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A Special Reality A Special Reality original

A Special Reality

Author: GGRwrites

© WebNovel


I opened my eyes, seeing light stream in through the closed blinds as I sat up. My neck ached a bit, but that was probably because of my posture. Slowly, I sat up and stretched. My alarm hadn't gone off yet, so I assumed I'd woken up early. Either that or I slept through it. I unplugged my phone and looked at it. Unsurprisingly, I slept through my alarm. It was only and extra ten minutes after all. I didn't need to be at church until 10:00, so I had some time to spare. I got up and not bothering to find my slippers, stepped over the mess that was my floor and inhaled the clear air. I'd tried soap cutting yesterday, and the air was filled with the scent. I had even left my room for a bit so the scent could clear out, so it was a relief to be able to breath through my nose. I exited my room and headed down the hallway. I could hear snoring as I passed a electric green door, and some light noise from behind a crimson door. Their probably still asleep. I didn't think he'd still be asleep though. I quietly snuck past both doors and set one foot into the stair. It creaked a bit, but I continued, trying not to wake either of them up. Yesterday had been long, and my hands had just regained their warmth.  I arrived at the bottom of the staircase and headed over to the fish tank. Our fish, Shewnic had already woken up, and was swimming around in his little cottage. I smiled and turned on the light, picking up the bottle of fish food, and giving him a few pellets. Making sure he was satisfied, I walked to the kitchen and dug around in the pantry for something to eat. I found the bars and pulled out one, along with a bag of white cheddar popcorn. It would work, for now. I sat down on the couch, still in my pjs and turned on the TV. Then I opened youtube and making sure the sound was turned down, resumed watching CoryxKeshin's video on Yanderé Simulator. By the time I'd finished my hard and was halfway through the popcorn, I heard a door open. Soon, heavy footsteps grew loud, then quiet. A door closed. I guessed who was up and scooted to the side to make some room, encase he wanted to sit down. He probably didn't though. I heard a flush and the sink turning on. After a bit, the door opened again, and heavy footsteps lead from the bathroom to the staircase, and the stairs creaked as he made his way down. Or dragged would be the proper word. "Good morning Shads." I said, rubbing my eyes so the sunken circles wouldn't seem so obvious. "Good morning." Shadow said quietly, heading to the kitchen. As he began digging through the pantry, The other roommate walked down the stairs. Despite his name, he was actually kind of slow. "Good morning Sonic." I called. He yawned. "Good...morning." He headed to the kitchen, carrying a little cup. Shadow sighed and putting down his own bar, refilled the little jar. "Did we get anything?" Sonic asked. "Yeah. A few." I noticed something flying get near my drink and waved it away. We've had a fruit fly problem. They still hovered around, even though we'd put the bananas away in the oven. Shadow finished and plopped down next to me, cross legged, holding a bar of chocolate. Sonic walked in with a mini chili dog and he sat down in between us, stretching so his feet were in Shadow's lap and his head was in my lap. Shadow's ear dropped a bit, but I didn't think much of it. We watched Cory for while. I kept an eye on the clock. When the video ended, I paused it. It was 9:45. "Time to get ready." I said. Sonic sighed and sat up, his quills pointing everywhere. Probably from him rolling around in his sleep. "Okay. I'll go first." He got up and ran up the stairs. Shadow's ears drooped a little more. I frowned, noticing his eyes. "Are you okay?" I asked, noticing he was unusually quiet. "Yeah. I'm fine." He got up and went upstairs. I got up and followed.

GGRwrites GGRwrites

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