd walked in without knocking.
I closed the door with a smile and his screams echoed throughout the youth center. My warning to him to leave Connor alone or that I'd be back was burned into his mind like a brand from the fear I'd induced into him. I disappeared into the shadows as someone came in.
When I got back to the club Lucifer asked. "So, how'd it go?"
I shrugged. "He was a screamer but Connor is safe from him at least. From my estimation, he won't even look at the kid without being reminded of the punishment he'd receive if he tried anything."
The priest looked relieved before asking. "What'd you do to him?"
I shrugged. "Nothing I wouldn't do to you if you asked again. Trust me padre, even your god would shy away from the answer to that question. Suffice it to say he's been taught a lesson he shan't soon forget and leave it at that."
Lucifer poured me a drink which I graciously accepted and the priest asked. "How old are you?"
I shrugged. "Physically, mentally or spiritually?"
He raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "Physically I'm sixteen. Spiritually I'm twenty three thousand and mentally just shy of two hundred million years old, give or take a few billion years from demon memories. But then, time runs differently in each dimension so who really knows?"
He looked me over and I shook my head. "Go ahead, call me insane or what have you, or do you truly believe me? That'd be interesting for a mortal."
Lucifer chuckled. "I doubt he believes you any more than he believes me."
I shrugged. "Just so you know Padre, that deal you made with me ensure you can't die until you've paid me back. I've got a bit more pull than Lucifer here so you might be around for a long time to come."
Lucifer frowned. "You can do that?"
I nodded. "I am your son after all, besides the fact that I'm far more powerful than you, I can do it. My power may be bound from active use but when I made the deal I realized it can work like a passive insurance that I get what I'm owed."
The priest looked me over before asking. "So, you're the son of the devil?"
I shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm not the Antichrist or whatever your bible would call me. I could give a shit about some war between good and evil or angels and demons. I say party till you drop and the world stops spinning for all I care."