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17.76% A True Beginning / Chapter 35: Ch.34

Chapter 35: Ch.34

Giles agreed to ask Willow to see what she could find while I left to get to work on the houses. On the bright side most of the ground work was already done as the ward stones and some of the basic runes only needed changing and the more powerful spells needed added to it.

Alice and Faith moves our stuff into the house next to Buffy's as we took our usual room there. I wasn't about to leave us defenseless and although I could go digging for diamonds or some other form of powerful gems to turn into ward stones that took time and that was something I lacked at the moment.

It was a rush job as it was because neither I nor any of the girls wanted to leave Dawn or any of the house's occupants undefended magically. While Willow and Tara has their own magic's they paled in comparison to the defenses I was putting up.

Like a man possessed I thought of everything I could even remember and warded the house against it. It essentially became a bunker over the next few days magical protection wise. While I could've simply ended the trio they were essential and would simply be replaced by the First for it's plans.

For some reason beings stronger than myself had become a fundamental weakness for my visions as even Alice was blind to them as well. I'd asked Althea about it once and she described it like a natural barrier set by the worlds laws to protect the weaker beings from poking and pissing off stronger ones.

In reality I think it's simply a power difference that urges our instincts not to look for self preservation. With the exception of myself and my girls I couldn't see visions of anything beyond a simple pure demon. Perhaps that'll change in time but for now I had to stick close to what I already knew to protect those I care about.

With that in mind I heavily warded the house where one of my women lived. Hell, I warded the back yard as well and even the basement and front porch so that nothing stronger than a vampire could even approach demonically. Even vampires were warded against coming inside and Spike was no exception for now.

I'd hate to have to kill him before he even got a soul if that was still in the cards for him anyway. I continued warding the house well into the week beyond just those two days as I'd began ordering specialty ward stones through the magic shop.

Hell, I was half tempted to go to LA and ask the furies to come by and do an anti-violence spell as well to top it all off. I was a warding man as when I'd finished with Buffy's house I moved on to our home next door. Then, when I'd seriously ran low on supplies, I was finally forced to stop.

All three of the girls were worried when they found me carving enchantments into the weapons. I'd made frost axes and fire swords that ran off the magic of the wielders supply. They pulled me into the shower before fucking my brains out and demanding I stop or at least slow down.

I agreed and we went to the magic shop the next day to help with Halloween sales. Buffy'd been temporarily hired back there for a one day gig. Alice, Faith and I were added as volunteers to keep her from rebelling.

When I found Dawn trying to pocket a talisman I took it from her and frowned. "Go sit next to the regular herbal books, I'll deal with you in a few minutes. Some dumbass activated the medallion and tried to summon a demon."

Her eyes popped before she protested. "It wasn't me I swear!"

I snorted. "I know it wasn't you, now go sit, I'll still have words with you about your sticky fingers. Buffy may not like disciplining you but I sure as hell will."

She wanted to bulk but she noticed my eyes were no longer their normal colors anymore. She marched off to do as I asked and I headed to the front counter before saying in a loud deep voice. "Sile!"

The entire shop froze at my command and my blatant overpowering magic that infused the air. I tapped on Giles and the rest of the scoobies saying. "Sponte movere!"

They came out of their frozen state and asked me what was going on. I set the medallion on the counter saying. "Two things, I caught Dawn trying to pocket this after picking it up off the floor. Odds are she's been a klepto for a while now. I'll deal with that personally later though. The other is someone activated it and if it weren't for the wards on the shop we'd have a demon lord amongst us. It may be our mysterious attackers so I decided to put a halt to things to find out if they're here trying to get us killed again."

After my words fell there was some debate until Xander spoke up. "I did the chanting thing. I thought it was a harmless dancing and singing thing. It'd be fun to you know, dance and sing out problems away after all the recent tension."

I frowned saying. "You do know this is a marriage contract medallion right? The moment it leaves the shop it's demon will come looking for his bride to take back to the hell dimension it calls home. Odds are you'd look pretty hideous in a dress. Besides that point what in the hell were you thinking? You know damn well playing with demons and magic isn't for fun times."

He flushed and looked really guilty before apologizing and asking for help out of it. Sighing I shut the medallion off by draining Xander's magical imprint off of it. I tossed it to Giles saying. "I'd suggest maybe not allowing those two near the magical items? I'll deal with Dawn after we're done with today's disasters. As for the shop and it's buyers, get back into place and I'll undo it."

They did as I asked and I spoke clearly. "Sponte movere!"

As the power left me I felt drained from how long I had to hold it. I told Giles over the crowd. "I'm going on break for a few minutes."

He nodded and Xander took my place behind the counter bagging with Buffy. I headed to the gym and found my center of focus before pulling in the magic I needed to replenish my reserves. Thanks to the wards no taint accompanied it. When I finished I restocked the herbs on the shelves with fresh supplies.

I walked over to where Dawn was sitting and held out the snake like bracelet that would prevent her from touching magical things. "Put it on you're helping Faith deal with the ordinary customers for now. Your punishment will come after the days over."

She looked mutinous so I told her. "It's this or I send you to the basement to sort magic herbs and messy demon and animal parts."

She took the bracelet and put it on. Once it locked into place I waved a hand for her to head towards Faith to help out there. I was restocking and making magic plants for the rest of the day to save the rest from the tiresome jobs. It was more of the quick paced rush that tired them than anything.

Even Alice was tired and sitting down by the end. Faith was leaning on me while Buffy was asking me to massage her feet. I of course began doing jus that while Anya and Dawn did the money dance. Xander made his marrying that girl comment that had Buffy saying he'd better not as she was under age, before realizing he was talking about Anya.

He stood up and went over to Anya and made their announcement. Dawn was the first to congratulate them. I chuckled and told them. "About damn time, I half expected you to announce a pregnancy just now. Congratulations you two. You'll find my wedding present under the cash register in the drawer."

They opened the drawer and a balloon flew past them while they read the card and the paper below it. It was the deed to the frat house with a note that read. "Congratulations on this happy occasion here is a house and in the back a check that will provide you with enough money to have it remodeled into whatever the hell passes for a home on the hellmouth. As you'll no doubt figure out there is another note and present somewhere in the shop that congratulated on your first kid. It is hidden in such a way as to only be found when you are in fact a parent."

Xander read it out loud and everyone turned to me. I shrugged. "What? I'm generous aren't I? Besides, if and when they have a kid the second gift will be obvious. FYI you sir me with Xander's parents I'm likely to eat them as I'm fairly certain they are some form of hell spawn."

Xander snorted. "With promises like that I'll be sure to see to those arrangements. Thank you by the way."

I shrugged and told him. "Don't thank me until you see the check."

Anya was already looking at it with confusion. "It's blank?"

I chuckled. "Not exactly. I've written my signature on it. Whatever the hell you need for the new house and it's remodeling is on me. Just be careful what you decide you need as I've opened the account and will sign it and the rest of it's contents over as the final wedding present. I won't say how much I've put away for you and your family but it is enough to see your great grandchildren through college if you're lucky."

My words were merriment in themselves to the happy couple and I truly meant them. I sighed. "The house will be insured from every possible thing imaginable as Faith, Alice and Buffy's wedding presents. You and your kids will also grow up in a well warded and safe environment or as safe as any hellmouth can be you have my word!"

With that they both gave us hugs before we headed back to the house. While Giles was toasting to the happy couple I turned my attention to Dawn and told her. "Go and fetch everything you pocketed from the store and give it back to Giles now. Apologize and make sure any other items you've stolen are returned tonight and I'll be lenient. Try to deceive me and your punishment will include cleaning the sewers of Sunnydale by hand."

Her voice raised to a high pitch. "You can't do that!"

I snorted. "Girl I can do that and far worse. Now do as I've asked or that'll be the lightest punishment you receive for your transgressions. You do realize they've been the one protecting and seeing to your safety all these months right? To do such a thing to the people who care about you is wrong on so many levels. I've half a mind to send you to a foster home just so you'll understand how easy you truly have it!"

My words quieted the party as the others turned to us. Dawn looked mutinous saying. "Fine, at least there I won't have to see reminders of my dead mother all the time."

My eyes turned molten red as I growled deeply sending her behind the nearest person to us which happened to be Buffy. I looked at her and shook my head, clearing my eyes up before telling her. "Move aside, I'll show her what it's like out there in the real world where things that go bump in the night don't just bump but take a bite out of those they bump."

Buffy shook her head and I sighed. "Very well then. You deal with her, but be very certain you can be hard and fair because I'm never fair and always hard."

Faith snorted while I ignored her before turning to the group and summoning all the things Dawn had stolen. They came rushing down the stairs and landing before the group. "Your items back. Anything else that doesn't belong to the shop just leave it. I'll find their owners tomorrow."

I turned back to Dawn and Buffy before saying. "Be very glad the scoobies and even you are exempt from the wards as they punish thieves very strictly and old fashioned by taking the hand that steals. Dawn paled and Anya commented. "Why are the scoobies and the rest exempt?"

I chuckled. "Can't have those that need to save someone from danger ending up with missing body parts can we?"

She almost protested but Giles told her. "Those that need it from our group end up charging the items they use later to his account. But at the time when action is needed we can't waste time signing bloody sheets of paper now can we?"

Anya frowned but shrugged. "So long as someone is paying for them. These puppies are some expensive charms. Not particularly powerful but if she'd wanted to do some damage it wouldn't be hard."

The sifted through the small pile of stuff while Buffy scolded and warned her that if she continued she'd not be visiting her friends house ever again.

When Dawn asked to leave to go to her friends house right afterwards I suggested to Buffy. "Why don't you call her friend's mother ahead and see if they're really spending the night there. I'm not in a particular mood to spend the night hunting down and killing her friends or anything that happens to kidnap her. Then I'm sure Alice would be willing to drive her there to drop her off."

Dawn froze like she'd been caught in a lie but kept spouting crap anyway. I ignored it as Buffy agreed and called ahead. Her friend ended up in trouble and she was now officially grounded. I sighed and told Faith I was in need of something stronger than a simple beer they were passing out.

She ran over next door to grab the good stuff and I grew a few plants and started rolling. When I felt the wards kick on I told Buffy. "Dawn's trying to get out her window. The wards stopped her and she's stunned. Right now but you should probably deal with it in the morning as she'll be like that for the rest of the night."

She sighed. "What am I going to do with that girl?"

I shrugged. "I could make an illusion that shows her the consequences of her actions for a whole day. It won't leave any permanent damage but she'll be a bit unresponsive as the day progresses. Personally I say I simply show her a days worth of my childhood. It'll straighten her out and make her more understanding at least."

Buffy snorted. "We'll come to those options if necessary. Were you serious about the punishment before, taking her to a foster home?"

I sighed. "Yes and no. I'd have shown her the life of a child in a not so good foster home and she'd have spent a week in their shoes but it wouldn't be really her. More like she'd live their life helpless to change it."

Buffy winced and sighed. "Every option sounds harsh but then I can't be seen by her as a marshmallow if she's ever going to listen to me."

I sighed. "You were what? Sixteen when you were with Angel? I'm sure she remembers something of those days but it's not the real stuff, the responsible stuff. It was probably the dark kisses in the room or a lingering look that said you were doing more. Either way she sees you as the sister and while she doesn't fully see you as the slayer she also knows you'll never turn it on her. I however am more animal than man and I'm a wild card in her book. She probably sees me as your new dangerous boyfriend that won't do anything for fear you'd turn against me."

Buffy shook her head. "That'd never happen, I need-"

I captured her lips before breaking away and meeting her eyes. "I know, but she doesn't. She sees a dog chained and bound much like spike. Dangerous but neutered. I gave way tonight and proved her theory. Tomorrow, or whenever you let her off her grounding, let me take her out on a hunt. I know she's innocent but so were you until you spilled blood long before her age. She needs to see the monster and understand it's the man that keeps it in check, not the slayer. She needs to know that when I say something I'll back it up."

Buffy looked worried but I just sighed. "Otherwise she'll use you to get away with things until I'm forced to act. We can't have another Willow. If I'm ever forced to choose between killing Dawn and letting us all die I don't think you'll like my choice love, hell, I don't think I'll like my choice. But the path she's on is a slippery slope. If she ever got into magic's I could see the disasters piling up already. As it is I already see demon lords and all sorts of nasties coming after her for her actions."

Buffy grimaced but nodded slowly. "You're right, I know it but, I just want her to have a normal life, or as close to normal as I can give her."

I nodded solemnly and told her. "It's your choice in the end. I can play the bad guy if it means keeping her and you safe, but I'll really be the bad guy if it comes down to it love. Hate me, curse me, hell, kill me. But if it keeps you and the others safe I'd be the devil himself."

Buffy kisses me and I moved just a little showing her my wants. She moved onto my lap and I growled a little as she told me. "Not here, not now. Let's just enjoy the party for now."

I nodded before continuing my drinking and lighting a joint before passing some around to each of them. Willow and Tara got in an argument about the magic she used to make the party festivities and I sighed when I accidentally walked in on it. "You two are missing a good party. Though I'm not to sure on the excessive magic used."

Willow frowned now. "Like you aren't conjuring up things left and right."

I snorted. "Willow, I unlike you, know what I'm doing and I am not conjuring things left and right. Hell, I don't even actually grow the plants I use with nature magic, it's from my own supply. So no, I'm well aware of the cost when I do things. As for the objects Dawn stole, clearly none of you knew where they were or that she'd even had them so I had little chance of actually finding them all on my own."

My words had her getting defensive and I continued. "Other than the wards and fighting evil that's all the magic I've used since I've come back to this town several weeks ago. Now tell me, how many spells do you use in a day? How many are from your own supply and how many aren't? Because I can honestly tell you now I've only done a hand full of spells on the hellmouth by calling on the energies around us and from deities. Can you say the same? Do you really know the cost of what you've been doing Willow?"

I went over to the mirror on the wall and murmured and inner self revealing spell. I showed them both my inner self which resembled a wolf with green fur and green eyes while two small red strands touched its fur. Then I turned it and let them see their inner selves.

Tara's was a pure blue and green glowing image of herself while Willow's was a mass of dark black hair and black eyes that revealed the dark magic's flowing through her. Sparks of red and green occasionally flickered in her eyes but for the most part it was very telling.

Willow shook her head and I told her. "See what I see every time I look at you! Don't like it do you? Think I'm lying? Try getting in a purification bath now, you'll boil alive I guarantee it. Hell i'm sure moon baths have even become unpleasant to you by now."

Tara saw herself and saw Willow while I turned off the spell and told them. "All done with my own magic. Try it, be very honest with your magic and I'm sure it won't hide all of what you've seen. The darkness has taken root in you now and the more it pulls and the more you use it the darker and deeper it goes. Keep going and I'm not sure where you'll end up."

My warning seemed to have hit her until after the party ended. Then, when I took Buffy to bed and Alice and Faith went next door to enjoy their own night I felt a memory spell trying to take root. I tossed it aside and destroyed it before stunning Willow as she tried it.

After Buffy and I ended the night with a bang I headed downstairs where I found Willow by the fireplace stunned but conscious. I growled in her ear. "If you ever try fucking with my mind again, I'll turn you into what Glory did to Tara."

I removed the stunning spell and she sat up. My eyes never left hers as she stood up and left. I murmur as she passed me. "Get help Willow, this isn't you."

She seemed to ignore me as she went up to bed. I collected the bramble and turned it into mush. I tossed it out in the yard where I saw Spike staring at the house then me. I growled and he sneered before turning and leaving.

A week later a customer ended up activating the lord of the dance talisman after buying it and I was forced to put a barrier around myself to prevent the magic's from seeping in. Alice ended up singing some evanescence mixed music with her words mixed in.

Faith's was more tame but also more perverted in their own way as she sang some country songs of love. I listened with patience as Buffy began her own gone with the wind tune till we got amongst friends. She and Giles did their workout montage and eventually she ended up singing in front of the group about being in heaven.

Sighing I lit up a joint and passed I to her saying. "It'll help with the feelings that accompany the music."

Giles asked. "Why do you seem immune?"

I chuckled. "I slammed a shield around myself when I felt the magic's activating. I don't sing to anyone's tune but my own. As for the music it's harmless, it's the dancing you need to worry about. It'll cause you to combust into flames after a while as it takes hold. I'm here to stop it from happening to any of you but I can't trace the customer who bought the damn thing while I'm here."

I turned to Giles with a look I told him. "Activate big baby. It'll protect the shop and everyone in it's area of effect for a few hours at least. That'll give me enough time to find and kill the demon lord of the dance."

He nodded and headed to the basement to activate the main ward stone with the final ward I'd added, magic negation. It'll stop all active magic spells but the wards within a few blocks at least for a couple hours. Once the wards kicked on I smiled. "You all are fine now."

I turned to Buffy with a more straight face. "They needed to know, they deserved to know what they'd done. Not telling them wasn't a kindness, only fools would not want to know the results of their own actions."

She nodded weakly and I sighed. "It's too risky to take you with me. I'll be back within the hour can feel the eye of this storm."

I kissed her and the others before leaving in a blur. The closer I got the more the magic pushed on my shields till I was in front of the demon and his new bride, Andrew Wells. I asked the demon lord. "You're planning to take him as bride then?"

He shook his head. "Not in the slightest. Him and his friends promised me the slayer. I want to see her burn."

I chuckled. "The slayer is my mate little demon lord. Care to retract your words before I eat you?"

He smiled and shrugged. "You may smell of power little werewolf but-"

I growled and shifted into my full eight and a half foot height. Andrew screamed and passed out while the demon lord looked less than pleased with the changes. I roared as my power unleashed itself into the atmosphere. He could no longer flee with that and decided to send his three puppet minions after me.

I tore them in half in seconds before advancing on him. He tried a different route. "This boy has signed the contract owing me a slayer for my efforts."

I snorted and grabbed the contract he held out. I tossed it aside as my eyes turned red. My voice rang out telepathically throughout the warehouse. "All contracts are void upon the demons death."

He burned me with some hell fire and while I roared in pain I pierced him through his skull with my razor sharp claws. His hellfire and contract faded as he died. I roared once more in dominance before eating his body and his minions.

My beast needed fed and I won't let a free meal be passed up especially after the hellfire I suffered for it. When I shifted back I repaired my clothes before donning them slowly and carefully and leaving. I did a few glamour and healing spells before I arrived back at the magic box with the now burnt coin.

I tossed it on the table saying. "Demon lords can summon hellfire, who'd have thunk."

Buffy asked. "Did he get you? With the fire or music?"

I chuckled. "Not the music no, but I had to risk the hellfire to kill the bastard. His minions were easily stronger than a newbie slayer as well. They were called back to protect their master but their target was the slayer. The coin owner bought it so that he could make a deal with the demon, one dead slayer, and he didn't have to become the bride."

Buffy asked. "Who was the buyer?"

I shrugged. "Some blonde skinny kid. I was tempted to kill him but I settled on a castration curse. The next time he lusts after a female again his bits will fall off."

Anya spoke up. "Ohh, those are always fun."

I shrugged. "It was that or kill him and I know you frown on that Buffy. Besides, demons dead and the coin is useless now."

Anya asked. "Did you happen to save the body? A demon lord's corpse can be used in all kinds of rituals and that's some expensive parts as well."

I sighed. "Not really. I rewarded my wolf side with a meal since it was our fur that got roasted alive to kill the thing."

Faith asked. "How bad is it?"

I grimaced and and told her. "Remember Peter from the werewolf memories I showed you?"

She winced. "Forget I asked. Damn that's bad."

Buffy asked. "What's bad?"

I sighed. "My other form. It's been hell roasted. It'll take a while to heal as hellfire leaves its own form of scars on the victims as well. It won't scar permanently but that just means it'll take longer. A month or seven and I'll be back in top shape."

Giles took off his glasses. "Dear lord, seven you say?"

I grimaced. "What can I say, hellfire isn't easy to heal even for me. Demon lords are right up there in power with pure blooded demons like the mayor. If I'd been in his hell realm I'd have come out a lot worse than that. As it is I'm wasting healing spells and glamours looking as well off as I am."

Buffy asked quietly. "How bad is it?"

I grimaced. "Bad, but it'll heal. I'm officially benched though as I'll need all the magic and time I can get to focus on healing. A few light dates may be ok but we won't be knocking down buildings or making earthquakes for a while at least."

She blushed but nodded in understanding. Faith came over and took a seat beside me as my lap would be a painful idea for me right now. She told Buffy in hushed whispers that it was ok because she could easily keep her satisfied until I'm back in action.

After a bit of talk I headed to the back office and Giles followed before asking. "How bad is it really?"

I lowered the glamours and he covered his mouth and I grimaced and put them back up. "It's not the worst thing I've suffered or even the longest lasting but it's by far the most painful thing I've experienced besides finding out Alice's fate and feeling Buffy's death. I think I'd rather suffer this for eternity than ever experience either of those again."

He'd seen the severe burn victim that was my current body and agreed even still. Sighing he asked. "How much magic do you need to keep the healing up?"

I sighed. "All but the little I spare for the glamour. I won't tell them that, especially Willow, but I'd rather suffer longer than risk her trying to erase my mind again."

Giles grimaced and told me. "She pulled off with Tara as well. It was what she was singing about."

I sighed. "She's getting to big for her britches now. She's not going to stop till she hits rock bottom and only the gods know when that is. Care to help me apply som healing ointment? I know it's not ideal but-"

He cut me off with a look. "You know it's not even necessary to ask. I'll make up a batch now."

I nodded and thanked him before telling him. "When you tell her, be ready to leave. I don't think she'll let you otherwise."

He looked me in the eye and nodded. "I've made flight plans I'll be picking up the airline ticket tomorrow. Then I'll tell everyone else before leaving."

I sighed. "I wish you'd stay Giles, but even now I have a feeling you're needed elsewhere. With the First now active in our dimension his agents will be on the move soon and striking at the line. You'll need to gather as many as possible and bring them here when it's time. For now though, use the wife's account."

He stilled and nodded at our safe word before applying the ointment to my now exposed burns. I bit my lips till the blood ran down to avoid yelling and alerting the others. If I wasn't all that I am I'd probably be in a coma like Peter was, right now.

After he finished with it all my skin glowed green as I summoned leaves from natural healing plants to cover the ointment. Once that was done I put the glamour back up and shrugged on my clothes thanking him.

He took off his glasses and asked. "You know, I really don't know how you can stand such extreme pain and not cry out?"

I sighed. "It would hurt them to know how bad it is and I'd rather they not be in pain even just emotionally right now. They've all been through enough and that's not including what's going on now."

He nodded but sighed. "Just promise me-"

I chuckled. "As always I do. I'd protect them all with my life. Even Willow, the fool that she is, is just in over her head. I made my decision when I came back to this town that I'd die before any of them did. Besides, dying's not so bad, I've done it before."

He nodded wryly before passing me the extra ointment he'd made up. I wrapped it up in a foil wrap before telling him. "Bill me like always."

He nodded and smiled a little now as I chuckled and walked out to greet the girls in the gym while they were doing some light training. All I could do was watch and hope for the best now unless things got serious enough, then I'd be forced to injure myself further to protect them come what may.

On the bright side the next day when Willow's spell backfired I was there to help them piece it together. I'd been exempt as I'd taken most of her ingredients. That coupled with the fact that my mind simply rejected the spell even in its potent form, I was able to brush it off with relative ease.

When they stood up to figure out who each of other was I simply told them. "Sit down and relax, I'll take care of the memory problems in a minute. One of you cast a memory spell and it went haywire."

They all bulked except Buffy, Alice and Faith. Alice while still blocking me was able to glean the truth and settled down while Buffy and Faith's instincts told them they could trust me.

I turned to Giles and asked. "What do you feel when you see me? Follow that and you'll be fine. Your memories may be gone but your instincts and feelings are still there."

Pointed to Buffy and Faith as examples. Dawn made her way to sit by Buffy and I sighed after Giles sat and the others followed. I stood up saying. "I'm weakened and injured right now so I'm not really spoiling for a fight so I'll ask you all to put your hands on the table so that when I grab the spells foci I don't end up getting hurt. I'm not the biggest fan of the one who cast the spell so be a little understanding."

Anya commented. "You certainly don't look injured."

I snorted. "Looks can be deceiving, it's a glamour to keep my injuries from effecting those around me. I was recently, as in yesterday, burnt alive by a demon. I'm being healed by magic and salves but it's a bit unsightly right now so I'm keeping it like this so as to not sicken or frighten those I care about. Which so happens to be most of you in this room."

I walked around them and carefully pickpocketed Willow and kept walking as to not alarm them. I held up the gem when I reached my chair again and sat down. "The foci, smash it and your memories come rushing back. It's a bit of a doozy and you'll understand if I don't sympathize as I had to fight off the damn spell to start with. Maybe when you all get your memories back you'll think about maybe practicing your own mind defenses more to prevent this from happening again."

I slammed it down and there memories came rushing back again. Buffy looked hurt but took my offered hand and leaned on me softly while she looked at Giles with sad eyes. He stood up before saying. "I should be going then."

I nodded politely. "Don't forget our last conversation my friend."

He nodded and left after saying his last goodbyes. Tara turned to Willow with sad eyes before leaving. Sighing I told Anya. "There's an ingredient list for a healing salve on the desk in the office. I'll need all the ingredients not plant based multiplied by thirty to last me through the month. Charge it to the basic account I keep here. Giles helped me close the others for now."

She nodded and hopped to it as it meant more money. I turned to Willow and sighed. "You've forgotten what it means to be human. You've taken magic and now your girlfriend for granted. I hope you don't hit rock bottom to hard but I can see the spiraling now. I'm not floating Willow so don't look at me like that. I truly do feel for you. Magic has become a drug for you and so long as you abuse it she'll not want to come back."

She looked down for a moment before leaving sadly. Sighing I turned to Xander and asked him. "Care to help me do a few things at the house. I need some ingredients mixed and I'll make sure you're covered I just need an extra pair of hands and maybe a strong back."

He smiled a bit trying to lighten the mood. "Sure thing, let me get the stuff, I assume it's what Anya is grabbing?"

I nodded. "Just take it to the car when it's ready."

I turned to Alice. "You girls could use a spa day and some pampering before spending the night together. Take the Porsche and the black card. Just remember to pick up some blood on the way back into town tomorrow?"

She smiled and gave me a kiss before nodding. "Sure thing. Let's go girls!"

Buffy was a bit sad but I told her. "It'll be fine, he's not gone forever Buffy, he's just going away for now. I've no doubt he'll be back in our lives further down the road. For now, go and enjoy the pampering. I'll take Dawn home when Xander and I leave. I'm sure Willow's there and Tara will be moving her stuff out over the next few days. I'll keep an eye on her after I've put some more salve on."

Buffy cheered up a little and gave me a kiss before leaving as well. Faith gave me a bit more than a kiss but I had to growl to stop her as I was to injured to enjoy it much. She winced before sighing and following them out.

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