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100% A talk with the personification of the Universe - One Shot / The reason behind reincarnation
A talk with the personification of the Universe - One Shot A talk with the personification of the Universe - One Shot original

A talk with the personification of the Universe - One Shot

Author: NamingSucks

© WebNovel

The reason behind reincarnation

After openning my eyes I found myself in an unknown environment, seemingly floating in the void with only points of light, maybe stars, twinkling in the distance as far as I could see. While thinking 'Isn't this situation quite similar with these cliche plot-'

"Seems like you finally awakened." A voice suddenly reverberated in my mind, disrupting my thoughts.

Looking around I couldn't help but wonder 'It can't be... right?'. While being unsuccessful in finding the source of the voice I tried asking the questions that were plaguing my mind.

"Why am I here ? I... I can't remember what happened before appearing here." I asked while frowning and pressing my temple.

"You died, and that is the sole thing that you need to know. As for the loss of memory, it's merely an after effect caused by the trauma of dying." The voice sounded unamused.

"... That explain how I'm here but not why "I" am here." I grumbled under my breath.

"So... Are you some sort of God or entity of this kind?" I found myself asking while bemusedly thinking that I sound way too racional and open minded experiencing all this. 'Well, I guess all these years reading novels and watching animes of this theme has finally paid off, although it does kill off some of the mood and mysticism when experiencing the situation myself.'

"No, 'I' am not a God or a similar being by the standarts you're thinking. 'I' am the Primordial Chaos 'Will', or to precisely say, it's personification." Answered the voice.

"Primordial Chaos?! Like in the wuxia fictions 'Primordial Chaos'?" I really couldn't help asking with my eyes wide opened by the revelation.

"In your understandings this should, indeed, be the best description of the Primordial Chaos."

"Then... Why am I here exactly? I know that I died and all else but why my 'consciense' or soul appeared here?" I finally asked what I really wanted to know.

"To explain why you're here, firstly I shall start by how the Primordial Chaos operates." Started the voice "In the endless vastiness of the Primordial Chaos inumerable 'universes' are born, each of said 'universes' possess their own 'Laws', which shape the them in accordance with their settings, consequently creating the uncountable 'fictional universes' widely disseminated on Earth. But that doesn't mean that the 'Laws' are predetermined upon the creation of an 'universe'. They exist in a 'blank' state at the begining of an 'universe', in which they act passively and help the development of said 'universe' till it become able to hold life. When sentient beings start appearing, the 'Laws' begin to change based in the 'belief' of these beings. That is the most important period of development of an 'universe', because it's in this period that the capability of the 'universe' to suport concepts such as 'magic', 'cultivation', 'monsters', 'gods', 'advanced technology' and all other 'fictional' characteristics that you know from the stories all over Earth are determined.-"

"Wait, doesn't that means that the 'potential' and future path of 'development' of an 'universe' are determined by the 'belief' of a minority of sentient beings that were 'luck' enough to be the first sentient beings of an 'universe'? Isn't it a bit too irresponsible?" Although I knew it was preposterous of me to ask these questions and that the first sentient beings of a 'universe' couldn't really be called as 'lucky', I couldn't help myself from feeling a bit frustated by knowing the reason of the 'limitations' that affect Earth and probably other 'universes' as well.

"The 'belief' of the first sentient beings by no means act as a form of 'limitation' for the potential of an 'universe', at most their 'belief' act as an foundation in with the 'Laws' will change into. The process of 'molding' the 'Laws' so that they can correctly accommodate the 'belief' of an 'universe' is gradual and ever changing requiring a long period of time for probation and 'tuning'." Explained the voice to the flustered me.

"Are you saying that the 'Laws' which reign the 'universes' can still be changed after being defined?" I asked after contemplating about what the voice just said.

"Although the chances are nearly nonexistent, that is indeed the case. Using your home planet as an exemple: Earth was supposed to be a world in a 'universe' reigned by 'Laws' which enable the concepts of 'magic' and the existence of 'gods', but because of a change in the 'belief' of it's inhabitants billions of years in the past, the 'Laws' of the 'universe' changed from enabling the concept of 'magic' to enabling the development of 'advanced technology'; it could have been different, like an 'universe' in which the 'Laws' allow the development of both 'magic' and 'advanced technology', but unfortunately these two factions start battling for supremacy, resulting in the nearly annihilation of the faction which believed in 'magic'. That is the reason why although there are reports of supernatural ocurrences and inexplicable miracles on Earth, the planet still 'walks' in the path of 'advanced technology'."

My mind froze after hearing so many shocking 'Truths' and I couldn't really think about anything at this point, seems that my mental strength was only so...

"Now, to answer your previous question about the reason for your soul to be here talking to me; the planet you lived in, Earth, was isolated from the rest of it's 'universe' and this caused the 'Laws' to change a bit, enabling them to act according to the 'beliefs' of the people from Earth alone, which developed into the two currently ruling concepts: 'advanced technology' for the development path of the world and 'religion' to reign over the souls of the deceased."

"Reign over the souls? What does it mean?"

"The fate of each soul from Earth is decided by their 'beliefs' during it's life." Told the voice as a matter of fact "People who belief in cristianism, after their death are judged by their belief to decide if their soul will go to 'Heaven' or to 'Hell', believers of budism will be reincarnated till they can attain 'Nirvana', believers of shintoism will have their soul wandering for eternity in 'Yomi'... basically everyone with a 'religious belief' have their souls regulated based on said 'beliefs'."

"Then what happens with the soul of atheists? And what about me, since I'm agnostic?" I ended up asking confusedly.

"The soul of atheists is dissipated upon their death, they ceased from existing. On the other side people like you, agnostics, are labelled as anomalies by the 'Laws', since you don't have any kind of expecific 'belief' while also not closing your minds like the atheists, the 'Laws' don't have a way to determine what to do with your souls, them 'I', as the personification of the Primordial Chaos, am in charge of deciding the best way to deal with you anomalies personally."

While listening the voice explanation, I thought at the end 'Wow, being an agnostic is really something else in the Primordial Chaos, not even the 'Laws' of this 'universe' can judge me, this feels just like how the Sybil System can't judge Criminally Asymptomatic people in Psycho-Pass.

"As 'I' see it, although you don't have any 'True belief', you seems to like 'fictional universes' a lot, and already has knowledge of 'this' kind of development-"

"Wait!!! Are you really going to just reincarnate me in a 'fictional universe' like that?" How I wished I could just shut up at this moment "Aren't there any kind of judment of kinds to see if I am worth of being reincarnated or if I did enough good deeds to accumulate 'karma' so that I have this kind of wish fulfilled? Also I was just a very commom university student so why was I given this king of chance?" I fired out one question after another due to my confusion.

"'I' already said to you that this is merely the best way to deal with you anomalies" Calmly explained the voice "As for the idea of a judment after the life of a soul, this is just a thing you humans from Earth created based on your 'beliefs'; you as an agnostic, which don't believe in an 'paradise' or 'purgatory' in the 'after-life', don't have any need of being judged so the only solution left is to reincarnate you in one of the 'fictional universes' that you like so much."

"As for your last question 'I' don't see any purpose in it. What about being a commom person, by the designation of the 'Laws' you're already an anomaly so obviously the 'fate' of your soul will be different from 'normal' humans from Earth, and even so you're not really that special sinse all anomalies are dealt personally by 'me'" Stated the voice.

"I-I understand." I answered bewildered.

"Any other question?" Asked the voice.

"... Based on what you told me, every 'fictional universe' that I've seen on Earth is based on an 'universe' of the Primordial Chaos, and you also said that Earth is isolated from the rest of it's 'universe' so how could there be so many 'other-universes' stories being writhen on Earth?" I questioned for the last time.

"Not trying to sound casual but it's all a coincidence, Earth is isolated from the rest of it's 'universe' meaning that Earth doesn't suffer as much influence of the 'universal law' with the concept of 'advanced technology' as the rest of it's 'universe, which by itself enabled the humans on Earth to have an greater 'imaginary power', this way being able to 'create fictional stories' that are in truth based on information of other 'universes' obtained subconsciously."

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

"Now that all your doubts have been cleared, where do you want to be reincarnated?" Asked the voice.

NamingSucks NamingSucks

One night I was reading like I always do when a sudden urge to write appeared and so this one-shot came into existence. I'm glad if anyone liked the story.

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