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9.13% A True Beginning / Chapter 18: Ch.17

Chapter 18: Ch.17

That went over smoothly as it was still daylight out. My next stop was to the burnt down church that held the Du Lac cross. It was a bit of a challenge as I had to go to the firehouse and claw my way through half the firemen's memories to find its location.

When I got to the place I was surprised it was still in ruins as I half expected it to have been rebuilt. I spent the better part of an hour sifting through the rubble and occasional dead body to find both halves of it.

When I did find it, I headed to the magic box where I bought copies of the real magic books. It was mostly the basics but you gotta start somewhere. I loaded up the Porsche with books and recommended spell ingredients before heading home.

There I spent the my free time for the next couple days reading up and practicing spells. The magic of this world was really unique, it had no real requirements only your talent for filtering and storing magic inside yourself from nature and the elements.

I could taste the taint from the hellmouth as I filtered a vast amount of magic into my spells. It had no real effect on me as my body was technically immortal and with the equivalent of two old one's essence inside myself it couldn't really do any more than they had done.

I could feel the taint as it tried invading my mind scape. I simply brushed it off and continued to channel more and more, building a small well of magic in my mind scape. As soon as it was completed it practically filled itself immediately.

I chalked it up to talent and began working on deepening and widening it. The process caused immediate nose bleeds and pain but nothing that could remotely slow me down. I spent an entire day turning an average ten foot deep, three foot wide well into a twelve foot deep well.

I realized I couldn't widen it until it was deep enough to stop in that direction. The pain would get severe if I tried both directions at the same time. Progress was slow going at only two feet or so a day.

Alice and I started school the same day a new watcher arrived in town. As a matter of fact we were currently in the library standing before both watchers, old and young.

They'd both stopped talking about some diary or other in time to see us both. The older one looked tense as he recognized us from our arrival. I sighed. "Let's get this over with shall we?"

Alice seemed to cheer up and skipped over to the desk before reaching out a hand for the old watcher to shake. "My names Alice, we're going to be great friends!"

I smirked at Giles's stunned expression. "Relax old man, she's psychic and as soon as we decided to introduce ourselves she saw our future together. It's not a bad glimpse I guess."

He frowned. "I take it you're psychic as well from your wording?"

I nodded. "Among other things yes. Though my visions are limited to what directly effects my personal future."

I waved a hand and a flower grew out of the table next to Alice who plucked it and smelled it before tucking it behind her left ear. She smiled. "Ryan here can control plants, making them grow out of any natural material like the wood here. He can speed up the growth of any plant or revive dead ones. I've seen him bring back some rare extinct plants as well."

Giles took off his glasses and cleaned them before asking. "So you're a psychic werewolf with control over plants."

I shrugged and he continued. "And she's a psychic vampire that is far too cheery."

I chuckled while Alice brushed it off saying. "That's not totally accurate, I'm not a vampire as you know them. I don't have a demon inside me. We aren't actually from this dimension if you haven't figured it out yet."

She handed him a book she'd wrote about who and what we were. She'd went into full detail except for listing our weaknesses. "I brought a gift. A thank you for not attacking us without cause, present. It's our story and our background. It should make for an enlightening read if nothing else."

I ignored the younger watcher who tried to bluff and bluster his way through being in charge. I snorted cutting him off and releasing some killing intent. "Shut up boy, the adults are talking now."

He cowered behind Giles and I let up while turning to face the elder watcher. "Sorry about that but I have little patients for fools these days. He really needs to stop talking and learn to observe before speaking. Now, where were we? A yes, we need two books for AP biology."

Giles to his credit only smirked a little before showing us where the books we needed are. We checked them out before I asked him. "You wouldn't happen to have any books on demons or magic would you? I tend to slaughter evil things when I'm bored and knowing the quickest and most efficient way to do so would come in handy. As for the magic, it's more of a hobby right now. I'm still learning and building my own foundations."

He let me borrow a few of his basic books on demons but warned me off dabbling in magic without a teacher. On our way out we passed Buffy, the blond slayer we'd seen fighting the plant demon.

I waited after school and followed the two slayer to the graveyard where the Gleaves family crypt was. They'd actually not come together so I tailed Faith really. After Buffy went into the crypt I saw the six sword wielding vampires stroll on by while Faith hadn't even noticed them.

I moved in a blur to their senses and ripped the first two's hearts out. I took their swords before they turned to dust and spun, decapitating the next two before they had time to react. I buried the sword into both of last two's spines forcing them to the ground where they were now stuck.

I left in a blur as Faith and Buffy came over at the same time. They hadn't even seen me but they now saw each other. I sat on a crypt a few dozen graves over and listened. Buffy came out asking first. "What was that? Did you do that?"

I heard the confusion in Faith's voice. "No, it wasn't me. But hey, I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth."

I watched in the distance as they killed the last two vampires before searching the tomb and coming up empty. The amulet of Balthazar was currently stored in a safe at the bottom of the cavern in my basement along side the Du Lac cross.

I left the boring graveyard and headed to the house to pick up Alice and go to the bronze. When we arrived she almost immediately dragged me onto the dance floor. We spent several hours just dancing and enjoying ourselves.

After the band decided on a break we went to grab drinks and find a booth. That's when we saw Oz and Willow sitting together with an out of place Xander. That's when Alice decided to introduce ourselves to the scoobies.

She pulled me along and sat down next to Xander. Willow seemed to go on high alert immediately recognizing us. Alice smiled cheerfully. "Oh don't worry we've already introduced ourselves to Giles and the new watcher. See, we're the good guys."

I chuckled. "Or in my case the not so bad guy."

I looked at Oz and he knew instantly that I was like him, a werewolf. I smiled and nodded politely while he did something unexpected, he spoke up. "You're like me."

I didn't deny it but I did see Xander start to squirm uncomfortably. He butted in. "Wait, hold on a second, he's in a band?"

Alice laughed and Willow told him. "No silly, he's a werewolf."

That set Xander on alert until Alice told him. "Don't worry, he's housebroken. He doesn't go berserk or anything unless I'm hurt or in danger, then he gets mean."

I held up her hand and kissed it while looking at her in adoration. "I'm usually a nice guy, even in wolf form."

Oz raised an eyebrow. "You're in control of yourself?"

I nodded. "Always. I kind of have to be it's dangerous for those I care about if I'm not."

He frowned before putting on his thinking expression. Willow spoke up. "Perhaps you can give Oz some tips in the being in control sense."

I shrugged. "I don't know if it would even work for you. Each werewolf I've met has used different methods. Some give in to the animal while others use emotions like anger or love to give them control. I met this one wolf who used himself as an anchor, he'd decided he liked who he was enough to force control of the wolf as to not change. It gets kinda hairy with those types of control though."

Xander chuckled. "Hairy. Werewolf."

I shrugged. "Me personally, I meditate. It frees the mind and gives me a clear view of my emotions and what I need to do to stay in control."

I raised a hand and claws came out like wicked switch blades. When they reached their full length I put them away one at a time. Oz spoke up. "You could do some major damage with those."

I grinned. "I can and have. I used them to rip out a couple vampire hearts this evening, dusting them."

Oz nodded. "Can you teach me to do the same?"

Xander looked surprised while Willow asked. "Are you sure?"

Oz sighed. "If it helps keep you safe I'm ok with it."

I chuckled. "It's nothing so serious. Just find a mantra that speaks to you and repeat it while meditating on its meaning. Sort of like deep thinking. I know a few werewolves that are Buddhists, they have a mantra that starts with a question. What three things can not be long hidden?"

Oz frowned and thought on it while Alice answered. "The sun, the moon and the truth."

Oz seemed to get it while I spoke. "The truth differs for each person. My truth is that I cannot change what I am, and even if I could would that not change who I am as well? I've excepted long ago that I'm an apex predator, but I'm not a monster."

Xander snorted. "You're a werewolf."

I nodded. "I am at that and so much more. But that doesn't make me a monster. I've met some of humanities worst and I can easily say they were more of a monster than I will ever be. Being a werewolf doesn't make you a monster, your actions define you more than what you're born as."

Oz spoke up. "I was bitten."

I nodded. "And I was born like this. On my thirteenth birthday I shifted and ripped apart the village I was born into. My wolf, out of fear and lack of understanding killed and ate everyone I'd grown up knowing."

Silence greater them and for the longest time they didn't speak so I did. "I've had a long time to come to terms with what I am. I've grieved and even forgiven that part of myself. After all, people come and go but it's yourself that you have to live with. It was a long time ago anyway."

Willow spoke up. "You look like you're our age, how long ago could it have been?"

I shrugged. "Nine thousand years and some change. I look good for my age don't I?"

Alice locked her fingers into mine and Xander spoke. "So werewolves are immortal?"

I shook my head. "Not really. The first generation were but like all beings they were killable. No, I'm actually more than just a werewolf, my father, bastard that he was, was an old one."

Willow paled and looked freaked out. Alice told her. "It's ok, you can relax. Ryan's not evil."

Xander looked at Willow in confusion and she told them. "The old ones were the first demons to walk the earth. But they were killed off, weren't they?"

I shook my head. "Old ones can't really be killed. Not in the sense you think anyway. Their bodies can die if beaten to that point but their essence, their demonic core, is a different story. From what I understand, Maloker, the last old one to leave this dimension was wounded as he fled through the portal. His body landed in what would eventually be the dimension we came from."

Alice took over. "There wasn't any demonic essence there and magic itself was rather weak, so he couldn't use it to return. He came up with a devious plan to make the perfect vessel to return with. His body was destroyed from what the first slayer did to him and the use of an unstable portal while weakened. His essence possessed a Druid worshiping at a sacred tree."

She let it all sink in before continuing. "From there he made a unique vampire species that cost very little demonic essence. When that vessel failed he made Ryan here."

I sighed. "She's being kind. What she means is he raped the village shamans daughter and while she was pregnant he fed her the body of his twin brother, the old one called Valais. The result created me, a born werewolf/vampire hybrid with Druid abilities."

I tapped the wooden table and a rose grew out of it. Alice smiled and took it as the table went back to normal. Willow looked fascinated and terrified at the same time. Alice handed the rose to her and smiled. "See for yourself, it's real."

Xander spoke up. "So all that for some flower powers and claws?"

I snorted. "Hardly. I can manipulate any and all plants including their roots. I've slaughtered vampires with those flower powers as you call it. As for my claws, that's a parlor trick. I can partially shift into an eight foot tall man beast form and while on full moons I shift into an actual wolf. Not to mention the immortality and now that I'm in this dimension I get stronger the older I grow thanks to my vampire nature."

Willow asked. "Doesn't that mean you're soulless and evil?"

Alice smiled. "Not even close. While it's true we did change some when we came to this dimension, it's not like a demon just popped in us and our souls went away. For instance I'm a little over a hundred years old, but I've never bitten a human, other than Ryan of course."

I chuckled and Willow asked. "How do you feed then?"

Alice told her. "Like you do I guess, I hunt animals. I drink their blood and if I'm with Ryan he eats them. His body can make his own blood supply from it and since he has a heartbeat he shares with me sometimes. He occasionally hunts for his own blood supply as well. Of course now that we're in a more modern era we can just buy the animal blood when needed."

Alice kept her smile while Willow seemed to cheer up some. Xander has a few questions that seemed oddly inappropriate but we let them slide. Oz and I discussed the feeling of running as wolves while Alice mentioned the magic we were learning. Willow seemed to respond well to it and had her own suggestions.

The evening passed quick enough with us leaving to head to the house. Alice and I needed sleep now that we had adjusted to this world's laws. It wasn't really sleep as we didn't actually dream but more like a hibernation.

The next day we hang out in the library with the watchers. We'd already had our class so there wasn't much else to do. I returned the books on demons as they were pretty short on the details and mostly described the watchers experiences with them. Not that Alice and I hadn't both memorized them already anyway.

Giles and I were discussing the accuracy of the journals when Buffy came in with Faith. "Giles, the necklace of back-o-saur thingy wasn't there."

Giles muttered. "Balthazar."

Alice spoke up and made our presence known to the slayers. "The amulet of Balthazar? Oh, we have it."

Wesley spoke up. "You do?"

I chuckled. "We overheard a couple vampires talking about it so I went to the crypt they mentioned and took it. It's secured in a safe place. I doubt a bunch of silly vampires could get to it even if they knew about it."

Buffy asked. "Who are you?"

Alice smiled and got up hugging Buffy before she could react. "We're going to be such good friends. The shopping trips alone will be fantastic!"

I caught Giles's smile before he spoke. "This is Alice and Ryan Masters, they've changed their last name since coming to this dimension but I can assure you they mean no harm. I was actually in the middle of a debate with-"

Buffy cut him off saying. "Yeah uhhuh, what shopping?"

Alice had let her go and was sitting on the table in front of me. "The shopping trips were going to have. Shoes, clothes and style!"

I chuckled. "Alice here is psychic, she can see the future to an extent. She's apparently seen you and her going on shopping trips."

Faith spoke up. "What's the matter B?"

Buffy spoke evenly. "She's a vampire."

I chuckled as Faith moved to an aggressive stance. "You really don't want to do that slayer, we're not the demonic soulless types of vampires you're used to. We actually have souls and aren't even evil, well except when I get the bill for Alice's shopping trips, then it's only justified."

Alice snorted and patted my chest before grabbing my wallet and asking Buffy. "So, what do you say, want to go shopping?"

Faith looked torn between wanting to laugh and wanting to fight. I grunted and Faith stilled before saying. "Hey, I know you, aren't you the two that came out of the hellmouth last time it got all apocalypsy?"

I chuckled. "Guilty as charged. But to be fair the hellmouth is only a connection between dimensions, not a one way ticket to hell. There are many dimensions out there that from my understanding are quite nice. We happened to have come from one such dimension."

Buffy frowned. "How did that happen?"

Alice sighed and grabbed her arm. "Rupert can fill you in later, for now let's go see if we can give Ryan an aneurism."

I smiled at her antics while she took Buffy away. Faith turned to me after watching Buffy depart with a shopaholic vampire. "You're not gonna actually turn evil are you?"

I shook my head. "No plans to. Though I reserve the right to kill anything that hurts Alice."

Faith's eyebrows went up. "I can live with that. So you're a vampire? But I coulda swore I saw you turn into a wolf."

I shrugged. "I'm complicated. If you want the answers ask your watchers."

Faith frowned. "I'm asking you."

I chuckled. "And I've given you my answer. If you want though, I'm sure Giles here will let you read the story of my life, in all its gory details."

I stood up and headed to the caged book area. Giles had said that so long as I was careful he saw no reason why I shouldn't be aloud to read up on demons. I spent the rest of the day catching up while Alice sent me images of what she was up to.

Giles had previously asked about how we could walk around in the daylight. I'd been honest about myself saying it was my unique physiology while I'd gotten Alice a magic talisman of sorts that let her do the same. Faith sat there reading what was essentially an autobiography of mine and Alice's lives while keeping an eye on me.

When she finally got bored and set the book down she asked. "So what now? You came to this dimension to do what exactly?"

I shrugged. "We live our lives. Help out occasionally and maybe go to college next year. It's been a while since I've actually learned anything new so studying magic is on the top of my list."

She frowned. "You're telling me that a demon like you-"

I snorted. "I'm not a demon. My mother was human, and while my father was a demon it doesn't mean I am. Evil is a choice, not a state of being."

She lightened up. "Woah, touchy subject, I get it. But you're saying you've come all this way to do school work?"

I sighed and set down the book I'd been going over. "Even as immortal as I am I try never to underestimate the power of knowledge. I'm acutely aware of how ignorant I am of magic so I wish to correct that problem. "

Giles was listening in as I continued. "Knowledge is a tool, like any other you may come across. It's as handy as or better than any weapon you use. Perhaps it's street smarts for you, but in essence you have your own instincts and knowledge you use when you slay. It's no different for me, I just have a wider variety of skills than putting a piece of wood through various demon's hearts."

Faith raised an eyebrow. "Skills like what?"

I chuckled. "I'm a fully trained surgeon and can treat nearly any wound. I'm also a mechanic and I'm pretty decent with a wrench. I've been many things over the years and studied many fields of expertise. While I haven't delved into every field as deeply as it's top experts, I know enough to do whatever I need to."

She nodded reluctantly. "It doesn't hurt that you have a wicked set of claws and you turn into a wolf on the full moon."

I sighed. "You're confusing what I am with who I am. I don't use my claws during surgery or when I'm fixing a tire."

I could see Giles's lips quiver as he tried not to laugh. Faith spoke up. "Yeah, but don't you ever give in? Run wild and have fun."

I chuckled. "If you're talking about running through the forest hunting deer and mountain lions, sure, I've done it. But I've not ran around as a wolf just killing things for the pleasure of it. I kill when it's necessary and only then. I haven't personally killed a human in almost three thousand years. You'd know that already If you continued to read the book."

She shrugged. "Ever killed a vampire?"

I nodded. "Plenty. I killed four the other night in the grave yard. I saw six of them following Buffy in the shadows so I killed four and impaled the last two on their own swords. I figured she'd want to interrogate them or something so I left them stuck there and left."

Her eyes shot up. "That was you? B and I found them like that right after I arrived in the graveyard. We figured they'd been clumsy or something. Easy slay either way."

The conversation kind of drifted off from there and I continued reading my book. As the evening set in Buffy called with Alice's phone and told Faith to meet them at the bronze. I sent the rest of the evening reading books on demons and basically the equivalent of the watcher chronicles.

Other than some tips on gardening and growing vegetables the only thing I'd found remotely interesting was that a few watchers actually got their hands dirty and helped in a few fights.

Most were more of towards the wait and see as if their lives weren't on the line as well. They only recorded a few incidents where they themselves actually cared one way or another. Those that fought though seemed to take pride in their slayer's achievements.

After a few hours I got tired of reading about the advantages of growing beets in darker soil and decided to head home. Giles himself was fixing to lock up when both slayers and Alice came back with a fidgety deputy mayor.

Alice stopped them from bringing him into the library and I started feeling out for spells. When I found them I didn't even bother with trying to counter them, I simply overloaded them with magic emptying half of my reserves as quit pops rang out all over the place.

When I finished they brought the distraught human over. The deputy mayor went on and on about mayor Wilkins and how he was evil. Though for some reason he couldn't give any details except that he imploded vampires and that he was planning something big for graduation day.

When he finished he asked. "So you'll protect me right?"

I shrugged. "Sure, but not here. Here, go to this address. It's a safe house Alice and I set up when we came to this dimension. I'll sign it over into your name and you'll be safe inside. No vampire can enter it once you're there. There's enough cash in the wall safe to tide you over till graduation day easily. Once the slayers have figured out whatever kind of big bad he is and dealt with it, you can return to your life."

Giles gave him a ride as the place in question was in LA. I spent the next few hours signing over the deed to the house while the slayers did recon on the mayor. Alice went with them in case she had to pull them out of trouble which she did as the entire mayors office was over run with vampires.

There were simply to many for them and they barely made it out alive. Trick, the mayors right hand, was issuing uzis to the vampire body guards. Luckily Alice had the Gem of Amara and had covered them. The Gem forced the bullets out rather quickly but it still hurt her and for that I was not happy.

My eyes were glowing green by the time they'd returned and the rest of the group had distanced themselves from me as I'd been growling unconsciously. As soon as she arrived Alice went straight for me and calmed me down.

I only realized what I'd been doing when my head cleared. I checked her over and made sure she hadn't been hurt. I'm still unused to the magic ring enhancements she'd gotten. Not to mention I despise her being in pain.

While Wesley got his report, I was busy speaking with Alice telepathically. She gave me the rundown of what happened. When we finished talking I turned to Giles. "We're heading home. Feel free to attack the mayors vampires without us. If you're still alive tomorrow I'll be happy to tear apart the mayor and his toys."

I pulled Alice with me as we left in a hurry. When we got back to the house I grabbed the amulet of Balthazar and made my decision. The mayor could deal with his rival as a distraction. Alice agreed to stay home while I went to deal with a demon and his minions.

I arrived at the meat packing district and smelled out where they were set up. The mixture of rotten flesh and decay with sewer water was a dead give away. I walked in like I owned the place and ignored the vampires holding swords on me.

I sneered at the fat lard of a demon in the pool of water. "Man you need a diet."

The demon was not amused and had his minions attack. I growled and looked at them now, my eyes flashed a red color and they froze in place. I felt power flow through my veins along with the taint I recognized from my father.

It was compelling but I was simply to pissed to deal with it so I rammed it back in place. My vision instantly returned to green as the vampires found themselves back in control of their own bodies.

They seemed spooked enough and even the demon smelled of fear now. I growled. "I've come to make a deal little demon."

He waved a fat meaty claw. "Go on."

I pulled out the amulet and held it up. "You attack the mayor and his vampires only, leave the humans out of it and once you're done you leave town. In exchange you get your toy back."

He grinned. "And what makes you think I won't just kill you when I'm finished with him?"

I chuckled and shifted into my partial wolf form. I roared and shook the rafters of the building, the vampires backed up in terror. After I finished my show of aggression I changed back saying. "I'll end you if you try."

The demon smelled more and more terrified by the second. He huffed. "Deal."

I tossed the amulet to him and he caught it. Once it was in his claws a change happened that was right out of dragon ball Z. His fat lard of a body shimmered and glowed as it reformed itself into a seven foot tall pure muscle built demon. His skin changed to match his red eyes and his shark teeth grew to match his more demonic appearance.

He stepped out of the tub and smiled evilly. I grunted. "Betray me and I'll eat you, with or without your toys."

I he laughed now though he still carries an undertone of fear inside him I could tell it would be a much harder fight now. I turned and left, stopping at the door. "Stay away from the humans and slayers, you have your target, get it done."

I went home after circling a few blocks to make sure no one followed me. Alice was there waiting for me with a sad smile on her face. Over the next few days a silent war broke out between the mayor and Balthazar.

When we met up with the slayers and their scoobies the day after their reconnaissance trip to the mayor's office, I told them what I'd done. Xander made a few less then stellar comments while I pointed out the up sides.

"They'll tear each other apart and whomever survives will be more than weakened. Odds are whoever survives will be left without minions. Balthazar already had a hard on for the mayor, this way we win either way."

Faith seemed to agree saying. "He's got a point B, let the demons fight and we take out the winner. Simple and effective."

Xander asked. "And what happens to the humans caught in the middle?"

I snorted. "The only humans that will be caught in the middle are the ones working for the mayor and know about his evil proclivities. Personally I don't give a shit about them, as for Balthazar, he's been warned and I can tell you now, he fears me more than he does the mayor. He'll abide by our deal so long as he's afraid of me. It won't matter once it's over anyway as the slayers can take him out then."

Willow asked. "Doesn't the amulet make him invincible? Won't it be impossible to kill him afterwards?"

I snorted. "Where did you hear that from? The silly toy he uses is just a focus to contain his demonic aura, otherwise it runs rampant in his body making him a fat ass demon with telekinesis. No, his far from invincible and while it would be an interesting fight, the amulet can only focus so much before it too becomes useless. That's how he was beaten last time."

Faith asked. "So we just got to wear him out? Easy peasy. Me and B got this."

I chuckled. "Not really, I doubt he'll be in his best shape after he fights the mayor. Whatever the guy has planned it seems both of them are going to suffer for it. Either way he'll already be warm out by the time both of you get to him. All you'll have to do is take a sword or machete to his neck and he's done for."

Like that a couple weeks passed before things got complicated. Balthazar had lost horribly and was killed thanks to the mayor now technically being invulnerable. Buffy and Faith both found pieces of him all over the warehouse he was calling home. His vampire dueling cult was decimated as well.

On the bright side they witnessed it and now knew the mayor was unkillable for now. Balthazar has killed most of the vampires under the mayors control and left him with Trick and a handful left.

When they regrouped back with the scoobies and the watchers Giles seemed to be very worried. They'd been working on finding out what the ascension the deputy mayor was talking about for a while now.

I ignored them mostly and spent my free time playing the stock market like a game. I'd started out with five grand in stocks and worked my way up over the past few weeks. Now I was up ten million with diversified investments in dozens of companies I knew would make it big.

While I waited for my investments to mature I bought a few smaller stock options in the bigger companies like google, Microsoft and Apple. With those doors open I left the meeting the scoobies we're having to go and withdraw a hundred grand and pay off the credit cards.

On the way out I heard Buffy ask. "Where's he going?"

Alice answered her. "He's paying off our shopping spree. He's psychic like me but his only effects his future, so he uses it to play the stock market. We're rich now, FYI, he's just getting some cash and paying our bills."

I went to the bank before making a few calls to the credit card company. I left it so they'd take payments out after paying off the bulk of it to build up credit with them. Once I was done I took the duffel bag back to the library where they were still talking plans to deal with the mayor.

I took ten grand and passed it to Alice who put it in her hand bag with the credit cards. I took five grand then tossed the bag on the table in front of Giles. "There's eighty five grand in there, use it to buy more books on magic and demons. If you need more it'll be a couple days before the market catches up and I can dump two hundred grand on whatever."

Alice slid onto my lap and kissed me before smiling at Buffy. "Isn't he the best?"

Faith smirked. "Damn, wish I had a sugar daddy like that."

I snorted. "We're married, and I'll pass. But if you need a better place to stay then a flee bag motel, we have plenty of rooms. The house we bought was a frat house that had some demon troubles. It has plenty of room and a huge basement you can train in."

Faith frowned for a minute and Alice answered her unasked question. "He can smell the cheap soap and cigarette smoke on you. You're not a smoker so it's rather obvious. You shouldn't be in a motel anyway, vampires don't need an invite so they can get to you in your sleep. All it takes is one lucky vampire and you're history."

She nodded. "I'll think about it."

Buffy spoke up. "Why didn't you say something Faith? I have a spare room at my place."

Faith shook her head. "Sorry B, but I'm not gonna intrude on your life like that. Besides, I already got an offer."

She winked at us and I snorted. "That's not an invite to our bedroom."

Alice smiled and winked back at her leaving me to wonder. She had her thoughts closed to me now so I let it go. I turned my attention back to Giles who was coming back in from his office. "I'll make some calls and inquiries about the rarer books. I'm still hoping for something useful about this ascension the mayor is going to try."

I nodded. "Let me know when you find out, I'll pay for whatever you can get your hands on. By next month I should have enough liquid cash to start my own library. By then I plan to buy the magic shop and make my own inquiries."

He chuckled and recommended a few books for my own collection. Most of it was demon lore but he did suggest a few of the basic magic books as well. A few days later I felt a tear in the dimension as something came through. I followed the scent to where Anya and Willow were doing a spell.

I let it be as it was just vampire Willow. That and the fact that she called me daddy was enough for me to be creeped the fuck out. I told Buffy to handle it as Alice led me home to keep me calm. From what I understood of it there was an evil version of me in the other dimension and he was tearing it up over there.

Odds are it was either one of my two fathers, Maloker or Valais in control of my body there. Either way I want no part of them or their schemes. That night everyone gathered in the library as slutty vampire Willow fondled her human self before they went to send her off.

I spoke up as they could do the spell I spoke up. "Hold on a second."

I brought out my claws and the vampire Willow nearly wet herself as she asked. "Daddy, are you going to hurt me again?"

I snorted. "I'm not your father, or daddy or whatever, and I'm only going to view your memories, hold still."

She didn't even resist as I plunged my claws in the back of her neck. I dredged through the muck that was this particular demon's mind. Her memories of me were far from pleasant by sane standards but then again she is a demon.

I viewed what he was up to and relaxed more as I withdrew from her mind saying. "Where have you hidden his gifts?"

She looked at me coyly before skipping over to a book shelf and pulling out a glove of Myhnegon and another gem of Amara. She bent down and wiggled her butt while knocking some books off the bottom shelf revealing a small sack she skipped over to me and put them in my hands asking. "Did I do good?"

I sighed. "Sure, go home."

She smiled and slapped my ass before doing the same to our Willow. I slid the ring on my finger and explained to the others. "My evil self knew I'd come over and look for these things. He saved me the trip and both of us the pain of a mutual death. It's his way of say stay the fuck away."

I turned to Alice. "His Alice died at the hands of my father during the fight. He gave in to the wolf and fused with the remnants of Valais's demonic essence. He became a full old one in a sense and rules that reality with a bloody fist. He doesn't want me there because it would kill us both. Two of the same souls cannot live in the same reality and both would be wiped out instantly."

Xander asked. "Then how are there two Willow's?"

I chuckled. "There aren't, the vampire isn't actually Willow. It's a demon born inside her with her personality but corrupted with evil. In essence it's not her but a pale evil imitation."

Willow frowned. "Does that mean I'm bi? "

I chuckled and sighed. "Demons are promiscuous by nature but their base personality is the same as the body they're born into. So maybe, yeah, though I doubt it will matter unless you find a girl you're attracted to."

Xander muttered. "That's kinda hot."

Giles slapped him upside the back of his head as Oz told her. "It's ok, I'm cool with it."

Alice spoke up. "Time to send the vampire Willow back to her world."

Said vampire was impatient and told Giles. "Hurry up, daddy promised me presents when I get back. He said I could ride him like a horsey until we both collapsed."

Alice looked to me and I shrugged. "Not the same, almost the exact opposite remember?"

She nodded slightly and stepped closer to me. The rest of the group looked at me with her before turning back to the spell. After we saw off the vampire and most of everyone else left, Giles asked. "What are your plans for the magical items?"

I smiled and twisted the gem of Amara on my finger. "The Gem of Amara stays with me. The glove is for later in case we get desperate as for the sack, it's in case things go to shit. A back up for the backup, a way for us to win if all else fails."

He frowned. "What's inside?"

I grinned and opened it showing him only. I revealed the orbs of Nezzla'Khan before closing the bag again. "Tell no one. It's only a backup plan if no one knows what it is."

He frowned but nodded. "I sure hope you know what you're doing."

I sighed. "So do I. For now though they stay hidden. They're last resorts in case we can't see a way out of some big bad. A desperate measure of you will."

He nodded and I left him there to lock up. When I got to the car outside I saw Faith and Alice sitting in the car together. As soon as I opened the car door Alice spoke. "Good news, Faith here decided to move into one of the spare rooms. We need to stop by the motel and pick up her things."

I shrugged. "Alright, lets go."

We made the pit stop and Faith loaded the trunk with her stuff before paying the manager. We drove back to the house and she and Alice went off to decorate her room. I spent the rest of the evening in meditation trying to widen my well of magic.

The next morning I overheard Buffy jokingly asking Giles for a reimbursement for all the shoes and clothes the demon blood ruins. I lightly suggested in front of her and Faith.

"Why don't you rob some vampires. I'm fairly certain they take the cash and stuff of their victims. Why not take the loot from them before you dust them. You can even sell off the jewelry and stuff you don't want to pawn shops. That way you'll make a decent bit of the cash you lose back. Besides, it's not like they need it after they're gone."

Wesley spoke up. "Now hold on, being a slayer is a calling not a way to make quick cash."

I snorted. "The watchers council has been doing just that for centuries. How else do you think they've modernized their headquarters? Besides, the slayers are supposed to get a stipend each month for their own uses. I'm actually surprised you haven't told them yet."

Buffy and Faith looked bewildered. Buffy turned to Giles. "I'm supposed to be getting paid?"

I rubbed his eyebrows while answering her. "The money sent by the council has went to weapons and materials for your own training, besides that, the council cut me off after your death at the hands of the master and paid it forwards to your successor. I still got paid my own stipend but used it all keeping up with your training supplies. The watchers council is pretty tight gripped when it comes to money."

Buffy sighed. "Well there goes that idea."

Faith turned to Wesley. "Where's the money I'm supposed to be getting?"

Wesley loosened his collar as he spoke. "The council refused to pay until your evaluation. They were unsure of your survival here at the hellmouth seeing as your last two predecessors were killed as a result of coming here."

Faith snorted and I told him. "Perhaps it's time they're both evaluated then. Seeing as how you've said the council sent you to be both of the slayer's watcher. Otherwise, seeing as how you've not paid them anything you and the council seem to be tight lipped you can do their job."

Faith smirked. "Yeah what he said."

Wesley began sweating before sighing. "Very well, I shall make a schedule for your evaluation."

Buffy spoke up. "For both of us, I'm not doing this slaying for free anymore, especially since I've been doing it for nearly two years without pay. I'd say three but since Giles is right about needing it for training I see no reason to push it."

I chuckled. "If you pass the evaluations then you're entitled back pay for all the time you've been doing it for free. If they don't pay I suggest you tell them where to stick it. They won't make a big deal out of it and risk pissing off two slayers. Besides, it's not enough money to send their expert wetwork teams to get rid of you. Not yet anyway."

Giles frowned. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "From the outside perspective I can see that when it comes to slayers the council has a wait and see policy. If pulling them under their thumbs doesn't work they prefer to either hang them out to dry and wait for their eventual deaths or send in specialists to end them. After all, kill one and another girl is called, sometimes it's just easier to eliminate the trouble makers instead of working with them."

Giles paled and Buffy went wide eyed. "What?"

I sighed. "You've met their types. After reading Giles's reports I simply priced it together. I believe the current team is comprised of some chaps named Collins, Weatherby and Smith. A hit squid that does the councils dirty work, like taking out troublesome slayers. To the council you're weapons. The moment you're more trouble than you're worth they dispose of you and get new ones."

Giles paled further and Wesley spoke up. "I'm unaware of such a task force."

I chuckled. "The list of things you're ignorant of is a great many leagues long. Perhaps one day it'll be shorter but for now you can either take my word for it or do your own research. This is a ruthless world and the council is fighting an eternal war. They do what they deem necessary up to and including murder. For them it's a necessary evil that they perform to ensure greater evils never get the chance to rise."

The group went silent before Buffy turned to Wesley. "Set the schedule, it's time we got paid if nothing else. If they bulk at tell them I'm more than happy to see what kind of hit squad they send, I'll send them back in full body casts."

Faith smirked. "Ditto."

Wesley swallowed audibly before saying. "That will mean both of you will have to start taking orders from me-"

I heard Faith snort and chuckled. "Wesley, I don't know what they taught you but none of the good watchers I've read about gave orders. They were apart of the team, they did the research and the slayers did the slaying. A symbiotic relationship."

I sighed. "A watcher that gives orders isn't a watcher for long. The bad ones ended up acting as know it alls and wound up giving the wrong orders, getting their slayers killed. The longest living slayer is Buffy and for good reason, she works with a team of those that fight at her side."

Buffy smiled. "He has a point, sorry Will, I shouldn't have pushed you away like that. I'm still getting used to Faith as a fighting partner. Now that I know how she slays I can incorporate her into the group with us. All of us."

She looked at the rest of the group as they smiled lightly. Willow spoke up. "It's no biggie I shouldn't have acted out like that with Anya. I just felt like I was being replaced as best friend material."

They had their bonding experience and moved on. I sat there listening to the conversation turn to the other direction. Faith spoke up. "So we rob them before we dust them huh? Sounds like fun to me."

Buffy frowned. "That just seems wrong though. Fencing dead peoples things for cash."

Alice told them. "Just have Wesley here do it. I'm sure his council contacts will be happy to sell off the the things for a cut of the profit. It saves them time hunting down the nest locations and lives if said nests are taken over already by wondering demons or vampires."

She brightened up and Faith smiled. "Good thing I got a location for a possible nest then huh?"

I chuckled as both slayer went to leave. Giles told them. "What about the ascension?"

Buffy turned to him. "We've got nothing remotely close for now. Until we find out what it is, all we can do is hunt and avoid the mayor and his goons."

He sighed and I told them. "If you find any magical relics I'll buy them off of you for a premium price. I might as well begin my own collection. "

Faith waved a hand. "Got it, magical items go to you for first dibs. The rest either goes to us or the watcher."

They took off on a hunt and I turned to Wesley. "I get that you're unused to working as a team member, but I wouldn't report my being here to them if I were you. It would get very awkward if I was forced to cripple the watchers council's teams. If they go after Alice because of it though, well, the evil dimension vampire Willow was from should be a good enough example."

He shivered before nodding. "Point made."

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me if you agree or not. Just that you understand that while I view evil as a choice, I never said it was always the choice of the individual. She's my anchor to my happy place. If I lose her because of you, well, I'll make your death at least as horrific as my past experiences with the Romanian vampires."

Now he paled and gulped before sitting down. He'd read the book and memorized it by heart by now. I spared no detail and bled my heart out into those pages. He knew exactly what I'd been through and the thought of experiencing it for himself made him sick with fear.

I turned to Giles. "I've finished with most of your old watcher journals. Any recommendations on what to read next?"

He nodded. "I've got just the thing. There's a full collection on demos and their habits that just arrived."

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