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A Song of Soldier Boy A Song of Soldier Boy original

A Song of Soldier Boy

Author: Eletto

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Benjamin 'Soldier Boy' Gilman stirred, his senses returning slowly as the cold, rocky shore pressed against his body. His head pounded, and the biting Northern wind cut through his damp clothes. He groaned, rolling onto his back, and stared up at the overcast sky. The sound of crashing waves and the cries of distant seabirds filled the air, a stark contrast to the noise and chaos of the world he knew.

He struggled to his feet, his muscles protesting from the unfamiliar exertion. Surveying his surroundings, he saw the rugged cliffs rising behind him and dense forests stretching out to the horizon. The landscape was wild and untamed, devoid of any signs of modern civilization. This was not his world.

Confusion and fear gnawed at him as he took a few tentative steps. Where was he? How did he end up here? His last memory was of a mission gone wrong, but this place was far from any battlefield he had ever seen. He spotted his shield half-buried in the sand nearby and picked it up, feeling a small sense of relief at the familiar weight.

A rustling in the nearby bushes snapped Benjamin out of his daze. He turned, spotting a small group of men emerging cautiously, their cloaks blending into the grey and green of the landscape. They moved with practiced stealth, weapons drawn and eyes wary. The leader, a grizzled veteran with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward.

"Who are you?" the leader demanded, his voice rough and authoritative. "And what are you doing here?"

Benjamin's mind raced. These men looked like something out of a history book—clad in leather and wool, armed with swords and bows. He took a step back, raising his hands in a placating gesture, his shield still strapped to his arm.

"Easy, fellas," he said, his voice steady despite his inner turmoil. "I'm not looking for trouble."

The leader narrowed his eyes. "Answer the question."

"My name is Soldier Boy," he replied instinctively. Seeing no recognition in their eyes, he quickly added, "Benjamin Gilman. I got lost. Ended up here."

The men exchanged glances, suspicion etched on their faces. Benjamin could see they were on edge, ready to spring into action at any moment.

"You got lost?" one of the younger scouts scoffed. "In full armor and carrying that shield? Seems unlikely."

"Look, I don't know what happened," Benjamin said, his frustration growing. "One moment I was somewhere else, and then I woke up here."

Without warning, two of the scouts lunged at him, ropes in hand. Instinctively, Benjamin reacted. He moved with lightning speed, blocking one man's attack with his shield and disarming the other with a swift punch. His enhanced strength and combat skills turned the tide quickly, and within moments, he had the upper hand.

He paused, holding the disarmed sword in one hand, breathing heavily. The men stared at him in shock and fear, their weapons now scattered on the ground.

"Enough!" the leader barked, stepping forward. He eyed Benjamin warily, clearly impressed but not entirely convinced. "Who are you really?"

"I told you," Benjamin said, lowering the sword but keeping his shield ready. "I'm lost. I just want some answers."

The leader, Roderick, exchanged another glance with his men. "Bind his hands," he ordered. "We'll take him to Winterfell. Lord Stark will decide what to do with him."

Despite Benjamin's protests, they tied his hands securely. He could have broken free easily, but he needed to understand where he was and how to get back home. For now, he decided to go along with them.

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