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3.12% A Superman in Marvel / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
A Superman in Marvel A Superman in Marvel original

A Superman in Marvel

Author: Mohammed_Jawad

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

A New Dawn

Kade Anderson sat atop a derelict building in the heart of New York City, his dark eyes scanning the horizon. The city stretched out before him, a bustling mass of life, completely unaware of his presence. Clad in his trademark black tank top and Superman pajamas, he looked like any other teenager, albeit with an unconventional fashion sense. The early morning sun bathed him in its warmth, fueling the incredible power within him. To the world, he was just another lost soul. To himself, he was a 38-year-old man from another universe, trapped in the body of his 17-year-old self with the abilities of a god.

Kade's days were simple. He drifted from place to place, basking in the sunlight and avoiding attention. Occasionally, he would intervene in minor accidents, saving lives without anyone knowing. He had no desire to be a hero or a villain; he simply existed.

His peace was often interrupted by the sounds of the city. Today was no different. Below him, a group of young men had gathered, their voices raised in heated debate. Kade listened in, curiosity piqued.

"You're out of your mind, Kevin! There's no way we can pull off a heist like that!" one of the boys shouted, his voice carrying up to where Kade sat.

Kevin, the apparent leader, was undeterred. "Look, we've been planning this for months. We hit the jewelry store, get in and out quick, and we're set for life. We just need to stick to the plan."

Kade's brow furrowed as he considered the situation. (They're just kids, probably desperate...but still, I can't let them ruin their lives like this.) He sighed and stood up, stretching his arms.

In a flash, he was on the ground, moving so quickly that none of the boys noticed his arrival. He leaned against a wall, arms crossed, and waited for a lull in their conversation.

"I just don't know, man," another boy said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "What if we get caught?"

"You won't," Kade interjected smoothly, his voice startling the group. They turned to face him, eyes wide with surprise and suspicion.

"Who the hell are you?" Kevin demanded, stepping forward aggressively. He was taller than the others, with a shaved head and a tough demeanor.

Kade smiled disarmingly. "Just someone who's been where you are. Trust me, this isn't the way to go."

Kevin scoffed. "What do you know about it? You don't know anything about us."

Kade's eyes darkened slightly. "I know more than you think. And I know that once you cross that line, there's no going back."

One of the younger boys, clearly anxious, looked at Kade with a mix of fear and curiosity. "Then what do we do? We need the money."

Kade pushed off the wall and walked closer, his presence strangely calming. "There are other ways. Safer ways. I can help you find them."

Kevin sneered. "Why would you help us?"

"Because I've seen too many people throw their lives away for a quick score," Kade replied earnestly. "And because I can."

The boys exchanged uncertain glances. Kevin's resolve seemed to waver, but he wasn't ready to give in. "And what if we don't want your help?"

Kade's gaze hardened. "Then you'll have to go through me."

There was a tense silence as the group sized him up. Kade knew they couldn't see the power that lay beneath his calm exterior, but he hoped his conviction was enough to sway them.

Finally, Kevin sighed and shook his head. "Fine. What's your plan?"

Kade smiled, relieved. "First, let's get out of here and find somewhere safe to talk."


Later, Kade and the boys sat in a quiet corner of an old diner, the smell of coffee and fried food filling the air. The boys were still wary, but they listened as Kade laid out his ideas.

"We can start by finding you guys some legitimate work," Kade began, looking at each boy in turn. "It won't be easy, but it's better than ending up in jail or worse."

Kevin frowned. "But we need money now. What about our families?"

Kade nodded. "I understand that. I have a friend who runs a community center. They can help you with food and other necessities while we get things sorted out."

One of the boys, a skinny kid named Alex, looked hopeful. "You really think they'll help us?"

Kade smiled reassuringly. "I know they will. And I'll be there with you every step of the way."

The conversation continued, filled with questions and concerns. Kade answered each one patiently, his determination to help them growing with each passing moment. (These kids deserve a chance. I won't let them fall through the cracks.)


Days turned into weeks as Kade worked tirelessly to help the boys turn their lives around. He introduced them to his friend at the community center, who welcomed them with open arms. They found jobs, enrolled in programs, and slowly but surely, their futures began to brighten.

One evening, Kade sat with Kevin on the rooftop of the community center, watching the sun set over the city. Kevin had become a trusted ally, his tough exterior giving way to a determined young man with a bright future.

"Thanks for everything, Kade," Kevin said quietly, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "I don't know where we'd be without you."

Kade smiled, feeling a rare sense of fulfillment. "You don't owe me anything, Kevin. Just make the most of the opportunities you have now."

Kevin nodded, a look of resolve in his eyes. "We will. I promise."

As the sun dipped below the skyline, Kade felt a surge of strength from its fading rays. (Maybe I'm not a hero in the traditional sense...but helping these kids feels pretty heroic to me.)


Kade's life continued its nomadic pattern, but now he had a purpose. He kept an eye on the boys, stepping in to help whenever they needed it. His powers remained a secret, but his presence became a beacon of hope for those he touched.

One afternoon, while resting in a secluded park, Kade sensed trouble nearby. He stood and scanned the area, his enhanced vision quickly locating the source: a young woman being harassed by a group of thugs in an alley.

In an instant, Kade was there. The thugs didn't know what hit them. Moving faster than the eye could see, he disarmed and incapacitated each one, careful not to cause serious harm. The young woman watched in astonishment as her attackers crumpled to the ground.

"Are you alright?" Kade asked, his voice gentle as he approached her.

She nodded, her eyes wide with shock and gratitude. "Y-yes, thank you. Who are you?"

Kade smiled softly. "Just someone passing by."

Before she could ask more, he disappeared, leaving her with a story she would never forget.


That night, Kade found a quiet rooftop to rest on, his mind filled with the day's events. (I never asked for these powers, but maybe...maybe I can use them to make a difference in my own way.)

As he lay back and stared up at the stars, Kade felt a sense of peace. He didn't need to be a hero or a villain. He just needed to be himself, helping those who crossed his path and living each day as it came.

For now, that was enough.

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