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50% A teen's journey / Chapter 3: Random thoughts 2

Chapter 3: Random thoughts 2

You're sitting at a corner on your own , around you people are walking around having the time of their lives or at least that's what it looks like , on the other hand you sit there feeling so lost not knowing what your next step should be .. wondering if you should even take another step , your own darkness grows into a monster and swallows you whole and maybe that's because you allowed it to or because it was meant to happen anyway .

All of a sudden everything goes black , there're no more cheerful faces and no more lovey dovey couples it's just you and your darkness , but there far far away you spot a speck of light and even though you don't want to you get up with unsteady feet and take slow cautious steps towards it even though you don't believe that that light is meant for you and no one else because this is how much you doubt yourself , nevertheless you keep on walking towards it but you don't get any closer to the finish line it's only getting further away from you , you start running but it's no use , then you tumble to the ground and hopelessness fills your heart as you scream at the top of your lungs " What are you trying to teach me ?!" and as if on cue everything disappears and you hear a soft voice calling for you .

" Life's trying to teach you that you won't get anywhere near your goals , your light , your finish line unless you stop doubting yourself , unless you stop stopping yourself , it's totally understandable to be afraid you're only human after all , but don't let your fear grow too much that it weighs you down and paralizes you , you may think you're alone and that you don't have it in you , but what you don't know is that everything around you is waiting in anticipation for you to succeed , the trees are humming and the birds are singing lullabies all for you , you may not see the potential in you ,but we all do , we see your broken wings , but nonetheless they're the strongest wings we've ever seen and if you're brave enough to let go, those wings will take you to the sky, just find the courage in you to start, just start somewhere with the little things and you'll find the answers to all your questions , fears and doubts for you are one magnificent creature and one day you'll light up the universe with your power "

And the darkness returns you're back on your feet this time you know what you want , you know how to get it and with confident yet scared footsteps you make your way to the speck of light , it's a scary journey out of the darkness yet you manage to fight the monsters trying to keep you there forever and before you know it you're out in the light and flowers are blooming out of your scars and it's all because you believed in your power , in your little innocent dream .

Just give your soul the chance to lead the way it knows where to go it's got all the answers .

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