"Well fought, Crawn," I commended, impressed despite the golem's nonhuman nature. "You've shown great skill today. And Mike," I turned to the golem, which had returned to stand by my side, "you've performed beyond expectations. We'll make a warrior out of you yet."
Crawn saluted me with his sword, a nod of respect that was not lightly given. "Thank you, Prince Gideon. That golem is a true menace on the field. I'm glad it's on our side."
As Crawn departed to catch his breath, I prepared for the next round of testing. If Mike had set the standard, I was eager to see what Ike and Harold could bring to the table. The ingenuity of man paired with the precision of machines could very well be the key to turning the tide in this war, but it was clear that Mike needed some work.
"Hey! Let me have a go!" One of the knights called, and Roric looked over but shook his head.