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Chapter 12: Chapter 12


The occasional flicker of harsh white lights provided the only illumination in a room steeped in the sharp scent of chemicals.

The white walls were lined with metal equipment—some pieces coated in dust, others smeared with various fluids. Countertops cluttered with broken glassware and abandoned vials added to the place.

The cold, cracked concrete floor mirrored the sterile walls, while faint echoes of muffled grunts reverberated off the stained surfaces, barely audible yet ever-present.

In the center of the room, two operating chairs stood, each occupied by a restrained figure. Blindfolds concealed their eyes, while gags silenced their voices, reducing their cries to soft whimpers and groans. Their arms and legs were tightly bound to the chairs.

One of them was a woman with disheveled brown hair, likely in her early twenties. The other was a boy, his short orange hair and soft features marking him as no older than seventeen.

But most disturbing of all were the metal pins driven into their skulls, leaving trails of dried blood around the puncture wounds. These pins were connected to a machine behind the chairs, looming over them like a sentinel.

"Hm..." A soft hum of thought broke the silence as footsteps approached, though the two captives remained unaware, their broken minds too far gone to register the sound. "50/50 this time." said a male voice.

The voice belonged to a doctor, his white coat as pristine as his thick, round glasses. Short, with graying hair, he approached the machine, clipboard in hand, his attention fixated on the control panel.

After a brief moment of observation, he glanced down at his clipboard, fishing a pen from his coat pocket. With steady hands, he began scribbling notes on the paper.

After finishing his writing, the doctor set the clipboard down on a nearby operating table, turning his attention to the two captives. A smile slowly crept across his face as he decided to approach the boy first.

"Time to wake up, dear." he cooed in a sickly sweet tone, his hand reaching through the metal tubes attached to the boy's head. With one swift motion, he ripped them out, triggering a muffled, high-pitched scream as fresh blood began to pour from the wounds.

"Shh... it's okay..." the man whispered, setting the equipment aside. His finger traced a line from the boy's blood-soaked scalp down to his jaw, making the boy shudder in pain and terror. "I will heal you. I will maximize you."

The doctor's finger continued its slow path down the boy's neck until it stopped at a freshly branded X-shaped scar on his collarbone. His smile widened into a sinister grin, though his eyes remained cold, deliberately ignoring the boy's pitiful groans.

"It wouldn't be fair not to explain what's going to happen to you," he whispered, pulling back just slightly.

"You were born with immense potential," he continued, his voice growing darker. "But sadly, you never had the chance to access it. Don't you think that's... unfair? After all, what's the value of a diamond if it can't be sold?"

The boy weakly squirmed in his restraints, but his efforts were futile against the bonds that held him.

The doctor's grin returned as he reached for a cloth on the operating table. Calmly, almost methodically, he began wiping away the blood oozing from the boy's open wounds.

"Don't worry... you're lucky," the doctor whispered, finishing his task of cleaning the blood. "Lucky to have found me, because I will make you the best version of yourself."

He placed the blood-stained cloth back on the operating table, his movements calm and deliberate. Returning to the boy, his eyes gleamed with unsettling confidence.

"Do you feel it coursing through your body?" he asked. "That warmth, that strength... that relief."

The boy's only response was the faint twitching of his limbs, but the doctor seemed unfazed.

"This," he continued in a breathy whisper, "is your cursed energy." He glanced back at the panel. "You don't understand it yet, but this power will make you the best version of yourself."

The room fell silent, save for the boy's weak, involuntary movements, as the doctor let his words linger in the air.

"You weren't born with the ability to manipulate cursed energy," the doctor explained, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "Normally, it would be impossible for you to gain it... but," he grinned, "you were fortunate enough to find me."

He stepped closer, pressing a finger against the X-shaped scar on the boy's collarbone. "Nothing is impossible for me when it comes to unlocking the human body's potential."

Pulling back, the doctor paused briefly before continuing. "Soon, you'll become a soldier for an acquaintance of mine, after a... special training period here in my hospital." His tone turned businesslike. "But before that, some precautions need to be taken."

He reached for a device from the operating table, a metal helmet of sorts, and turned it over in his hands. "The main issue with those who become soldiers like you is that you're not modified enough to forget who you are... and how you lived." He looked directly at the boy.

"That kind of awareness tends to cause... behavioral problems, a lack of obedience," he said, almost musing aloud as he placed the cold metal helmet over the boy's head. "My acquaintance doesn't tolerate such flaws."

The boy shuddered as the helmet settled, its metallic weight pressing down on him.

The doctor began adjusting the device with practiced care. "Don't misunderstand," he added, his voice strangely gentle. "I'm not saying you wouldn't behave or be loyal... it's just a new protocol. Everyone must go through it."

A quiet beeping sound began to emanate from the device, slow and rhythmic like a countdown. The doctor stepped back, his gaze never leaving the boy.

"Don't worry. It'll be over soon." the doctor murmured.

Then, with a sudden, sharp pop, the device sparked. A jolt of electricity coursed through the boy, and in an instant, his body fell completely still.

Silence lingered in the room as the doctor stood, his gaze fixed on the boy's limp body. After a moment, he slowly shifted his attention to the woman, a wicked smile spreading across his face.

"Now, about you..." he began, moving toward her. "Unlike the boy, you cannot serve my acquaintance. You weren't born with a cursed technique." There was an odd glint of excitement in his eyes as he said this. "They don't accept people without such abilities. They fail to understand that true strength resides in the body itself."

As he spoke, he placed his hands on the metal pins embedded in her skull. "But don't think yourself any less fortunate because of that," his voice rose with growing enthusiasm. "Your lack of luck ends today. Because I will make you evolve."

The woman's gagged scream filled the room as the doctor yanked the pins from her head, her body convulsing in pain.

"Shh, don't cry..." he whispered, his hand sliding across her cheek. His grin widened, eyes gleaming with a perverse sense of joy. "Pain is fleeting, but perfection... perfection is eternal."

He moved to the table, picking up a syringe filled with a murky liquid. "The process for you is quite different from the boy's. I don't need to worry about your memories," he said, stepping back toward her. "Because the loss of self is a natural part of your transformation."

His hand rested on her shoulder as he brought the needle to her neck. "Don't be afraid, my dear... you'll sleep now, and when you wake..." His grin stretched wider, almost maniacal now. "You won't just be the best version of yourself. You'll be something far more."

The woman's body thrashed against the restraints as the syringe pierced her vein. Slowly, the liquid drained into her bloodstream, her head falling back as saliva dribbled from the gag. She shook violently as the drug took hold, her movements becoming weaker until, finally, she slumped unconscious.

The doctor stepped back, satisfied, placing the used syringe back on the table. His eyes darted between the two unconscious figures, the grin still plastered across his face.

Spreading his arms wide, as though addressing an unseen audience, he could barely contain his glee. "From here, you abandon your dreams... and help bring mine to life!"


In an alley dimmed by the shadow of a neighboring building, a bubbling black liquid began to pool beside a manhole cover.

Suddenly, two figures emerged from the darkness, one nearly twice the height of the other, both propelled forward with such force that they staggered in opposite directions, struggling to regain their balance.

The creature, disoriented from the abrupt shift, had been in the midst of attacking its prey when it felt itself yanked back by an intense vacuum, only to be violently thrust back to the surface.

It emitted a sharp screech as it collided with a trash can, desperately attempting to steady itself despite its awkward, disproportionate form.

Disoriented and dizzy, it struggled to focus on its surroundings. It was the perfect opportunity for its opponent to strike.

That is, if Megumi wasn't in the same situation.

He gritted his teeth, slamming his back against the alley wall, nearly dropping his sword in the process. The shadow dive had been forced and rushed, a consequence of the security guard entering the bathroom. Given the circumstances, it was no surprise that Megumi felt off balance after making such a sudden movement.

Yet, once again, he steeled himself, regaining his composure and looking up at the creature still reeling before him.

Now outside the dimly lit bathroom, he had a clearer view of its form, and he quickly realized it was far from a pretty sight.

Beyond its thin and tall stature, he noted that its body was entirely black, wrinkled, and resembled clay.

Its head was oval-shaped, featuring pupil-less, completely white and cloudy eyes, along with a wide, unsteady mouth that hung open.

Megumi pressed his lips into a thin line as he continued to analyze the creature. Alongside these mentioned features, he noticed small holes scattered across its body, as if it had been riddled with punctures.

It was certainly a rather disgusting sight.

Megumi raised his gaze to the creature's face as he assessed the precarious situation he found himself in.

He decided to lead both himself and the creature to the same alley where he had first shadow dove earlier. It was relatively isolated from civilians, though still not an ideal location for a fight.

After all, it was only around three in the afternoon, so the streets were bustling with pedestrians who could be caught in the crossfire if things escalated.

He needed to deal with the creature quickly to avoid any complications. However, two issues loomed over him:

- Megumi was incredibly rusty.

- The creature appeared quite tough.

How could he resolve this situation swiftly? Perhaps the Divine Dogs could do the trick? Totality was capable of piercing through a disaster curse.

A sudden screech jolted Megumi back to focus, especially when he noticed that the creature had regained its balance and was now glaring at him in an unfriendly manner.

And, once again, it charged at him without hesitation.

With his back pressed against the wall, Megumi found his movement restricted, but he managed to spin aside just in time to evade a strike. The wall cracked upon impact where he had stood.

The creature quickly pivoted back towards him, its loose jaw swinging slightly as it launched another attack. Megumi blocked the strike with the blade of his sword.

It became clear to him that the creature likely lacked strategic thinking. Its behavior seemed driven by instinct rather than reason.

Megumi pulled his leg back momentarily before delivering a kick to the creature's waist area—the highest point he could reach in that position—in an attempt to create some distance. But then, he gritted his teeth as the force of the kick reverberated through him instead. The creature didn't even flinch.

Once again, Megumi had to retreat just in time to avoid a downward strike that struck the ground where he had stood.

Small chunks of concrete exploded around him as a crater formed, and Megumi kept his gaze locked on the creature before him. He was beginning to grasp why it was so resilient.

The creature's cursed energy had been high from the moment the bubble containing it burst, but it seemed to intensify with each passing second. It was clear that the creature harbored an enormous amount of cursed energy, which contributed to its resistance.

"Probably cursed energy reinforcement…" he muttered to himself as he reasoned through the scenario.

After a moment of contemplation, this time, it was Megumi who launched the first attack. He closed the distance between himself and the creature, swinging his blade toward its neck while ensuring he infused it with cursed energy.

But in defiance of the fundamental principles of defense and self-preservation, the creature made no attempt to block his strike.

Megumi's eyes widened in shock as the blade of his sword made contact with the creature's slender neck, only to halt without even breaking the skin.

He frowned, trying to force the sword against the creature's neck, but nothing happened—not even a superficial cut, let alone a grunt of annoyance from the creature.

Instead, it simply stood there, as if mocking him for even trying.

Instinctively, Megumi reinforced his body with cursed energy to guard against any potential counterattack during this vulnerable moment, yet once again, the creature remained still.

Weird? Without a doubt. But he seized the opportunity to create some distance.

Megumi stopped a few feet away from the creature, loosening his grip on the sword's handle as his mind raced to devise a new plan.

Its defenses are so high that I can't even pierce its skin... he thought, his expression darkening. Maybe it's because I haven't fought in a while, but still...

If he couldn't succeed with the sword, trying with his fists would be pointless.

But there had to be some way...

The creature continued to observe him in silence, tilting its head slightly.

Megumi sighed. Whatever... he thought, letting the sword drop to the ground. He then brought his hands together to form a dog puppet, but he paused when the creature finally moved.

It raised its arm, pointing its long, slender index finger toward him, and for some reason, Megumi's gaze was drawn to the tip.

There was a hole there, similar to the holes scattered across the creature's body.

Megumi's eyes widened as his senses heightened, and he instinctively placed both hands protectively in front of his face, focusing his cursed energy on the area.

Almost immediately, this proved to be the right instinct as a blast of green liquid shot from the hole in the creature's fingertip toward Megumi.

He gritted his teeth as he felt his palm being brutalized by a mix of acidic burning and piercing pressure, instinctively pushed back by the force of the attack.

After a few agonizing seconds, the blast finally ceased, leaving a few droplets to fall to the ground, dissolving the concrete as the creature lowered its arm once more.

Megumi immediately examined his palm, frowning as he took in the damage. The skin in the center of his palm had melted away, small blisters of flesh forming around the wound, with even part of his bone now exposed.

He then glanced back at the creature, his expression hardening slightly.

It watched him for a moment before releasing a sound that resembled distorted laughter.

Internally, Megumi sighed at the mockery but chose to ignore it, focusing instead on the new information he had gathered: he was dealing with acid. Probably acid.

A creature with immense reserves of cursed energy, extremely high reinforcement, and the ability to generate acid.

He knew he needed to be careful; that much was already clear.

The creature seemed to grow tired of mocking him and waiting, letting out another screech as it bent slightly forward, using its long legs to propel itself toward Megumi.

But the boy thought quickly.

"Rabbit Escape." he chanted, forming the hand sign. The shadow beneath them turned liquid, bubbling as it transformed. Within seconds, several small figures began to emerge, taking the shape of white-furred rabbits that flooded the alley, obscuring Megumi's presence.

Rabbits were everywhere—on the floor, on the walls, jumping through the air, climbing on one another...

It was sheer pandemonium.

The creature halted in its tracks as the shikigami surrounded it, looking around in confusion. The rabbits occasionally brushed against its skin, prompting it to swat at them, but the more it tried, the more rabbits seemed to appear, leaving it completely oblivious to any external threats.

With his left hand, he quickly retrieved his sword from the ground, as his right was injured. Navigating through the swarm of shikigami for cover, he got close enough to the bewildered creature and swung the blade at its neck. It was unaware of his presence, facing away from him.

It was a quick attempt to behead the creature, which, taken by surprise, wouldn't have enough time to reinforce its neck with cursed energy and would soon be easily pierced.

At least, that's what he had thought.

Once again, his sword barely touched the creature's neck before coming to a stop, inflicting no damage.

And once again, Megumi felt utterly dumbfounded.

The creature stumbled back in surprise, nearly tripping over the rabbits on the ground as it turned to face him, clearly not expecting such an attack.

Megumi stood there, motionless, while several rabbits hopped around him, his gaze locked on the creature. This entire situation… it just didn't make sense, no matter how much he tried to rationalize it.

It reinforced its entire body to prevent a surprise attack? he thought, tightening his grip on the sword. No… that's possible, but my sword literally did nothing against it. If that were the case, the reinforcement should be distributed throughout its body. It shouldn't be so tough in one spot. My attack wouldn't have been fatal, but it should have at least caused some damage.

Megumi had faced tough opponents before—ones far more than himself. Yet he had always managed to inflict at least some damage, even if minimal.

But with this creature in front of him, it felt as if its skin was completely impenetrable. Reinforcement, especially from a seemingly non-rational being, shouldn't reach this level, no matter how much cursed energy was poured into it.

Unless… Megumi's eyebrows shot up in surprise as a hypothesis formed in his mind.

Unless it's not about reinforcement… he thought, recalling how the creature's offensive attacks lacked the finesse of its defense.

Reinforcement typically enhanced offensive attributes as well, particularly physical capabilities. Yet, the creature's

physical attacks had been easily blocked by Megumi.

So, it didn't add up. If it possessed such remarkable refinement in defense, how could it have such a significant imbalance between its defense and offense?

So… it isn't reinforcing its body… it is naturally this way.

The realization didn't boost Megumi's confidence, however.

It's like a protective shell, he mused, his brow furrowing in frustration. Just how am I supposed to kill this thing?

The creature began to regain its balance, slowly recovering from its surprise before stomping hard on the ground, consequently crushing one of Rabbit Escape's clones.

It screeched once more, and the holes in its body began to leak that acidic liquid, which ran down its form before pooling on the ground and dissolving small parts of the concrete.

Megumi clenched his jaw. Was it preparing for another acid attack?

He didn't want to wait and find out.

"Divine Dogs: Totality!" He brought his hands together to form the dog puppet and chanted.

A single puddle of black liquid formed amid the chaos of rabbits behind the creature, and a tall, werewolf-like figure slowly rose to its feet.

Totality soon fully materialized, raising its snout to the sky and letting out an echoing howl.

The creature turned when it sensed the presence of the shikigami strategically summoned behind it, but before it could react properly, sharp claws raked across its skin. The creature was forced to dodge just barely, losing its balance slightly due to the impact and the irregularity of the ground caused by the rabbits.

Totality soon stopped behind Megumi, bowing its head down slightly to protectively place its snout in front of its master's chest. Megumi instinctively placed his hand on the top of the werewolf shikigami's head, watching as the creature staggered.

It appears that Totality's attack didn't pierce either... he thought, lowering his gaze to where the claws had struck. It barely left a mark, which might explain the lack of serious damage.

He raised his eyes back to the creature's face. But it did react to the attack, and the impact seemed to have affected its balance… he reasoned. So maybe Totality is enough to do some damage?

It seemed like a favorable enough possibility for Megumi to base a plan around it.

"Go get it." he muttered, patting Totality's head. The shikigami needed no further prompting.

Totality lunged forward with a distorted growl, claws outstretched, aiming for the creature's midsection.

The creature, still reeling from the last attack, stumbled to the side, managing to swing its arm in a hasty counter, acidic liquid splattering across the ground as it moved.

Megumi mentally commanded the Rabbit Escape clones to continue hopping around the creature's feet, hoping to keep it off balance. Any advantage was crucial.

Totality's claws found their mark on the creature's chest again, this time landing more accurately. Though the creature wasn't pierced, it staggered back, screeching in frustration as it stepped on yet another rabbit.

It quickly raised its hand toward Totality, preparing to fire an acid shot, but the shikigami was too fast. Totality leaped aside, using the chaos of the rabbits as cover, making it difficult for the creature to track its movements.

Clearly agitated, the creature made an almost childish gesture of annoyance when it lost sight of Totality, frantically looking from side to side.

A sudden movement on its right caught its attention, prompting the creature to fire an acid blast—but all it hit were a few clones, which dissolved immediately before being replaced by more rabbits.

An amateur mistake.

Distracted, the creature left itself vulnerable.

A low growl came from behind, and before it could react, it was struck by two consecutive claw attacks to its back. The force of the blows sent it staggering forward, groaning in irritation as it struggled to turn and face its attacker.

Now face-to-face with Totality, the creature seized the moment and unleashed a blast of acid toward the shikigami, its hand snapping upward without hesitation, aiming for the werewolf's head.

In the center of its palm was a much larger hole than the ones in its fingertips—allowing for greater attack range.

With a piercing scream, the creature unleashed a massive blast of acid, aiming to melt Totality's head into nothing.

But before the acid could reach its target, several Rabbit Escape clones leaped into the path, sacrificing themselves to shield the werewolf shikigami. The acid dissolved them instantly, but the defense left Totality unharmed, much to the creature's frustration.

A sudden impact from behind made the creature groan in confusion. It turned, momentarily distracted from its assault on Totality.

Another amateur mistake.

Megumi had slammed into its back, using the rabbits as cover for his approach. He didn't strike or attempt an attack. This wasn't part of the plan.

The boy simply stared up at the creature's cloudy eyes with a calm, detached expression, merely holding it in place.

The reason for his approach became clear as Totality lunged forward, unharmed thanks to the rabbits' protection, aiming its claws at the creature's chest. They dug into the creature's skin, attempting to pierce through.

The creature began to twitch, but Megumi swiftly gripped its arms, holding them firmly. Despite its remarkable resilience in defense, the creature indeed lacked physical strength, which allowed Megumi to immobilize it with relative ease.

This immobilization gave Totality a perfect opportunity to focus its assault. The werewolf shikigami's growls grew louder as it pressed its claws harder against the creature's chest. It had to break through.

The creature's frustration was boiling over as it realized just how vulnerable it had become, and things escalated further when one of Totality's nails sank into one of the gaping holes in its chest.

A high-pitched scream erupted from it as its head tilted back, voicing its pain and rage in a deafening cry. This was a clear sign that it had sustained its worst damage yet.

Megumi glanced over the creature's side, intrigued by Totality's actions that provoked such a response. When he spotted the werewolf's nail embedded in one of the acid-spewing holes, his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

But the creature had clearly reached its limit.

It thrashed violently, desperately trying to escape Megumi's grip and Totality's assault. Suddenly, every hole in its body began to leak acid, the flow increasing with each passing moment.

Megumi's palms ignited with pain as the corrosive liquid made contact, and he gritted his teeth against the familiar burn. Acid spewed from the creature's arms toward him, but he focused intently, refusing to let go.

In contrast, Totality appeared unfazed by the corrosive liquid. Unlike Megumi, the shikigami only had a small part of its body in contact with the corrosive liquid, allowing it to persist in piercing through the creature's defenses.

However, something soon alarmed Megumi.

"Back!" he shouted urgently to his shikigami before leaping away. But it was too late.

An explosion of acid erupted from the creature, expelled from every hole in its body, creating an almost unblockable attack.

Totality was caught point-blank by the blast, sent flying backward as acid coated its form and began to corrode it. A pained howl escaped the unfortunate shikigami.

Most of the Rabbit Escape clones met a similar fate, their bodies corroded into nothingness. The rabbits were virtually wiped out.

Megumi took a hit nearly as severe as Totality's, having gained little distance. He managed to reinforce his body to mitigate some damage, but he felt his skin burning intensely, and his school coat was utterly ruined.

Yet the explosion didn't just blast outward; it also detonated downward, causing the ground beneath Megumi and the creature to dissolve completely, sending them both plummeting into a new area.

The sewer.

A jolt of discomfort shot through Megumi as he crashed onto the hard ground without warning. He gritted his teeth in frustration. Well, at least he had landed on concrete rather than in the filthy water beside him.

An overwhelming stench of stagnant water and decay filled Megumi's nostrils, prompting him to wrinkle his nose in disgust. He glanced around, trying to assess his surroundings.

It was unmistakably a sewer, with shadows clinging to the damp, grimy walls and scattered graffiti adding to the bleak atmosphere. Water dripped from rusted pipes overhead, forcing Megumi to crawl out from under one to avoid the dirty droplets.

As he peered down the long, unpleasant tunnel that resembled a maze, he noticed water trickling along the uneven concrete floor, flowing further into the darkness.

His gaze soon locked onto the cursed creature that had brought him here, positioned further down the tunnel.

It stood there, acid still leaking from its numerous holes. Its breath came in shaky gasps, low grunts escaping as it stared blankly at Megumi.

It seemed to be kinda angry at him. Understandable.

Ignoring the burning pain coursing through his body, Megumi slowly pushed himself to his feet, brushing off his pants as he locked eyes with the creature. He glanced down at his ruined clothes, huffing as he decided to discard what remained of his coat into the murky sewer water.

He scanned the area, searching for Totality but finding no trace. With a sigh, he turned his focus back to the creature.

Speaking of Totality, it might have inadvertently revealed the key to victory.

The holes in the creature's body were clearly its weak points, evidenced by its reaction when attacked in that area.

It made sense: if you couldn't attack from the outside in, attack from the inside out.

With that thought in mind, Megumi resolved to try his luck in a one-on-one confrontation, at least for the moment.

The creature seemed eager to take him on again, staggering toward him. Megumi didn't bother closing the distance; he would face it bare-handed this time. It might even prove advantageous.

As the creature lumbered closer, its acid dripped onto the ground, sizzling upon contact with the concrete.

Megumi knew he had to be cautious of the acid, feeling the intense pain radiating through his body. He definitely didn't want to be stripped bare by it. That would be more than unpleasant.

The creature's hollow eyes narrowed as it let out a low growl. Megumi sidestepped just as it lunged, its claws slicing through the air where he had stood moments before.

He quickly pivoted and delivered an open-palm strike to the creature's chest, but it barely registered. That is, until he closed his hand and drove his fingers into the holes.

The creature shook violently at the impact, emitting a high-pitched scream that pierced the air.

However, Megumi had to withdraw his hand when he felt a burning sensation creeping toward his fingertips. Just as he had anticipated, the creature began secreting acid from the punctured holes, forcing him to retreat.

So, he realized, he needed to strike those holes while being careful to avoid immediate burns. He could do this.

The creature staggered, momentarily disoriented. Seizing the opportunity, Megumi charged forward again, this time aiming for the side of its body.

Only one finger managed to hit a hole, resulting in minor damage. Even in pain, the creature pointed its palm toward Megumi's face, its intentions clear.

An acid blast erupted from the creature, and Megumi ducked to the side, narrowly avoiding the corrosive spray that splattered against the wall, sizzling as it ate away at the concrete.

Regaining his footing, Megumi spun around to face the creature again, but it seemed fed up with his attacks. Without wasting a moment, it charged up another blast of acid, swinging its arm toward him to make dodging difficult.

Megumi pressed his lips into a line as he jumped upward, narrowly evading the horizontal blast that struck the ground where he had just been standing, eroding the concrete once more. Upon landing, he tried to close the distance again, but the creature opened its arms wide.


If Megumi had any doubts about whether it intended to hug or attack him, they were quickly dispelled as all the holes began to leak acid once more.

His eyes widened slightly in realization. With no time to think, he raised his arms in front of his body for protection just before a focused blast of acid violently propelled him backward.

He slammed into the wall, pain radiating through his body from the impact and the burning sensation of acid. He slid down to the floor with a groan.

"Shit..." he muttered, wiping a drop of acid from his cheek. "I didn't see that coming..."

He remained there for a moment, sitting against the sewer wall, watching the creature tiredly.

The explosion this time felt weaker, he noted, glancing at the remnants of acid pooling around him, dissolving the concrete and mixing with the water. It was probably because it had charged up for less time. It still hurt, though.

Megumi's gaze drifted over the acid pooled on the floor as the creature began to approach, lost in thought.

Guess it can't control the acid... he mused, glancing back at the creature. Just shot it.

He began to wonder if it was wise to continue this one-on-one engagement. Perhaps he had already pushed his luck too far.

After all, that acid blast had been dangerously powerful, and fighting the creature up close left him vulnerable.

But how am I going to win? he wondered, fatigue creeping into his expression.

So far, he hadn't inflicted significant damage; he only confirmed that the creature was hurt when one of its holes was struck.

As his gaze lowered, Megumi pondered how to deal with the situation.

But the noise of the creature stepping through the water snapped his attention back. He raised an eyebrow, contemplating as he watched the water itself, before glancing back at the creature.


...I guess... it could work, he thought, reluctantly standing despite his protesting muscles.

Leaning against the wall, he took a deep breath, ignoring the foul smell filling his nostrils, and examined the tunnel's structure.

Is it big enough? he wondered, his gaze lingering before he shrugged. It'll have to do.

He began to walk sideways, creating some distance from the creature, which halted at his movement.

Moving cautiously due to his injuries, Megumi took a few steps back to increase the gap. He looked down the tunnel toward the creature, then brought his hands together in a sign.

"Myriad Elephant."

In an instant, a massive elephant manifested between Megumi and the creature, effectively blocking any passage with its sheer size.

The pink elephant was larger than the tunnel itself, despite Megumi's intention to summon a smaller version of the shikigami. Its body caused cracks to form in the walls from the pressure.

The creature looked up, instinctively taking a step back at the sight of the enormous elephant and the way its trunk pointed slightly in its direction.

The shikigami and the creature locked eyes, and without any warning other than a twitch of its trunk, the elephant unleashed a tremendous blast of water toward the creature.

Dodging was utterly impossible as the wave of water spanned the entire width of the tunnel, leaving the creature helpless against the deluge.

With the force of the oncoming tide, it was swept backward, carried down the tunnel until the water finally subsided.

Soaked, disoriented, and frustrated, the creature struggled to regain its footing, its holes clogged with water, further hindering its mobility.

It glanced toward where the elephant had stood, only to see it dissolving into a black liquid, clearing the passage.

A screech soon echoed through the tunnel, but it didn't come from the creature.

Blue sparks illuminated the space as an owl-like shikigami, adorned with a mask-like face, flapped its wings, shedding brown feathers with each movement.

Electricity crackled around Nue, who observed the creature from a distance.

Behind it, Megumi stood with a tired, detached expression, sharing his shikigami's focus. Now, it was just a matter of waiting for the inevitable.

Spotting the owl shikigami, the creature instinctively took a defensive stance, anticipating that it would fly directly toward it to attack.

But the attack never came.

Nue landed gracefully, flapping its wings before directing them toward the filthy water mixed with the Myriad Elephant's. It pressed its wings against the liquid.

An explosion of electricity erupted, sending a powerful current toward the creature, which was poorly positioned in the flow.

The voltage struck it, amplified by its soaked state, leading to rapid internal damage as water seeped more and more into its holes.

Its body convulsed amidst a flurry of blue sparks, high-pitched sounds blending with the crackle of electricity. An intense burning odor soon mingled with the stench of sewage.

Nue continued channeling electricity for a few moments until Megumi approached. He patted his shikigami's back, prompting it to dissolve into shadows and cease the attack.

As Nue faded away, Megumi took a moment to assess the creature before him. It lay twitching on the ground, struggling to recover from the electrifying assault. The damage was evident; its body was visibly scorched.

Yet it hadn't succumbed, which was impressive in itself.

Even more remarkable was the creature's determination to rise, despite its severe injuries.

Megumi watched, one eyebrow raised, as it struggled to its feet, shaking and staggering. Though it lacked balance, it managed to remain upright.

A faint screech escaped its lips as it began to lurch toward Megumi, attempting to close the considerable distance created by Myriad Elephant's water, while he simply observed.

Soon, his expression shifted to one of resignation, and he let out a sigh. "You're kinda tough..." he murmured.

As the creature approached, it pointed its two arms at him. Normally, Megumi would adopt a defensive stance or sidestep, but something told him that wasn't necessary.

That instinct proved correct when the creature attempted to hurl acid at him; instead, only droplets of water mixed with a black liquid emerged from the holes in its palms.

"Hm..." Megumi mused, noting the similarity to blood manipulation in relation to its vulnerability to water.

Upon realizing it could no longer rely on its acid, the creature screeched again and lumbered toward Megumi, its tall frame struggling to stay upright.

Megumi looked up at its face as it approached, raising his left arm to block a swing. He grimaced slightly when a wave of electricity surged through him; the creature's electrified body made contact, sending jolts coursing through him.

"I want to go home, if you don't mind." he said, his voice weary as he shifted to grasp the creature's arm and twist it, ignoring the small shocks.

The creature struggled slightly, but its skin was now much more vulnerable after taking so much damage, allowing Megumi to dig his fingers into it with relative ease.

He glanced back at the hole left in the roof of the tunnel that had brought them both down into the sewer, then returned his gaze to the creature.

"I think I've had enough fighting..." he muttered, spinning the creature and pushing it toward the hole in the ceiling.

It staggered, fighting for balance, before recovering and screeching at Megumi. His jaw twitched in frustration.

It was clear the creature still intended to fight.

But Megumi merely watched, waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, a figure leaped through the hole in the ceiling and launched a swift attack.

The strike landed with precision in the creature's midsection, strong enough to tear through much of its body and nearly bisect it. The creature let out another scream, agony radiating from the wound.

A wolf-like figure landed in front of Megumi, one claw, the one used for the attack, cleaning itself in the water to rid it of the black liquid that had oozed from the wound.

Megumi approached Totality slowly, his attention fixed on the creature, now fatally injured, as it collapsed and began to twitch, leaking a mix of acid and black liquid.

He placed his hand on Totality's head, patting his shikigami.

Earlier, during the first acid explosion, Totality hadn't been incapacitated; Megumi had taken advantage of their separation to order Totality to wait for a command on the surface.

That command would come when the creature was vulnerable and weakened enough for the werewolf shikigami's claws to finish the job. And that moment had finally arrived.

The creature continued to writhe on the ground, emitting sounds of pain as it desperately tried to cover the wound with its slender hands, but it was all in vain.

Greenish acid mixed with black liquid flowed into the sewer water, streaming down the tunnel as the creature took its last breaths, its body finally stilling.

Megumi watched the creature's lifeless form, revealing little more than fatigue and resignation. This fight had been far from enjoyable.

A sigh escaped his lips as he dismissed Totality, who dissolved into shadows.

The creature's body remained after its death, confirming it was neither a shikigami nor a curse. But Megumi didn't want to think about that right now.

He surveyed the damage in the sewer—cracks in the walls, corroded surfaces, and spilled acid. The place was a mess.

His gaze returned to the dead creature, and he slowly reached for his cell phone.

Nakano-san would probably want to see this...

He pulled the phone from his pocket and snapped a photo of the creature's body. But as he did, he caught sight of his own hand and paused.

Moving the phone away, he looked at his right palm, his expression darkening at the sight of exposed bone.

"Of course..." he whispered to himself, glancing down at his body. He was in terrible shape.

His skin was red and corroded from the creature's acid, his clothes were ruined, and pain radiated from his back.

Coupled with exhaustion from the prolonged physical exertion and the drain of cursed energy—mainly from summoning Myriad Elephant.

Megumi was a complete wreck.

But he still had a duty to fulfill, even if all he wanted to do at that moment was pass out.

He put away his cell phone and formed another hand sign.

"Round Deer."

Dark liquid coalesced behind him, transforming into a large deer with brown fur, majestic antlers, and a red snout—complete with two pairs of eyes.

Megumi paused at the sight of those extra eyes, his brow furrowing slightly.

Shaking his head, he muttered, "Whatever..." and reached out to touch the deer's snout.

As his palm made contact, a light greenish aura enveloped him. The deer released RCT through Megumi's body, healing his exhaustion, closing his wounds, and alleviating the irritation.

Now feeling nearly as good as new, Megumi let out a soft sigh and turned his focus back to the shikigami.

It was his first time summoning Round Deer.

He knew what the shikigami was capable of, but seeing it for the first time was still a little surreal.

Especially since he hadn't been the one to tame it.

His lips pressed into a thin line at that thought, but he forced it aside.

Casting a glance at the creature's body, still leaking acid, he refocused on his shikigami.

"Nulify the acid in those areas." he instructed briefly.

The majestic deer moved toward the creature's corpse, its mere presence causing the acid to dissolve, then turned to address the other areas corroded by the substance.

Megumi remained silent, his distant gaze fixed on the stream of dirty water in the sewer.

His expression tightened, and he closed his eyes.

Two pairs of eyes, huh?


Maruo leafs through the patient folder with a dispassionate expression, his fingers dragging slowly over the pages.

The dark circles under his eyes have become more pronounced, a testament to the sleepless nights he's endured lately.

Add the frustration of work to the irritating presence of that damn fish curse lurking in the corner of his room, and you have one extremely stressed doctor.

A knock on the door pulls his attention, and he looks up. He wasn't expecting any patients today, but if someone managed to bypass his receptionist, he saw no reason not to let them in. "Come in." Maruo calls out.

The door opens to reveal an unexpected visitor: Megumi Fushiguro. Maruo sets the folder aside, frowning slightly at the boy's sudden and unannounced arrival.

"Fushiguro-kun, what brings you here?" he asks, a sense of dread creeping in.

If Megumi deemed the matter too significant to share over the phone, it must be serious.

And if it's serious, it likely concerns Maruo's daughters.

Megumi pulls up a chair across from him, letting out an exhausted sigh as he sits down. He had quickly stopped by home to shower and change, but he still looks worn from the fight.

Reaching into his pocket, he retrieves his cell phone, selects a photo from earlier, and shows it to Maruo. "I found this in the men's bathroom," he murmurs. "Probably left by the 'pest control.'"

Maruo squints at the image, his eyes widening in surprise. He shoots Megumi a shocked look. "Is that a curse?" His voice is urgent.

Megumi shakes his head slightly. "I have no idea what it is, but it's not a curse."

"...Not a curse?" Maruo echoes, his concern deepening. "How is that possible?"

Megumi shrugs.

"A cursed technique? Something like your shikigamis?" Maruo presses, seeking answers.

"Neither one nor the other." Megumi mutters, putting his phone away.

It could be similar to the death paintings, yes, but Megumi wasn't sure. He had been in Choso's presence before, and it hadn't felt the same way.

Maruo studies him for a few moments, then sighs and leans back in his chair. "So what could it be?" he mutters. "And why was it left in my building?"

"I know as much as you do..." Megumi says tiredly. "I just know that whatever it was, it was strong, and whoever left it had the patience to infiltrate the pest control team."

Megumi's words do little to ease Maruo's anxiety. "...Does this confirm that my daughters are in danger?" he asks hesitantly.

"Precisely." comes the simple answer.

Maruo remains silent for a few seconds, his gaze tense with the weight of his fears. Slowly, he places his elbows on the desk and takes a deep breath. "How strong was it?"

"Grade one, I guess," Megumi mutters, lost in thought. "It had some strange properties, like acid in its body."

"Cursed technique?" Maruo probes.

"Maybe," Megumi replies. "It couldn't control the acid, though."

Maruo sighs, rubbing his temples. "...It was found in the bathroom, you say?"

"Yeah," Megumi confirms. "It was inside a bubble and smelled like chemicals."

Silence falls between them, but Maruo remains agitated. He looks up at the overhead light, a frown forming. "Another warning?"

"I think so," Megumi agrees. "Do you have any suspects? Anyone who could be doing this?"

Maruo shakes his head, his shoulders slumping. "I don't have 'enemies,' Fushiguro-kun..." he murmurs. "At least... I thought I didn't."

Megumi nods slightly, looking down. Well, that doesn't help.

Maruo's gaze drifts back to his desk, settling on a picture of his five daughters as children. His expression softens, and he sighs again. "What did they do to deserve this?" he murmurs rhetorically.

Megumi slowly follows Maruo's gaze and looks at the picture, pausing as he registers what he sees.

It's probably the quintuplets. As children. Their hair was a darker shade of pink than Ichika's is now—likely their natural color. They looked identical back then, even more so than they do now.

But something about their faces catches Megumi's attention. He frowns, tilting his head slightly for a better look.

A sense of déjà vu washes over him, as if he's seen someone just like this before. He squints, trying to pinpoint the memory.

Then, he shakes his head and pushes the thoughts away. Of course he's seen someone like that—they're the quintuplets when they were younger, and he sees them often now. He must be misremembering, connecting their current appearances to their younger selves and mistakenly thinking of déjà vu.


"Did you fight it in the sewer?" Maruo's voice pulls Megumi from his thoughts.

He gives the doctor a quizzical look, wondering how he knew, before remembering the photo he took of the creature, which was clearly in the sewer.

Megumi nods slightly. "But I've already tasked one of my shikigami with cleaning the place." he assures.

Maruo sighs, looking away. "Was the destruction great?"

Megumi hesitates before nodding again, a bit embarrassed. "I miscalculated a few things..." he admits.

Maruo remains silent, closing his eyes for a moment before reopening them to face Megumi. "At least you killed that thing." he murmurs.

"...Yeah." Megumi replies.

Silence falls between them, and Megumi starts to feel uncomfortable. After a while, he decides to break the silence. "That's all I needed to tell you," he says, standing up. "I think I should head home..."

Maruo watches him move toward the door, then remembers something and quickly calls out, "Fushiguro-kun?"

Megumi stops and glances back. "Yes?"

Maruo hesitates for a moment, before pointing toward the corner of his office.

Megumi follows his gaze and sees a small curse that resembles a fish, with bulging eyes and an open mouth, floating aimlessly. He frowns slightly.

"... Can you exorcise it for me?" Maruo asks awkwardly. "It's been nagging me for a while..."

Megumi absorbs the situation for a moment before quickly nodding. "Of course..."

He approaches the curse and pokes it with his finger, causing it to explode.

Much to Maruo's relief.

But how long will this relief last?


A/N: For those who don't know, Ten Shadows works differently here. Megumi has all his shikigami tamed and alive.

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