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60.37% A Strange Moon's Multiversal Adventure / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

9/15 3:29 (Summer, Day)

As Luna was running semi-seriously, moving at a speed no Unenhanced Person could ever react to, towards the border between Midrar and Lowrar without knowing, only to suddently stop as the place she would otherwise be in was suddently struck by lightning.

Looking up, the Lunarian smiled as she saw her opponents.

Twenty three "Metal Thunder Living Golems" were floating, surrounding her as static electricity started to fill the air above and around her, shaping into a double-layered cage as they floated in formation around her, one covering only her and the other all of them.

"Living Golems" are unique when it comes to Monsters as they were born thanks to a Reincarnated Person's Unique Skill capable to breath life into Golems and allow them to pseudo-grow.

Once this Person died, however, the Golems slowly died one after another until only one remained, the Golem with the ability to create new Golems.

This last one followed on by creating new ones to modify and upgrade itself repeatedly until it had no more need for that as it now counted as a Living Being, more specifically a Monster called "Living Golems Sorce", a Monster capable of making "Living Golems" and using the blueprint from its former Master and Maker to create new types of Golems.

Golems that spread upon the World, Evolving, Changing and being Changed by the People and the habitat like the "Metal Thunder Living Golems" before her.

Another, very important, characteristics of Living Golems in general was that they could not absorb Magicules, Gain Ability Skills or Increase the Rank of any Skill that is not a Racial Skill however they will automatically gain 3 Innate Skills and increase the Rank of all other Innate Skills they own every time the Racial Skill's Rank increased.

As was common between "Living Golems" their sense of individuality was quite weak as shown by the fact that the electricity they were continuously generating from around their bodies was perfectly in sink thanks to and as shown by their Innate Skill common between "Living Golems", "Coordination".

The Lunarian quickly counted the metallic bird-like Monsters, noting thirteen at E-Rank, seven at D-Rank and 3 at C-Rank.

Without a doubt they were retreating from something but this didn't tell her much as she doubted they were in the same group for long and this wouldn't change her situation any as "Living Golems" would never fight between each other, for any reasons.

Luna took out a piece of metal and threw it in the air were it remained, suspended by the same Skill "Magnetic Amplification" that allowed the bird-like Golems to fly despite the Skill "Metallic Body".

Her eyes moved from the E-Ranks to the D-Ranks that were preparing to rain their metallic feathers on her through the Skill "Projectile Fire" while flying in the air at high-speed with "High-Speed Flight" and raining down lightning bolts on the ground around her with the Skill "Electrify".

Finally the three at C-Rank were amplifying the power of the electricity in the area through their Innate Skill "Lightning-Attribute Amplification" while flying in the air at even higher speeds thanks to "Acceleration".

Instantly Black Blood and Vital Energy erupted from around Luna, solidifying into her True Armor, True Wings and a True Spear in her left hand; Shapes that quickly changed because of her Summoning of her Familiars within them.

Her Spear lenghtened and sharpened thanks to her Vision, a shining gem forming at his tip and a dagger on its heel while a bloodthirsty Aura formed around it because of teh Skill she shared, "Vampirism".

Her Armor became scaled, horns growing from her head and claws from her hands while its Aura became a solid barrier around her, "Regeneration" being shared with it.

Her Wings bursted into solid flames while maintaing their shape.

But this was far from the end of her preparations.

She was fighting, after all, against a force equivalent to between 4 and 5 C-Class enemies.

"Awaken!" Her Vital Mana exploded around her at a greater intensity than before as the battle started in earnest.

Her Spear shifted into a Whip as it shattered the metallic feathers sent against her while quickly dodging and deflecting the lightning bolts falling from the sky while making various Magical Circles in the air with her Black Blood to send back miniaturized versions of [Roaring Destruction], her new Spell she called [Mana Laser].

Finally the three at higher Rank entered in the battle actively, ranning at her covered in electricity while sending forward metal knifes linked with lines made out of electricity.

Lines that she dodged by forming a sphere out of Vital Mana she spread Warden's barrier too before it exploded, sending them off course before sending back various True Arrows at the C-Rank Golems.

Golems that didn't bother defending themselves as they created a barrier to stop them in advance using their "Barrier" Skill.

The Person swung her Sword sending in advance a flying slash before turning her Vision-Weapon into a Spear and jumping forward to thrust her Spear throught the wing of one D-Rank one thanks to a sudden burst of fire before retreating immediately after, lightning hitting the place she just was in.

She needed to kill as many of the Living Golems as she could as fast and efficiently as possible because "Coordination" would passively strengthen all of them.

Otherwise she would die without any doubt even if she was equivalent to a mid C-Class Adventurer.

[Mana Lasers] constantly harassed the Living Golems trying to distract them from properly fighting back by forcing them to continuously dodge while she herself was dodging the lightnings thanks to Ash and shattering the feathers with her Whip.

"This is doing nowhere fast. I'm losing Vital Mana while they are able to maintain full capacity by working together." Luna noted, a smile on her face.

Suddently her Wings opened at maximum width, releasing a Burst of flames and Vital Mana at the cost of a good chunk out of her Vital Mana, to shatter the metal feathers she deflected previously that were falling back against her thanks to the altered magnetic force in the place.

She looked to the Living Golems that were slowly fying around the lightning cage, preparing to attack, her Vital Mana surging around her, a wild smile on her face as her Magical Circles in the area shut down to conserve as much Vital Mana as possible.

As new metal projectiles were shot towards her together with lightning bolts as she danced around them, laugher escaping her as she shut down her Unique Arma's Awakening to start Recovering Vital Mana faster that she could spent it.

Her Weapon changing and swinging continuously around her, her barrier deflecting away projectiles and her Wings beating and releasing Bursts to dodge the lightning bolts falling from the sky while her laugher rang out in the plain.

Quickly her Weapon and Armor were enveloped into flames as she accelerated more and more, waves of cutting flames being released repeatedly all over the place.

Vital Mana started pulsing as she found the pattern of their attacks becoming gradually more and more efficient with her fighting.

Living Golems had a fatal weakness, they had almost no individuality even at B-Rank and so they were predictable once someone adapts to their timing.

Her flames concentrated in a luminous point upon the tip of her Vision-Spear before she stepped hard on the floor, shattering it, and throwing it throught the chest of one of the D-Rank ones and exploding in a blaze of heat with Luna applying "Vampirism" through her Spear to take in its Soul as it died by being shattered into pieces.

Instantly the Soul was sent on to the Moon, her new Familiar containing "High-Speed Flight" being Fused with Ash, hastening their flight immensely, while weakening all of her living preys because of the cessation of one "Coordination" Skill.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Ash Gains the Skill "High-Speed Flight".

More and more, faster and faster, she dodged the attacks from all around her, adapting to her own new speed, flames quickly rising from around her releasing various [Fire Rains] being Casted, Magical Circles forming in the sky, causing fire to fall all over the place in repeating waves, while her Ash-Wings sent forward concentrated beams of fire towards them.

This assault was far from enough to significantly injure any of the Golems working together but that was not its purpouse but merely to distract them and stopping them from strengthening their electric cage any further by constantly damaging it from both the inside and the outside.

As the E-Ranked ones were carefully observing and attacking her from a distance, the C-Ranked ones were continuously maintaining and strengthening the cage and the D-Ranked ones were protecting themselves and their superiors, it finally happened.

Luna's plan succeded as shown by two of the E-Ranks being stabbed throught their chest by the Spear Luna previously threw that took advantage of their distraction.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Warden Gains the Skill "Metallic Body".

*Luna Created a new Familiar called Blitz based on the Skill "Magnetic Amplification".

At that moment Luna launched herself forward with a Burst of flames and Vital Mana abusing her new Skills to close in to a C-Ranked one by ignoring the layer of the barrier separating her from the Living Golems, tanking the attacks of the two closest D-Ranked Living Golems guarding it thanks to the increase in defensive power because of this newly acquired Skill to grab its wings with her hands, pulling back her head and slamming it into the Golem's chest, goring it with her horns before slamming it against one of the D-Ranks, her returned Spear becoming a Greatsword and severing the other D-Ranked in two.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Blitz Gains the Skill "Electrify".

Electricity mixed in with her Aura of Vital Mana and Fire as her newly created Familiar was Summoned within her Tail, a long Viper's head, its eyes observing the recovered Golems.

Her Aura's individual parts weakened further because of the discord between them however the whole was still greater than the sum of its parts.

Her newly transformed Spear became coated similarly in her Aura before piercing precisely the wing of the D-Ranked one she previously wounded, pinning it to the ground before its handle split in two to stab its legs as she dropped to the ground with an explosion, dodging a lightning bolt.

The ground under her shattered deeply because of her weight and speed, her Ash-Wings forming something like a "V" out of flames from her back, her Blitz-Tail splitting this formation, its head opening its mouth and releasing a bolt of electricity to strike down a faraway E-Ranked "Metal Thunder Living Golem", Shocking it.

Luna forcefully pierced the ground under her with her fingers, forcefully ripping it up and coating it in her Vital Mana, throwing it to the sky blocking a thunder from the sky, before exploding forward, kicking the C-Rank she previously wounded and piercing it with the claws in her left foot, keeping herself stuck to the Monster.

As such, it was simple for her to grab its head with her hands, forcefully opening its mouth, and releasing a wave of Black Blood, filling it completely and shattering it from the inside out before taking it back in while her Spear finally killed the struggling D-Ranked one.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Blitz Gains the Skill "Lightning-Attribute Amplification".

*Luna's Familiar Vision Gains the Skill "Projectile Fire".

She stretched, releasing an explosion of Vital Mana, Fire and Lightning to offset a rain of metal feathers before making her five of her True Images ten meters away from her as the place she was in was devastatingly assaulted by a five meters across lightning, her Armor doing its best to deflect as much as possible of the electricity to the ground thanks to its "Metallic Body" while minimizing the damage to Luna with its barrier.

As she swayed in place, her Armor slowly rebuilding itself on its own around her thanks to the "Regeneration" Skill while she used her Vital Mana and Black Blood to Resummon her other Familiars around her, her laugher echoed in the zone.

Meanwhile the inner portion of the Lightning Cage they tried to lock her in decompressed in static, rising the electricity in the dome.

It was time for both sides to go at it at full tilt, between the Lunarian and the remaining 2 C-Rank, 4 D-Rank and 11 E-Rank.

Total Magicules 73372 (V)

Stored Magicules 1460

Total Grade: X + V + V + V + V + IV + V + V + V + IV = LIII

Racial: Lunarian D

_Magicules: 10k/100k. (V)

Unique: Singularity D

_Magicules: 10k/100k. (V)

Growth: Soul Harmony C

_Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Growth: Unique Arma: Sorcerous Armor of the Singularity C

_Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Growth: Devouring Evolution E

_Magicules: 1k/1k. (IV)

Innate: Regeneration C

_Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Innate: Authority: Vital Mana D

_Magicules: 10k/100k (V)

Innate: Familiar Summoning C

_Magicules: 10k/10m (V)

Innate: Authority: Black Blood E

_Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)

Ability: No Attribute Sorcery C

Ability: Unharmed Technique C

Ability: Weapon Mastery D

Ability: Artifact Proficiency E

Ability: Meditation C

Ability: Presence Suppression D

Ability: High-Speed Processing D

Ability: Parallel Processing D

Ability: No Attribute Magecraft E

Ability: Formalcraft E

Ability: Crafting E

Magicules sources.

#Lunarian #Singularity #Authority:Black_Blood

_The final gain of Magicules is 100 plus the Magicules absorbed by the victim, all of it increased to 105%.


_Every day, then, the owner will gain 62 Magicules times 5, 310.

#Unique_Arma #Singularity

_At the moment Unique Arma is C-Rank and Singularity is at D-Rank and so, every day, the owner will gain 800 Magicules.


_At the moment the Skill Grade is 4 and so, every day, the owner will gain 400 Magicules.


_Vision D

_._Third Eye of Physicality E

_._Weapon Mastery D

(New) _._Projectile Fire E

_Warden D

_._Imperial Scale D

_._Physical Resistance E

(New) _._Metallic Body E

_Ash E

_._Fire-Attribute Magecraft D

(New) _._High-Speed Flight E

(New) _Blitz E

_._ Magnetic Amplification E

_._Electrify E

_._Lightning-Attribute Amplification E



_._Roaring Destruction

_._Magnificent Ray


_._Attribute Modification

_._Attribute Reflection


_._Fire Ball


_._Fire Rain



_._Mana Burst


_._Mana-Clad Warrior

_._Greater Self

(Moved) _._Mana Laser


_._Burning Grasp

(New) _._Heat Ray


_Mafel (Spectral Elf D; US Malice Generator D) E

_Sabel (Human D; US Unknown) E


"I will always be in a state of "Deep Meditation"."

"I will never use Vital Energy and Mana separated."

"I will never use Blood and Shadows separated."

"I will never use Artifact made by other's hands if they aren't made explicitly for me."

"I will never Manifest my "Unique Arma" without Awakening it."

(Altered) _The Awakening's Cooldown is now equal to just the Activation Duration;


Thanks for reading and comment if you have any thought about this chapter or story in general.

If you want to read chapters in advance of this and my other story, I have a pa treon: patr*

White_Chaos White_Chaos

Thanks for the Comment to: BocchiWithTism; Teial.

Thanks for the Power Stones to: Teial.

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